Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, or any of its associated characters!

Summary: Naruto is hit with a jutsu that causes uncontrollable lust. Someone has to step up to satiate it...no need to ask around. Sasuke's already volunteered. Canonverse, Sasunaru/Narusasu. PWP, with just enough plot for multiple chapters. Plotline is three chapters, plus one bonus - new chapter every day until they're all posted!

A/N: Underage readers - what are you still doing here? This chapter contains mature content! And nothing else!

The Jutsu

Chapter 4: Bonus

"You're under arrest," Sasuke felt something like cool metal press against his skin, and his eyes snapped open.

"Get this off me, dobe," he held up his hand, scowling at the handcuff now latched firmly around his wrist. It was one of those that sealed chakra, only responding to the matching seal on the single key that held it. How Naruto had gotten a hold of these, Sasuke had no idea.

"Why should I?" Naruto grinned, leaning in to kiss him.

Against his better judgement, Sasuke accepted the kiss, letting his eyes flutter closed.


Sasuke's eyes snapped open. His wrist was now chained to the bedpost.

"Naruto…" His voice was low and dangerous.

"You know," the blonde remarked, standing casually beside the bed, "I've been waiting to catch you off-guard for an entire month. A month, Sasuke, that I've had these for," he ran a finger down the metal, and gave Sasuke a look with such intensity that he felt himself stop breathing.

"So no," he moved smoothly to straddle Sasuke, pinning his free wrist to the mattress with ease, "I'm not going to get this off you…I'll get you off though."

Naruto waggled his eyebrows, and Sasuke rolled his eyes, but he didn't fight him.

"You're a dumbass."

"A dumbass who's gonna fuck you."


"I mean," Naruto pulled back a little. In all the time they had been together, Naruto had never pushed to switch their positions. Not that the thought of Sasuke fucking him into the mattress didn't make him weak at the knees—Sasuke could have him flat on his back with just a look—but the amount of times he had been an inch from being balls deep in that gorgeous brunette had almost driven him crazy.

Still…Naruto was very hesitant to push him. It all felt so new, so unreal, like one day he would wake up and it would have all been a dream, and Sasuke would be gone, and he would be… "It's—it's a phrase. I'll still—"

"Hn," Sasuke interrupted, shifting under Naruto. Naruto looked at him, his grip on Sasuke's free hand loosening slightly.

"You're all talk, dobe," Sasuke met his gaze with a cocky smirk and eyes that glittered with challenge. Naruto felt his heart skip a beat.

The words registered a moment later, and Naruto breathed in a soft gasp. He searched Sasuke's eyes, looking for any hint of hesitation or fear, not even realizing he was leaning closer and closer until he captured Sasuke's lips in a soft, slow kiss. He knew that Sasuke trusted him, he did, but…Sasuke really trusted him. He actually…

Sasuke made a small noise—Naruto had inadvertently begun kissing more passionately, but he couldn't help it. The Uchiha was just too much, he was just so…

Naruto moaned into the kiss as Sasuke rolled his hips. Sasuke had no qualms about tempting Naruto; he had been trying to do so for weeks. And if he wanted to have restraints involved, well, turnabout was fair play.

But Naruto was rapidly losing the battle against the waves of pleasure rushing through him—he couldn't take it. He broke the kiss and set about tearing at Sasuke's clothes.

"You—" Sasuke heard something rip, "Oi, you—"

But Naruto didn't let him finish—and Sasuke didn't much feel like talking anymore with Naruto's tongue in his mouth and hand pumping his dick. He could feel the blonde's hardness pressing on his thigh, rubbing in time with the way his hand moved. Sasuke used his free hand to grasp at Naruto's clothes, tugging at them as well as he could.

Naruto got the message.

Where his clothes went, Sasuke didn't know, and he didn't care—all he knew was that Naruto was—finally—naked and fully pressing up against him. There was something about Naruto's warmth on top of him—Naruto was always warm—that made Sasuke want to just close his eyes and feel. He caught Naruto's mouth in a kiss, only now noticing his legs had wrapped around him. He linked his ankles and pulled the blonde closer.

Naruto let out a groan that broke the kiss—they were so close—and focused his attention onto Sasuke's neck, licking and biting it in between panting for air. They rocked together, finding a rhythm with ease, until Naruto pulled away.

Sasuke made a noise of distress as he felt his warmth leave him, but it was only a moment—Naruto trailed kisses along his hips and thighs, before he took him fully into his mouth. Sasuke bit his lip to keep from groaning out loud—god, didn't the blonde have a gag reflex?!

Cock still in his mouth, Naruto's eyes met his, and a tanned hand slid from the top of his thigh down, down…

Sasuke drew in a shuddering breath and nodded. Naruto moaned—overcome by emotion, lust, love—against Sasuke, sucking him harder and faster as his hand made its way to Sasuke entrance.

Sasuke placed a hand on Naruto's head and that was all the invitation Naruto needed. It was only a finger, but it felt like the world to Naruto—he couldn't help but come up to kiss him, still searching, twisting, feeling with his finger for…

"A-ah!" Sasuke broke the kiss, head slamming back against the headboard.

Naruto grinned. There it was.

He captured Sasuke's lips with his own as he slipped another finger inside him. He needed to stretch Sasuke as soon as possible, because at this rate he wouldn't even be able to last long enough to even be inside him—

Sasuke made a noise, pulling back. His eyes were hooded and his lips parted and wet, "Naruto," he breathed, "top drawer."

Naruto sucked in a breath. He knew exactly where they kept the lube—and it was in his hand so quickly Sasuke barely had time to blink.

He grabbed the lube, using his teeth to rip the condom wrapper open. Sasuke was staring at him with such intensity that Naruto thought his heart might explode from sheer overuse.

Sasuke exhaled as the fingers left him, only to be replaced by something much warmer—and larger—pressing against his entrance. Naruto rested Sasuke's legs on top of his thighs and searched his eyes.

He looked beautiful—splayed out over the mattress, a few strands of hair matted to his cheek, his chained arm strewn casually over his head as if he wasn't restrained at all. He met Naruto's gaze with no hesitation, almost defiantly, and Naruto could have sworn that was almost a smile…

"Dobe," now that was a smirk.

Naruto rested his forearms on either side of Sasuke and leaned in.

"Teme," he whispered against his lips, and entered him.

"Mmph," Sasuke kissed him almost desperately and Naruto pulled away, stopping about halfway.

Sasuke was gasping for air, but he still managed to give Naruto a look.

"Keep going."

"Are you—"

"I'm not delicate, Naruto. I'm fine."

"I don't want you to feel fine," Naruto nipped at Sasuke's ear, "I want you to feel amazing," Naruto pushed in further, "I want you to feel perfect," he bit Sasuke's neck, "I want you to feel how much I—"

"Ah—aah!" Sasuke's legs had latched themselves around Naruto's waist.

"You okay?" Naruto froze.

"Y—idiot, don't stop, d-don't, nnngh—"

Naruto didn't have to be told twice. He started slowly, focusing on keeping his hips at the same angle in spite of the overwhelming pleasure that filled each and every one of his senses—he could barely think, he had no idea it would feel like this—

Naruto moaned, reaching up to grab a hold of Sasuke's hips. His grip was so tight it almost hurt, but all Sasuke could feel was Naruto inside him, thrusting faster and faster—and the tanned hand that reached around Sasuke's leg and started pumping his cock.

It felt like an out of body experience. Sasuke opened his eyes, gasping, staring at Naruto—his blonde—who was grasping at him like he had never touched him before, panting like he was fighting a losing battle to restrain himself, and, god, that look on his face…

"Naruto," he needed to see those eyes—those beautiful, expressive eyes—they always told him everything he needed to know. He reached out his free hand to hook around Naruto's neck and pulled.

But they didn't kiss. Naruto's forehead pressed to his, Sasuke locked his ankles, jerking Naruto even deeper into him. Naruto let out a low groan, biting his lip.

"Sasuke," he breathed, "I don't think I can—"

"Then don't," their gaze met.

"Unlink your legs," Naruto breathed, an expression so intense that Sasuke couldn't help but obey.

He made a noise of protest when Naruto pulled out.

"Turn around."

One hand still linked to the bedpost, it made for some maneuvering, but Sasuke found himself pressed up against the headboard, arms crossed, with Naruto behind him. Naruto gripped Sasuke's hips and pulled, swiftly entering him in one smooth motion.

Sasuke groaned, his grip on the headboard faltering as Naruto started to thrust—this felt even better, like Naruto was hitting him at a whole new angle and o-oh..

Sasuke's back arched in ecstasy, nails scraping against the wood.

"Naruto—Naruto," he gasped—it was like a mantra. He felt the blonde lean over him, mouth next to his ear and hand reaching to grip Sasuke's dick. He started to pump him in the same rhythm as he thrust, nipping and kissing at Sasuke's neck.

It was overwhelming. It was too much. He felt something build up inside of him, some sort of rush of energy—power—something—it was building and building and Sasuke thought he was going to explode—

"Naruto," he couldn't control himself, "I love—I love you, I—"

All at once, Naruto's grip tightened and he let out a yell—and Sasuke matched him, cumming harder than he might have ever before. He gasped for air, arms shuddering against the headboard.

Naruto made a noise, moving to sit underneath him and wrapping an arm around Sasuke's waist. Sasuke turned his head to face him, only to be met with a passionate, eager kiss.

When they pulled apart, Naruto's eyes sparkled with delight.

"I love you too, teme."

A/N: And that's it! I hope you liked it!

Look forward to more in the future! I am trying to write as much as possible to keep up with Nanowrimo!

Till then,

- Kinomi