So… This is my first story and I hope you enjoy it! The ending actually came to me in a dream last night, so I decided to write a story about it. Let me know what you think and if I should continue this in a review.

PS: This is sort of a modern turn on HTTYD but my OC Hazel is not Hiccup, he plays a different roll in this story.

Chapter 1

"Useless this! Useless that! Ugh I just want to smash that kid's face into the next week!" Hazel Haddock threw her axe at the same poor tree, each word brought forth a swing of her axe. Her axe was quite odd for a girl to have in the 21st first century, let alone that she had one in general. It was double sided, the blade a shiny black with silver on the tips of each blade. The handle had an intricate design with swirls and dots on each end, and a leather binding in the middle for grip.

Hazel had been quite… different as a kid, not that she remembered anything before she was 12. Her parents told her she was in an accident and lost her memory, but there seemed to be more to the story then what they told her. Other than the fact that her 'parents' look nothing like her, and they have different last names (so she must be adopted), there was also the fact that there were no photos or any record of her before she turned 12… Different, you could say that this was the exact reason she was in the woods brutally assaulting an innocent tree with an axe that shouldn't be in any average 15-year-old girl's hands.

It was your average Monday at an anything but average high school. Berk High was quite the place to be. Other than the weird nicknames everyone gives each other, and the freezing weather, and the odd name for the school that no one could figure out where it came from, and everyone but a select few smart enough to pass the simple courses with ease, it wasn't all that bad.

As every Monday goes, the teens of Berk High roamed the halls complaining about having to go through another week of school, teachers filing in to get ready before class started with their brief cases and coffee mugs, cars pulling into the parking lot blasting the newest hits through the speakers, alerting everyone within 150ft of their presence.

But this Monday was different.

This was the last Monday in February.

That also happened to be in 2016.

Which just so happens to be a certain someone's birthday…

Hazel, a petit 5" teen in a green long sleeved shirt, green skirt, brown vest and belt with fur boots walked through the filled halls of Berk High trying to get to her History 12 class. Although only being in the tenth grade, she seemed to have gotten the hang of history pretty fast for someone who barely remembers anything from her own past. Today was the day Mr. Henderson was going to teach about the Viking era. Being completely honest, Vikings always fascinated Hazel. She didn't know what it was about them that she was so interested about, but whenever she heard about them, she always wanted to know more.

Everything should have been fine that morning, the halls were full, it as her birthday after all, she had a pretty good morning, nothing should have messed up her mood.


Just as she was about to turn to walk into her History class, a hand clamped down over her mouth, another wrapping around her waist, and then she was getting dragged away from the crowd of students. Hazel's eyes widened, and she started struggling to escape the grasp of the person behind her. Sure, she's been beaten up before, usually for her smarts, and sometimes for her sarcasm, but it was usually a direct hit in the gut or face in front of people and then it was over. But she's never experienced something like this.

When she finally managed to get her arms out of the persons hold around her waist, she elbowed said person, and took her chance to jump out of their hold while they released her in favor of nursing the soon to be bruise. Hazel turned around, her eyes widening even more, if possible as she saw the person responsible.


Her cousin.

Scott LeBlanc, also known as public enemy number one in Hazel's book, Was the star football player that every girl fawned over. Although Scott has the same last name as her 'parents', its not the same as hers, so she technically doesn't like to refer to the to of them as official cousins.

Scott smirked as he made a hand motion over Hazel. Said teen turned around to see Rosanna and Timothy come out from under the stair case they were by, completely blocking her way of escape. Ro and Tim were Scott's minions, following him every where he went, doing what he tells them to, no matter if they get in trouble, (Not that they're smart enough to know what's going on half the time.) your average jerks.

Hazel turned back to Scott, a death glare planted on her face to hide the slight hint of fear that she could feel seeping through her. "What do you want Scott?" She snapped. Scott just laughed at the short girl and stepped closer towards her. Hazel backed up self-consciously, only to bump into Ro and Tim. The two each grabbed one of her arms to hold her still. Hazel's brave façade slipped, and the fear showed for just a moment before she put up her walls again. But that little slip was enough for Scott. His grin grew as he stepped closer to her.

"I heard it was my baby cousin's birthday! Couldn't miss out on giving her a special gift for being born on this "special" day!" Scott used finger quotes around the word special, because everyone knew that February 29th was a weird day. Scott stepped closer to her, then stopped about five feet away.

"Think that special gift can hold off until, oh I don't know, never?" Hazel knew what she was getting into, this happened every time. A little banter back and forth, a couple punches thrown, and then they went about their day, Scott as happy as every, and Hazel to tend to a few bruises. However, even she could tell that she won't be leaving this without multiple injuries.

"Haha, cute, you think you can get away from me? Huh?" Scott's voice grew dark before his hand shot out and he grabbed hold of the collar of Hazel's shirt. Hazel gasped, her brave face gone completely with no hope of putting it back up. Scott smirked up at the other two teens holding her arms. "Hey guys, looks like I've got an idiot on the end of my arm!" The two laughed at Scott's joke, before quieting as Hazel spoke up.

"Which end?" Hazel wasn't going down with out a fight. Scott growled and yanked her from the twins, slamming her against the wall. Hazel's vision spun as her head hit the concrete. Scott then pulled back a fist and threw multiple punches at the girl, ignoring her cries of protest, and pain. When Scott pulled back to regain his breath, Hazel took her chance to run. She only made it a few feet away, before Scott grabbed her wrist in a bruising grip and pulled her back to him, stomping on her left ankle to keep her from running. Hazel cried out in pain as her ankle twisted awkwardly. Scott then dropped Hazel, the girl crumpling to the floor, moaning in pain as she curled in on herself. The football player towered over her small form and laughed.

"Oh, so pitiful! Happy birthday cuz, hope you liked your present." Scott sneered as he, Tim and Ro made their way to class. Hazel stayed on the ground until she managed to get up and examine her injuries. Ever since she started to get bullied, she took up an online medical course just for situations like this. Multiple bruises on her stomach, and upper arms from Tim and Ro's grip, a large hand shaped bruise forming on her right wrist, a most definite twisted left ankle, and a bump on the back of her head from hitting the wall. Hazel sighed as she did what she could for her ankle so she could just leave this dreadful place.

Hazel stood up and walked out the side doors of the school, not bothering to check in with the office, they'd most likely notice her injuries, so she opted for walking home instead. It wasn't that far considering that she lived only two blocks away from the school.

When she got home to half ran, half limped to her window. Dropping inside she set her bag down, and not bothering with her injuries, grabbed her axe from under her bed (Her parents didn't know she had one) and jumped back out of the window, being mindful of her twisted ankle., and headed towards the woods to let off some steam.

And here we are, back where we first started as Hazel took another shot at the tree. Why did she have to be so different? First; she forgets everything from her childhood, Second; She has no idea who her real parents are, Third; she was born on the weirdest day you could possibly be born on… really! What could possibly be worse?

"Why do I have to be so-" Hazel cut off at the sound of a twig snapping nearby. Her eyes widened as she tried to yank her axe out of the tree it was currently stuck in. The axe stayed in place and Hazel groaned in annoyance. Great. She's all alone in the depths of the woods, no one knows where she is, and there's something nearby that could possibly kill her. She sighed, and continued trying to pull on the handle of her axe, pushing one foot against the base of the tree. Suddenly her hands slipped and she fell back with a yelp waiting for the impact of the ground, though it never came.

Instead of the unforgiving ground, Hazel found herself being held under her arms a couple inches from the ground by a pair of strong arms. Her breath caught in her throat as she did the only thing that came to her mind.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed! Reviews are awesome and help encourage me to write and know if I'm doing good!