I should really stop posting stories. Haha just kidding! This is a new one that I'm writing when inspiration comes. It's different from my usually works because my others really take place in the past. I really like this idea though. I hope you all will too.

Underground: "Who...who are you?" "Scientist Johnny calls me Allen! Allen Walker!" The Order really hadn't learned their lesson, had they?

Allen had been found guilty on all of his charges-by the Pope.

Komui testimonies weren't even visited. Bak was only a branch head-he had no say.

Nobody could do anything.

Even so...Allen smiled painfully, "It's alright...I think that this is better than being turned into a Noah, right?" Even as tears dropped down-even as Lenalee hugged him, sobbing.

"Don't cry...wouldn't you rather this than be my enemy?"

"No! I rather you being alive than dead!" She retorted-even if he was a Noah, she wanted to see I'm happy.

Allen blinked, "Even if that meant we all had to fight each other?"

Everything was silent. They allowed Allen one day to himself, which he spent inside the Ark in his special room.

He played that final song one last time for everybody to hear, I will never cease to pray…


He looked at the file, pain on his features. Out of everybody, Allen didn't deserve this. Dying by execution was one thing...this was a whole other.

He felt so guilty and yet...he couldn't stop it. His will was too weak, and as much as he wanted to…

"Johnny, it's time to leave!" Somebody called. Johnny looked up, wiping his tears quickly. He couldn't cry, or they'd take him off. That wasn't an option, he had to make sure that this all went well.

Although, when he really thought deeply into it, it was bound to go horribly right? The Order really never learned it's lesson from that time…

"Coming!" He called back,and quickly gathered the files.

Name: Allen Walker

Age: 16

Date of birth: December 25

Date of death: July 5

Cause of death: Execution


They held a funeral for him, shortly after.

Lenalee was inconsolable, even when Lavi was hugging her, she couldn't stop crying. Kanda and Lavi were trying their best of course- Kanda's hand never left her lower back and Lavi never left her side.

They were doing their best, but it was hard. It was hard to console somebody when you couldn't control your emotions yourself. Even if they pretended like they didn't care, it still hurt. Even if Kanda didn't cry, and even if Lavi pretended that he wasn't-it still did.

Komui's voice was like white noise in the background as he tried to be cheerful. Even as tears stained his face and he kept wiping them. He tried to make it all funny, to bring forth the best of Allen's life. Even though it was so short, even though it ended at sixteen.

Even though they ended it at sixteen.

"He ate a lot, didn't he? He surely ate so much...we should offer a lot to him now, because we don't know how long his journey to Heaven will be…"

They tried to laugh at the joke, but it only came out as a murmur of sound.

"Ah...let's offer mitarashi dango!" Komui suggested again, his smile straining and fake.

Lenalee only cried harder, and they tried not to stare at her.

There weren't many people there, mostly exorcists. Most Finders celebrated this execution. All the scientists were there though, and even Howard Link. Link stayed near the back, and didn't look at anybody. He nodded to Lenalee when he saw her red, puffy eyes train on him for a moment.

Without another word, she pulled away from Lavi. She walked even strides towards him, and without saying a word threw her arms around him-he tensed immediately. It looked strange- because previously Lenalee resented Link and Leverrier, but she was hugging him.

He accepted her tight hug without complaint, "I'm sorry…" She whispered to him, "You two must've been close after spending so much time together…" Link said nothing in reply, but patted her back twice. That's when Lavi and Kanda came and intertwined their fingers with hers. They led her to the front of the crowd.

Everybody felt the worse for those three: his best friends- the ones who loved him the most. They defended him until the end, even after he told them not to. Even now, they still loved him. Even Timcanpy, who hovered above Allen's grave.

When Komui's voice dropped into a more serious note they all noticed, "We all loved and cherished him...even to that day...so let's pray for him now-and even after!"

Even though most of them there hated God so much, they all dropped their heads. Their tears mixed into the dirt. Lenalee brokenly muttered about planting flowers, because their garden was on the other side of the Order. It'd make everything look more cheerful, like Allen deserved.

Komui began the prayer, but it was really Lenalee who finished it when he broke. She was known for that, for pushing through her weakness. She went to the front weeping, but looking up with determination as she knelt by the grave.

Clasping her hands she continued.

"Lord, grant Allen into the gates of Heaven. Cherish him with your love and compassion and end his suffering. Shed light onto the darkness that became him and heal the wounds that this cruel world brought. Dear Lord, never let him fear. Never let him feel pain, and make sure that one day we see him again. Amen."

It was the best she could manage, while crying.

"Amen." They repeated-and even with the funeral over they didn't leave for a while. Everybody stayed there; with Lenalee kneeling until Lavi came and held her stand up. She leaned on him, no longer crying but whispering broken prayers to a God she hated.

Then, slowly, Komui walked over and laid beside Allen's grave his silver emblem. They all gave them back when their uniforms changed-but the silver was never melted or reused. Miranda came next and hung a rosary necklace around the stone.

It went like that for a while, leaving things to remember Allen.

By the evening they were gone.


"They held a service for Allen Walker, sir." Link reported quietly. Everybody was now celebrating his life. They were in the cafeteria, sharing stories and trying to heal. He could hear the laughter from Leverrier's office. It was sad in a way, that they were trying so hard. It was sweet in another, that they refused to feel sorry for him.

Most of it was Komui's-some was Lavi's. All of it was warm and comforting. It was hard to cope after Allen, but they were trying, even if it was hard.

"Nii-San shot Allen with a sedative so he wouldn't destroy it!" Lenalee was giggling, "He was completely out of it as he was dragged inside!"

Komui whined pitifully-loudly, "But it wasn't his fault…!"

"No way, what did you say to Komui?" That was Lavi, laughing.

Lenalee giggled again;

"Nii-San, reflect."

More laughter.

They were all too loud in Link's opinion, but it was understandable. They spent a day crying, they wanted to spend the night laughing. It was rather sweet, in a way.

"Did you attend?"

Link nodded, once, "I did."

"Was it...nice?"

This was the problem was those types of questions: funerals weren't allowed, but Komui broke the rules to cherish the boy. If he said it was nice, Leverrier would be a heartless bastard and tell them to dig Allen up.

If he said it was bad, Leverrier would dig Allen up just to be a bastard. That, or rub it in by going to the grave to pay his respects-or even worse, offer one of his homemade sweets at the shrine. After all, he ordered the execution

"Yes sir." But Link couldn't lie, and he wouldn't disrespect Allen Walker by doing so. The service was nice, they all remembered the good and the bad times.

He owed it to Allen to at least give him that.

"Was the body cremated?" It should've been, but they wanted to view the body before they buried him. So, they ended up just leaving Allen intact.

"No sir…"

"Did they realize anything about it?"

Link paused, " The Bookman heir was curious about the head markings, Chief Komui rationalized it was because of stigmata." Which was all lies, because Allen Walker wasn't even close to awakening at this point.

"Good, tell them to proceed."

"Yes sir." Link turned and walked out.

Link didn't think much about the Order-he could care less about it. He didn't care about many of the people in it as well. Allen Walker was his charge, and even though he could say he...cared...he could very well care less about anybody's feelings on his end.

...but this…

He could truly say that the Order really did have skeletons in the closet. It was only fitting that Leverrier was about to bring them back out.

Link only hoped that it wouldn't end the same way as last time.


[Second exorcist project reopened]

[First vessel already secured]

[First Vessel: Allen Walker]