Eight years. Eight years since liberty fell with thunderous applause. Eight years of dictatorship. Eight years of darkness.
Fear rules each heart. Fear of their children stolen from them. Fear of enslavement. Fear of genocide.
A spark of hope resides in each tortured soul, because REBELLION is built on hope. And their hope is in an outdated prophecy—the CHOSEN ONE who would restore the balance, who would end the tyranny, who would make all things new. The CHOSEN ONE is dead.
Each day, the ALLIANCE TO RESTORE THE REPUBLIC coordinates guerilla attacks on IMPERIAL bases across the galaxy, waiting for something to turn the tide, waiting for A NEW HOPE. Hidden from the EMPEROR, unaware of his own identity, their NEW HOPE lives in obscurity on the desert planet of Tatooine.
Little does young LUKE SKYWALKER know that his life is about to change forever. On EMPIRE DAY, he will meet the father he never knew—he will meet the CHOSEN ONE. And the one thing that the EMPEROR considers the JEDI's greatest weakness will be the one thing that will conquer all—LOVE.
NOTE: After many comments that Luke is acting too young for a ten-year-old, I am changing his age to eight. However, it's going to take a while to update all the chapters. Please be patient as the updates are made. Thank you. SA