November the 5th
"I never told him that I loved him," she said softly.
Detective Finch looked at her. "Did you?"
"Oh, yes." Evey's eyes remained trained on the fires of Parliament. "I never saw his face and I never knew his real name. But I loved him more than I have ever loved anyone." She closed her eyes, feeling the burn of tears threatening. "I only told him I didn't want him to die. How...cold...of me. I doubt he ever heard a loving word from anyone, yet I loved him and he died without ever knowing." She turned her gaze to the man at her side. "Are you going to arrest me now, Inspector?"
He was looking at her, his dark gaze solemn as he sighed. "I'd be a bloody hypocrite if I did."
"A member of Parlament with morale. Perhaps V's dream had merit," Evey mused. She did not tell him that she had one of V's knives and had no intention of allowing imprisonment.
"You you have a place to go?" He asked.
Evey thought of the Shadow Gallery. Of returning there without V. Of what it would be like to submerse herself in a place that was so saturated with his essence. "No," she said finally, knowing it would be a while before she could face the Gallery again. "I suspect I'll be captured. And perhaps that isn't so bad. They'd make a martyr of me at least," Evey motioned to the crowd below. "This will go on. They don't need a hero anymore and they don't need me."
"Oh, I think they do." The inspector turned toward her. "I think he knew that they would. A martyr only lasts as long as a memory. And memories run short in times of war. These people will need a leader. One without blood on their hands." He fell silent, glancing back down at the people below. "I can help you find someplace safe. A place where someone who doesn't want to be found won't be."
She should have been surprised, but she was not. V hadn't believed in coincidence and she didn't either. Even in death, he was still protecting her. "Do you play with dice, Inspector?" Evey asked, a faint smirk on her lips.
"I never was much of a gambling man," he answered, eying her peculiarly.
"Of course you aren't," Evey looked back to the burning building. "God doesn't play dice, either. And coincidence is bullocks."
"Pardon, Miss Hammond?" Finch seemed to be looking for an injury that would explain her suddenly strange behavior.
"Never mind," Evey shrugged. "I'll go with you. But keep in mind, Inspector...I've learned more than just ideas from V."
"I'm certain you have," Finch said, putting a hand on her shoulder as he guided her toward the stairs. "That's why you're still here."
**Disclaimer** I own nothing in regards to the V for Vendetta franchise. The charachters and plot are property of their respective authors and directors.