A/N: Hello and welcome back everybody I hope that everyone has been enjoying this story so far, anyway I am just going to cover a few basic things before I proceed on with the regularly scheduled chapter, you don't need to read the authors notes at the beginning of the chapter if you don't wish but in the future I may or may not be inclined to add more details for the story in them.

Also, thank you, the Lord of the Pies for beta-ing this chapter and for being a strong support that I rely on, also thank you, readers I do this for you as well.

Lastly, and most importantly I suppose it is time to head on for the reason you actually open this page so enough of my rambling I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own dark souls or RWBY, nor do I own any of their characters, as they belong to their respective owners, Namely Monty Oum, RoosterTeeth, FromSoftware, Namco Bandai Games, and Hidetaka Miyazaki.

Arcstein the Dragonslayer of Remnant
Chapter 4: One's greatest Challenge

P.O.V. Pyrrha Nikos

The way Ornstein fights it's almost as if he?...Yes, I am sure now, it is him, it is almost as if he has had several years beyond what is possible for one who seems so young, almost as if... yes, certainly as if he were forged in the fires of hardship, or as if he carries a burden that seems to have left a great yet terrible weight upon his very soul.

That seems to be the only way to describe it, however, what is most fascinating is the way he moves even with the weight he carries, perhaps it is remorse for something, but what? And why would he purposefully sabotage himself, unless perhaps he seeks forgiveness and believes that his suffering will offer redemption?

Whatever he had done must certainly bear such weight on his soul and conscience maybe...

I feel sorrow for such a broken man, I can only imagine the horrors he must have endured to mark him in such a way.

Regardless he fights with the grace of an acrobat and the agility of one, but if so it would make sense why he would wear light armor, but why carry such heavy weapons then? A question I may have to ask him myself, only if he feels the need to enlighten me as to why.

He strikes with slashes but prefers thrusts from what I can tell with the way he moves, a default stance, and with minute movements, almost memorized perhaps muscle memory, and as to why he charges at such a larger opponent that could make sense with the use of momentum and the practice of such technique, the display of such skill is also remarkable.

I look forward to watching his next match, he fights brilliantly and with a cunningness demonstrated by the use of his opponent's momentum, and the tactical brilliance of exploiting such a weakness. Perhaps he needed to test if his opponent's armor was conductive, which makes sense considering his semblance.

Which now that I think about it, I may need to either replace the materials in my armor or add a layer of insulation. Maybe rubber or a light rubber coating underneath the plating, or perhaps I could instead treat my armor with lightning dust to imbue it with a further resistance to lightning/electric attacks. Perhaps if I have any spare time after all copper is too good of a conductor. It might be about time to change the base materials used in my armor. Because personally, I have no desire to be a living lightning rod.

His reflexes are remarkable as is his sense of spatial awareness, even if he was hit first in the match that isn't even touching upon what incredible endurance he may have to get up from such a heavy blow to the head but it was at that moment something changed from a relaxed stance to the best stance for a roll and counter.

I certainly hope for a chance to fight you Dragonslayer, may luck favor you today. Fight well and hard, I'll look forward to the possible opportunity, for now, I'll need to focus on my upcoming match.

I look forward to my fight with you, however, I cannot lose here not now I-I can't 'the invincible girl' can't afford to be a teenage girl, I've been forced onto a pedestal in the spotlight, it's just so lonely up here.
I need to focus, I have to focus, maybe I can instead insulate my armor after the tournament, after all, losing could very well mean my freedom, perhaps my knight shall come to me. Fight well Dragonslayer, Fight well.

P.O.V. Nicholas Arc

My son stood tall and proud one moment and in the next, he had suddenly dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes

I sure hope my son is alright
...for Havel's sake at least...

I watched as moments later my son rose, standing again and from the looks of things no worse for wear after the previous, not dazed nor dizzied but strong and confident his aura was also in the green.

A proud knight stood in the place where my nervous son was, the stance that was used seemed to change from something imitated to something that was natural and that only came with several years...No, several decades of experience but there was more, his muscles and posture to something more rigid, more solid, more stable.

As he approached his foe lightning arced and danced off his armor as his plume began to flare into a brilliant blaze trailing behind him.

How did you get back up Jaune, after such a monstrous impact which I am sure could have knocked out a fully trained hunter, or huntress if it were to hit them at least especially if it were to hit them in the head, like that...Also, how did his aura already recover, it would normally take at least half to an hour and a half of rest to recover...

hmm...perhaps there is more to your semblance then we had initially thought, what was it that you did to recover so quickly...there is something more that I may have missed initially something more is going on.

Light began to dance around his armor as it shimmered brilliantly radiating power, and promising such fierce potential and agony. Yet he looked calm and his movements were fluid like a dancer, rather than a warrior but just as deadly. There was no whimsy in either combatant's movement nor in their stance as there were points where Jaune...no this warrior only looked like Jaune but this can't be, this can't be my son he seems too cruel in his pursuit, too angry.

His facade fell quickly as his proud knight persona disappeared but it only seemed as if he were hurt and was panicking over something...but what?

Who are you?

the fight continued and he seemed to calm as if he began to practice a routine or an act which he was once again familiar with as if it was sometime after his spar

What's going on Jaune, what is going on?

Jaune what are you thinking?

I swear that I will find out, I promise on my name as an Arc.

P.O.V. Jaune Arc/Ornstein

'Congratulations on winning your match Jaune, but do me a favor and be conscious for your fight next time. Remember I might not always step in it is after all how a student grows'. Ornstein said with an irritated groan, but seemed to relax slightly when he remembered how young I was and added with what I imagined was a sage-like nod 'I suppose you are right in some respects you are young and you seemed distracted, care to elaborate on what had your attention'

"Would both fighters please clear the stage so that we may prepare for the second block fighters?" the announcer stated more than asked to which I then sighed, and left the stage in the center of the arena. After fifteen or so minutes the stage was cleared, cleaned, and repaired.

Soon the next fight would begin as I waited in the locker room it was, then I was approached by the girl in bronze Pyrrha Nikos if I remembered correctly. From what I hear a skilled and capable fighter, she seemed anxious to approach me for some reason it was then I tried to reassure her with a smile only to remember my helmet also covered my mouth and so I nodded reassuringly or as reassuringly as possible with how intimidating I may have looked in my armor.

She walked up to us and asked, "if it's not too impolite for me to ask, why do you carry such a heavy burden?"

I wasn't sure what she meant by that initially whether she meant physically or metaphorically. Ornstein, on the other hand, seemed to figure what she meant more clearly or understood what she was asking.
However, we sighed and took a deep breath before I let Ornstein answer "Physically it is to train, however, the reason I bear such burden is to honor those who were dear to me, these are in memory of my comrades who all fought and fell when I could only do nothing."

Solemnly before he added, "but it is not your concern child, for mine is deeper wounds that took years to heal, and as such this my means to honor them, and as such I know that they would prefer that I don't let the past haunt me, they would have preferred I move on and as such this will be my means to redeem myself and offer tribute to them."

She looked rather sad for a moment but then quickly nodded and gave a hopeful smile and walked off.

The next match began soon...

"Would the fighters Queen Izalith of the burnt Coven, and Leon the Lionheart please enter the ring?" The announcer bellowed
Yet again the bios of both fighters flashed across the screen.

Match start
First match of the Second block

Queen Izallith v.s. Leon the Lionheart

Queen Izalith of the burnt Coven, is a powerful fighter who hails from the lost city of Izalith burnt in a terrible fire one of the few survivors from the fall of Izalith, similarly to the saint of ashes she wears a robe that belonged to the people of the Firekeeper's line.

Bearing the treasures of her home. A mask that is ornately decorated covering the eyes, a ornate choker with a small jewel, a few pieces leather bound around silken robes which leave the shoulders exposed, silver bands around both her arms and legs with carved ivory bracers beneath both and a fine sash of silk along her back tied by her waist looping around just beneath her breasts and over her shoulders, with light plating along the small of her back thin and slender, various coins along her robe near the shoulders, and a bell along her sash.

Lastly, she holds an ornately carved dagger (perhaps a catalyst Ornstein added helpfully) and is well trained in martial combat and when pushed has the great ability to manipulate ('the flames of chaos' if she is to become a threat to either my charge or this realm I will in the end strike harder, and faster, but I will not underestimate her should this come to pass I shall not underestimate her, I refuse to fall and thus I shall not) fire and light which is effective for crowd control or can be finely focused on a single target.

Leon the Lionheart, a lion faunus who has light brown hair, and wears a light jacket with a fur collar and a chain catch/clasp, A navy t-shirt underneath the jacket, and darkly colored leather pants, with several buckles along the leggings and wears boots that match, and a holster/sheath for his weapon along his left leg.

Trained in the art of swordsmanship, and marksmanship from a young age he was taken by a mentor from the age of six and has worked hard for the past eleven years the sword a gift from his mentor who passed away of an illness over a year ago skilled in the arts of acrobatics and has a penchant for dust and its properties. He has spent the last four and a half years going on Grimm extermination, and escort missions while honing the skills of his trade and practice.
A brave man and noble warrior, who has his own following and fan club.

When the match began both fighters showed a sign of respect to a fellow warrior, Leon bowed and kneeled before standing again then got into a stance as Izalith curtsied and nodded then raised her weapon. Leon charged as Izalith dodged and prepared to counter skilled as both fighters were they couldn't manage a hit on their opponent, until the 2:43 mark, as it was Izalith who got a grazing blow on Leon lowering his aura by two percent as his aura flared to life to reduce damage.

The first hit lead to the second and so on as both fighters were getting desperate to deal the next hit before time ran out in the end as the time drew to a close and it looked like Leon would win right at the 0:04 mark Izalith had finished weaving her great storm of fire winning the match by time.

End of Match!

"Winner Queen Izalith of the burnt Coven by time, now if both fighters would clear the ring, and lastly better luck next year." Leon smiled and waved as he bowed then left Izalith returned the bow with another simple curtsy, and a warm smile before leaving.

The announcer once more spoke, "Our next match will be held in fifteen minutes in the meanwhile why don't you enjoy a word from this year's sponsor while we get the ring cleared of any debris, repaired, cleaned and set for the next match."

It was then that another ad for Pumpkin Pete's played. Our attention quickly returned to the locker room with the Nikos girl I smiled and wished her the best for the match she has coming up, she simply smiled and nodded. The fifteen minutes passed quickly as we spoke and then waved her off to her next match after the stage was finally set.

"Would Pyrrha Nikos, and Big Hat violet please approach the ring." The announcer once more bellowed with a light chuckle towards the end, again bios flashed across the screen first was Pyrrha's, then Violets.

Second Match of the second block

Pyrrha Nikos v.s. Big Hat Violet

Pyrrha Nikos three-time reigning champion of the mistral tournament dubbed the invincible girl because every match she fights in she come out without a scratch, a young girl with a heart of gold, a strong compassionate girl who has great ambitions and also has a loyal fan club. Skilled with her spear and shield combo Milo and Akouo her spear able to mecha-shift between two other forms, a thin sword, and a rifle, and dawned in her armor of bronze like the heroes of old and more than just a pretty face. (Possesses large aura pool)

Big Hat violet a powerful sorceress supposedly hailing from the lost city of Vinheim faded from history along the isle of Astora gone just as many of the other cities of legend were, however, she is a prominent and capable fighter who has spent several years studying dust from a young age and it's various applications, with a unique repertoire of skills, and trained in the art of swordsmanship, with a greater proficiency in dust specialization. Also, possesses a semblance which allows her to channel aura into a physical projectile in various forms.

Adorned in ratty robes with minor singe marks and light leather wrappings that are worn, and a large hat for which she is named, it is also noted that she wears a pendant with a crystal of some Ore woven in and wrapped around some of the leather straps, and cloth. Carries around samples of unique plants, roots, and stones/ore. Also seems to wield an ornately decorated dagger Ivory carved ((boarbatusk tusks) perhaps also a catalyst in disguise but still functional), with a rather simple and plain leather sheath along the waist of her right leg, and detailed in intricate carvings along its body. Armor sacrifices protection and decent endurance, in exchange for agility and high mobility. (Small aura pool but seems to fight in a style that capitalizes in high agility with a moderate level of stamina)


Both fighters offer a brief bow and Violet utters a quick and silent prayer, afterward, both fighters take a ready stance. Pyrrha lowering her body while unsheathing her spear and raising her shield her feet wide apart, knees bent, and shoulders level.

Violet unsheathing the dagger from the holster along her right leg, and taking a stance that seems meant for quick moves with the way she stood light with a light spring in her step.

So the fighters were ready and then violet shot herself forward aiming possibly to stagger the champion by simply using surprise, it would have worked if Pyrrha had been any other fighter or if she was any less cautious as she rolled and put some distance between her and violet, as violet struggled to slow down but for some reason having the briefest and barest hint of a vicious smirk on her face as it briefly lit up. Violet then jumped back as she managed to stop only after this was it noticed that Pyrrha had a new accessory.

Near her feet was a chipped glass vial containing dust which for a moment confused her until a blue arrow began to fly towards it, it was then she quickly figured where it would land and kicked/threw the vial into the path of the projectile, afterward, Pyrrha quickly rolled away. When the vial met the projectile it reacted violently causing a premature detonation.

Crack...BooooooooM! rather reminiscent of thunder in a great storm with a flash so brilliant a sensation of warmth I could feel even from here, and the smoke thick as a dense fog/white light.

Moments, later after the smoke had cleared revealing the stage and Violet to have taken quite the beating mostly the stone used for the stage as it was missing rather large chunks and the area around where the explosion went off was darkened and cracked from the sudden wave of incredible temperature.

I hummed quietly in appreciation of such a clever tactic, however, aware of it as I am I don't believe it will work again against Pyrrha in the future.

However, after that the fight wound down as it quickly drew to its conclusion, after all, the plan to use an improvised dust bomb failed so it obviously had repercussions in the way that it had brought her aura down to the point where she could no longer fight safely (into the red).

Time remaining 2:23
End of Match
Winner Pyrrha Nikos
Condition: By depleting her opponents aura/Aura depletion

"Would both fighters please clear the ring?" the announcer once more bellowed both fighters gave a light nod and left then the announcer spoke once more," Alright and that will conclude the preliminaries, now after the events of today we will need to repair the stage and execute a clean up. However, the fighters who will be advancing to the semi-finals are:

The saint of Ashes,

Dragonslayer Ornstein the immortal,

Queen Izalith of the burnt Coven,

and Last but not least our reigning champion...

Miss Pyrrha Nikos 'the invincible girl'

We will resume the tournament after an hour so for now, all are welcome to enjoy the festivities. (Ornstein and) I walked up to Pyrrha and told she fought well.

Afterward, Jaune and I headed off to join the other present arcs as the audience began to clear when we reached them they seemed to have a confused look upon their faces Nicholas was the first to ask the unanswered question.

"So what's up? and why is everyone one looking at me so weirdly?" I asked with genuine confusion.

Ornstein only sighs.

Nicholas breaks the short uncomfortable silence.
With a question that confuses me for a moment before everything seems to clear quickly, "So Jaune, I am going to ask three questions and you best answer honestly. First, why didn't you dodge? Second, how were you still conscious after having taken an aura enforced blow from a gravity, and earth dust reinforced hammer to the head? And lastly, what made you pause like that during the fight? Are you ok?" he said with anger that softened into concern as he continued to press on.

In all honesty, I mustered up all my courage and answered the questions as best as I could in order.

After attempting to answer

My sister Bianca Arc walks up to me and whispers "I know that you're there Ornstein, my handsome knight."

My blood ran cold, and everything stopped, I felt such anger as everything turned red I shouted at 'Bianca'

"You bastard! give her body back now! you traitor, now!"

End of chapter

A/N: Sorry about the length of the chapter from this point onward I will try to get better at writing fight scenes/fights in general also I meant to say that this chapter would wrap up the preliminaries, and lastly I may or may not begin including Omakes in the near future. Also sorry if the quality isn't quite up to par with much of the content of the story I decided because I felt rather restless to try and write at later hours and well it sort of shows.

Anyway I hope that this chapter was worth the wait, I apologize for my pretty butchered English but a tired writer is a bad writer.
R/R and last but truly and most importantly not least...PRAISE THE SUN!

Here is my first attempt at an Omake.

Jaune's Dream...(Dream one)

"Good night everyone" I answered tiredly with great hints of exhaustion in my voice as my head hit the pillow gradually everything seemed to fade.

As my body relaxed a wave of calm finally came over me and thus began my bizarre and somewhat vivid, confusing dream.

I found myself in a chapel of sorts on my left was A huge man with a giant hammer who I recognized Smough my mind added helpfully, on my right was a figure I instantly recognized Ornstein. Then suddenly I was floating watching...ME?! except it wasn't at the same time as it entered except it was twisted by an inky cold dark mass hovering around him? I hesitate to call it that as it stabs Ornstein while giving a twisted and crazed grin.

My lord of sunlight suddenly appears and waves goodbye and whispers "On your bed, I leave a gift, and -" as he walks away a figure is left in his place, my doppelganger.

A moment later other me...turns into a woman, and Ornstein is fine, the woman I couldn't recognize, a moment later a name comes to me Gwyndolin...wait but isn't Gwyndolin a man! Smough is staring at a corner confused muttering confused gibberish.

Suddenly as the false lady walks into Gwynevere's Chamber the true lady walks out smiling and waving as she walks out of the chamber the princess was gone, suddenly the world darkened and shifted as my view was then switched to Ornstein's as the chapel outside the princess's chamber is suddenly gilded as a bell tolls I feel tears roll down my cheek.


As suddenly I am in a dark room with two snakes except someone was speaking and my view switched to the speaker.

"So our lady of sunlight has left Fraampt" Kaathe spoke

"Indeed she has Kaathe" said Fraampt

"We'll need another king then won't we brother indeed" Kaathe said.

"Oh and here come the new candidate brother" Suddenly A red plume enters my vision as my perspective changes to a familiar visor.

"Yes indeed, I shall be your 'new king'" I spoke except my voice was bitter, full of disdain and cynical but also somewhat confident, deep and rich like coffee, or bitter unsweetened chocolate.

The serpents both gave a toothy grin, silently I also thought the best way to silence a serpent and see through their deception is to disarm them. A snakes most dangerous weapons are the venomous fangs and their silver tongues.

A smirk came to my face.

Suddenly I am on a hill hugging my brothers and sisters, begging them not to leave as Ciaran removed my helmet show my medium length, straight dark hair and she pressed her lips to mine as she kissed deeply it was ended shortly when Artorias pulled the two of us apart Ciaran whispered to me, "sorry Ornstein but I love Artorias". Said wolf knight, hugged me and said we are sorry, brother but we as the knights of Gwyn are needed elsewhere, and as such, the winds beckon to us, and the sun guides us.

Suddenly I was on the ground of the chapel and I whispered sorry I guess I messed up huh?
I was briefly in spirit watching as Smough walked towards a downed Ornstein suddenly I was watching as Smough entered into my field of vision as a sense of familiarity came over me this reminds me of Havel.

Suddenly I heard Ornstein's voice whisper to me in the back of my head "why didn't you dodge!?" As a familiar hammer enters my vision...

A moment later I woke with a start, and a pounding headache sigh it was just a nightmare as my vision picked up I was in a ring with an audience cheering me on. In the middle of the ring, I saw the object of my nightmare

Damn it that was the fifth time this week I've had that dream. I thought sullenly

'Hey, Jaune why didn't you dodge? Oh, now I see why you sly dog you want to go back to basics and train more why that seems to be the only reasonable answer as to why?'

Why me? I though hoping this was another dream as time went on and it came to me it wasn't.
