Percy Jackson & the Olympians + The Hobbit
Champion of the Sea
Persephone "Perci" Jackson's journey continues in this story where she encounters many challenges. Will she stay and find love in Middle Earth or will she only find heartbreak and betrayal and return to Earth? Find out in the second of the Lady of the Sea Series.
Possible Love Interests: (I recounted all of the votes so that I am didn't miss any or counted twice) and I even counted the ones that were up before midnight on Thursday, November 3, but we had a tie, so I had to wait until today to see if anyone else would comment their votes… and we still have a tie between Legolas and Thranduil… So for 24 hours I will accept any votes to break the tie. Remember I am also counting votes from wattpad, PM, the poll (which is no longer up), and comments on here.
Legolas: 50
Thranduil: 50
Disclaimer: I do not own, PJO, HOO, LOTR, or the Hobbit. They are owned by Rick Riordan and T.R.R. Tolkein
Chapter 1
"How close is the pack?" Thorin asked as Bilbo began to race down the path from where he had been.
"Too close. A couple of leagues, no more. But that's not the worst of it." Bilbo said, breathing heavily from not just the excercise but also the fear that Perci could feel radiating from him. Concerned, she put her hand on his shoulder but Bilbo didn't glance at her or even relax as he kept trying to talk.
"Have the Wargs picked up our scent?"
"Not yet. But they will do. We have another problem." Bilbo said still breathing heavily.
"Did they see you? They saw you." Gandalf immediately assumed. Perci rolled her eyes and sighed, curse the ignorance of men! Bilbo was trying to tell them something, that might be important.
"No, that's not it." Bilbo said.
"What did I tell you? Quiet as a mouse. Excellent burglar material." Gandalf boasted to the dwarves. The dwarves started to nod and chuckle as they began to chatter amongst themselves.
"Hush it, all of you! Bilbo is trying to tell us something!" Perci scolded them. They all looked down in embarrassment, except for Gandalf whom just looked at Bilbo, waiting for him to speak.
Bilbo shot his tall friend a thankful smile. "I'm trying to tell you there is something else out there.
"What form did it take? Like a bear?" Gandalf said, his face coming devoid of emotion, as if he was afraid of the words coming out of his mouth. All of the dwarves, Perci, and Bilbo, jerked their heads around to stare at their wizard companion.
"Ye... Yes, but bigger. Much bigger." Bilbo said. All eyes were still upon the old wizard.
"You knew about this beast?" Bofur said.
"I say we double back." Dwalin said.
"And be run down by a pack of Orcs?" Thorin said. They all started murmmuring and arguing, trying to come up with a plan that wouldn't involve them getting killed.
Perci saw Gandalf walk away a little bit from the group, towards the trees in the distance, before he paused as if he had a thought and turned back around. "There is a house… it's not far from here, where we might take refuge."
Thorin moved towards Gandalf and rolled his eyes slightly when he spoke. He was getting tired of vague wizards. "Whose house? Are they friend or foe?"
"Neither. He will help us or… he will kill us." Gandalf said, causing the dwarves and hobbit to shift uneasily and glance at each other. Perci, used to these types of things with the gods and goddesses of her world, didn't really think anything of it.
"What choice do we have?" Perci asked, sighing and tightening anything that could become loose because she had a feeling that she was going to be running soon.
Before Gandalf could answer, something else did for them, and it sounded very close.
The beast's roar sounded like something the T-Rex from Jurrasic World, one of the last movies Perci had been able to see before she was brought to this world, and a grizzly bear's roar.
Everyone of them had jerked their head to look up the path Bilbo had ran down just a few moments ago, trying to see if the beast was even now charging down towards them.
"None." Gandalf said.
They ran through the forest, over a river, and over a grassy field, before running through another forest, hearing the breaking of branches and debris behind them along with another roar from the beast. As they broke out of the trees, they could see a hut encircled by a wall and vegetation in the distance, causing them to run even faster… But not as fast as Bombur, it seemed because he was passing everyone of them, including Gandalf and Perci whom had been in the lead. Perci let out a light, breathless laugh, when he did so, but didn't say anything when she and Gandalf paused to wave the other dwarves through, looking back to see the large bear break from the trees and charge at them. Perci, shocked at the sped and size of the bear, quickly went towards the dwarves whom were having trouble opening the door, undoing the latch and hussling every dewarf, Bilbo, and Gandalf in before diving in herself and throwing the door shut just in time for the bear to slam into the closed, latched doors.
Breathing heavily, Perci saw Gandalf remove his wizard's hat and set it on the table as the dwarves went to explore the dining room and the stalls that held all types of farm animals, with bees, mice, and other animals roaming freely.
Thorin, still breathing heavily, turned to Gandalf. "What is that?"
"That is our host." Here everyone in the room paused in their movements to stare at the wizard, in Perci's case, to glare. "His name is Beorn. And he's a skin-changer. Sometimes he's a huge black bear. Sometimes he's a great strong man. The bear is unpredictable… but the man can be reasoned with. However… he is not overfond of Dwarves."
"Who ever is?" Perci grumbled from beside Bilbo, causing him to cover his mouth with his hand to hide his smile. Fili and Kili whom were standing on the other side of Perci elbowed her in the ribs, causing her to smile at them. "Even you two have to agree, you dwarves are really stubborn when you have made your mind's up about something." Fili and Kili agreed with her, dwarves were stubborn as a rock, especially their Uncle Thorin.
"He's leaving." Ori said, looking through a small hole by the door. Dori panicked and jerked his brother away.
"Come away from there. It's not natural. None of it. It's obvious. He's under some...dark spell." Dori said, glancing up at Gandalf as he began to walk past. Gandalf paused and looked down at him, opening his mouth to rebuke him, but his friend spoke before he could.
"Don't be a fool, Dori. He's under no enchantment but his own," Perci told the dwarf gently. Dori nodded and led Ori in the direction that Nori had gone.
"All right, now get some sleep. All of you. You'll be safe here tonight. I hope." Gandalf said, wondering off somewhere else.
None of them were brave enough to just eat the skin-changer's food so they lied down hungry, until Perci remembered that she had food in her bag. By the Valar, she was such a Sweed-Brain!
Reaching into her bag, she pulled out several strips of beef jerky silently and turned to Bombur whom had his back facing towards her and was the closest dwarf to her.
"Bombur?" she whispered. He hmm'd and waited for her to continue. When she didn't he turned over to look at her. She smiled and held up three long strips of beef jerky with a raised eyebrow. Bombur's eyes widened in delight, even as his large stomach gave out a large rumble, showing his hunger. She handed them to him and he quickly started to eat them. Perci stood up and started passing them out to the rest of the company, several of them giving their appreciation for the food. After they had all had some beef jerky, she stuck her hand back in her bag, some of the dwarves that were watching her, widened their eyes when they saw her stick her arm all the way up to her shoulder without any resistance.
"I think I have something else in here that you all might enjoy. It is not dwarvish mead nor hobbit ale, it is a human drink, whiskey they call it, and I think I have enough for us all to get a little buzz going." All of the dwarves sat up, eager for the fire of alcohol to wet their throats, after having none for several weeks, the last time being in the Shire at Bilbo's house. Finally, Perci seemed to find what she had been feeling for because she began to take out four bottles of Grey Goose Whiskey that she had begged the Valar to give her every few years or so since she didn't like most of the alcohol served in Middle-Earth. She also took out glasses for everyone and split everything equally between the fourteen of them, since Gandalf and Bilbo were somewhere else in the hut doing something.
They all drank until the four bottles were gone and they had more than a light buzz going on as Bifur, Ori, Fili, and kili, were passed out drunk and Bombur, Gloin, Bofur, Nori, and Dori, were about ready to join them. The fourteen companions just drank and talked until sleep overcame them. As soon as they fell asleep, Perci noticed sluggishly that Bilbo had joined them and was sleeping on the other side of her while Bombur had reclaimed her otherside. A slight smile crossed her lips as her eyes drifted closed.