Chapter 15: Life?

Foxlet gliders have not proven to be unerringly monogamous, with some observations demonstrating a tendency towards serial monogamy. However, due to their empathetic links, the binding of more than simply the physical and social aspects of a 'mate', circumstances often tend towards unshakeable faithfulness.

At times, mating is for life.

The end of year feast was always a riot of noise and excitement, of relief and laughter that had been largely bereft of the student body in the exam period. The radiance of hanging candles starkly illuminated the otherwise shadowy hall, driving away the depressing ambiance of storm clouds roiling overhead. The rich scent of roast beef and baked potatoes, buttered greens and mash, the sweetness of pumpkin juice and the saltiness of crackling hung in the air in an intoxicatingly delicious mix. Just as it always did.

Even with a smaller cohort, Minerva could swear that they were just as loud as every previous year had been. Not that she was complaining for that fact for once. Not this time. She couldn't complain for the vast turnabout of attitudes from the beginning of the school year the previous September. The solemnity that had dampened the students' youthful enthusiasm was all but washed away.

Minerva wasn't complaining about that at all.

The seventh and eighth years were perhaps the loudest of the lot, followed closely by the fifth years as their N.E. and O. respectively had been completed. Marks wouldn't be returned for weeks but the relief of the absence of study, of the release from hours spent bent over books and sleepless nights of worry, were finally over. Minerva found herself smiling at the uproar of sudden laughter that was spearheaded by none other than the two remaining Weasleys at the school. They two would be the last of that family in Hogwarts for years to come.

As so often happened, Minerva's gaze was drawn to those few students who stood out, who would always stand out in her memory for years to come not only as students but as people. At Hermione Granger, who was truly one of the brightest young witches she'd ever encountered. To Luna Lovegood who was special in a very different way, though the young woman was certainly no less intelligent. To Ron and Ginny Weasley who, over the past months of their companionable caring for their Berserker foxlet, had become largely friendly with one another.

To Harry Potter too, who would always be special to her as far more than a student. Even more than as the Saviour of the Wizarding world, as the entirely of Wizarding Britain saw him. He was, in many ways, quite simply a friend.

Minerva found herself smiling as she watched Harry beaming over his foxlet's grey head at Draco Malfoy, laughing at something as he forked a piece of baked potato into his mouth. Malfoy actually laughed in reply, leaning across the foxlet in turn. She appeared to have her own plate before her that she was working her way through with remarkable delicacy for a non-human creature. Minerva almost expected her to pick up a fork and start eating with it. Malfoy rested a hand atop her head as he whispered something into Harry's ear that widened Harry's grin further.

That was an odd turn of events, Minerva considered as she took a sip of the wine that was only served at the end of year feast, and cleverly disguised by the grapefruit juice that dotted the student's tables. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy were dating; years ago Minerva would never have anticipated such a relationship could arise. Although, when she thought about it, perhaps she should have. It was sort of obvious in a 'pull the hair of the girl he likes' kind of way. Maybe Minerva really should have anticipated it.

Even so, it likely wouldn't have happened at all if not for the foxlet glider that had drawn them together. For all of the woes they had brought about, Minerva had to admit that at least one good if unexpected thing had come from Hagrid's surprise.

Turning towards the Magical Creatures professor along the table, Minerva settled her fork down against the edge of her plate to voice her sudden thought. "Hagrid," she called, drawing the attention of the half-giant.

Hagrid turned towards her around a tankard of firewhisky that he didn't even attempt to disguise the nature of. He lowered it with a barely-muffled belch. "Headmistress?"

"I've a thought that I feel I must pose to you before anymore… unexpected arrivals take up residence at our school." At Hagrid's curious frown, she elaborated. "No foxlet gliders next year, Hagrid."

Hagrid gave a sheepish grin as the professors around him, each distracted momentarily from their own meals and conversations, chuckled their amusement. "O' course, professor. One's the trick. Although, this one turned out all fer the best in the end now, didn't it?"

"Hagrid," Minerva warned, twirling her butterknife warningly.

Hagrid smiled merrily once more. "O' course, Professor, o' course," he repeated. "'Sides, I've got a new idea fer next year. A real treat." He winked at her as though they shared a secret.

Minerva stared for a moment before closing her eyes briefly and shaking her head. "Merlin help us all," she muttered to herself, taking another sip of her wine. When she opened her eyes it was to behold Harry, Malfoy and their foxlet once more, both with their arms wrapped comfortably around her shoulders. The foxlet appeared to croon beneath their attention, radiating love that was almost palpable.

Maybe Hagrid was right. Maybe it had all turned out for the best in the end. A strange best – really, a Potter and a Malfoy? – but even so.

It was a good one.

A/N: Hello, lovely readers! Thank you so much for sticking with this story until the end! I hope you liked it as much as I liked writing it.

First of all, I just wanted to say a massive thanks to the H/D Pet Fest mods for this fest. It's such a good idea and was utterly fantastic! Secondly, thank you my lovely reviewers! Every single review I received gave me such a boost of encouragement and kindness and it was just the nicest thing. You have no idea how just the barest word can make a writer's day.

In saying that, please let me know your thoughts on the story. Liked it, didn't like it, have any questions, feel free to let me know. I'd love to hear from you xx