Chapter 3: Peter Parker versus the world

Spider-Man stands in front of his family as he stares at the Avengers that stand in the living room. "Tony! Listen to me," said Spidey as he puts his hands up, "Whoever stole that device from your factory. It wasn't me! It was…!" Then, Iron-Man steps up to Peter and stands face to face with him. "The cameras show you beating the crap out of the guards and take that very expensive device right from the lab itself," said Tony as his face plate goes up, "Look Peter, Just tell me where the device is and We will look the other way for you and your family. Deal?" "UGH! TONY! I HAVE NO TIME FOR THIS!" said Spidey as he heads towards the hole in the wall to escape. "Avengers, STOP HIM!" said Iron-Man as he fires a repulser at Spidey. Then, Hawkeye and Black Widow fire stun arrows and pellets at Spidey, but Spidey jumps through them, unharmed. Then, Hulk comes in and uppercuts Spider-Man into a wall. As Mary Jane and May tried to run, a piece of the ceiling goes loose and falls. "NO!" yelled Peter as he makes a web net to catch the debris from falling on his wife and kid. Then, Iron-Man flies and pins Spidey against the wall. "Where is the DEVICE?!" said Iron Man. "I don't have your damn device!" said Spider-Man as he kicked Iron Man off him. "I have to get MJ and May out of here before they get hurt!" Spider-Man aims his web shooters and rapid fires webbing at the Avengers, blinding them temporarily. Spider-Man grabs Mary Jane and May and web swings away from the apartment. Iron Man tears the webbing away and looks around, seeing that the Parker family has fled.

Later, at Aunt May's house, Peter sits on the couch, now unmasked, thinking in deep thought. Then, Mary Jane walks in and sits next to him. "I'm sure you can find this guy and clear your name Peter." said Mary Jane as she rests her head on his shoulder. "It can be anyone Mary Jane," said Peter as he puts an arm around her waist, "Now, It's Peter Parker versus the world." "Peter…. You handled this before when you were on Captain America's side. You can do it now." said Mary Jane. Then Aunt May walks in, carrying a brown paper bag. "Peter can't do it while looking like that." said Aunt May as she hands Peter the bag. Peter looks inside and takes out a modified version of his red and blue costume, but the symbols on the front and back look different and are all white instead of the usual black and red. "I found one of your old costume design ideas in your old room. So I made it for you as a gift for your birthday. But, It seems you need it now since you're basically wearing garbage." said Aunt May. Peter hugs Aunt May and then runs upstairs to change. then, a short time later, Spider-Man runs down in his new costume. "Damn Tiger, you look hot!" said Mary Jane, checking Spider-Man out while looking up and down smirking. Spider-Man walks over to Mary Jane, kisses her, and then jumps on the window pane. "MJ…. watch over both Mays until I come back." said Spider-Man as he looks behind him. "I know sweetie… Just go get 'em Tiger!" said Mary Jane. Spider-Man smiles under the mask and web swings away. "Look out New York," said Spider-Man, "Today, It's PETER PARKER VERSUS THE WORLD!"

Author's Note: Sorry for not being able to type in a while. I couldn't use my laptop for a month. But, anyways, the costume in this chapter is the PS4 Spider-Man suit (Which is obvious by the details).

Next: Suspect # 1