A/N: Last chapter seriously! Thank R&B for this.
Seth awoke the next day and immediately went to check on Lanay, he knew he needed a shower but the stress was hitting him as he noticed no change in her vitals.
"Good Morning Nay." He took the chair next to her again rubbing her hand in his. "I didn't sleep too good, maybe you did. I hope you're fighting your mind. I need to shower but I don't want to leave you just yet, I have to be here for you in case… in case you wake up. I want my eyes to be the first you set your sights on"
The steady buzzing in the room didn't change and he took in the sight of Show in the other bed. "You two are something else. I wouldn't have made it this far without either of you. You just make sure you come back to me." He repeated it. He had to let her know that she was his priority. "I'm going to always be here for you. I know the thought of love scares you but you need to know you never have to be scared of me, I'm not going anywhere. Ever. In the here and now or even in the afterlife I will always be here for you. You've always had your guard up even when it comes to me but you make the world feel brand new to me. You remind me of that light and I know I do it for you."
Seth's grip on her hand tightened a bit. "You're the only woman I've loved unconditionally and never been led astray from that."
Dr. Berry stepped into the room to check on her patient hearing Seth's words to her and the emotions pouring from him got to her as well. She was brought in to this place due to a hefty paycheck from Hunter and seen a lot of death but nothing was more heartbreaking than seeing this.
"Mr. Rollins?" She whispered.
"Yeah Dr. Berry." Seth acknowledged the woman but didn't turn his head away from the woman in front of her.
Give him a few minutes. The woman thought to herself but her oath had her speaking. "I have to check on her in a few minutes." But this wins out what if these are her final moments breathing? "I'll be back"
The man didn't acknowledge her as he rubbed the woman's hand with his thumbs. "Hunter is going to kill us if you don't wake up." He laughed at his lame attempt at humor. "Remember when…" Seth started but the story he was going to tell involved Roman and Dean and that was a path even he wasn't ready to go down yet but he needed to get this off his chest. "Why didn't you warn me about Roman? You know I would've believed you and maybe you wouldn't be here right now?" Isn't' that part of the problem Seth? You have been reacting emotionally lately, if Lanay was honest you would've stopped everything and might be dead right now. "I would switch places with you in a heartbeat you know that?"
The small squeeze he felt to his hand startled him and caught him off guard. "Nay."
He felt the moment again on his, it was light but it excited him. "Dr. Berry!" The words were shouted out as he felt Lanay squeeze his fingers. "Come on baby, come on. Nay, if you feel me just rub my fingers."
The small movement against his hand was all he needed to know. Come back to me." The small movement against his fingers and he called for the doctor again.
Epilogue—2 months later
The hand he held in his was comforting, one that was very familiar.
"You're nervous."
"We're married and didn't tell your parents. Your mom is going to kill us."
"It was against your will." Seth took full blame.
"Well considering you pretty much told me it was going to happen and I couldn't stop it, let's go with that. Do you think your mom will mind?"
"She's going to want a real wedding."
"Does this mean poofy dresses and a lot of lace?"
"I think so."
"Why did I agree to this again?"
"Because you love me Mrs. Lanay Rollins."
"You're right. I can't believe we're going to take over the business in a couple of months. Are we ready for this?" Lanay looked over at Seth wanting to gauge his face.
"I can't either but we're not Hunter and Stephanie."
"I don't even think they were who they became originally. Just let me know, I don't want us to succumb to their weaknesses."
"Please, with me at the helm and you as my partner in crime it will never happen. Plus, I love you too much to let us be a danger like that to ourselves."
"I love you too Mr. Rollins." Lanay giggled feeling a sense of serenity she never felt or maybe one she never opened herself too. "I hope you know you're stuck with me for life."
"Good because we still got several places and positions to try."
Her cheeks warmed as she reflected over the past 5 months. She was shocked with how much she remembered during the coma but Seth was the one day in and day out. She never believed in love until him and he had to remind her in the blood shed there were roads that led to happiness.
"Stop being nasty."
"Not my fault you make me this way." The wink he gave her wasn't lost as her mind kept reelecting on the past.
"Do you ever regret me? What I did?" Roman and Dean's death affected both of them differently but primarily Roman's for her.
"Do you understand my love for you?"
"I didn't at first to be honest but waking up and seeing you all ruffled up and worried made it clear as day."
"Or as mud. We're not white souls on a plain"
"Or so you think."
"Just drive so I can give you an excellent blowjob."
Seth feigned shocked sitting back. "Don't make me crash this car."
"You better control yourself, I've been too close to death in this lifetime thank you very much." Lanay smiled massaging him through his pants. "Mr. Rollins is that a gun in your pocket or are you happy to see me?"
"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." Seth mumbled looking at her with a coy smile on his face.
"Malviolio, asshole." Lanay smiled reaching over to kiss his cheek. "I hope your parents are prepared because I plan on fucking you this weekend.
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
A/N: I battled so badly with this TBH. Lanay was supposed to die but I got so attached to Seth's character (and I hate him in real life) that I couldn't do it. I hope you all enjoyed. I'll see you in the next story.