The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches, born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies. The seventh month was July. It was a boy. He had to have been born that month. If that had been all I had to go on then I would have a bunch of infants to choose from. Infants because I was not going to let them grow up and learn anything. Every problem should be nipped in the bud.

That was not all I had to go on. The parents had defied me three times. That means the Potters and the Longbottoms. Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom were pathetic excuses for wizards. Why should I bother with them? The Potters. It just had to be. Even if Mrs. Potter was a filthy little Mudblood. It has been months since I have come to this conclusion. I have been searching and as have my Death Eaters. No luck.

"M-my L-lord?" I sneered and turned around to face the pathetic voice of Peter Pettigrew. He was the most cowardly of my Death Eaters. At least the other cowards hid it better.

"Tell me you found the boy. If you have not then you have five seconds to leave my presence." He looked up at me before yelping and looking at his feet again.

"Yes, my L-lord." I blinked, turning my face expressionless, instead of sneering at the creature.

"Do you bring proof?" I quickly pulled a legilimens on him. He was not lying but I could not, easily, drag it out of his head.

"I am their secret keeper, my Lord."

"Bring me the boy then."

"My Lord?" He squealed. I turned back to the window of the building. I had been invited over to the Malfoys house for Draco's first birthday. I was invited to his birth and Lucius' wedding to Bella's sister, Narcissa. Bella married a different man. His name was Rodolphus Lestrange. In point, every one of my followers were married. And probably had children for future Death Eaters.

"My Lord, why don't you come and enjoy more of the festivities now that you have Peter on the case?" Abraxas said, walking in.

"I do not remember telling you I had 'Peter on the case'. What more is there Abraxas? I gave the child a present. Anything more meaningful and I might as well give him the Dark Mark. I do not wish to have a one year old Death Eater."

"I do not believe my son would be happy about that either." As if I would care if he disliked something I did. He laughed at that and I saw him bow in the window glass.

"You have three days. Leave." Peter got up and Apparated quickly. I turned around and walked with Abraxas back to the party.

"I remember the first time I invited you into my home. We were thirteen."

"The occasion had been something of a week over to your house. If I recall, your parents were displeased with how long we would stay up after dark."

"And it was just like you to simmer them down into calm, even if you did promise our departure to bed an hour later."

"You then proceeded to do the same with Lucius when he was thirteen with his friends." I smirked at him. He smirked back.

"Unlucky for him he didn't have a good friend like you." Friend? We were never friends.

"Yes, he was unfortunate." We reached the room where the party was happening and everyone stopped what they were doing to bow. I acknowledged them and they continued to coo over Draco. Except Bellatrix. She was beaming all the while staring at me. When I looked at her, she turned her head and went right back to being the woman she was raised to. Black would have it no other way. Yes I had got Black on my side, especially quickly after overthrowing Dolohov. I had proceeded to take my rightful place as Slytherin Prince. I was the Heir of Slytherin myself, after all.