A/N: And finally James' journey continues! Between a certain pandemic grating on my nerves, time and energy and seriously contemplating the ethics of writing about the works of a certain Terf, I was pretty busy.

With that out of the way, please enjoy and tell me what you think!

Warning: Mentions of child abuse, mentions of domestic violence, mentions of death, mentions of terrorism

10 April 1988

Flat 11, Alisanus Gardens, Sylvan Academy

Steward Island, New Zealand

The melody of Led Zeppelin's 'The Rain Song' filtered through the air and the only other sound was the soft rustling of parchment and the occasional hums of Severus, when he scribbled down another note. It was a mild Sunday, warm enough to allow the window to stay open and the sunlight played on the wooden floor.

The potions master had toyed with the idea of writing his own textbook since his last year at Hogwarts. Now he had the time and energy to actually work on the project. He was still sorting through all materials and working on the table of contents, but he enjoyed it immensely none the less.

Life these past months had been… good. Part of him was still waiting for some kind of disaster, but he was getting used to a saver, well-ordered lifestyle. Well, as ordered as life got, teaching at a school, who's mascot was an opal eye dragon and where most of his colleagues considered potentially life-ending exercises fun.

He blushed a little, his thoughts digressing from his book to Jurriaan. The duellist was still flirting with him like there was no tomorrow and he would be lying, if he pretended not to like it…

"Sev, I am home!"

He smiled widely. This was by far the best thing, that had happened since they moved to Sylvan. His goddaughter was happy and flourishing.

A moment later, James came into his study, knowing an open door meant no dangerous experiments going on and she was free to enter.

She had grown only a little, making her quite small for her age, but her magic curled around her with the ozone of lightning, tangible for anyone with a lick of sense. Like usual, she wore her uniform, the only exception from her all-black attire. Her hair had grown longer, flowing down her back, interspersed with a mass of thin braids, that kept her wild locks in check.

She gave him a hug from behind, he didn't need to look at her to know, she smiled from ear to ear, "How is your book going?"

"Just sorting through old stuff, nothing new to brew for you today."

She had been all too happy to test his finished recipes, assisting him to tweak the wording to make it as comprehensive as possible and what kind of explanatory notes would be most helpful and interesting. They had a lot of fun working things out.

"That's fine," she pressed a kiss against his cheek, "I've a date with Ari and the other guys later."

"Playing The Dark Star?" Severus did not quite get, what she loved so much about those role-play-games-stuff, but she enjoyed it and it was time his goddaughter did not spent buried in books or training on the field.

James sat down on the chair that was essentially hers, playing around with her pocket knife, "Yeah. New campaign on a prison planet," she shuffled a little, "Did you read the letter?"

He didn't need to ask which she meant, it still sat on the mantelpiece, unopened, "No."

"Why not?"

Severus looked at her. His goddaughter, who would cherish the opportunity to talk with her late mother again. How was he to explain her, that Eileen Snape's unexpected letter only made him feel sick to his stomach?

"Was she mean to you?"

He looked at her, caught off guard by the tentative question, "Why would you think that?"

"You never speak of her and… in Mom's photo book, you've got a black eye in one picture."

Merlin damn her perceptiveness, Severus cursed silently, gritting his teeth. He was not even remotely ready to open that particular can of worms and the how was an entirely different story.

"I… didn't have the best relationship with my parents," he replied somewhat delicately, "I care for my mother, but I have not spoken with her for quite some time."

Not since the summer after his sixth Hogwarts' year. Finally, he had been legally allowed to defend her and himself from his father's drunken ravings, avenge them even. But Eileen had forbidden it, standing by her bastard of her husband like she always had. After his horrible fight with Lily the year prior, this act by his own mom, something he could only view as treason, had been the final straw that made his decision to join the Death Eaters.

His anger at her had cooled over the years (and recent therapy), what was left was a hollow feeling he could not quite put a name on.

James was still watching him avidly. Calling her look 'dubious', would not do it justice.

"Don't concern yourself with conundrums that are mine to figure out, Corbillat."

"Fair enough," she smiled, obviously still curious, but her trust in him was unshaken as ever. The clock striking four further distracted her, "Damn, I'll be late!"

James jumped up, gave Severus a good-bye-kiss and purposefully ignored his chiding, "Language!"

"I'll be back for dinner!"

"Have fun," he replied, watching his little whirlwind grabbing her bag and running off.

Severus let out a sigh, still not feeling like doing this, but he got up either way.

The envelope was crispy white paper, not parchment, the address written by biro instead of a quill… When he had gotten post from her during his schooldays, it had looked just like that.

With a small gesture of his wand he sliced it open, taking out a single page. He read it once, twice and then a third time. The words stayed the same, taunting him with their very existence.

Severus only realised he was pacing around his study when the paper audible crinkled in his balled fist.

Before he had consciously made the decision, he went to the kitchen and for the floo-powder. Flooing was only possible in the Hall of Travel, but calling worked just fine.

"Jurriaan, do you have a moment?"

In the back of his head, he marvelled how much he had changed. Two years ago, he would've rather bitten his tongue off than asking for advice. Or comfort.

"Sure, what's up?"

"I…" he faltered, not knowing how to voice his situation. Severus was on the verge off calling it off, when Jurriaan spoke instead, "I'll be over in a moment."

"Thank you." He was grateful, currently for the fact that his friend preferred acting over talking.

As expected, there was a knock on the door not two minutes later.

"It's open," Severus called softly, already back to pacing.

Jurriaan looked a little dishevelled, in the way that made him look dashing, rather than scruff. But all the duellist seemed to care about was Severus. Guiltily he realised he had most likely interrupted Jurriaan's own training routine.

"How bad is it and who do I need to throw into a river?"

"Don't be ridiculous," he murmured, but could not help a small smile creeping on his face.

Jurriaan watched him pacing another moment, eyebrows raised, "Okay, no more coffee for you. I'll make tea - You might want to stop wearing the floor out."

"Not really."

He listened to Jurriaan rummaging in the kitchen, wondering since when the older man was so familiar in his home…

"Want to sit down?" The question pulled him out of his wheeling thoughts, looking over where Jurriaan stood with two steaming mugs.

"Not particularly," he answered honestly, still not sure how to explain the figurative train-wreck to him.

"I am worried," Jurriaan stated softly.


Jurriaan started to make a dismissive gesture with his hand, almost spilling tea all over the floor, "Never mind me," he muttered while placing the mugs on the table, "Tell me what's wrong - or at least how I can help."

Severus looked at him a long moment, old instincts remind him how trusting people would only get him hurt. He shoved that aside and the letter at Jurriaan, which took more effort than he was willing to admit, "Read it. Please."

He didn't ask why, merely smoothed out the abused piece of paper, noting how similar the handwriting looked to Severus' neat script.

My dear Severus,

I don't even know how to start this letter. So much time has passed since I last saw You, since I last talked to You.

There is so much I want to say. I love you. I miss you, terribly so.

After our fight, you never replied to my letters anymore and I understand why. I was not the mother You deserved, that You needed and I am sorry, Severus.

I am so very sorry. I am sorry that I was too weak to protect You.

During the war, I didn't want to endanger you with letters coming from me, but please believe me, there was not a day I did not think about you.

You are a teacher at Sylvan Academy now and I could not be prouder of you. I have always been proud of you.

I would really like to see you, please. Even if it's just for a few minutes. Currently I am at the clinic at Cokeworth, receiving treatment. The physician is not confident that I'll recover.

Please, I want to see my son before I have to go.

With love, hoping to see You soon,


Jurriaan looked up at Severus, still doing his best to wear holes into the floor. 'Hey, it's mom, I am dying, let's make up!'-letters probably had that effect. Part of him had a hard time concentrating on Severus' distress, rather than the giddy feeling of 'He trusts me! He really does trust me!'. Calling himself to order, he asked a question that had been on his mind for a whole while, "How bad was it?"

Severus knew very well what Jurriaan asked, "It…" he sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, "My father is a bastard. I had my share of bruises." He hoped that would be enough.

"And your mother?"

That was the question, wasn't it? What had she done, aside from not protecting him from Tobias drunken ravings? She had cared for him, taught him his first magic and how to brew…

"Severus?" Jurriaan asked softly, stepping to him, close enough so he could have hugged him, but just laid a hand on his lower arm.

The potions master didn't reply just yet, still thinking about events long lost and gone. Easier times, but at this point of his life, he had stopped yearn for them like he used to…

"She was… not perfect. But I owe her at least a visit."

"You owe her shit," Jurriaan burst out with a ferocity that took Severus off guard, "She may be your mother, but that doesn't give her any right to mistreat her child. Even if she was just an enabler for your father. You don't owe her anything, Severus. If you want to see her, do it because you want to, not because you feel obligated to."

With his rant finished, he fell silent, only realising then, how patronising he had sounded. He swallowed, his face growing hot with embarrassment.

Luckily for him, Severus was more amused, even a little touched by the protectiveness, than angry, "Is that so?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, not quite smiling.

"I meant… you were… Sorry… I just…" Jurriaan rambled of a little while longer before Severus let him of the hook with a snicker, "For a duellist you sure get flustered easily."

He gave the hand on his arm a soft squeeze, still grinning.

The duellist in question mumbled something about unbelievable and never going to live this down, face still red like an overripe tomato.

"Can you look after Jim? Just the coming weekend, while I -"

"Of course…" he hesitated a moment, before he added, "Whatever you need, Ver."

Severus tried to look annoyed, "Don't you dare to try and settle me with a silly nickname."

There was no heat in his words, which worried Jurriaan more than he cared to admit.

"You don't need to do this to yourself," he pulled the older man a little closer, trying to emphasise his next words, "You do not need to do it alone."

"…What do you propose?"

"I can go with you. - If you want me to. As back-up."

His first instinct was to say no, but the longer he thought about it, the more he warmed to the idea, "I would like that, but the kids…"

"I am sure Charlotte will be thrilled to spent the weekend with them," Jurriaan reasonably optimistic on that one. His sister was working too much lately anyway.

"… Fine."

o ~ O ~ o

"It's not your letter!"

But I need to know what's going on!

"You want to know, dear. That's a difference."

She rolled her eyes at Tom's reprimand. After coming back from game-night the letter from Sev's mom had still set on the mantelpiece.

James was curious, yes, but even more worried. She didn't want her godfather hurting, that was categorically not okay, not at all.

With unfeeling hands, she reached for the envelope, the boring whiteness making it as mundane as things could be.

Reading the address that Eileen T. Snape had scribbled as her own, the paper crinkled in her hands.

Wow, the letter locks bad… did she scrunch it into a ball before sending?

"Your godfather might have while or after reading it."

True… that would mean he read it already.

"And you lost your argument for reading it," he pointed out.

Mulling over that for another moment, she put the letter back, closed again, with a little regret, but mostly with the knowledge that she was doing the right thing. Even though the right thing did not at all satisfy her burning curiosity.

"What are you doing, Corbillat?"

James flinched, even though Severus' voice didn't sound at all accusatory, "I am, well, err… you see…"

He raised an eyebrow at her, only now looking at the letter, "Jim," he was not angry, but the distinctive tinge of disappointment made her stomach turn.

"You didn't hide it!" She realised, how stupid that sounded, the moment the words came out of her mouth. "And I didn't read it," James added hurriedly. A Slytherin mindset if there ever was one, Severus thought in fond exasperation. At nearly eight years, James' curiosity was stronger than ever and now it became apparent, that she had inherit less of Lily's common sense, than he had initially hoped. Or maybe it was just out powered by a streak of recklessness coming from a certain second parent…

"… Did you read it?" she asked tentatively, when he didn't react to her thin excuses.

"Yes, I did." He signed a little, "I'll visit her next Saturday."

She frowned, making herself looking older than she was, "Alone? Can I not go with you?"

"Jurriaan is coming along - I thought you would be spending the day with Faramond, Isa and Charlotte." More a statement than a question, but she is a child and the idea of her in the general vicinity of Tobias Snape made acid rise in his throat.

But James seemed content with the plan, smiling brightly at him, "Okay - Want to know about the campaign we played today?"

o ~ O ~ o

16 April 1988

Samaritan Medical Centre

Cokeworth, England

"How… rustic…?" Jurriaan tried his very best to be nice about it, but the thought of Severus growing up in the grim, run down city made him cringe. He had never been fond of the British Isles, but Cokeworth was a new low altogether. Everything was dirty, neglected and somewhere between 'in dire need of repairs' and 'beyond salvageable'. The hospital - that didn't deserve the title in his eyes - was no better.

"It's a mess and I know it," Severus replied with a strained smile. He had lived in Spinner's end for quite some time, but had stopped setting foot into town proper long before his last fight with his mother. Fast steps carrying him to the reception desk, he addressed the clerk behind the clouded screen, after a brief moment of hesitation as he recognised her, "Good day. I am here to see Eileen Prince."

The woman didn't even look up from her magazine, "Only family is allowed to visit."

Instantly he was ticked off at her dismissive tone, but reigned his temper in, "I am family," he replied coldly.

That got the receptionists attention and her face morphed into a contempt grimace as she recognised him, "Look who is back in town, the ungrateful brat. Always thought you were too good for this place, didn't you? Finally, here to look after your mom?"

Severus gritted his teeth, wondering if he would get away with cursing her.

"We just need her room number," Jurriaan said smoothly, steel in his gaze, "Then we won't occupy any more of your time, ma'am."

"Ma'am?" She glared at Severus again, "My brother didn't raise no fag! Who is that flash harry?"

"None of your business," he replied, near fuming now, "The room, Edith. Or would you prefer that I talk to your superior?"

She glared, but reluctantly answered, "Ward 7. Ask for the room there."

He didn't say goodbye to her.

"So…" Jurriaan followed Severus towards the stairwell, not sure how to voice his thoughts.

"Yes, she is my aunt, if only by name," the potions master explained without prompting, "And yes, she was always like that."

His friend snorted, "I was going to ask if she was always such a bitch, but fair enough."

The comment made Severus chuckle a little, at least until they passed the information board.

- Third floor: Ward 7 - Oncology –

Cancer. Something Magic and Potions could not fix easily or fast. If at all.

Damn, he thought to himself. His mother had never been one to exaggerate, but he had still hoped for something less… hopeless.

It was a sombre climb to the floor. The head nurse of the wad greeted them with a sort of resolute kindness, that had him a little more at ease. After brief introductions she mentioned them to follow her, "Does she know you are coming, Mr. Snape?"

"No," he had not answered her letter, feeling like he needed the possibility to just not go, "It was a spontaneous decision."

That, on the other hand, was an outright lie. He had mulled over what to do and say the past six days.

"Very well," she stopped in front of a white door with a little tag: Room 11 - Snape, E., "Your father is not here at the moment. Visiting hours are until twelve - And don't get her worked up! She needs to rest."

With that she left, presumably for the nurse's room, leaving them alone.

"I'll be here, if you need me," Jurriaan murmured lowly, giving his shoulder a light squeeze and took a step back.

Severus took a deep breath and knocked.

"Come in."

Inside the room was unpersonal and sterile, as expected from a hospital. His mother looked small in the white-sheeted bed.

She had always been a lean, tall woman, but now her arms seemed frail and her delicate, noble face was aged and gaunt. Eileen didn't turn her face fully to him, instead looking out of the lonely window. She had probably expected a nurse, because she asked, "Do you want to take my blood-pressure? Or draw off more blood? It is not that I need it." Her voice was tiered, but her sarcasm biting, making her son smirk ever so slightly.

"Potions based on human blood are illegal, but since you are offering…"


Eileen was not smiling; she was positively beaming at him. She moved to sit up and he didn't miss the pain flickering in her eyes before she could hide it.

"Join me?" she asked tentatively, patting the spot on the comforter next to her, "Please?"

Slowly he moved from his spot by the door, but opted to pull a chair close to her instead of sitting on the bed.

If that bothered his mother, she didn't let it show, "I am so happy that you came! Let me take a look at you! How much you have changed…"

Severus knew the last part to be true. The war had left its traces, some scars and his arm, but the years at Sylvan had done him plenty good. He was no longer deathly pale - even the Van Kirks with their vampire genes got tanned under the harsh sun of New Zealand. His hair was well-groomed and long, tied back into a low ponytail. And a little bit of general self-care did the rest. He did not at all resemble the neglected looking teenager with yellow teeth, oily hair and outright hostile attitude.

Eileen noticed that as well and tears welled up in her black eyes. Not ones of sadness, but elation mixed with deep regret. Seeing her son had flourished away from them, away from her, made her incredible proud. And at the same time, it broke her heart.

Her son allowed her to keep a death-grip on his arm as she cried and cried.

"I am sorry, Sevi!" she finally forced out, "I am so sorry!"

He didn't reply, merely waited until she had pulled herself together, thinking about what to say. Finally, she the tears away with the back of her hand, looking at him with red-trimmed, pleading eyes.

"I know," the next words were out before he could stop them, "But you didn't do anything, but being sorry."

His mother looked like he had back-handed him - and he was painfully familiar with her face expression after a strike, "Sevi…"

But she didn't deny it, it was more truth than lie. Eileen had tried to protect her son from Tobias' ravings, but not once had she used her magic, when she had every right to do so in self-defence. She had not left him.

"Mother… mom" the word sounded foreign on his tongue, "I didn't come to reproach you for the past, truly not. But he will never be part of my life again. If you want to… reconnect with me, you need to understand that."

"He is your father."

"In name only," Severus removed his hand from her grasp, "I am done with him. I don't hate him anymore, that would be a waste of my energy, but I am happy to never see him again in my life."

Eileen signed, sounding bone-weary and tiered, "I see…"

He stood, unable to sit idly anymore, and went to the end of her bed, for her patience chart, "May I?"

"Of course," she allowed him with a week gesture of her hand, laying down again, obviously exhausted.

Severus had a basic understand of medical matters by trade and a lot more due to his work with Charlotte at the Sylvan clinic. As he now read his mother's doctor's reports and lab results, one thought in particular struck him, "What the fuck are you doing here?!"


"Not right now!" he shot back, "You have gastric cancer! Why in Merlin's trice damned name are you not at Saint Mungo's?"

She shuffled, playing with the cuff of her nightgown, "That wouldn't make a difference…"

His eyebrows raised almost on their own accord, "I don't know, mother dear, would you call it a difference if you are healed instead of merely treated?"

"Your father -"

As if summoned by these words, the door was slammed open by Tobias Snape himself.

Severus watched the huge form waltzing into the room, which suddenly seemed much smaller than before and waited for the familiar fear crawl up his spine. It never did. There was unease and annoyance, but to fear.

His father was not as intimidating as he once had been, still broader than him, but distinctively shorter. Compared to other dangers he had faced since he left home, Tobias was on the lower range of the scale. If he even deserved a spot on it.

"What are you doing here?!"

"Visiting my mother," Severus answered levelly - more levelly than had he not seen Jurriaan slip into the room. He was by his side in an instant and glaring at Tobias so menacingly that the old man took a step back.

"Who are you?!"

"Jurriaan Van Kirk," he seemed equally unimpressed, "I would say it's a pleasure, but it's certainly not."

Severus suppressed a chuckle, not wanting to escalate the situation - any more at least, "A friend and colleague of mine."

The watery eyes filled with contempt, "What do you little bastard think, talking like that?! With me!"

He turned to his mother again, ignoring the raging behind him, part of him wondering, what outrageously disrespectful thing he had even said, "If you want, I'll take you to Saint Mungo's now. Or you can stay here."

Eileen was pale and shaky, looking between her son and her furious husband, kept in check by Jurriaan playing demonstratively with his wand, "Sevi…"

"The doctors here can help her far better, you ignorant little brat!"

"A province-hospital with no specialists?" Severus asked back, thoroughly annoyed, "Don't make me laugh!"

"You…" Tobias tried to move around Jurriaan, violent intent radiating from him, but the duellist easily sidestepped him, "I advise you, to not make me incapacitate you, Mr. Snape. Especially since I would love to do it."

"It's your choice, Mom. Do you want to stay here and fade away? Or get some real help?"

"Don't you dare, Eileen! You will not go to those quacks!"

Her eyes were wide and fearful. Then she nodded once.

o ~ O ~ o

Things went rather smoothly after the decision was made (aside from a stunned Tobias Snape in the corner of a hospital room).

Severus went to the magical clinic to organise proper transport for his mother and it was not yet evening when she was set up in a small, but cosy room, already diagnosed and a treatment plan set up.

The head healer appeared capable by the way she informed mother and son about the situation and her plans to help her. She was concerned, since Eileen was in late stage of the disease and treatment was most successful, the earlier it was started.

"We need to see how things go, Mrs Snape," she told her, not unkindly, "But we will do everything to help you."

She was still shaken by the events of the day, but the first potions already started to take effect, bringing colour back to her face and easing her pain.

"Sevi…" She started to speak when he readied himself to leave, "Will you visit me again? Sometime? I… would love to get to know my son."

After a moment of thinking, he gave her a small smile, "That can be arranges. Mom."

Jurriaan waited outside the door, patient like he had been all day, "Ready?"

The potions master looked at him, blond hair in controlled disarray and violet eyes warm, before he surprised himself as he gave his cheek a quick kiss, "Let's go home."

"Sure," Jurriaan muttered, blushing a little and looking at his friend with fondness and then moved to link their arms as they left.

If Severus was happier than flustered about that, it was his own damn business.

o ~ O ~ o

12 April 1988

Ward for internal diseases and removal of foreign body

St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries

London, England

"- then Professor Calder told us about the Guilt of Magic-Hunters and the battle of Saragossa in 1691, that compelled Spain to help establish the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy. I didn't know what "Magic-hunters" were supposed to be, but before I could ask the others asked, if they were really real!" James held onto her godfather's hand, almost skipping as she followed him through the labyrinth of corridors. And talked nineteen to the dozen, sharing what she had learnt in the last week of term. History appeared to be a new favourite and Severus was happy to listen to her enthusiastic rambling.

"All the parents told them the Magic-hunters would come and take them away or eat them, if they didn't hide their magic outside the house! And they didn't know they exist! - Well, existed. Professor Calder says they were finally defeated during World War one."

Severus too, had been told off the magical words' boogieman. Not a goblin, gnome or other creature, but a dangerous man hunting little wizards and witches. A tale for adults to scare their children into behaving. For James, who grew up without such methods of education, it was just another engaging thing to learn about, "Jurriaan told me, they originated from the Spanish… Inquision?"

"Inquisition," he corrected with a smile.

She nodded sombrely, committing the word to memory, "He knows all kinds of stories about them! Did you know he is reaaaally good at story telling?"

"No," Severus answered, smile widening. He was pleased how well his goddaughter got along with Jurriaan, how much she liked him. "But I can imagine him doing well at it," he added and stopped in front of Eileen's room, "Ready?"

James had begged her godfather to take her with him the next time he visit his mother. He had really put his foot down and they had found a compromise: She accompanied him.

He had many talents, but denying his goddaughter something was not one of them.


Severus allowed her to knock and open the door, despite being unsure about James meeting his mother.

"There you are! - Oh," Eileen looked at the young girl at her son's side, "And who might you be?"

She could not help but wonder for a moment, seeing the black hair and eyes shining with intelligence, if she had become a grandmother.

James observed her in turn, seeing the resemblance between her and Severus. The sharp cut face and the same pitch-black hair and eyes... But while she knew her godfather to be strong, his mother appeared broken in a way she could not quite grasp. Her magic seemed to flicker and coil around itself like a hurt creature.

"I am James - But you can call me Jim. Everyone does."

"A pleasure to meet you, Jim," she smiled at the little girl as she came closer, "I am Eileen." Then she looked at her son, questioning.

"Jim is my goddaughter," he explained, "She wanted to meet you."

Severus had expected a lot of awkward silence between himself and his mother, but James had no qualms about question Eileen on everything and nothing. It made the chat easier and Eileen was delighted to spend time with his goddaughter.

Maybe, just maybe, he allowed himself to wonder, she could be… something to James. Not a grandmother, but… A knock interrupted his musings and all three turned, expecting a healer. But…

"Father," Eileen greeted the tall man, not surprised, but not happy either.

James was very interested now. The old man looked a lot like Severus, even more so than his mom, aside from the grey in his hair. And she didn't know that his grandpa was still alive, but Sev seemed as surprised as her.

"Eileen," Trajan Prince greeted her, formal and stiff and his gaze travelled over James and then his grandson, "Hopefully, I am not interrupting."

It didn't sound like an actual question, more like a 'You better not disrespect me' and James did not at all like it.

"What if I say you do?"

Severus almost choke out a laugh, certain that nobody had ever been this sassy towards Lord Prince. Indeed, said Lord didn't seem to know how to reply for a moment, but then a smile curled his thin lips, "I would humbly ask for your forgiveness for my intrusion, Lady Potter."

James still didn't like use of her title, but his words sounded genuine to her, so she smiled.

Her godfather was not as easily swayed, wondering what the old Lord wanted. Not a second would he believe, that it was a coincidence, Trajan visiting Eileen when he was here as well. Quite some time ago Narcissa had relayed to Severus, that his grandfather wanted to meet him. Most curious.

After Trajan introduced himself formerly to James, there was some painfully stiff Smalltalk, until Lord Prince decided to get to the point.

With a sharp look at Severus, he started, "It is actually rather convenient to meet you here by chance, grandson. I have wished to talk with you some time now."

"And what about?" he was not inclined to play nice with the man who had disowned his mother.

"Matters of importance - How about we get a cup of tea at the… cafeteria?"

Something pressing enough to make Lord Prince shallow his pride and behave like a 'commoner' was probably worth listening to. If nothing else, it might be amusing.

"Lead the way - Mom, we'll see you again later?"

"It's alright," Eileen seemed somehow pleased, "I'll be here."

Soon after, they were set up at a table right in a remote corner of the lively clinic cafeteria. Severus had not been comfortable with leaving James in the care of the healers or even his mother, he had actually planned to send her home via floo, but she had other ideas.

"Jim, I can't even guess what Trajan wants yet. You are in the best keeping at home."

She had looked up at him with worried eyes, "But you are here. And I don't want you to be alone!"

In the end, he had allowed her to come with them, now James was colouring in some pictures and had a cup of hot chocolate.

"Muffliato," Severus casted the spell around Trajan and himself, so his goddaughter wouldn't hear a word of it, despite sitting right next to him, "What is it that you wanted to discuss?"

The older man took a sip of his tea, grimaced and pushed the cup away, "In short, matters of the family."

Severus raised an eyebrow at that, since he didn't consider himself part of the Prince-family, but let Trajan continue.

"My oldest son Aurelius died years ago, during a Death Eater attack. And my youngest Veniamin… he chooses the wrong friends. He was serving a short sentence at Azkaban, but during the break-out in '86… he was killed."

"… I am sorry for your loss," it was more of a question then anything else with Severus not at all comfortable giving condolences. But whatever misgivings the old man had, he was mourning for his sons, his grandson was sure of it, because Trajan desperately tried to hide it.

"Thank you…"

He watched James painting for a little while, how concentrated she worked on the feathers of the phoenix, switching between red, orange and yellow.

"A pretty little girl. But you should watch that obstinate tendencies."

Severus glared at him, "I will not be taking parenting advise from you of all people."

"I deserve that, don't I?" Trajan signed and stroke his salt-and-pepper beard, "I never should have abandoned my own daughter. I drove her into the arms of that brute!"

"Took you long enough," Severus drawled, not at all intending to pity the other.

Trajan shoot a very similar glare back, "A tad more respect would be advisable, young man."

"Or what, you'll disown me?" His mother had no rights to her heritage anymore and, by extension, neither had he.

His grandfather suddenly looked exhausted, "I needed years to realise it, I give you that, but I do not want to lose my daughter for good. Or see my house go instinct…" He signed again, "That being established, disowning you is the last thing on my mind."

At that Severus froze, realising what all off this was about. Trajan was widowed and had no heirs, while it was theoretically possible for him to father a child at his age, it was highly unlikely. Eileen was all he had left.

"I don't want your title!"

Trajan grimaced, he had obviously anticipated for a different reaction, "I can't force you, but I had hoped, you would consider the benefits off it."

"There are no benefits," Severus shoot back without even thinking. He was just rid of the shackles called 'Dark Lord' and 'Dumbledore', he had no intentions to take a new one just because it was golden.

"Hear me out, Severus. Please."

He folded his arms, still glaring, but nodded at Trajan to continue.

"I would do more than take you into the family, but name you my heir apparent. With every right and next to now of the duties as I plan to life a long life - It also means financial independence to provide for James."

"I can manage very well without your money."

Trajan nodded, "You do very well for your age, that's true. But it is not the same thing as independence. That being said… I am very aware of a certain law Albus Dumbledore wants to push through the Wizengamot."

Severus instantly knew what he talked about. Dumbledore wanted his goddaughter in his sphere of influence again and for this purpose, he tried to take custody of her. The law Trajan talked about, was meant to weaken the rights and privileges of godparents. Of him.

It was a problem he and Narcissa had yet to solve.

His eyes narrowed at the older man, "What about it?" "James Potter is the Lady of an ancient and most noble house. Not just anyone can adopt her, otherwise, I am positive you would've already done it. But the heir apparent of the noble House of Prince would be a whole new matter entirely."

Lord Trajan almost saw the gears turning in his grandson's head. His tactic was underhanded, even for Slytherin-standards, but the consequences of failing were to dire in his eyes.

"You will name me hair apparent before taking me back into the family."


"You will provide for my mother, even if she stays with him. And pay her medical bills."

"Of course."

"You will not be involved in Jim's life just because she is my goddaughter and you my grandfather. Not before I don't trust you."


"… You will not contest the adoption."

Trajan's eyes went the slightest bit softer at the last demand, "You have my word on it. On everything, if you want to."

Severus looked at James, still content with her activity. The thought of losing her…

"I will think about it," Severus allowed. Meaning he would talk this over with Narcissa. And Corbillat.

Lord Prince smiled, "Of course. I don't ask for anything more."