Alice and Jasper
Jasper POV
I giggled as I ran after Alice, we were playing tag. I slipped and hit my head on the hard floor, "ah!".
"Jasper!" Alice yelled and look at me as she continued to run.
"Alice!" I screamed as she ran right into the corner of the table. She was bleeding and crying. I stood up and got really dizzy. I shook my head and ran to her, "Daddy!"
I screamed again, louder, "Daddy!" I hugged her close and saw Daddy run down the stairs.
"Jasper, sweetheart, what's wrong" Daddy kneeled down next to us and reached out for Alice, I held her tighter, "it's ok baby, just let me see, I won't hurt her" he wiped my tears and I just noticed I was crying. My cheeks burned, I didn't mean to cry in front of him. I slowly let go of Alice and she hugged Daddy as tight as she could. I wiped my tears as Daddy asked her, "baby girl, can I see your head".
I watched as Alice nodded and looked at me. I grabbed her hand and held it while Daddy looked at it. "Is she ok" I whispered and Daddy smiled at me. I felt better when I saw him smile, "she's okay sweetheart, nothing a Band-Aid won't fix."
I saw Alice relax, Daddy told us about stitches and staples once, and I think she was glad she didn't need them. I squeezed her hand, "I'm sorry Al".
I felt my eyes water and my head hurt more. Daddy pulled me into a hug and hugged both of us close, "its ok baby".
Daddy carried Alice to the bathroom and I followed them, still holding her hand. I watched as he dabbed away the blood with a towel, drenched in water, and he put a pink Band-Aid on it. I smiled as Alice smiled, "I'm glad you're ok, Al"
"Thank you, Jazzy" Alice said, as Daddy kissed the Band-Aid.
My eyes felt heavy, "Daddy, I'm tired, can I go to sleep" I didn't think telling him my head hurt was important, so I didn't say anything.
"Of course, sweetheart" Daddy kissed my forehead. I then walked up the stairs and to my room. I was about to crawl onto my bed, when I heard Daddy yell, "Jasper!"
I heard running and blinked, confusingly, at my open doorway. Daddy ran into my room and picked me up. I whined, the sudden movement hurt my head, "Daddy".
"Jasper, baby, why didn't you tell me you hit your head when I was fixing Alice's cut" Daddy hugged me.
"It only hurts a little" I said, yawning. I laid my head on Daddy's shoulder, looking at his neck, and my eyes slowly started to close.
"Jasper, baby, please keep your eyes open" Daddy begged. I opened my eyes, it was a little harder, but I did it.
"I'm tired, Daddy, I'm sorry, I can't" I whispered, looking into his eyes.
"Can you stay awake, just a little bit, ok baby?" Daddy said, I nodded, tiredly, I watched as he carried me out of my room.
He carried me into his office and laid me on the bed. I watched him grab this and that, till he brought everything to me. "Daddy" I whispered.
"Shhh, don't talk baby, I got you, just stay awake" Daddy said. I nodded and he grabbed a… penlight… I think that's what it's called. Daddy cupped my cheek and turned it on. I closed my eyes tightly, "no, no baby, I need you to open your eyes, please, I'll be quick".
"Promise" I whispered, closing my eyes this hard was hurting my head more, and I couldn't do it for long.
"Promise" Daddy said, I opened my eyes and it took his only a few seconds before the light was gone, "ok, baby, you can sleep now" I fell asleep a few seconds after.
When I woke up, my breath hitched, I started freaking out and there was a noise that kept getting louder and louder. It wasn't what scared me, there was a needle in my arm! It was in me! "Ahhhhhhhhh!" I screamed, I pulled it out, crying harder.
"Jasper!" Daddy yelled, I curled up on the bed and cried. "Shh, baby, it's ok, I'm here, shh I'm here" he closed the heart monitor and took the finger thing off. He picked me up and cradled me to his chest.
"D-Daddy w-why" I cried into his chest.
"I'm sorry Jasper, I didn't know you'd wake up so soon. I'm sorry baby, I know you don't like needles, but sweetheart, you can't take them out yourself, shh, shh I got you" Daddy kissed my head.
I sniffled and wiped my eyes, "ah!" I yelled, my arm's bleeding. "Daddy" I whined.
"It's ok Jazzy, I'll clean it, and put a bandaid on it. All better, ok?" Daddy asked.
I nodded and shoved my arm at him. Daddy kissed my bicep and poured something on a cotton ball, "no! No no no! Daddy! Please no!"
Daddy kissed my head, "shh, it's ok, I'll be fast."
I nodded and closed my eyes tightly, "hurry".
I was about to yell when it burned, but Daddy blew on it before I could. I opened my eyes and smiled, "thank you Daddy".
"You're welcome, Jasper" Daddy said, putting a bandaid on it, "but I want you to stay in this bed and to try and sleep some more"
"Ok Daddy" I yawned, touching my booboo, I gasped.
"Oh baby, it's ok, I stapled it when you were asleep, I didn't hurt you" Daddy said, moving my hand.
"I trust you Daddy, it just scared me" I whispered
"Goodnight baby" Daddy tucked me in.
"Goodnight Daddy"
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