I don't own Star Wars: The Clone Wars or its characters


Threads of Destiny


I was only six years old, when I first came into the Jedi temple in Coruscant

I was force sensitive and my parents were convinced to let me go to there

When that happened I never saw them again

And yes, I remember it well

Lets just say I was different from everyone else

I was Obi-Wan's padawan during the Clone Wars before the nightmare of reality happened

Also I was the first real friend to Ahsoka Tano, who would one day become my worst enemy

My name is Nadia Aomori

And this is my story...

A fourteen year old girl with black raven coloured hair was sitting down quietly in the temple, her ruby red eyes were closed as she was reaching out in the force.

That's me by the way...

Lets just say I was more of a person with a cheerful high spirit and little bit shy a few times

The door slid open behind her and she allowed herself to smile.

She rose from her spot to look and bow at the newcomer.

"Good morning, Master Yoda..."Nadia said.

"Time it is, young Nadia."Yoda spoke simply.

"Are you certain, Master?"Nadia asked. "I believe I need more time."

Master Yoda shook his head and smiled at the young girl.

"Ready you are, young one."He responded. "Not necessary is the self doubt you feel."

A silent message passed between them as their eyes locked.

Nadia simply nodded as she followed obediently behind the Jedi Master.

"If I am to be a padawan, who shall be my Master?"Nadia asked, brimming with curiosity, but careful not to show it.

The Master smiled once again, easily able to tell the young girl was excited.

"Patience, young one."Yoda reminded. "Find out soon, you will."

Meanwhile in the planet Christophsis...

Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi lead a small Republic clone army against the Separatist droid army.

Then the Separatist droid army were forced to retreat as a ship flew by and landed not far where Anakin and Obi-Wan were.

"Looks like help has arrived."Obi-Wan said. "Our cruiser must be back."

"Which means we'll be able to get our reinforcements."Anakin said.

"Then it looks like our problems are solved."Obi-Wan said. "Fresh troops, new supplies and perhaps they brought my new Padawan with them."

"You really think it's a good idea to bring a Padawan learner into all this?"Anakin asked.

"I spoke to Master Yoda about it, you should put in a request for one."Obi-Wan said. "You'd make a good teacher."

Anakin laughed. "No, thanks."

"Anakin, teaching is a privilege."Obi-Wan said. "And it's part of a Jedi's responsibility to help train the next generation."

"A Padawan would just slow me down."Anakin said with a small smirk and Obi-Wan frowned.

When the cruiser's ramp came down, two younglings walked out the ship.

One was a female torguta and the other was a human girl.

The togruta had orange skin and had markings on either cheek that resembled an arrow pointing towards her high cheek bones. She had lines that arced above her eyes and met in the middle, spiking upwards in a small diamond before meeting and molding into her white and blue lekku. She also had two, moderately sized white diamonds on her forehead a couple inches above her eyes.

The human girl had black raven coloured hair that was loose that went down her back and venetian red coloured eyes with pale skin. She wore a dress with a coral pink shirt with a light oxblood skirt and dark brown boots. Also she had a hot pink choker around her neck and her lightsaber was attached on her waist.

Surprised looks appeared in the two Jedi faces.

"Younglings?"Obi-Wan asked.

Artoo beeped.

"And who are you two supposed to be?"Anakin asked.

"I'm Ahsoka."the torguta said.

"And I'm Nadia, Master Yoda sent us."the human girl said.

"We were told to tell both of you that you must get back to the Jedi Temple immediately."Ahsoka said. "There's an emergency."

"Well, I don't know if you two have noticed, but we're in a bit of an emergency right here."Anakin said.

"Yes, our communications have been a bit unreliable, but we've been calling for help."Obi-Wan said.

"Master Yoda hadn't heard from you so he sent us to deliver the message."Nadia said.

"Oh, great."Anakin muttered. "They don't even know we're in trouble."

"Maybe you can relay a signal through the cruiser that just dropped us off."Ahsoka said.

Afterwards the two Jedi and the two younglings went to the communication sector.

"We're under attack by Separatist warships, but I'll try to make contact with the Jedi Temple for you." the commander said. "Stand by."

Then a hologram of Master Yoda appeared.

"Master Kenobi, glad Ahsoka and Nadia found you, I am." Yoda said.

"Master Yoda, we are trapped here and vastly outnumbered."Obi-Wan stated. "We are in no position to go anywhere or do anything. Our support ships have all been destroyed."

"Send reinforcements to you, we will." Yoda replied, but then the signal became weaker and the hologram started fuzzing.

"Master Yoda? Master Yoda?"Obi-Wan asked.

Then the hologram of Master Yoda disappeared and then the hologram of the commander appeared.

"More enemy ships have just arrived."the Commander said. "We'll get back to you as soon as we can."

Then the hologram vanished.

"Well, I guess we'll have to hold out a little longer."Anakin said.

Nadia noticed the unhappy look on Ahsoka's face.

"My apologies, young ones."Obi-Wan said. "It's time for a proper introduction."

The jedi master took a few steps towards the young girls.

"We're the new Padawan learners, I'm Ahsoka Tano."Ahsoka said.

Nadia gave a sweet smile and bowed at the two Jedi. "And I'm Nadia Aomori."

"I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi, your new master."Obi-Wan said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Master Kenobi."Nadia said sweetly.

"I'm at your service too, Master Kenobi...but I'm afraid I've actually been assigned to Master Skywalker."Ahsoka said pointing to Anakin.

"What? No, no, no."Anakin said in disbelief. "There must be some mistake, his the one who wanted a Padawan."

"No, Master Yoda was very specific."Ahsoka said folding her arms. "I'm assigned to Anakin Skywalker and he is to supervise my Jedi training."

"So I'm basically the one that's been assigned to Obi-Wan to his fellow padawan."Nadia said with a small smile.

"But that doesn't make any sense."Anakin protested.

"We'll have to sort this out later." Obi-Wan said. "It won't be long before those droids figure out a way around our cannons."

"I'll check on Rex in the lookout post."Anakin said.

"You'd better take her with you."Obi-Wan said with a small smile.

Ahsoka smiled and followed Anakin.

Nadia quietly giggled as she and Obi-Wan watched them go.

This should definitely be interesting...

More chapters coming soon ;)

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