I have officially been sorted into Slytherin on Pottermore :) I took another quiz and found my secondary house is Ravenclaw! That makes sense! Sorry for not updating quickly but I've been busy with my birthday and Sims finally adding toddlers to Sims 4.

Harry and Draco marched to the dungeons and straight to Harry's room without stopping to utter a single word to Remus. When Severus came behind the boys, Remus shot a questioning glance to Severus who just frowned and plopped onto the couch and into Remus' arms.

Severus was unsure how to punish Harry for something like this. He had given Harry time out once and a while when the child would get tired and cranky but this was something different. Once Severus calmed down and the fear he felt when he saw Harry and Draco so high and moving so fast; Severus knew this wasn't Harry or Draco's fault. The probably thought it was okay since Harrison was in charge and had given them the 'all clear'.

That being said, Harry did have to learn to take responsibility for his actions.

Severus was going to have to talk to Harry and Draco in the morning but by now, the boys were probably sleeping. For now, Severus could go and put the fear of merlin into the whole Slytherin house.

Severus had heard rumours of Slytherin's quidditch initiation but he didn't think his snakes would actually break such important rules. This included flying without staff monitoring, breaking curfew and flying higher with a child than the school law permits. Unless there is a Quidditch match or flying lesson, children 10 and younger were not allowed to fly higher than their own head.

Remus rubbed Severus' shoulders and gave his husband a small smirk before he stepped into the Slytherin common room.

The Slytherins were sitting in the common room with grim looks on their faces. They all knew they were in trouble and Severus was going to make sure they learned from this. Severus put on his scariest scowl and smirked to himself when several of his younger students paled and jumped back. Harrison, Duncan and Dave were looking at their feet; it was obvious they were sorry. Harrison looked like he regretted his actions more. But this was probably because he was personally responsible for Harry and Draco.

Severus walked back and forth at the front of the common room. The students watched Severus; the apprehension was growing on their faces with every step Severus took. Severus could hear several students shaking and shifting nervously in their seats.

"I hope you had fun tonight because you will not be having fun for a long time. And whose idea was it to take two five-year-olds up on brooms knowing the law regarding children and brooms," Severus said, his voice was dangerously smooth. When two sixth-year boys squirmed uncomfortably and paled further. Liam Mason and Conner Jetling, Severus stared them in the eyes and watched as they broke eye contacts and stare at their shaking feet.

"They could have been hurt, something could have gone wrong. Mason, Jetling; what would you have done if either my son or his friend had fallen off your brooms and been seriously injured. And the rest of you, breaking curfew and taking food from the kitchen and that is only to name a few of the rules you decided to disregard tonight. I have every right to pull Slytherin from tomorrow's match! But I won't because Slytherin has never forfeited in the history of Hogwarts!" Severus cried seethed, staring his students down and watching as they cringed and tried to avoid eye contact.

"Instead, you will start your punishment after tomorrow's match. You will have detention starting immediately after the match and every day for the rest of the month. You will write a forty inch essay on child safety laws within the magical community and why such laws exist. Now go to bed before I change my mind about allowing you to play tomorrow!" Severus said in a tone that left no room for questions or further discussion from anyone. Severus sat down and started to clear his head.

When the door from Severus' quarters burst open and Remus stumbled into the room, Severus could tell by his husband's expression that something was wrong. Remus' face was wild with worry and he clutched a piece of parchment in his hand. Severus stood up and rushed to Remus' side.

"They've run away!" Remus shoved the paper into Severus' hand and he recognised Harry's writing immediately.

'I'm sorry for being trouble. We were too bad and you will probably send us away.

Love Harry

"Are you sure you want to come with me, Draco?" Harry asked Draco as they walked up the stairs from the dungeons. Harry and Draco had just left Severus' quarters and weren't exactly sure where they were going. Harry knew they had to get food from the Great Hall before they left but after that, Harry still didn't know.

"Yes, I'm coming! Once my dad finds out what I've done, he's going to send me the Azkaban because we broke the law. Azkaban is where the criminals are sent," Draco said, his expression told Harry that Draco was really scared of Azkaban and didn't want to go there. Harry knew a little bit about Azkaban from eavesdropping on Sirius and Remus sometimes and he knew it was a really bad place; worse than the Dursleys even. Harry shook his head and tried not to think about that place.

Harry knew a little bit about Azkaban from eavesdropping on Sirius and Remus sometimes and he knew it was a really bad place; worse than the Dursleys even. Harry shook his head and tried not to think about that place. Harry and Draco turned a corner and ran found themselves face-to-face with Albus Dumbledore. Dumbledore stood in the middle of the hallway wearing blue and green robes and staring at the children in front of him as though he was expecting them.

"Harry, Draco; I'm surprised to see you up so late," Dumbledore said and Harry couldn't help but notice how unsurprised the older man looked.

"We were bad, sir," Harry said, frowning at the ground. Dumbledore smiled widely and put a hand on both children's' shoulders. Both boys yelped in protest when Dumbledore began to guide them back towards Severus' quarters.

"They don't want me anymore; I'm bad!" Harry cried, his lip trembling.

"And I won't leave Harry alone," Draco cried, snatching Harry's hand and giving Dumbledore his best glare. It must not have been all that intimidating because Dumbledore just chuckled and kept guiding the boys back towards the dungeon.

When Dumbledore gave his password to the painting that led to Severus' quarters, the painting swung open to reveal Severus and Remus frantically running towards them. When the two men spotted the missing children, they completely ignored Dumbledore and pulled the children into a bone crushing hug. They were too scared to even consider being mad with the children.

"Harry, if you pull something like this again, I will ground you for a year," Remus muttered, tears pouring down his eyes when his son was safely back in his arms. Harry had probably been gone less than five minutes but he was still more scared than he'd ever been in his entire life.

"You're not angry? You still want me?" Harry asked, his voice trembling.

"Harry, we will always want you. No matter how mad you make us in the future. There is nothing you can do that would make that change," Severus said.

Harry felt his eyes filling with tears and his grip and his fathers and Draco tightened. Harry was happy that his family and Draco were always going to be there for him because Harry couldn't stand the idea of losing any of them. Harry was really sad when he thought they might not want him anymore but now that he knew they would always want him, Harry felt much better.

"Are we still going to the match?" Harry asked and when Severus said yes, Harry felt excited and relieved because he knew they were always going to want him.