AN. So here is my new story. A massive thanks to Wenwalke for her help and yet again saving me by thinking of a title. Hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: No copy right infringement intended. Just whumping for fun.

Chapter One

Steve entered Danny's office and saw his friend typing away on his phone. "Hey Danny." The detective looked up and flashed red. Quickly stashing his phone away, he smiled back at his partner. Steve watched him with a critical eye, then teased, "did I just catch you sexting with Andrea?"

"Sexting? What am I? A hormonal teenager? No, I was not sexting." Danny flushed even redder and shifted in his chair, obviously uncomfortable with the line of questioning.

Steve laughed, "but you were texting Andrea, I can tell by how red you've gone."

Danny ran a hand through his hair, then scowled at his partner who was enjoying his discomfort too much, "yes, it was Andrea, ok? Now did you want something, or did you just come in here to make my life miserable?"

"I came in here to tell you the Governor wants to see me. She wants to go over the budget and discuss policies. The miserable bit was just a bonus. How are things with Andrea?" Steve sat down on Danny's couch and spread his arms along the back of it, making himself comfortable.

Danny knew he was going to have to give his friend more details. He and Andrea had been dating for six weeks now and Steve had been pushing for details, but Danny had kept them to himself so far, not wanting to jinx anything. Still he attempted to stall.

"Don't you have a meeting to get to?"

"I've got time." Steve knew his partner's stall tactics.

"Things are fine with Andrea. We had a nice meal out last night and she was just texting to say thank you."

"You seeing her tonight?"

"No, she's working today, we have plans for the weekend."

"So..., are you two like an official thing now?" Steve enjoyed teasing Danny but he really wanted his friend to be happy, and Andrea always put a smile on his friend's face.

"You mean have I asked her to go steady? Again, I'm not a hormonal teenager Steven. But if you really want to define us, then yes, I guess we are an official thing. Now, shouldn't you be going to that meeting with the governor?"

Steve stood up and smiled. "I'm happy for you buddy." He started to leave, but as he got to the door Danny called after him, "Steve, thanks for the push."

"You're welcome Danno. Stay out of trouble while I'm gone." Steve headed for his meeting with the governor with a smile on his face.


Danny hung up his phone and called out to the others, who immediately joined him in the main office. "Duke just called. HPD has a situation and they are asking for our help."

"What's the situation?" Chin grabbed his bag and was ready to go.

"HPD were canvassing a neighbourhood for a missing little girl when they stumbled on a drug deal. They think they might be the meth dealers we've been looking for."

As they reached the cars they took great delight in that information. The team had been looking for the suppliers of crystal meth, that had already claimed the life of three people. "Anyway, the dealer ran into the house, and he and his mates started firing on HPD. HPD have the house surrounded and have evacuated the neighbours."

"Should we call Steve?" Kono had already pulled out her phone.

"No, he's in a meeting with the governor, you know her no cell phone rule. Come on, let's go and take these dealers down. It will be a nice surprise for him when he gets out of his meeting." Danny slid behind the wheel of his Camaro, enjoying the fact that he got to drive for once.

As they arrived at the scene Danny inwardly groaned when he saw the S.W.A.T team pull up. Of course, HPD would have called the highly trained team in for support, but Five-0 didn't have a good history with their leader, Captain Woolf. The two teams had butted heads several times, but the latest had been the worst. A hostage situation at Queens medical involving Dr. Pearce had left Danny frantic with worry, and he had strongly disagreed with Woolf's plan of action. Steve had had to stop him from punching the man, something he resented a little as both Steve and

Lou had got to wipe the smug smile off the captain's face with a solid punch each, after Danny had been shot saving his now girlfriend.

The team spotted Duke and headed over for a briefing. Woolf had obviously had the same idea. As his team held back, he marched over to join them. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Duke called us, we think these guys might be involved in our latest case." Danny responded.

"Well you don't need to stay. We can take things from here."

"How about we let Duke fill us in first." Kono suggested.

"We're sitting them out at the moment, the house is surrounded and we've cleared the area. There are four men, two at the front, two at the back." Duke explained.

"What about the little girl that's missing?" Danny hadn't forgotten the original reason HPD were in the area.

"She's still missing, but we have moved the search to the other side of the neighbourhood. Like I said, we've cleared the area here." The team were relieved to hear the little girl was nowhere near the scene.

"Ok, let's hope they find her soon." Danny couldn't help but feel for her poor parents.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's hope they find the snot nosed brat, now can we get back to business here. We'll take it from here. My guys are geared up and ready to storm."

"Storm? You really think that's the best plan? They have the tactical advantage. They have good cover, and in case you haven't noticed, there is no cover around the house." Danny was right. The house sat in the center of the plot, the open plan yard had only a few bushes to the side of the house. "They only have so much ammo, we should keep sitting them out, and wait.

"Gee, thanks for your input De-tec-tive. Excuse me if I don't have much faith in your team's plans. How is the shoulder by the way?"

"Good as new." Danny grit his teeth and could see the rest of the team tense. "My point still stands. You go storming in there, and they will pick you off, one by one."

"Well, as your great leader doesn't seem to be here, then I have seniority, and I say we go with my plan."

"Five-0 have seniority." Danny could feel his anger start to rise, and clenched his fists. He had to try and keep his cool, the governor wasn't happy about the tension between the teams, and another altercation would not go down well.

"Well the last time I checked, you." Woolf pointed in Danny's face. "You were still a De-tec-tive. Hell, the rest of your team practically out rank you. If they are dumb enough to take orders from you, then so be it, but I certainly aren't. McGarrett's not here. I'm in charge, I have a way to get inside and take them down." Woolf marched away.

All three other members of the team were instantly outraged. Five-0 worked outside of HPD so there was no chance of promotion, yet they all respected that Danny was the second in command of the team. Kono started to storm after Woolf, every intention of setting him straight, but Danny stopped her.

"Let it go guys. Gear up, I have a feeling we might be needed." Danny was honoured that his friends wanted to defend him, but he didn't want to cause more trouble. S.W.A.T were highly trained for just this occasion, and they knew what they were getting themselves into. If Woolf wanted to take charge, and mess up the situation, then let him. He just hoped no one was hurt in the process.

Everyone geared up, and the team took up position behind a squad car to the side of the house. Woolf had his team ready to move.

As Danny watched them move a little closer he saw a small movement out of the corner of his eye. When a spree of gunfire erupted from one of the windows in the direction of the S.W.A.T team, there was a small shriek, and the bush moved again. This time Danny saw it clearly. To his horror he realised that the missing little girl had been hiding in the bush all the time.

"Woolf, fall back." Danny yelled across the yard.

The S.W.A.T captain glanced in Danny direction to acknowledge he heard him, but then pushed his team forward.

"Woolf stop, the girl." Danny inched forward, holstering his weapon.

"OMG." Kono gasped as she too saw the little girl. The poor thing was terrified, but now she saw somebody was near her she had decided to break her cover, and was getting to her feet.

Woolf once again ignored Danny's yell, and the team advanced a few more feet using their riot shield as protection. More gunfire exploded from the house, and Danny didn't even take a second to think. He just sprang into action, running as fast as he could towards the girl, hoping that S.W.A.T would draw the attention of the guys inside the house.

The team could only watch as Danny sprinted towards the little girl. Woolf refused to back off, and instead threw a flash bang grenade through one of the windows. S.W.A.T started to run to the house, but they were suddenly thrown back. Instead of the usual flash and smoke to stun their target, the whole house exploded. The roof lifted clean off the house, and all the windows blew out sending shards of glass in every direction. Danny made it to the toddler just in time for the house to explode, he protectively curled himself around her, and threw them both to the ground, as glass and debris rained down on them.