Annabeth's point of view

I pressed my back up against the wall, waiting quietly for the guard to march on by, just as he did every early morning. The clank of the knight's armor swept past my position in the hallway. Right on time. I peeked out and took a deep breath. Time to go. Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I tip toed through the dark castle. However, it would not be dark for long. Morning was soon to be coming and I had to move fast. I had to get out. If only for a few hours. As the crown princess of my country, I didn't get out much. I needed this time to get out of the constant etiquette, the constant supervision.

There was also another reason. I was nearing my eighteenth birthday, and I knew exactly what that meant. I was to be married but a week after, and to a man I probably didn't know. There had been many suitors over the years, trying to vie for my affections, but I didn't have an interest in any of them. I found and still do find reading and architecture to be more important.

I paused for a short moment for another guard to pass. It was funny how a kingdom with so many knights and guards could be outwitted by a teenager. A girl, in fact, too. I hiked my skirts up to my knees and sprinted across the gardens. My shoes were clutched in the bag I had thrown over my shoulder across my chest. The cobblestone paving scratched at my feet but I didn't mind. There was a yearning ache in my heart to get over the wall. Just a few more steps, I thought.

I propelled myself towards the wall by leaping onto a bench and throwing my weight over the wall. It was a practiced move that I had perfected over many planned escapes. The garden backed up to the sharp incline of a green hill. I slid down the other side of the wall and continued to slide down the steepness of the ground.

Giddiness rose up in my throat. I was out! I spared a glance back at the tall wall that separated my world from the one I longed to be a part of. I shuffled down the hillside, breathing in the clear air that wasn't polluted with the smells of jasmine and other flowers that are nice to look at. It was all so fake in there. Not to mention, I didn't have any friends. In fact, the only people I knew were my father, stepmother, ten-year-old twin stepbrothers: Bobby and Matthew, and my mentor, Chiron. Like I said, I lived a secluded life.

The horizon began to lighten in the distance. The sun would be rising and setting over the ocean today and every day, thanks to the placement of our small country on a peninsula. We were surrounded by water on three sides, which made the country very high in the fishing department.

In all honesty, the world outside the walls surrounding the palace was very different world to me. The walls only heightened my imagination of what went on out there. I was now reaching the outskirts of the city. My stolen clothes blended into the natural drab of the people. My shoes had long ago been placed on my feet. For once my hair was down! My cream-colored cotton shirt clashed with my patched brown and grey skirt. And I was proud of how I looked. I was completely forgettable.

I made my way down to the docks. Not because I particularly enjoyed the ocean. I really didn't like the ocean if I had to tell the truth. But I wanted to be able to turn around and watch as the sun illuminated my city. I would rule it all one day.

Well, me and my husband.

I was walking and watching the sun's rays hit the beautiful stucco when I tripped and ran into someone. My feet did little to steady me. I felt myself falling towards the water. The breath fell out of my chest as the water zoomed closer. Water was not my element. The ocean was a dangerous place for a daughter of Athena. It was scary. Unpredictable.

Suddenly an arm snaked out and around my waist. It pulled me back towards the dock and I slammed into someone's chest. It was definitely a man. I sucked in a breath and looked up. The man who was currently holding me to him was very tall with messy raven hair and green eyes. His hands were placed strategically on the small of my back and the other on my shoulder.

"What're you doin', Lady?" He asked me. I blushed at the realization that our bodies were pressed against each other. However, I gathered my thoughts together and replied cordially,
"I am sorry sir, I was not paying attention."

"That part was obvious." He grinned and my face flushed again. I pressed my hands hard against his toned chest, trying to be let go, "If you will just release me."

"Oh, yeah," The man seemed to realize what he was doing. Once I was sound on my feet and standing up alone I said, "Forgive me for tripping into you and—every moment after."

"Not at all, Lady. It was my pleasure to save you from an unplanned swim." He grinned again. I smiled softly, "Yes."

I glanced back at the city, which was now entirely lit up. I breathed in a deep breath of air.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" He went on to say.

"Yes," I agreed. "I wish I could have this view every morning."

He frowned for a moment and then quickly replaced it with a slight smile. "It sure is a fantastic view of the castle, huh? I bet you that that place is the most beautiful building in the country."

The smile drifted off my face. "It is not as amazing as it may seem."

"What?" He asked me. I looked at him in surprise. Did I really say that out loud? I had to go. Now. Before any questions were asked that I couldn't answer. "I am sorry. I have go. Many thanks for catching me."

I practically twirled as I turned away from him. My golden hair bounced over my shoulder as I tried to walk away with some dignity. That was the first conversation that I had with a man in which I didn't want to claw my eyes out. The sensation of it was pleasing.

All of a sudden I felt a hand close around my arm. I whirled around to face the person to find that it was the same gut who I had been talking to before. What did he want?

"What's your name?" He asked me. I replied before I could think, "Annabeth."

His eyebrows went up, "Same name as the princess?"

I nodded with wide eyes. Why did I tell him that? "And yours?" I asked for his name.

"Perseus Jackson, but I go by Percy." He grinned and I granted him a shy smile.

"Like the myth?" I questioned. He winked and I blushed.

"Where can people normally find you, Annabeth?" Percy asked, a nervous twinge in his voice.

"They normally can't." I replied cryptically.

"Oh." Percy said, disappointment showed on his face.

"But you can find me in the olive orchards tomorrow evening." I added. My eyes widened at my own words. I caught a glimpse of a grin as I turned and walked away from him. I still had to get back inside the castle unnoticed, especially if I was going to sneak out again tomorrow. Oh gods, what have I done?