Hello everyone! I am BTR100 and this is the fourth chapter of my fanfic, ONE PUNCH MAN: MORE THAN S-CLASS

Weekly update. =D

I know. Too much canon.

I'm sorry.

PS. I've learned my lesson and don't lengthen these A/Ns now. I'm sorry once again.

PPS. Finally. Just came back from a week of Examinations. Better use the Christmas Break to my advantage. Lolz.

Peace! - BTR100


The Obsessive Scientist

Long ago, there existed a young, brilliant scientist...

His name is Genus.

By dint of his astonishing intellect, he was able to make a number of contributions to human knowledge...

However, as time came to pass, he eventually became disillusioned with the world.

Though he was constantly showered with praise for the subtlety of his mind, none of his ideas or theories ever received even the slightest support from the scientific community.

''We should not be striving to advance human civilization, but rather the artificial evolution of humans as a species.''

That was the only dream he had ever had.

But not a single person came forward to help him fulfill such a dream.

He called everyone who dared write about his researches in a bad light and describing them as 'dangerous ideas' as apes, saying that they have no right to spread information that he was some sort of freak.

He believed that humans did not make that much progress throughout the years, blasting the entire species for their culture of 'avoiding risks'.

''Idiots who think they no longer need to evolve have no right to pass on their genes!'' he would always tell me.

Of course, he had realized that this plan was always for his own sake, but despite the fact that he has to do it all by himself, he still pursued his dream and carried his intentions out.

Thereafter, he devoted himself to research. Nothing but research.

It was only after he had turned 70 years old that his efforts began to yield the results he had been searching his whole life..

And after that, he was more than delighted to be making progress in turning his lifelong dream into his perfect reality.

First, the scientist regained his youth.

And next, he began cloning himself.

He named his laboratory the ''House of Evolution'' and together with his clones, he conducted countless experiments with animals to create new species.

All of them were inhumane, but this did not stop him from shifting his experiments to human subjects -






''THIS IS TAKING TOO LONG!'' a voice screamed out, interrupting the much anticipated backstory.

Already bored out of his simple mind due to the autobiography the Armored Gorilla was giving him, Saitama decided to intervene. If one could remember, Saitama was just meeting up with his alleged new 'disciple' - a blonde 19-year old cyborg bearing the name of Genos. Now, as they were meeting up in the bald, god-like warrior's home, which was his apartment, six Mysterious Beings suddenly attacked the two of them, including the Armored Gorilla. Saitama had taken care and decimated the four of them, namely Kamakyuri, Frog Man, Slugerous, Ground Dragon and the Beast King while Genos proceeded to defeat the Armored Gorilla after a much heated battle.

And now, sitting upright at the foot of Saitama's apartment, was a limbless Armored Gorilla, whose face mask has been removed, revealing his face wherein blood was flowing from his left nostril.

Standing in front of the limbless, defeated cybernetically enhanced mammal were the bald man in a white cape and yellow jumpsuit whose name bared Saitama and his teenage cyborg 'disciple' (despite the fact that it was still only the second official time that they met and the first time they properly introduced themselves to one another), Genos.

Both were already bored out of their minds.

The gorilla's eyes were wide, mouth agape as he was interrupted from telling the two warriors in front of him their much awaited information. Perhaps he had taken it too far.

And guess what, said two warriors were not looking forward to another autobiography. Saitama had already scored himself two for the day. He did not take it too fairly.

''What's this got to do with me? You're just trying to act cool again.'' the bald man said, pointing out at how the Armored Gorilla was using his robotic voice once more as he was telling his story.

The Armored Gorilla merely sighed in defeat.

''Just get to the point, okay?''

Genos then quickly made a follow-up statement, which shows how much he quickly learned from his first proper introduction with the bald man.

''My master is a busy man. Summarize it in 20 words or less.'' the cyborg said, while glaring at his defeated enemy.

Sweating profusely and breathing heavily, the Armored Gorilla closed his eyes and sighed, before replying in his normal voice once again.

''...I-I'm sorry.''

The limbless cyborg mammal quickly thought of his next statement, as he felt two giants staring down at him like the ant he is. Given, he was at the mercy of a fellow cyborg who defeated him despite his sheer advantage in terms of strength and size, and a bald man who had swiftly annihilated all five of his comrades without even breaking a single drop of sweat.

The gorilla had every right to be terrified, especially towards the simple looking bald man wearing the yellow jumpsuit.

Said man had just killed the 2ND STRONGEST FIGHTER of the House of Evolution.

And the gorilla was a mere third.

And now, the cyborg mammal was defeated by a younger looking cyborg who, despite lacking in strength, made it up for his sheer speed advantage and intensified firepower.

What more can the 3rd Strongest Artificial Creation of the House of Evolution do against the hero for fun who had killed the 2nd Strongest?

Heed by his command, the Armored Gorilla made the right guess and the perfect choice.

''So in other words, my boss has become very curious about your body.'' the gorilla said to the two warriors standing in front of him, his eyes still wide in shock.

However, Saitama seemed to have taken in a different notion.

It was after a second before he spoke.

''I'm not interested in dudes.'' he blinked.

The cyborg next to him was the one who understood, and without even looking at his master, Genos proceeded to speak in order to correct the man.

''I think you misunderstood, Master. He plans to use your body, which surpasses normal human limitations, for his research on evolution.'' the cyborg told Saitama, who merely looked at the blonde as he attempted to understand everything that just occurred.

''If we don't do something, I'm sure he'll try again.'' Genos continued.

The Armored Gorilla grunted at this statement as Genos faced his newly found teacher, his cybernetic eyes burning with determination.

''He should not be allowed a free hand, our move should be to attack him.'' the blonde cyborg suggested to the baldy.

It wasn't too long, before the cyborg received a reply.

''Sure. Let's go.''


However, it was only after the man had turned around and made the sounds of footsteps as he walked away from the scene did the cyborg realize how Saitama can take things quite literally.

''Huh!? You mean, right now?!'' the blonde exclaimed.

As the bald man continued to walk away, he revealed a folded piece of paper, before unfolding it to reveal an advertisement for a sale on a local supermarket.

''Yeah, there's a sale on tomorrow. Can't do it then.'' Saitama merely said in reply as he continued to walk away from the scene.

Genos took a couple of seconds to process everything that just happened, before deciding to catch up to his master, who had full intentions of wiping out the House of Evolution in less than a day.

The Armored Gorilla, who was still limbless, can do nothing but watch in silence. He was starting to sweat once more as he watched the two self-proclaimed heroes make their way towards the House of Evolution.

''This doesn't look good. I better tell the Doctor...'' the cyborg mammal murmured to himself.

The gorilla's skullcap then opened, revealing a hidden communication array that started to beep as it begun contacting the House of Evolution so that the battle cyborg can warn them of the incoming attack.

However, his call was made short as Genos returned.

''Hey, you.'' the blonde muttered, causing the battle gorilla to quickly close his skullcap as he looked at the teenage cyborg who defeated him once again, the gorilla's eyes popping wide open and his mouth agape.

However, the gorilla quickly recovered and maintained his calm demeanor.


Holding the grocery sale advertisement in his right hand, while pointing his left palm towards the unarmed gorilla, the Armored Gorilla was once again at the mercy of Genos, whose left palm was already preparing to fire another concentrated blast of flames.

However, Saitama was still walking away.

''I have one last question. Was the 'House of Evolution' developing cyborgs prior to four years ago?'' the blonde asked.

''How many of them are there? Have any of them destroyed towns in the past?''

The gorilla blinked, before managing to come up with Genos' much needed reply.

''I'm not entirely sure whether I can answer your follow-up questions because at the House of Evolution, I'm the only combat cyborg.'' the Armored Gorilla said.

With this in mind, Genos put his arm down, sparing the gorilla and letting him live for the rest of his days.

The blonde cyborg then proceeded to fold Saitama's coupon neatly, before gently inserting it inside his right pocket. A voice then called out to the teenage robot which immediately caught his attention.

''Oi! Genos! You coming or not!?''

The cyborg had almost completely forgotten all about their offensive.

''I will be right behind you Master!'' Genos exclaimed in reply, before swiftly running away from the Armored Gorilla, and quickly catching up to the bald powerhouse.

Little did the blonde know that the Gorilla had successfully warned the House of Evolution about the incoming attack in such a short amount of time. Also in the said time span, the Armored Gorilla had also submitted a report about the fate of his comrades and his request for immediate evacuation.

As the two self-proclaimed heroes made their way towards the Armored Gorilla's home, said Gorilla could do nothing but lie down and wait for evac to come and take him away.

Fancy getting beaten by another cyborg, he thought to himself.






After what felt like hours, when it was actually fifteen minutes, the Armored Gorilla had actually fallen asleep where he was lying. However, his beauty sleep would be interrupted when a certain female voice would come and wake him up.

''Hey! You hairy son of a bitch! WAKE UP!'' the voice screamed.

And the Armored Gorilla did. The limbless cyborg was startled so much that he actually jerked from his position, only to flop right back down towards the burnt pavement. Sweating profusely, his eyes were wide and mouth agape, speechless, the defeated cyborg was now facing a certain green haired esper who was apparently the Rank 2 of the S-Class of the Hero Association the gorilla had come to hate.

The esper's green glow disappeared from her body, and her bare feet touched the pavement. Her emerald eyes would come to stare at the defeated cyborg, the psychic placing her hands on both hips, ignoring the fact that her drone was flying right above her, making beeping noises as it continued to buzz around the esper.

''Stop recording.'' the green haired psychic told the drone, to which it gave her a reply by making one last beep noise, before maintaining a stationary flight right beside her.

The Armored Gorilla then closed his mouth, deciding to be the first to speak in order to give an introduction.

For some reason, despite being limbless and crippled to the point of no return, the Gorilla maintained a calm demeanor throughout his introduction, and his face was of filled with overconfidence of some sort.

''Well well well. If it isn't 2nd Rank S-Class Hero, the Tornado of Terror. I see that the Hero Association has finally found the House of Evolution after so long?'' the limbless cyborg chuckled.

The Tornado of Terror, who was known by her real name Tatsumaki, was not amused in the slightest.

''Ha ha. Very funny knucklehead, but I saw everything that happened back there.'' she said, trying her hardest to remain calm, but it was hard for someone as temperamental as her.

''Really? And what would that be?'' questioned the Armored Gorilla.

''Well for starters, your buddies got owned by a baldy, and you got wrecked by another cyborg who was way smaller than you.'' Tatsumaki pointed out, straight to the point.

The defeated Armored Gorilla had basically ignored his current state and laughed.

This startled and confused the esper.

''Watcha laughing about, you dunderhead?'' Tatsumaki asked, annoyed.

The Armored Gorilla first revealed a cocky smile, before giving the esper her reply.

''Don't you remember, Miss Tatsumaki? The Hero Association has tried many times to try and take down our House of Evolution, and guess what? They failed every single time! For two years Miss Tatsumaki! Two years!'' the limbless gorilla exclaimed, before laughing out loud once more.

This angered the green haired psychic, her green glow once again appearing and coating her entire body as she started to float, her bare feet leaving the ground and into the air. She clenched her fists, her teeth gritting in annoyance as she tried her hardest not to cause unnecessary damage around the surrounding area.

Of course, the Armored Gorilla did not fail in noticing this, and he decided to get on Tatsumaki's nerves a little more deeper.

''The Hero Association failed to even locate our secret base! You S-Class Heroes would try and stop us every time we would cause a rampage in the city, but you would be too weak to even chase after us once we were done with you!'' the limbless cyborg said, before once again indulging himself with arrogant laughter, despite the fact that he was literally unarmed and he was up against a temperamental psychic whose powers tend to go overboard and off the charts.

''Do you remember the time when the Beast King and I caused havoc on City Q, and the Hero Association sent the S-Class Hero Rank 4 Atomic Samurai, and S-Class Hero Rank 12 Watchdog Man to try and stop us? Of course, they failed. I remember the Beast King being too fast for the samurai, and how I found the man in the dog costume to be quite...feisty.''

The esper's emerald eyes were covered with a green shine as her eyebrows furrowed down, staring towards the unarmed and unlegged cyborg gorilla who was now practically mocking her and the Hero Association.

''Yeah. I remember.'' the esper whispered to no one in particular.







The entirety of City Q was practically in ruins, black smoke bellowing in the air, and infernos blazed throughout the entire metropolis. There were many casualties, but some did manage to make it out however due to the early warning and the quick response of the evacuation teams that were assisted by some C and B-Class Heroes of the Association.

Nothing was spared, including the Heroes Association City Q Branch Headquarters along with everyone in it. This dealt a big blow to the Association itself, as they now just lost multiple employees and even the H.A City Q Branch Director. However, they have no time to deal with the problem currently and it would have to wait for another day.

However, despite the fact that the metropolis in ruins was practically deserted by the hour, the causes and culprits of the destruction was still active and roaming around, with the Main Heroes' Association HQ seeing the situation through their scanners, which revealed two life signatures sticking close to each other as they wandered around the deserted metropolis which was dangerous to begin with.

''Sir! Two enemy signatures spotted! They're still roaming around the city!'' an employee exclaimed, obviously panicking.

Sitch, the General Director of Emergency Situation Operations, analyzed the situation quickly, before giving out his reply.

''Who are the nearest heroes in the vicinity?'' he boomed.

A reply quickly came.

''We have Watchdog Man along with Atomic Samurai coming in and fast! It looks like both of them just came back from handling the previous Demon-Level situation in City K!''

Sitch then looked at the large screen, which was now showing two green signatures that were swiftly headed towards the destroyed City Q. Said signatures were identified as Watchdog Man, the protector of City Q, and Atomic Samurai, who was S-Class Rank 4. As he observed their speed, he then asked another question.

''Who are we fighting exactly?'' Sitch asked.

''Sir. It's the House of Evolution. Two Dragon-level threats.''

Sitch merely sighed as he rubbed his forehead.

The old man could only hope for the best for the two S-Class Heroes.

The House of Evolution has long became a nuisance right now, and the Hero Association was not even close to defeating them, let alone find any information about them.

Even Sitch knew that an S-Class would have a difficult time.






In the ruins of City Q, two Mysterious Beings roamed around, looking for their next prey. The first Mysterious Being was a large, humanoid lion, with a full mane and tail. In spite of his humanoid, five-digit hands, he still wields sharp claws on his fingers and padded, four-toed feet. He wears a black shirt, animal furs on his shoulders, and a leopard-skin cloth around his waist, secured by heavy chains and a belt with a lion-head buckle. There are bracelets on both his wrists and ankles, and bracers on both biceps.

The second was a massive cyborg with a gorilla head. His body is protected by full plate armor adorned with spikes on its shoulders, knee pads, and gauntlets. The armor's belt buckle resembles a gorilla's face, and the chest plate features a custom patch featuring the letters 'A' and 'G' arranged in a diamond shape. His cybernetic eyes had a shade of diamond blue.

They were the House of Evolution's Beast King and Armored Gorilla, respectively. They were roaming around the empty city that was now devastated.

''Beast King, I suggest that we find another city to rampage upon. Q-City is completely deserted at this point. We left no survivors.'' boomed the cyborg gorilla.

The lion humanoid grunted before giving out a proper reply.

''Fine. I bet that it would be a bonus for what the Doctor had originally in mind.'' the Beast King said, to which the Armored Gorilla agreed.

''Yes. With another attack, there would be a high probability that more people would realize the power of synthetic evolution.'' the cyborg pointed out.

''They would basically worship us after we're done with them!'' the Beast King roared, before breaking down in laughter.

Immediately after the Beast King said that, the Armored Gorilla made beeping noises, with the cyborg swinging his head back and forth, as if he were frantically looking for something.

''What's the matter?'' asked the lion.

''Unknown signatures coming our way. And fast.'' replied the gorilla.

The Beast King merely scoffed at the Armored Gorilla's claim.

''Oh come on. We can take care of them.'' said the lion humanoid, who was covered with an aura of overconfidence.

Immediately after saying that, the a white flash suddenly slammed unto the Armored Gorilla, who was then sent flying to an abandoned four story building, the impact of the crash causing the entire building to come down and fall right on top of the large cyborg. The Beast King then quickly turned his head to his left to see a young, bored-looking man wearing a full-body dog suit with a red collar.

It was Watchdog Man of the Hero Association, his right first bellowing with steam after making such a powerful punch to the Armored Gorilla. The man in the dog suit then looked at the Beast King, as if it were his next target.

Watchdog Man quickly made a fighting stance, his dog costume now revealing sharp claws as he stared at the lion humanoid in its blood red eyes.

''What do you think you're doing to my city?'' Watchdog Man asked the Beast King, remaining his uninterested expression.

The Beast King merely grunted, as he revealed his sharper, longer claws, before puffing out air from his nostrils.

''Your city? Your city!? You must be another one of those disillusioned heroes who think that they have power and authority just because they're stronger than the average human being! Well guess what pal!? We're made from artificial evolution, and we're gonna make sure that unevolved peasants like you get to witness the true meaning of evolution!'' the lion roared, his claws now enveloped in a white glow.

''Try me. I'm kinda excited to see the evolved form of a dog.'' Watchdog Man sarcastically said with total uninterest.

However, the Beast King had no time for jokes as he raised his right arm up, with his sharp claws fully revealed and glowing with white light.


The Beast King swiftly swiped through the air, releasing four powerful slash marks in the air that swiftly went towards Watchdog Man, who quickly evaded it. The slash marks slammed onto the building right behind him however, demolishing it in such a way as if it was sliced.

Watchdog Man then made a huge leap towards his much larger opponent, and with his speed, managed to land a quick punch on the Beast King's nose, which was enough to send the lion humanoid a couple steps backwards. However the 12 foot monster was quite quick for his size, as he grabbed the man in a dog suit with his right hand in mid-air, before slamming him unto the pavement, creating a small hole that sent several pieces of rubble flying.

However, before the Beast King can pick up his opponent in order to repeat his previous attack, Watchdog Man felt the monster's grip lessen, so he swiftly dug his way deeper underground, out of the lion's reach. Before the Beast King could even blink once more, Watchdog Man quickly dug himself out, before landing a powerful uppercut right by the lion's jaw, sending him backwards and crashing unto an abandoned pawnshop.

The Beast King merely grunted in response, before seeing a burnt car right beside him and without thinking twice, he grabbed it before tossing it into the air and towards Watchdog Man.

The man in the dog suit revealed his claws however, before swiping the car the moment it made contact with him, effectively converting it into several pieces of scrap that passed right behind him.

The Beast King groaned in annoyance, before slamming both his fists unto the ground, creating a large rock column that made its way towards Watchdog Man, but the S-Class Hero merely used the column as a platform to boost himself up into the air.

However, he seemed to have forgotten that he was fighting not one Dragon-Level threat but two.

Before Watchdog Man could even realize it, the Armored Gorilla swiftly appeared right behind him and grabbed the dog man with his large left hand, and in mid-air, the cyborg threw Watchdog Man unto the nearest building right in front of him, which was apparently an abandoned apartment. The gorilla saw his opponent crash unto the window of an apartment room by the third floor. Unsatisfied, the moment the Armored Gorilla landed on the ground, he made a huge leap, before slamming both of his fists unto the burnt and abandoned building, the single, powerful attack causing it to uproot from the ground and literally send it falling down the ground below, causing smoke and stone to fly high into the air.

The cyborg landed on the ground in front of the wreckage, but almost as soon as he did, the protector of Q-City appeared from right below him, before giving the cybernetic mammal a powerful uppercut, followed by a quick jab to the head, causing the Armored Gorilla to slide backwards, causing large, sliding cracks among the pavement.

Watchdog Man then stood on all four limbs, before swiftly charging towards the Armored Gorilla.

The cybernetic gorilla, using his enhancements, converted both his hands into two large and separate Miniguns. Without a second thought, the Armored Gorilla released a storm of bullets towards the incoming S-Class Hero.

Watchdog Man saw the hail of bullets quickly incoming his way, so in swift reaction, the S-Class made a small jump, before slamming himself on the pavement, creating a hole as he burrowed himself underground for the third time. This time, the Armored Gorilla had the Hero's underground attack anticipated as his bullets peppered unto the cemented road below him.

''Clever dog.'' the gorilla boomed.

Armored Gorilla then retracted his Minigun hands before converting them into large sledgehammers.

The cyborg then quickly slammed the both of them unto the ground below with all his might.




Out came Watchdog Man, who seemed surprised as he found himself unexpectedly flying in mid-air as he was dug out from his hiding spot. With no mercy, the Armored Gorilla swiftly charged towards the vulnerable hero, before slamming his right sledgehammer unto the man, sending him flying unto a non-functional lamp post, causing it to break and fall down the sidewalk.

As Watchdog Man struggled to stand up, the Armored Gorilla slowly made his way towards the now vulnerable S-Class, as he retracted his sledgehammer arms and revealed his normal hands once more.

Beating his chest several times, the cyborg spoke once again.

''A human being impersonating the characteristics of a dog? Peculiar. It would be something the Doctor would try to experiment on...a human being with a mind of a dog. I would be sure to recommend that as his next research.'' the Armored Gorilla boomed, as he made one final step right in front of Watchdog Man, who was still struggling to set himself upright.

''Perhaps the Doctor would like it if I brought home a specimen to conduct his research on. I'm sure you won't mind, don't you? Think about it, you would be a pinnacle of science...a masterpiece!'' the cyborg continued.

Watchdog Man growled, as he finally managed to stand up. He was battered though, and many parts of his dog suit were ripped. The young man also had a cut by his left cheek.

However, before the S-Class Hero can even do anything to attack, the Armored Gorilla suddenly slammed his right fist onto the young man, sending him flying into the building right in front of the cyborg, which was a bank. Shattered glass and debris flew, as Watchdog Man crashed through several tables and counters before flying and crashing into the bank's money vault, making a hard landing unto the piles of banknotes and cash.

The S-Class Hero was finally knocked unconscious.

The Armored Gorilla's right fist was now enveloped in steam, to which the cyborg merely shook off, as he looked at the wreckage that was right in front of him. He was victorious in the battle against Watchdog Man.

''I guess I'll take that as a yes.'' he boomed.

Immediately after saying that however, he felt a swift swipe of metal slide against his chest coated with his metallic armor plating. Seconds later, it would be revealed that the unknown force caused a hole in his chest which revealed multiple wirings that were now giving off sparks of electricity. The Armored Gorilla showed no signs of pain however, as he looked to his left to see a man in his 40s or 50s wearing a hooded red cloak with an atom symbol in the back that's draped over his open black haori. Beneath the haori is a traditional, loose-fitting white robe tied with a white sash and two haori himos. He also sports a pair of swords in his waist tied on his left hip.

Disregarding the fact that he just took a major blow, the Armored Gorilla shrugged it off as his diamond eyes stared at the samurai in front of him.

''You're a fast one. Who are you?'' the cyborg boomed.

The man then picked up a blade of grass, before chewing it, giving the gorilla a cocky smile before replying.

''I'm S-Class Rank 4, Atomic Samurai. And let me tell you, that dog is ours, and he's not for sale!'' the samurai replied.

In response, the Armored Gorilla converted both of his hands into Miniguns once more. Both miniguns then started spinning, and whirring as the gorilla prepared to engage with his new enemy.

''Is that so?''

The cybernetic gorilla then released a hailstorm of bullets from both Miniguns towards Atomic Samurai.

The fourth placing S-Class hero could only smirk.

Quickly grabbing the hilt of his katana, Atomic Samurai swiftly pulled his sword from his scabbard, the blade of his sword now enveloped with a sky blue glow. The samurai then swiped his sword in mid-air, swinging it from his left to his right, and whilst doing it, he exclaimed two words.


A sky blue energy wave in the form of a slice was formed from the samurai's katana, and in seconds, the energy wave managed to hamper all the incoming bullets of the Armored Gorilla, before it made contact with the cyborg's right shoulder blade, effectively cutting off the Armored Gorilla's entire right arm and revealing all sorts of wires that were now sending off electrical sparks.

Atomic Samurai then smirked at his minor achievement. Not a minute into the battle, he already had his opponent incapacitated by blowing off an arm.

''Had enough yet, ya monkey?'' he mocked the cyborg.

The Armored Gorilla converted his left minigun back into his left hand, clenching it back and forth, before replying to his opponent.

''Impressive. I should recommend you as well for the Doctor's research.''

Making a stance, the Atomic Samurai tightened his grip on his katana, which was no longer giving off a sky blue glow.

''I wouldn't do that if I were you.''

However, as he was focused on the Armored Gorilla, what the Atomic Samurai failed to notice was the Beast King slowly approaching him from behind. The samurai never noticed until the lion humanoid stomped the pavement, causing the ground to shake for a little while. The S-Class Hero was startled, before looking behind him to see a 12 foot tall lion-like mysterious being with blood red eyes, with sharp claws already showing.

''You think you're the only one with the fancy sword?'' boomed the Beast King.

The 12 foot monster then grabbed the S-Class Hero by his topknot, and with all his might, he swiftly threw Atomic Samurai towards an abandoned six story office building, wherein the samurai crashed on the fourth floor, glass shards and rubble flying through the air, and the building was now covered in cracks due to the massive impact of the samurai's crash.

The Beast King's claws then extended up until its longest length, which was approximately 6 and a half inches. His blood red eyes were now glowing crimson red, as he roared out to the heavens, his muscle mass increasing by a significant amount to the point wherein his biceps were showing off his veins.


The lion humanoid once again performed his signature attack wherein he swiftly swiped the air, releasing a powerful slash through three white energy waves which slammed on the office building, destroying it to the point wherein it looked like it was sliced to clean bits. However, due to the fact that the building was burnt down due to the attack of the Beast King and the Armored Gorilla earlier, the entire building crumbled down and was reduced to a pile of scrap metal rubble.

Smoke and dust bellowed the air, but this did not bother both the lion and the gorilla one bit.

The Beast King clenched his fists, growling in anticipation.

''That oughta take care of him.'' boomed the 12 foot lion.

However, he would soon come to a realization that he was wrong.

''You got anything faster?''

The Atomic Samurai then ran out of the smoke, revealing himself to be perfectly fine apart from some tears and holes in his clothing and a clean cut on his right arm. The S-Class Hero ran as quickly as he could towards the Beast King, his grip tightening on the hilt of his katana.

What was noticeable were the eye color of the samurai.

It now had a glow of blood red, similar to the Beast King's. And his katana now had a glow of indigo.

This did not go unnoticed by the Beast King, as he roared in frustration.

''YOU WANT THIS DONE FAST!? FINE BY ME!'' the lion roared out loud.

With this, the Beast King increased his muscle mass to the point wherein he broke his upper clothing and all of his ornaments. He grew over 24 feet tall and his claws were now half his size. His eyes glowed crimson red and his teeth enlarged, before roaring to the heavens so loud, that it was heard all the way in A-City. It could be mistaken for a roar of a dinosaur.

Even the one-armed Armored Gorilla had to take a step back.

''This doesn't look good for that S-Class Hero. When the Beast King triggers this state, he loses all restraint.'' the Armored Gorilla said to no one in particular, as he observed the Atomic Samurai still charging towards the transforming beast, practically unfazed.

However, despite the Atomic Samurai's display of bravery and courage, this was not enough to convince the Armored Gorilla otherwise.

''If he's not lucky, that samurai is going to get murdered.''

Meanwhile, said samurai was still plowing his way towards the now 24 foot tall lion humanoid Mysterious Being. He was unfazed by his transformation.

''I've taken care of bigger stuff than you boy.'' Atomic Samurai said to himself, as he tightened his grip on the hilt of his katana.

With the Beast King finally finishing his transformation, his eyes were all set towards the incoming S-Class Hero. It seemed that he wasn't prepared to let mercy overcome him. Such is the rule of the jungle, as he would always say. And today, he had his eyes set on his next prey.


The Beast King's claws glowing white, while the Atomic Samurai's katana glowing indigo, the two got closer and closer, until the forces of their blades finally made contact with one another. However, wanting to finish the battle quickly, both had simultaneously released their signature finishing moves.



And as if it were the speed of sound, the blade of Atomic Samurai's katana and the Beast King's sharp claws repeatedly collided with each other. Despite the fact that the Beast King had doubled in size, the Atomic Samurai still managed to keep up with his stronger and wider-spread attacks. One could see the Beast King driven with pure anger and bloodlust, while the Atomic Strike empowered every single strike with a force of discipline. The samurai was focused. The Beast King was driven.

Not even the Armored Gorilla can take a single step. Instead, he just decided to watch the entire fight unfold.

The Beast King roared while the Atomic Samurai screamed his lungs out throughout the entire ordeal as they attempted to overpower one another. Each blow they dealt, they looked for an opening. Each opportunity they saw, they would strike, only to be blocked by the other.

However to the naked eye, each blow they dealt with their hands would only be a flash. It would look like that between the 24 foot tall lion and the S-Class Hero samurai, was a blur of moving, glowing weapons.

It wouldn't be long before they passed each other, seemingly dealing the final blow.

They passed almost a meter away from each other, backs turned against each other as the Armored Gorilla awaits for someone to collapse.






Finally, after what seemed like hours, when in reality only a few seconds passed, no one fell down and collapsed in defeat.

However, the Atomic Samurai was speechless when he saw his most treasured katana break into hundreds of shattered pieces.

The S-Class Hero found it difficult to even breathe.

''W-What? Impossible!'' he exclaimed.

''OH YES IT IS POSSIBLE!'' the Beast King roared, before swiftly turning around and once again grabbing the S-Class samurai hero by his topknot, and with his augmented strength and might, flung him right above his head, sending the Atomic Samurai straight into the air. The Beast King cackled into laughter, knowing that he can now toy around with the hero, as he was now vulnerable and unarmed.

As he looked up, he could see a tiny dot in the sky slowly getting larger. The Beast King knew it was the Atomic Samurai, who was falling helplessly back down towards him.


Up in the air, the Atomic Samurai can do nothing but fall down towards his impending doom. He had no weapons to fight with. He was vulnerable in mid-air and unarmed.

It would be his last day.

''Forgive me...I have failed.'' he said to no one in particular.

A single tear slid away from his eyes, and it dropped down alongside him towards the ground.

They would both meet their end.

Meanwhile, the Beast King grew impatient and so, he crouched down, his legs and thighs growing bigger and gaining a considerable size to the point that it was showing off his veins. The lion took a deep breath, before making a huge leap that was so powerful, it created a shockwave that destroyed buildings that were 5 meters away. However, this did not affect the Armored Gorilla in the slightest, who was merely watching the Beast King fly into the sky with rocket speed.

In mid-air, the Beast King had retracted all of his claws and he clenched both fists, as his target came closer and closer towards him.

With a cocky smile, the Beast King roared once more.


His right fist was suddenly enveloped in an electric blue aura...growling as his target grew near.

When the Atomic Samurai was at the right spot and distance, the Beast King released his final and finishing blow for the day.


The 24 foot Beast King then slammed the whopping entirety of his fist on the vulnerable and hapless Atomic Samurai, and like a piece of crumpled paper, the S-Class Hero could do nothing but take the blow, and with the impact of the punch so powerful, the samurai was sent flying high into the sky so quick all the Beast King saw was a flash and a blur, until he saw a flash of light shine in the sky.

The Beast King literally sent Atomic Samurai flying out of the city.

And just like that, the Beast King made a rough landing, the impact causing a powerful shockwave that sent rubble flying all around him and also creating a wide crater on the ground. Once again this did not affect the one armed Armored Gorilla, who was waiting for him apparently.

Simultaneously, as soon as the Beast King landed on the ground, his size reverted back to normal and his eyes were now a normal shade of dark red.

The humanoid lion then cracked his knuckles as he gave a grunt and a huff, looking unto the sky above him.

''That oughta take care of him for real.'' the Beast King boomed.






''Sir! Watchdog Man and Atomic Samurai are out of commission! They've been defeated in battle sir! What should we do?!'' exclaimed an employee to Sitch, who was observing the screen. It is true. Both S-Class Heroes have been defeated.

''What!? Both of them? But that's...wait a second, why is Atomic Samurai's signature going closer to City A?'' Sitch asked out loud.

Everyone in the room then stopped to see that Atomic Samurai's signature IS going towards City A at tremendous speeds. It was almost as if he was flying.

''Huh? But that would mean - AHHH!''

A female employee's thoughts had been derailed when a certain samurai crashed into the room, and directly unto the large screen of the map, causing it to deactivate and shut down upon Atomic Samurai's impact.

All were speechless.

''Oh my God! It's Atomic Samurai!''

''Oh no! He's injured!''

''Quick! Someone get a doctor!''


Those were just some of the voices that screamed in an attempt to aid the ailing S-Class Hero. No doubt, the Atomic Samurai was knocked out cold, and from head to toe, he was covered in cuts, bruises and wounds. His cloak and haori were completely destroyed during the battle, and all that's left was his white robe, which was covered with cuts and tears, showing off his injured toned body.

What startled Sitch and the rest was the fact that he was unarmed. He had no weapons remaining. They can only conclude on what happened to the Samurai's most treasured katana.

It wasn't long, before Sitch made a decision.

''Get Atomic Samurai to a hospital! And I need an available Hero to go to Q-City and retrieve Watchdog Man! We don't want a valuable asset in the wrong hands!'' he boomed.

He received a reply rather quickly.

''I'll do it!''

Sitch turned around to see that Tatsumaki was in the room. However, the esper did not wait for Sitch for his instructions and the green haired psychic immediately flew away, going out of the Heroes' Association Headquarters through the hole that Atomic Samurai went through. Once outside, she covered herself in a green coat of energy and blasted into full speed, shooting herself like a comet in the sky.

The ESO Director could only watch in disbelief.

''What's with her?'' he asked to no one in particular.






''So are we gonna get the dog or not?''

''I disagree with the notion. The Heroes who belong in the Heroes Association have trackers placed within their bodies. We will give out our location if we bring the hero they call as 'Watchdog Man'.''

''Fine. But we better get outta here. Those guys will be looking for us, and we're nowhere near our base at this hour.''

''They have us tracked Beast King. Wait for me to calibrate my E.M.P. cannon. It will affect even the House of Evolution, but the Doctor will come to understand that we are in a tight situation when we activate the EMP. May I remind you that it will last for two hours and it affects the entire world, so we need to be quick in getting back to our location.''

''Yeah yeah. Enough with the chit-chat and just get on with it. You really need something that'll make you fix yourself though.''

''I am already working on such creation. May I also remind you that I, as a cyborg, will be affected by the EMP as well.''

''Fine. Just get on with it.''

The Beast King and the Armored Gorilla then quickly settled their argument, as the Beast King brought the unconscious Watchdog Man out of the abandoned bank which was destroyed during his battle with Atomic Samurai. The twelve foot Mysterious Being then settled the S-Class Hero down the cracked pavement.

The lion humanoid then turned to see the Armored Gorilla converting his remaining arm into some sort of cannon. As quickly as possible, the cyborg fired an EMP Bomb into the sky, to which it exploded right afterwards, an fireworks of electrical crackles spreading throughout the sky, the extreme brightness capable of blinding someone who dared stared at it directly.

True to his word, the Armored Gorilla's diamond blue eyes had lost its glow, and the cyborg fell down the ground, limp as if he was born without bones. He had been deactivated, which only means that the EMP has fully taken effect.

Fancy having most of him mechanized and not leaving half of him biological, thought the Beast King to himself.

The Beast King carried the deactivated one armed Armored Gorilla unto his shoulders, the cyborg's remaining arm wrapped around the Beast King's neck, to which the lion humanoid grunted in annoyance. When the Beast King was settled, the 12 foot lion humanoid started to run as fast as he can away from the ruins of City Q.

However, as the Beast King was running while carrying a deactivated Armored Gorilla, the ground suddenly shook so hard that even the humanoid lion stumbled and tripped, falling down the pavement and dropping his companion.

What the Beast King saw next was a crack on the cement pavement surrounding both him and the deactivated Armored Gorilla. The cracks had a green glow on them, and before the lion knew it, they were slowly being lifted unto the air, with the lion noticing that the entire column of the ground they were standing upon that they were currently standing upon right now was covered in a green shade of energy.

He then released his claws, his eyes turning into its crimson red glow, as he looked up to see a floating green-haired young looking girl in the middle of the air.

The girl had her arms crossed, and a green glow outlined her body. She did not look so happy and it seemed that she was having a bad day.

''Hey! Who the fuck are you and what do ya want!?'' the Beast King boomed.

The green haired esper did not utter a single word, and instead as a reply, she swung her right arm across the air, sending the column the Beast King and the Armored Gorilla were on top of down the ground.

Smoke flew everywhere.

However, the esper wasn't done yet and with her power, she uprooted every single intact building in her vicinity, and as soon as the buildings were all floating in the middle of the air, ranging from apartments, to office buildings, and even the Q-City Municipal Hall, the S-Class Hero slammed all of them towards the area where the Beast King and the Armored Gorilla were dropped off.

Every single building was dropped and slammed themselves onto the two Mysterious Beings simultaneously.

This caused an intense earthquake that shook the entirety of City Q, and smoke covered the area, enveloping even Tatsumaki.







''Do you remember what happened next, Miss Tatsumaki?'' the limbless Armored Gorilla asked.

The Tornado of Terror rubbed her forehead in annoyance.

''My god, you suck in telling stories. Just get straight to the point, you fucking monkey! I get it! I rushed to help Watchdog Man without even checking to see if you dunderheads are still alive!'' the esper angrily exclaimed, which caused the limbless cyborg to let out a laugh of arrogance.

''Yes, and I'm sure you regret it.''

''I sure did.'' the esper muttered, clenching her fist as a nearby pickup truck behind her suddenly floated in mid-air, now having a green glow around it. She pulled it closer towards her and stopped as soon as the truck was directly above her head.

The limbless gorilla remained unfazed, however.

''And now, the Beast King is dead, and I am in pieces. The revenge you seek was paid by none other than our future test subjects. I am positive that they will be transformed into stronger species than us both.'' the cyborg claimed in a monotone voice.

''Yeah. It's unfair.'' the esper said, before slamming the car a meter from the Armored Gorilla's left side, startling the limbless cyborg.

''But you know what's even more unfair? The fact that you gave those two idiots information that the entire Hero Association has been desperately attempting to retrieve for over two years!'' Tatsumaki continued, raising her voice to the point that she was screaming.

The gorilla could only smirk.

''Let us say that they were a little more...persuasive.''

The green haired psychic had her arms crossed, and blinked, before coming up with a reply.

''Thanks to you, they're on their way to your base. I'll just swoop in and bring an end to your so called 'House of Evolution'. '' she said.

But the cyborg laughed at this claim of hers.

''Foolish girl! By your power level, you will never be able to even keep up with our strongest fighter! I am the third strongest, while the Beast King is the second. You will never defeat the likes of Carnage Kabuto!'' the Armored Gorilla boomed. He was once again using his robotic voice.

The esper smirked.

''Then I'll just let them do the work for me. Besides, I'm not after you guys anyway...''

Her eyes were now replaced by a spring green glow, as she floated higher and higher into the air, causing the Armored Gorilla to look up as he watched the esper raise herself.

''I'm after those two idiots.''

And in the speed of sound, the Tornado of Terror had disappeared, creating a massive shockwave that shattered every window within a mile away. It was obvious that she was also headed for the House of Evolution.

While the Armored Gorilla was unfazed by the shockwave, he was speechless.






Meanwhile, at the House of Evolution's Secret Base, a certain Doctor was having one of his worst days to record.

''Impossible! Our elite force, formed specifically for the extermination of these obsolete humans, wiped out!?'' Genus exclaimed in total disbelief.

The age immortal doctor was looking at the holographic screen of his experimentation room. Shown were the crossed out images of a lion, a praying mantis, a frog, a slug and a ground mole. Shown also was the picture of a gorilla, which was enlightened in emerald green, indicating that it was still alive and active.

On the left side of the screen, just right next to the images of the House of Evolution's elite force, were images of other animals. Most of them were also crossed out, and without Genus or any of the clones noticing it, the image of a bear just crossed itself out, indicating that it was decommissioned and/or killed.

One clone of Genus, wearing a white, long sleeved lab shirt that bore the number '33' on his left chest stepped out from the crowd of clones in order to say his piece.

''According to the report coming from the Armored Gorilla, the two who are responsible are on their way here.'' he said.

The screen then replaced the images of the elite force with a screenshot of Saitama and Genos, which was obviously a candid shot.

Genus looked at the screen once again, ignoring the whispers and gossips of the crowd of clones swarming behind him.

''If they come, then all of our research, everything that we've been working our entire lives on could be destroyed!''

''This is a serious matter.'' clone number 78 agreed.

Clenching his fists, Genus found himself making a rather risky decision. His body shivered with nervousness and he was sweating profusely, despite the fact that they were in an air-conditioned room.

He soon made his conclusion.

''The only option is to use our trump card.''

The entire crowd gasped. They knew just how dangerous their trump card is, and they knew that if it were to be released, it would be the end of it all, at the cost of many lives and property.

However, determined as he is, Genus knew where he was going, even though he was bathing in sweat, his long sleeved polo shirt already drenched.

''Begin preparations for the release of Carnage Kabuto.''

And with that, the whole room panicked.

Carnage Kabuto was the strongest fighter in the House of Evolution. Whatever the Beast King can achieve, Kabuto is sure to achieve it also with double speed and efficiency. He was Genus' most prized masterpiece, but with his immense strength, speed, durability and intellect came a prize that only Genus himself knew.

The Beast King had the power to destroy an entire city. Kabuto can do the same to an entire country in minutes. Genus had lost his 4 top Fighters. Kamakyuri, his 4th Strongest that was oozing in speed. Mosquito Girl and Armored Gorilla were tied for the 3rd post. One was blown and decimated into blood and smithereens while the other was decommissioned, disarmed and unable to fight any longer. Beast King, the second after Carnage Kabuto, is reduced to mincemeat.

Only Kabuto remained. The remaining fighters were nothing more than prototypes.

Genus had made his decision. His clone companions weren't too happy about it either.


''NO, NOT HIM!''


''He'll finally be released?''

''He's right. That might be the only way.''

''But maybe we should stop him. It's too dangerous.''

''I have a bad feeling about this.''

''Is this seriously the only way?''

As the crowd went wild, Genus remained his focus on the holographic screen but he raised his voice in order to address the crowd behind him.

''Calm down! He will be our last resort.'' the doctor said.

Before any of the clones can protest, the doctor continued his piece. He quickly went to his holographic keyboard, switching the screen from the images of the elite force to the section about the 8 floors of the building. The screen now showed all 8 floors and the traps that it held.

One by one, the screen indicated each floor with a yellow green glow, indicating that the traps stored in the entire room was activated.

The first floor was apparently a Maze Room. The second was Water Room and the next one was Fire. The fourth floor was a room filled with blizzards, the fifth floor was an Electricity Room. The 6th floor is a neecle room, the 7th floor was a vacuum room while the last room was a gravity room.

The traps were pretty self-explanatory.

''We'll activate all our traps from the first to the eighth floor. If luck is on our side, they'll take care of the intruders.''

As all traps were activated, the doctor took a step back and sighed. His clones could only look at him, waiting for his orders and commands.

''I'm fully aware of what will happen to me and all of our research...should we fail.''






In the middle of the forest, a black bear standing at 7 feet tall met its demise, as its lifeless body laid down the ground and around its corpse was a pool of crimson red blood. The bear had its mouth agape, with blood coming out from its eyes and mouth, and it had its arms stretched above its head.

On its chest laid a piece of evidence of what caused its death; a point blank hole in the shape of a fist that seemed to have replaced where its heart and lungs should be.

''I didn't think we'd be running the whole way.'' said Genos.

The blonde cyborg and the caped baldy were running at hypersonic speed towards their destination, but despite that, they were still capable of normal conversation as if they were stationary. As they conversed, they evaded trees and other obstacles with ease and it looked like the both of them didn't even break a sweat.

''How else are we gonna get there?'' asked the simple minded Saitama.

''I made an assumption that you had the ability to fly.'' replied the blond cyborg.

''You know that humans can't do that, right?'' the bald man pointed out.

Right in front of them was a wall of boulders, but they used each one as leverage to boost themselves up the tall mountain, while still conversing with each other.

''It is incredible that you are never late. You are indeed a true hero.''

''You're kidding right? I hardly ever make it in time.''

As they jumped on top of the mountain, they saw a single, abandoned-looking tower standing in front of a cliff side just below them. They quickly made a smooth landing just right in front of the tower, which was their point of destination.

''We are here. This is the place.'' the cyborg concluded.

''So this is...''

''The House of Evolution.''

Saitama then started to count, pointing at the tower using his right index finger. With each number, he kept looking up at the tower until he reached the top view.

''One, two, three, four, five, six...It seems about eight stories high.'' the bald man pointed out.

However, Genos ignored the hero in the yellow jumpsuit as he quickly crouched down, the ports of his palms swiftly charging a fire blast to the point that blue electric sparks came out of his hands. As quickly as he can, he stood up straight once more, before putting his palms together, creating an intensified fire blast that was so strong that it decimated literally the entire tower.

Black smoke and ashes bellowed the air, clearly visible through the thickness of the forest they were in. The ground shook, and hundreds of crows flew away in fear and surprise.

The smoke had enveloped both the cyborg and Saitama, but they took no effect.

Saitama could do nothing but look at his newfound companion.

''That was a bit rash, don't you think?'' he asked.

''Maybe so. I decided that it would be most efficient if I destroyed the entire building all in one swoop.''

The blast decimated not only the building, but also the entire mountain it was standing right below of. The surrounding trees were burnt to a crisp. The crater Genos made seemed to run for about 3 miles away.

''Well, that's true but we could have at least seen what the bad guys had in store for us.'' Saitama pointed out.

Genos remained speechless.

Saitama had a point.

''You didn't think that one through.''

They decided to wander around the wreckage, in hopes of finding anything useful.

But it wasn't long before Saitama found something.

In the middle of the rubble, ashes, burnt trees and broken pieces of machinery and scrap, lies a metal door that carved itself in the ground. The bald hero pulled the metal door open, to reveal a staircase that went down towards the dark, unknown parts of the House of Evolution. Genos raised his left arm as he stood in front of the doorway, activating his flashlight through the ports of his palm.

''Looks like there's a basement.'' Saitama said, pointing out the outright obvious.






In the said basement of the House of Evolution, a scream could be heard.

Inside a lone, hollow room, the only sound that can be heard were the gunshots of an automatic assault rifle, and the constant breathing of a panicking clone of Genus, who was standing right in front of a giant monster in chains who was standing at almost 11 feet tall.

''S-STOP!'' the clone screamed in agony.

But it was futile. The clone received the blow of the beast's right fist, and he was blown to smithereens. As the monster took a deep breath, the mutilated corpses of over a hundred Genus clones laid all around him. Ripped pieces of clothing, dismantled pieces of assault rifles and weaponry, fresh blood and organs spilled around the monster, who was chained to the metal ground.

The eleven foot beast is humanoid but its body has many characteristics resembling a beetle, including a thick pecan exoskeleton and a large horn on its head, similar to that of a rhinoceros beetle. Its body also has many large spikes on his arms and legs.

One person then dared enter the room now filled with mutilated corpses. The room, which was once plain and hollow, was now decorated with fresh blood that reached all the way to the ceiling. The smell of human intestines, undigested food and fresh blood mixed in the air and covered the entirety of the room. However, the person dared the smell and sight as he approach the monster from behind.

That person was none other than Genus, still sweating profusely, approaching his most prized creation.

Carnage Kabuto.

''Hey Carnage Kabuto. Are you well? It appears that you've killed a bunch of my clones again. Are you satisfied?''

The beetle-like being turned its head around, in order to see the person talking to it. But quicker than a fly, Carnage Kabuto spun its entire body around in order to face Genus, despite the fact that he was chained. Both Genus and Kabuto can only see each other through the light appearing from the sole window of the room. Darkness enveloped the mutilated corpses around them.

''Huh? You moron, why would I be satisfied!?''

With a single pull, Carnage Kabuto broke the chains holding him, including the brace that held him by the neck. Despite being free, Genus took no notice.

''I've been kept locked up down beneath the Earth! Me! Carnage Kabuto! The strongest fighter in the entirety of the House of Evolution!'' the beetle like being roared out loud, to the point that it messed up Genus' hair.

Genus was unfazed still. He showed no signs of fear.

''You were mentally unstable. We couldn't control you, so we had no other choice.'' the doctor argued.

Carnage Kabuto stomped the ground in amusement, drawing his face closer to Genus.

''Control me? You fool!'' Kabuto exclaimed, before laughing out loud.

''I am the culmination of the 'New Human' you imbeciles have sought for so long. My intelligence along with my physical strength are incomparable to your own!''

Drawing his face about two inches away from Genus, who ignored the toxic smell of his breath, Carnage Kabuto continued about with his rant.

''You earthlings are the ones that should be obeying me!'' he finished, and like a dog, he stuck his tongue out right in front of Genus' face, accompanied with matching licking sounds.

No. You're a failure.

It is true that you perform at levels unheard of...

But you lack humanity.

Carnage Kabuto held his right fist behind him, making crackling noises as he clenched it hard, his entire body shaking as if he was holding something back. The beetle's eyes stared at Genus' with intent to kill.

Genus was no fool to ignore such intent.

''Go ahead. Kill me. Plenty of clones could take my place.''

Even Carnage Kabuto was puzzled by Genus' statement.

The scientist then continued.

''However, I have a favor to ask first. There is a specimen I desperately must have.'' he said. As soon as he said that, a holographic screen suddenly appeared right next to them, showing an image of Saitama picking his nose and Genos lighting up their way forward as they continue on through the hidden stairway.

''The bald one. He is extremely strong. I believe that only you can defeat him. I want you to retrieve him for me.''

Carnage Kabuto chuckled with his deep voice, more than willing to accept his creator's challenge. A smile plastered onto his monstrous face.

''Dead or alive.'' finished Genus.






At the surface where the House of Evolution's main building was destroyed, a certain green haired esper found her way towards the wreckage where the building once stood. Even she was surprised at what happened, as she landed on the ground, ignoring if her bare feet was now covered in soot and ashes.

Her drone followed close behind her.

''Take ten photos of this. The council will find this interesting.'' the psychic told the drone, which responded by making clicking noises, the drone's eyes which were modeled after a fly flashing every time it took a picture. After ten clicks, the drone beeped, signifying it was done.

As soon as it was done, the esper noticed the opened doorway, revealing the stairs that led underground. It was dark, as the green haired 28 year old pointed out to herself.

''You got a flashlight?'' Tatsumaki asked the drone, which responded by having its eyes light up, before flying in front of the staircase and illuminating much of the darkness.

The esper could only smirk.

''Alright. Let's go.''

She then floated down, following the path of the stairway, allowing the drone to take the lead for illumination.






''This basement is huge! I'll admit, I'm getting kind of fired up!''

The voice of an excited Saitama echoed throughout the long hallway of the basement, as both he and Genos walked to find their next enemy, hoping to locate the leader of the House of Evolution and take him down once and for all.

However, as Saitama continued his walk, Genos gasped and took a step back, coming to a complete halt. Saitama noticed this however, and stopped as well, turning around to see Genos genuinely surprised.

''I sense living beings deeper within...Master, two of them are approaching!''

The bald man then turned around, before both he and Genos heard a loud roar, and the lights in the distance being broke off one by one.

''Let's go!''

The cause was none other than Carnage Kabuto, who was more than eager for an actual fight. His long horn was the one breaking off the lights, as he ran through the hallway holding Genus with his right palm. His face looked like he had every intention to kill.

''You said that it was the bald one, correct?''

''Y-yes!'' Genus gasped, choking for air as Carnage Kabuto swayed him around.

''In that case, you don't need the one on the left!'' Carnage Kabuto boomed, and simultaneously, he released Genus from his grip and the doctor fell down to the cold, metal floor with a thump, before slamming the entirety of his left fist unto Genos, slamming him into the metal wall, causing the blond cyborg to carve through the hard, cold metal.

Saitama could only watch.

''Oi, Genos. You alright?'' he asked an unconscious Genos, whose head was pinned to the metal wall, with his body swaying loose.

The baldy then turned around to face the 11 foot beetle towering right behind him.

''I am Carnage Kabuto! We got a combat experimentation room, let's duke it out over there!''

Furrowing his eyebrows down and facing the beetle, Saitama wasn't too pleased with the quick turn of events.

''You turned Genos into a piece of modern art.''

Clenching his fist, the bald man made his decision.

''Fight's on!''

Carnage Kabuto could only chuckle, smiling maliciously with intentions to annihilate the bald man.






They quickly made it towards the room, which was located at the end of the long hallway. The room itself was plain and bright, and it was quite larger than the entirety of a city park. The tiles that make up the room were no actual tiles but were blocks that had reflective properties similar to a bounce house.

Now, standing in the middle of the room were none other than Saitama and Carnage Kabuto.

''Pretty big eh? This is where they make us fight in order to test our combat abilities.

Now. Let's start the killing.''

Immediately after saying that, Carnage Kabuto was engulfed in flames. However, it only lasted for a couple of seconds and as the flames dispersed, it revealed that it had no effect whatsoever to Carnage Kabuto. The beetle was puzzled before looking at the only entrance of the room to see Genos, who had multiple scratches on both arms and even cracks that can be found on his left cheek just below the eyes. The blaze of fire had left a trail of ashes on the floor from the entrance to where Carnage Kabuto was standing.

''Ooohh...so you're still alive huh?''

Genos never replied.

The blonde then quickly disappeared from the entryway as he swiftly plowed his way towards the mutant beetle. In seconds, Genos managed to land a quick kick on the face that had no effect on Kabuto but boosted Genos to the other side of the room, to where the cyborg ran around the beetle, releasing a blast of flames from his right palm as he did, creating a ring of fire as he ran around Kabuto in a circle.

Genos quickly made a huge leap, grabbing the opportunity as he saw Kabuto still engulfed in flames but as he was in mid-air about to land his next blow, Kabuto shrugged off the flames before having his eyes staring at Genos'.

''You fool!'' the beetle boomed.

However, the cyborg took no notice.

The blonde's eyes were now enveloped in a golden glow.

''MACHINEGUN BLOW!'' the cyborg screamed, before releasing a lightning fast series of blows that all landed on Carnage Kabuto's face. The blows were so quick that it created a series of electrical waves that spread throughout Carnage Kabuto's entire body.

The cyborg then finished his combo attack by slamming his right fist onto Carnage Kabuto's chest, and much to his shock and surprise, the hard material of Kabuto's exoskeleton was more than enough to break off Genos' entire right arm, the material so stiff that the cyborg's arm shattered like glass that reached up until his shoulder blades, which now revealed a series of wires.

''What!? How can this be?!'' Genos exclaimed.

Kabuto could only laugh.

''My exoskeleton is tougher than any human metal! Tougher than even titanium!'' Carnage Kabuto boomed, before slamming the entirety of his right fist onto Genos, his knuckles knocking out and breaking his left eye along with blowing of his left ear, the force of the blow sending Genos crashing down the floor, which caused him to bounce back up and sent him crashing unto Saitama, who caught him just in time.

The cyborg's body shook in the caped baldy's arms, who just looked at the broken cyborg with worry. The one armed cyborg struggled to force himself upright in Saitama's arms.

''He got me...let me...take him...'' the blonde wheezed.

Following his wishes, Saitama settled Genos down the floor.

''Your face is all cracked, your left eye is jacked up, your left ear is missing and you have your right arm broken. Don't push yourself.''

However, Genos paid no heed to his ''master'', as he raised his remaining left arm and charged up another concentrated fire blast.

This next attack of mine will completely drain me of my firepower for over thirty minutes...I have...to try...


While laying down the ground, Genos released a large ball of concentrated fire energy from the ports of the palm of his hand, and as he did, his entire body twitched and shook, due to the massive effort that he had to exert in order to do so.

The fire ball swiftly made its way towards Carnage Kabuto, who only smirked, before retaliating by taking a deep breath and then blowing unto the fire ball, causing it to quickly deflect its flight path right back towards Genos and Saitama.

''With his breath!? IMPOSSIBLE!'' exclaimed Genos.

Before Genos could even blink, his own fire ball slammed unto both himself and Saitama, causing the fireball to explode into a blazing inferno that engulfed the entire room and all three beings that were staying inside it. From the floor to the very ceiling, the fire raged throughout the room, and even made its way through the entrance, blazing 4 meters inside the hallway before the flames dissipated.

As the smoke and flames cleared, Saitama was the first to open his eyes, just to see Genos having a new afro hairstyle, with his remaining arm now glowing bright orange. Genos opened his eyes as well, just to see his remaining arm melt right until his shoulder caps, the molten liquid dropping and splattering on the ground, mixing with the ashes. Now, Genos was literally unarmed, and he could not believe it.

''H-How...How could this be?'' the cyborg coughed, as he struggled to breathe.

Carnage Kabuto can only laugh.

''You're merely made from synthetic steel! Of course you would melt from your own flames!'' he boomed.

Genos grunted and growled, as he attempted to stand up once more despite the fact that he was literally unarmed. However, one hand grabbed him by the shoulder and helped him sit up straight. The cyborg looked to his right to see Saitama, his so called master.

''No. Let me handle this. You know how much I hate modern art these days.'' the bald man said, before standing up and walking away from the crippled cyborg, facing the 11 foot tall Carnage Kabuto, who taunted both him and Genos by revealing his unusually long tongue, accompanied with matching licking sounds that were awfully disturbing to the average person.

However, Saitama was unfazed, fear absent inside him. Instead, Kabuto's taunts only proved to boost the bald man and pump his hopes up. He clenched his fists, as he faced the giant beetle.

''I gotta admit, you've gone and gotten my hopes up.'' Saitama grinned.

Would he finally find the exhilaration of a real fight he was longing for?






Genus had recovered from Carnage Kabuto's deadly grip which wounded his right arm, and due to that reason, the scientist had to apply pressure over the wound using his left hand. Along with that, he had a wound on the left side of his forehead due to when he bumped his head on the cold, metal floor when Carnage Kabuto dropped him suddenly, so blood ran over his left eye, to which the scientist ignored. A bone located in his right thigh was fractured, so Genus had to force himself up against the wall, as he stubbornly made his way towards the combat experimentation room, his limp walking apparent.

I have always been critical of humans and their inferior abilities...

The entire species, aside from myself, can only be viewed as dumb animals. The realization was pure agony for me. If memory serves me right, I was 15 when it occurred to me...

A plan to evolve the human animal, and create a world where I could live contentedly.

A utopia of my own.

Created by me.

A world made up of only us, with the new human breed that will transcend humanity!

And with that, Genus was forced to kneel, as his wounds took a toll on him, sending extreme pain and agony flowing throughout the entirety of his body. However, as stubborn as he is, he stood up once again, realizing how close he was at the combat experimentation room, the light almost blinding him.

I must see it through.

Compared to my anguish back then, this physical pain I feel now is nothing.

Meanwhile, inside the room, Carnage Kabuto continued taunting the caped baldy, waving his index finger towards Saitama, addressing him to come closer.

''C'mon! What's the hold up? Gimme everything you got!'' Kabuto boomed.

Carnage Kabuto, a demon incarnate, the strongest and most brutal creation of the House of Evolution. Let's see how you, at your archaic stage of human development, fare against a monster who is at the final form of artificial evolution.

Or will you be the trigger for a new evolution?

I can't wait to find out!






Meanwhile, a certain green-haired esper found herself lost in the large underground basement, her drone which provided her with illumination flying right beside her. The psychic floated her way throughout the facility, attempting to find a certain baldy wearing a yellow jumpsuit.

It felt like hours for the Tornado of Terror, but it wasn't long before she found an automated door. As soon as she floated right in front of it, it slid open for her, revealing the House of Evolution's experimentation room. The first thing that Tatsumaki saw were bundles of papers and folders scattered on the floor, a huge holographic screen on the wall, and multiple mutilated and deformed bodies floating around and about in their respective stasis tanks.

What caught the esper's attention was the live video feed playing on the holographic screen.

She saw a humongous beetle-like Mysterious Being, and facing him was none other than the bald man she was looking for, Saitama.

However, what the esper failed to notice were hundreds of laboratory workers that looked strikingly similar to one another staring at her, every single one of them holding a loaded automatic assault rifle. Of course, they bore no protective clothing, and only wore their lab coats that bore their numbers.

Tatsumaki could only sigh.

Finally found you. Let me just take care of these guys though.

And not long after, a panicked clone screamed.


And with that, hundreds of assault rifles came to life and lit up the room, M4A1s releasing their 5.56 mms all headed towards the Tornado of Terror.

The esper could only smirk, before raising her left hand to her shoulder level in front of her, said hand now enveloped in an emerald green glow.

The rest is history.






Saitama took a step forward, seemingly accepting Carnage Kabuto's challenge to face him. His white cape swayed along with the sudden gust of wind, as he clenched his fists and furrowed his eyebrows, taking a slow march towards the House of Evolution's undefeated champion.

This pumped up Carnage Kabuto, who widened his smile.

''Oh, I see it. I see it! You're supposed to be strong.''

However, he was surprised when Saitama came up with a reply.

''Don't disappoint me now. You're supposed to be this place's ultimate weapon, right? You're clearly not the same as the guys this morning. Look at you, just oozing with confidence.'' the bald man said.

Kabuto could only smirk.

As Saitama continued his approach, Carnage Kabuto suddenly disappeared, swiftly running as he reappeared once again behind the Caped Baldy, who seemed unfazed with the recent turn of events. Genos, however, was surprised.

''Such speed!''

As Carnage Kabuto retracted his right fist as he prepared to slam it onto his opponent, something inside him snapped, as he saw Saitama look at him from where he was standing using the very corner of his right eye.

Kabuto was terrified.

As swiftly as he could, he flew all the way to the other side of the room, leaving the caped baldy puzzled as Carnage Kabuto forced himself up against the wall, sweating profusely and breathing heavily as if he were having a heart attack.

''What are you doing?'' Saitama could only ask.

This left Genus astonished.

''What is this!? Carnage Kabuto retreating?!''




Meanwhile, in the House of Evolution's experimentation and research room, there stood the S-Class Rank 2 Tornado of Terror, also known as Tatsumaki, standing amidst a sea of mutilated corpses of cloned laboratory workers along with their dismantled M4A1s. Bullets and destroyed research papers scattered on the floor, and the stasis tanks stood broken, the mutilated bodies inside lying down the cold, metal floor, attempting to breathe and function with their incomplete and mangled bodies.

Ignoring them all, the green haired esper along with her drone had her arms crossed as she only watched the live video feed shown on the huge holographic screen in front of her, showing Saitama's fight against Carnage Kabuto, and even the psychic was surprised to see the bigger beetle retreat against such an uninterested looking bald man.

''What just happened? He just backed off?'' she asked to no one in particular.

The drone next to her beeped in reply.




Now, the entirety of Carnage Kabuto's body was drenched in sweat.

''If I'd attacked him just now, he would've killed me! Who the hell is this guy?''

Saitama stood there, completely puzzled.

''He's leaving himself wide open, yet all my instincts are screaming, sending out danger signals!''

Finally, Carnage Kabuto broke, as he roared in pure desperation.


Doctor Genus and Genos were speechless.

Inside the experimentation and research room, Tatsumaki gasped, with her mouth now agape. She took a step back, and bluntly ignored when her bare foot stepped on a skull of a mutilated clone, not even noticing that she crushed it to bits.

All while Saitama stood there like an innocent child who was lost in the local supermarket and looking for his mother. He was still clueless as ever.

Carnage Kabuto panted, as he stared down at his much stronger opponent.

The entire House of Evolution was silent.

Until Saitama finally realized, and spoke up.

''So you wanna know too?''

No response.

But Saitama took it anyways.

''Okay. Fine.

Genos. You listen up too.''

The unarmed cyborg who was now in an afro, who could do nothing but sit up straight as he watched the battle unfold, was genuinely surprised. He was not expecting his master to tell his secret on the first official day that they met, let alone in front of an enemy.

''He's going to tell us right now? The secret behind his immeasurable power?'' Genos thought to himself.

''I'd like to know too.'' a new voice came.

Saitama was puzzled at the new face as he looked to his right to see a wounded young man, who was walking limp towards him.

''Huh? Who are you?'' the bald man asked.

''I am Genus.''

''Well alright, listen up Genius.'' Saitama boomed, his voice echoing throughout the room, no one caring about how he got the doctor's name wrong. Not even his creation, Carnage Kabuto paid any attention to the bald man's falter. Both he and Genus wanted to know Saitama's life long secret on how he retrieved his god-like strength and power. It would mean the dawn of a new evolutionary age.

Even Tatsumaki was interested in knowing Saitama's secret, as she found herself walking closer towards the holographic screen, unconsciously leaning on the holographic keyboard. It wasn't long before the green haired esper realized that there was a seat waiting right next beside her.

However, only Genos was against the matter.

''No! It's too risky! He can't let any of these guys know his secret! It's the recipe for disaster!'' Genos screamed inside his head as he watched both Carnage Kabuto and Genus remained stationary, standing like statues as they await the bald man in the yellow jumpsuit to spill his beans and reveal the methods towards his godly capabilities.

''First. What's important is to make sure that you stick with this intense training regime...'' Saitama started. Not that he expected his master to follow his silent protest because he knew a fact that he wasn't a psychic, Genos was genuinely surprised still, as he could do nothing but watch and listen to Saitama's backstory. However unbeknownst to the blonde cyborg, the three of them were being watched by a psychic, who could basically hear everything they were thinking about from the experimentation and research room of the facility.

The esper folded her arms in amusement, crossing her legs in hopes of finding a suitable sitting position. She could only smirk.

''It looks like our target has already found himself a friend. A student, if I may say.'' Tatsumaki chuckled, before continuing to watch the revelation unfold.

''Training? Not body modification surgery or...genetic enhancement, but training?'' Genus could only scream in his mind.

''What training?'' thought Carnage Kabuto, who was now drowning in his own sweat.

The unarmed Genos was speechless, as Saitama proceeded to call out his name.

''Listen Genos. You just have to keep doing it. Now matter how difficult it gets. Because I'm telling you right now, it took me a full three years to get this strong.''

And after the appetizer, came the main dish. With eyebrows furrowed, a noticeably deeper voice and his face heavily toned, he proceeded to satisfy his customers with what they have been craving for. For sure, it was the recipe of a lifetime.






Everyone in the facility was speechless, and Genos was most shocked by this revelation. However, despite this, Saitama paid no heed and continued his story. Apparently, he also had dessert for everyone.

''And of course, make sure you get yourself a balanced three meals per day. Just a banana in the morning is fine. But the most important thing, is that you should never, ever, air conditioning unit in the summer or the heating unit in the winter, so you can strengthen the mind. Truth be told, in the beginning, you'll wish you were dead. You might start thinking:

'What's the harm of taking a day off?'

But for me, it's different. In order to become a strong hero, no matter how tough it was, even if I was spitting blood, I never stopped. I kept doing squats even when my legs were so heavy they refused to move. And even if my arms made weird clicking noises, I kept doing push-ups. A year and a half later, I started to notice a difference...

I was bald! And indeed, I had become stronger!

In other words, you gotta train like hell to the point that all of your hair falls out. That's the only way to become strong.

These guys that are wasting their time and messing around with the ''New Human Race'' and all of those evolution crap will clearly never make it this far. You want to know the true meaning of our strength? We, as humans beings, are strong because we have the ability to bring change upon ourselves!''

Saitama finally finished up, and everyone had their mouths agape.

''W-what?'' was the only word running in Genus' mind right now.

''Is this guy...for real?'' thought Carnage Kabuto.

Even Tatsumaki was impressed.

''This guy is not as simple minded as I had originally thought. Sweet! Not only am I going to send to the council a juicy package of video evidence, it also comes with a bonus of wisdom lessons!'' the S-Class hero exclaimed to no one in particular. She was alone where she was staying at, other than the drone that was given to her by Sitch, so she took no notice at the volume of her voice.

Genos however, was at disbelief.

''Master...you are so...


Saitama's look of confidence suddenly washed itself away, as the bald man found himself looking at an enraged, armless Genos.


The bald man could say no word.


Still speechless, but Genos continued his rant.

''Master Saitama, your power is clearly stronger than what you'd get from training your body. We want to know your true secret!'' while his voice went noticeably softer, Genos still screamed his final statement. Tatsumaki found it quite amusing how he ranted his robotic heart out with no arms at all. She almost found it cute.

Saitama maintained a calm demeanor however, and sighed, before replying to Genos with one raised eyebrow.

''Genos, you may not believe me, but that's all I ever did.''

And with this, Genos gasped once more.

''Oh yeah?'' a deep voice boomed from behind Genos, and the cyborg looked behind him to see Carnage Kabuto's body shaking, wrinkling to the point that he grew larger, parts of his exoskeleton tearing off of him. His skin went from brown to a shade of cyan. His teeth grow sharp and his eyes go white, his body bulks up and the horn on his head sharpens to a point. He also gained a secondary spike on his nape, as he grew from his original 11 feet, to a humongous height of 26 feet tall. Now towering over everyone in the room, his skin then turned into a shade of dark blue, and a crimson red glow suddenly enveloped his eyes.

''No! Carnage Kabuto! You'll go on another rampage!'' exclaimed Genus.

However, he was too late. Carnage Kabuto was paying no heed from anyone. Genos and Tatsumaki were surprised when the combat room suddenly started to blare an alarm, a red light flashing all over the facility. The blond cyborg could only watch in disbelief as the only remaining entrance and exit of the room suddenly closed down. Not even Genus could stop it, but he knew he could do nothing as he awaited Kabuto to finish his transformation.

Tatsumaki did nothing to reopen the emergency doors, as she was far too preoccupied in watching the battle about to unfold.

''I bet you aren't stronger than me anyways. And since you pissed me off, I'm gonna annihilate you! Mark my word!'' Kabuto roared, as Saitama could do nothing but await the end of his transformation.

When Carnage Kabuto was complete, he stomped the ground, causing a small hole with multiple cracks around it, showcasing his augmented strength and power.

''CARNAGE MODE!'' the transformed entity roared.

With this, the entire combat experimentation room lost its plain white color, and was changed to a dark color of charcoal black and blood red, and on the background was a long, ominous beep sound that you would hear when someone has flat-lined inside a hospital.

Towering over the trio of Saitama, Genos and Genus, the transformed Carnage Kabuto cackled into laughter, before booming once more.

''When I enter this state, I lose control for an entire week and my lust for death and destruction cannot be quelled until then! After I decimate you, I'll head to the next town and start a killing rampage until next Saturday!''

As soon as he heard the word Saturday, Saitama's eyes widened, as if he had a horrible realization.

''If you are indeed a strong hero, then try and stop me!''

Still staring in disbelief, Saitama never even noticed that Carnage Kabuto had already appeared right in front of him, before slamming the entirety of his fist unto the bald hero, who was sent flying into the opposite wall, the hero slamming unto the reflective wall, allowing Carnage Kabuto to fly mid-air to quickly land another powerful blow unto the hero, who was sent flying around the room like a ping pong ball.

No way...it can't be...

Dammit, I may have made a horrible mistake...

As Saitama once again fell down the floor, Kabuto quickly grabbed the opening as he slammed his entire body right unto the bald hero, causing the both of them to bounce off the ground, sending several of the reflective blocks flying.

This guy's in Carnage Mode...

He said he'll be on a rampage for a whole week?

With Saitama floating in mid-air, Carnage Kabuto appeared right behind him, before landing a series of lightning fast blows in hypersonic succession, and with each blow, the beetle would scream out the word 'death' out loud.

He'll be like this till next Saturday?

One whole week from today...

The caped baldy was then sent flying towards the ceiling, with Carnage Kabuto quickly and mercilessly following close behind, as he made a huge leap, using the ceiling to bounce himself back towards Saitama's flight path, before preparing to deal the finishing blow towards the bald man, who was even unaware of what was happening to him.

Next Saturday...

In other words...today is Saturday too.

That means...

As Genus saw Saitama only a full 12 inches away from Carnage Kabuto's incoming fist, the doctor could do nothing but smirk in assumed victory.

''It's all over. There's no one in this world that can stop the likes of Carnage Kabuto.'' he muttered to no one in particular.

However, little did he know, that Saitama had come to a realization.

That means...

Today is...

And with one punch, the bald hero had arrived with his conclusion.


Without even realizing it, Saitama had slammed his right fist unto Carnage Kabuto's incoming left, and the result was the entirety of Carnage Kabuto's body blowing up into smithereens, green blood splattering all over the room. The punch blew off the 26 feet tall monster's torso, and all that remained were the lower body, his mutilated right arm and his detached head, which all came down and crashed on the floor.

The blaring siren and the alarm lights were then deactivated the moment Carnage Kabuto met his demise. The combat room returned to its normal state, except for the fact that the mutilated corpse of the House of Evolution's strongest warrior was laying in the middle of the room, the slayer of such beast kneeling on the ground screaming, not even aware of the fact that he had just annihilated his seventh Mysterious Being for the day. His mind was preoccupied with something else.

Genus was left devastated.

''Who the hell is this guy!?'' he screamed, but was left puzzled when Saitama screamed in agony as well.


''What the hell is he-''

''I am pretty sure that he is upset about this...oh, I have forgotten I have no arms now.'' Genos said, walking towards the scientist, and quickly realizing that he was literally unarmed. He then turned to his right side, before instructing the doctor.

''Please. The grocery coupon is inside my right pocket. Get it for me.''

And Genus followed the cyborg's simple instructions, as he grabbed the piece of paper, and unfolded it, which revealed an advertisement about a sale at a local supermarket.

SATURDAY ONLY! GIGANTIC SALE! were the words written on the paper, along with the discounted price of some grocery items.

The unarmed cyborg then ran to his master, who was kneeling down the ground in agony.

''Master, the store closes at 10:00 pm. That is about four hours away. If we really hurry, then we might be able to make it.''

The caped baldy, as if by magic, came back to life with the cyborg's words.

''Really!? I'll make it if I hurry?!''

''Yes master!''

''Well what are we waiting for, let's go Genos!''

''Yes master!''

And with that, Saitama swiftly ran out of the facility, and not even bothering to look for a proper exit, the caped baldy slammed his way through the opposite wall of the House of Evolution's combat experimentation room, instantly carving a ginormous tunnel that revealed the forest on the other side. The cyborg was right behind the bald man, attempting to keep up with the hero who now had his hopes up once more.

Genus was speechless.

In just one day, he had lost his elite task force, his 3rd Strongest fighter decommissioned, and both the 2nd and 1st Strongest fighters decimated by a bald man. Most of his creations were destroyed, and he had lost a significant amount of his workforce due to the fact that Carnage Kabuto himself had slaughtered them. Also, with the fact that Genos was on the loose, the probability that he will be arrested along with all of his research is sky-high.




The scientist then came up with a decision.

I think I'm done with evolution.

It appears that I am the one who must change...






After seeing the entire battle unfold, a certain S-Class esper retrieved the facility's flash drive from the research room's computer and placed it inside her left pocket.

However, after doing so, the screen then showed once again another live video feed. This time, the esper witnessed the leader of the facility walking away from everything that just transpired through the hole that Saitama created, dropping and leaving a piece of paper behind.

''It seems that he has decided to change.''

The green haired psychic could only smirk.

''Well good for him. I'll let the cleanup guys handle the remaining research papers for me. I'm pretty beat.'' Tatsumaki said to no one in particular, as she pulled out a small, rectangular box of metal from her right pocket. She then placed it down the cold, metal floor right next to the skull she just cracked. The metallic box then opened in order to revealed an antenna, making beeping noises as it arose. It had revealed itself to be a tracker, before Tatsumaki pressed the button of her earpiece in order to contact Sitch.

''Yo, this is Tornado of Terror reporting. I found the House of Evolution, and I noticed that the facility scrambled my built-in tracker you guys use to follow me around. I'm placing a secondary tracker for you guys to get the location.''

''Excellent. What's the status of the facility?'' asked the operator on the other side. It was Sitch.

''Pretty messed up. Upper facility's destroyed, and the basement's decommissioned at this point. Leader decided to bail. Oh, and by the way, I have more video evidence for you. I know where our guy lives, and he's got himself a student under his tutelage.''

''Is that so? Well come right here, I was just on my way to ask whether the council approved this 'Saitama' of ours.''

''On it.''

And with that, the green haired esper made her way to City A, basically disappearing from the facility. Her drone followed suit.






''Yes yes. The man with the name of Saitama is now approved by the Registry and Ranking Council to be eligible in order to skip the registration tests and become an official professional Hero of the Association.

According to photo and video evidences, as well as testimonies coming from an official of the Hero Association, major reasons for eligibility include: repelling two Dragon-level threats in quick succession from Cities A and B, respectively; contributed a major role in repelling the Subterranean Global Invasion from over 4 years ago; as well as participating in the destruction and downfall of the House of Evolution, neutralizing over six (6) members.

As a professional Hero, Mr. Saitama has been classified into the 'PHYSICAL' Ability Type.

Dated 30th of July 2019, with the power vested in me, supported by the evidence and testimony of Sitch, Association General Director of Emergency Situation Operations and Tornado of Terror, S-Class Rank 2 Professional Hero...we hereby declare Mr. Saitama into the S-Class as Rank 17, following the default introductory ranking system of every newcoming professional hero in the Hero Association.''

''Thank you sir. By the way, have you received Tornado's photo and video evidence regarding Mr. Saitama's companion? I suggest having a look and you can be the judge whether he is eligible as well or not.''

''Very well, Mr. Sitch. We'll get right on it.''






''The man with the name of Genos is now approved by the Registry and Ranking Council to be eligible in order to skip the registration tests and become an official professional Hero of the Association.

According to photo and video evidences, major reasons for eligibility include: participating in the destruction and downfall of the House of Evolution, putting one (1) member out of commission, and causing the destruction of its main Headquarters.

As a professional Hero, Mr. Genos has been classified into the 'MACHINE' Ability Type.

Dated 31st of July 2019, with the power vested in me, supported by the evidence and testimony of Sitch, Association General Director of Emergency Situation Operations and Tornado of Terror, S-Class Rank 2 Professional Hero...we hereby declare Mr. Genos into the S-Class as Rank 18, following the default introductory ranking system of every newcoming professional hero in the Hero Association.''






August 1 would be a brand new day for both Saitama and Genos.

Lol. Make sure you get back up on top and read everything.

So I hope you enjoyed this one. Be sure to continue your support through your reviews! It really helps me find errors in my stories so I can correct them. Be sure to stick around each week for updates!

Thanks! ^_^

Peace! - BTR100