Italics indicate thinking

Here's another Weight Gin story

Kirio's POV

"Things have been so boring lately." I sighed walking around the palace.

"I'd prefer them being quiet and boring than anything else." Shutara said.

"I know but even in the down times it's good to have something to do."

"I'm sure there's something we can do." Shutara admitted.

"Well what if we used this relaxing time to make a place to relax." I suggested.


"Yeah a palace like island just for us ladies. We can bring people in and just relax and…have fun." I smirked at her.

"It could be interesting." She hummed "Everyone could do what they want without judgment."

"I could eat as much as I want." I smiled.

"I have some interesting experiments to work on, let's do it." She laughed.

A Few Days Later

"Looks good." I licked my lips and looked at the plate of food in the new land Shutara and I just founded "I've been dying to get back to my bigger size for days now."

"You're starting already?" Shutara said walking in.

"Gotta work hard." I laughed taking a bite of a thick sandwich "You want some?"

"What?" she asked.

"Come on and eat, you're so skinny." I laughed "I bet you'd be cute with some extra size."

"That could be…intriguing." She hummed "alright I'll try it out, I'm sure it will work well with my new experiment."

"What are you working on?" I asked eating.

"It's a formula that when ingested will transform the recipient into a half animal." She explained eating a stew "I bet using that here would be fun, a land of fat sexy animal women."

"Hmm." I bit my lip "I'm getting excited just thinking about it."

"It's not done yet unfortunately, but it will be soon, in the meantime." She stuffed her face "Let's work on all this."

A Few Days later.

"Phew." I plopped my butt down on a chair "Feels good to be this big, 500 pounds is still kinda light though."

"It might be for you but for someone who's never done this before it's not." A hefty Shutara waddled over, her large breasts and flabby belly shaking.

"You look good with all that." I rubbed her belly "How goes the spell to teleport people here?"

"Coming along well, need a few more days." She said helping herself to a plate of chips "soon this place will have lots more ladies around."

"What about your animal Serum?" I asked "I'm dying to try it out."

"Then die no more." Shutara used her mechanical arms to pick up a vial in between her breasts "It's yours if you want some."

"Gimme." I held my hands out.

"Say please."

"Please." I pouted.

"Here." She laughed giving me the vile.

"Bottoms up." I laughed taking the serum "Ohh tastes sweet-HAAA!"

I felt my body jiggle a bit as I grew a little heavier and my breasts grew. My skin gained a pink hue as it got a little smoother, I felt my face scrunching up as my nose perked up and my face got thicker.

"OINK!" I squealed becoming a big "Ohh that feels good!"

"I'd say that's a success." Shutara laughed taking out her own serum "Unfortunately I haven't found a way to make what you become specific, it's just random once you take it, so let's see what I get to be."

Shutara moaned as she drank her serum and started to transform. Like me her body got a little heavier as her body changed, her backside stuck out more and became rounded in size. Her front half rose up as her expanding and reshaping back half sprouted six more legs, three on each side.

"Oh this is quite something." She laughed "Spider butt…"

"Wow you're so much cooler." I poked her butt.

"HAA!" she sighed "Oh and it's sensitive too!"

A few Days later


In the human world…

"Time for lunch!" Orihime smiled placing a tray down before Tatsuki and Chizuru.

"Umm…wow." Tatsuki shivered looking at the "food" Orihime placed before her.

"It's…something." Chizuru sighed.

The three were about to eat before a movie when they were thankfully saved by a portal ripping open and sucking them into Soul Society, specifically the domain of Kirio and Shutara. The three were shocked when they were approached by a pair of naked 600 pound women, one looking like a pig and the other a spider.

"Welcome ladies." Kirio smiled.

"What the hell?!" Tatsuki yelled.

"Where are we?" Orihime looked around "And look at all this food."

"Beautiful naked ladies!" Chizuru gasped.

"It's nice to see all of you." Shutara smiled "Orihime."

"Oh it's you!" the girl gasped "Those people that helped Ichigo."

"That's us, Kirio and Shutara." The pig smiled "And welcome to out relaxation palace, here you can, eat and relax with others to your hearts content."

"Anything you want you can do it here." Shutara smiled rubbing her breasts.

"If I can have you count me in." Chizuru smiled.

"Of course sweetie." Kirio smiled "sex is part of the fun."

"HMM!" Orihime had already stripped down to her underwear and started eating "Wow it tastes so good~"

Orihime's bra bulged as she quickly gained weight from the magical food. Seeing the half-naked Orihime turned Chizuru on and she soon joined her friend in growing.

"This is ridiculous!" Tatsuki yelled "Stop it you two!"

"Come on sweet thing don't fight it." Kirio waddled forward.

"Just have a bite and you'll see how wonderful it is." Shutara walked forward.

"No I-OMM!" Kirio suddenly forced a hamburger into Tatsuki's mouth.

When Tatsuki swallowed the enchanted food took effect and she started growing quickly as the older spirit women force fed her. Her clothes burst free as her slightly toned body got soft and jiggly.

"Oh damn…" Tatsuki looked at herself "I'm never gonna be normal again…but it felt so good."

Kirio and Shutara smiled to themselves as Tatsuki walked off to join Orihime and Chizuru eating. The women were proud that their new palace was starting to shape up nicely.


Thank you for reading. Feedback is appreciated. Feel free to message me any questions or concerns.

Suggest who you want to see in the future.

Till Next Time!