"Daddy, are you going to teach me about the witch hunts today?" Harry asked after breakfast at Crouch's. We were staying the whole week because of that Muggle 'incident' to get Harry's mind off of all those horrible things while some of my other Death Eaters tracked them down, tortured them, and murdered them. It got rid of loose ends and it entertained my Death Eaters for a while.

"Not today Harry. Just enjoy your fun time here. I'm sure Crouch would love to play chess with you." He beamed, happy to have something fun to do. It seems he likes Crouch and Bellatrix. I find I quite like it because they are my most loyal followers.

"Can we play now?" He asked Crouch. Crouch looked at me and with a slight nod he said delightfully.

"Happily. Do you know how to play?" He asked as he led Harry out of the room. That left me some essential planning. I have three priorities to deal with. Entertaining my followers, getting rid of Mudbloods, and takeover of the Ministry. Killing Dumbledore would come later, if he dared to stand in my way of conquering Hogwarts and turning it into a Death Eater breeding ground.

"Will you teach me today Daddy?" Harry asked the next day.

"Why don't you play Exploding Snap with Crouch? I'm sure he'd love to play with you." I told Harry as I sat at the desk, writing down ideas. After this week was over I'd have it set for Fudge to be put under the Imperious Curse or ousted from his position as Minister and make way for Abraxas to become Minister and if we were to go with Plan B then I would be stationed at Hogsmeade to distract Dumbledore to prevent him from messing with the trial, like I know he would.

I watched Crouch gladly take Harry out of the room to go play Exploding Snap. Of course if I were to place myself to such tedious work, where would Harry go? I can't just leave him alone at the house, Nagini would be with me. Crabbe and Goyle couldn't do it, they were too stupid to know how to care for a child such as Harry properly. The Malfoys couldn't do it because they'd probably inspect his house to make sure he wasn't a Death Eater. Crouch is already being tormented with his presence. It would be Bellatrix and Rodolphus.

"What about now?" Harry whined the next day. I suppose I'll have to satisfy his curiosity for now.

"The witch hunts weren't nearly as effective as the Muggles thought it was. They didn't kill any professional witches and wizards. At least not those who knew the proper spell and at such times any smart parent would teach their child that spell. Back then those under age knew better than to use magic in the Muggle world. The penalty would be death. Of course it wasn't always by fire that they tried to execute our kind. They would also drown them. Muggles are so heartless that they accused other Muggles of being witches, despite the reason. Perhaps for an insult." Harry frowned.


"Because Muggles are heartless. Even to those who are their own kind. The only sympathy they have is for their direct blood relatives."

"What about wizards?"

"Our kind love and care for all our kind… well those who will let us. The Mudbloods are traitors to us though because Mudbloods are Muggles who have magic. The Muggles invented them to challenge our kind and find more of us." Harry looked like he wanted to cry. … I'm not supposed to be talking about this in detail with him yet.

"Would they hurt me?"

"Sadly yes, but those who would dare to try will face my wrath." This made him giggle. Surely he's imaging something childish. I looked back at my work. "Why don't you go play with Crouch? He loves playing with you."

"Okay Daddy!" He said, running out the room.

"Daddy, will you teach me the spell?" I looked up, intrigued.

"What spell would you be talking about Harry?" I asked.

"The spell that keeps you from burning in a fire?"

"Flame-Freezing Charm." I said automatically. He stared at me with wide eyes. "The Flame-Freezing Charm turns the flame from being harmful into a warm breezy sensation. I can teach you the incantation and the wand movement but I can't guarantee you'll succeed in the casting."