Chapter 1: Prologue

Its night in New York City, at a Stark factory near the Upper West Side, a shadowed figure stares at the factory and shoots a string-like substance at the building and zip lines towards the main building. The figure breaks through the window and runs through the hallways. Two guards watch over a door that leads to a top secret. Then, one guard heard a noise coming from around the corner and the same shadowed figure goes and knocks him out. "Phil, are you ok?" said the other guard, "Do you need any assistance?" the guard shines a flashlight at the corner to see an unconscious Phil on the floor. He feels a tap on his shoulder and shines his flashlight at the figure, which reveals to be the red and blue superhero known as Spider-Man. Spider-Man puts his finger to his lips and uppercuts the guard, which knocks him out. Spider-Man goes to the keypad and rips it out, which opens the door. He goes to a container with the device inside and smashes it in one punch. He grabs the device and puts it in a sack and runs off until the alarm goes on and a trio of guards appears in front of him. "Freeze Spider-Man," said the guard's leader, "Surrender now or prepare for extreme punishment!" Spider-Man puts down the sack and runs towards the guards. As the guards try to apprehend Spidey, they were easily bested by Spidey's fighting moves. Spider-Man pulls the sack to him by web line and he runs out of the factory and web swings into the night.

Author's note: Sorry for the short chapter, but if it's a prologue, don't expect to be long. But, it seems that our hero will have a little "Identity Crisis" (heh, I totally put up the title of the series.)


Next: A Misunderstanding