Jim came round half sprawled across the arm of his chair with a very concerned Doctor chattering in his ear. As it turned out, it took only five quiet words for the

mother-henning to abruptly stop,

'I know who they are.'

A silence hung over the Bridge, a stark contrast to the clamour of a few minutes ago. Sweeping his gaze around the room, Jim saw everyone not even trying to

pretend they weren't staring at him.

'What do you mean, kid?' Bones asked softly, in the sort of voice that made it easy to imagine him as a father,

'You said a minute ago you'd never heard of them.' A sudden beeping made the crew collectively jump as contact was made with the Bridge. Uhura flipped some

switches and connected the line.

'Commander Spock to the Bridge.'

Uhura half choked on the breath she took in. Emilia let herself feel some relief- Spock was alive,

'Bridge, are you receiving me?'

Jim pressed a button on the Captain's chair,

'Spock, it's Jim,' he rasped.

The Commander's breathing sounded harsher than usually and slightly pained. Whatever injury he had sustained had to be severe for him to be showing signs of

pain. Doctor McCoy, of course, picked up on the subtle change,

'Spock, what's going on, are you hurt?'

'Doctor, I assure you it is nothing to concern yourself with presently.'

McCoy rolled his eyes and let out a string of choice words under his breath,

'Mr Chekov, get me his vitals.'

'Aye, Sir' Chekov tapped briefly on his console and a display flashed up. You could almost see the headache growing between McCoy's eyes. Just as he opened his

mouth to share some of the aforementioned choice words with the Vulcan, he was interrupted.

'I have had direct contact with the intruders and…I do not recognise the species.' Emilia felt a strange pit open up in her stomach. At the Academy, it was a well-

known fact that Commander Spock was basically a walking Encyclopaedia on all the known species of the Universe. An attack by an unknown species was always

worse-there was no way to predict their next move.

'Spock, tell me what your injuries are right now or I'm gonna kick your hobgoblin ass.' There was brief beat of silence when Emilia wasn't sure if Spock was going to

be stubborn or concede to the Doctor.

'The scaphoid bone in my right wrist is fractured.' He finally confessed. Uhura looked as if she wanted to let a few tears out but was fighting to keep them in. Chekov

said something quietly in Russian. It was Spock himself that spoke again,

'I assure you, I am fine. It is illogical to be concerned for my wellbeing.' There was the faint sound of another voice through the communicator.

'Spock, who's with you?' Jim said, a heart wrenching hopeful look on his face. There was a horrible beat of tension before a hoarse voice crackled over the line,

'It's Scotty, Captain.' Jim seemed to sink into his chair in relief. Apparently unaware of the emotions on the Bridge, Spock pushed on,

'The Starfleet Database will contain any known information about the Lokthan, if we can-'

'Jim knows who they are.' Bones announced, cutting him off. Whilst Bones had looked the expected level of shocked at this revelation, Emilia imagined that Spock's

face remained impassive but perhaps with the slight raising of one slanted eyebrow. Bones turned back to Jim,

'C'mon Jim, talk to me. What do you mean? You told me earlier you didn't know them, Spock doesn't even recognise the species and now suddenly, you know who

they are?'

'I have a…sort of a memory of them. Like I've met them before but can't remember where.' Jim didn't say anything else for a few long moments.

'You wanna elaborate on that?' Jim's face scrunched up (and Bones inwardly cringed at how young it made him look) and he shook his head,

'Well it's not so much a memory…well, it wasn't my memory at least. More of an impression? I don't even know what I'm trying to say.' Bones frowned,

'You sure you don't have a concussion?' Jim swatted away the tricorder that was waved near his head in annoyance,

"I mean, when I did the weird mind connection thing with old Spock, I saw stuff that happened in the other universe, to the other me.' Emilia grasped what was going

on a little slower than she would have liked-Spock knows all the species in the Universe-this Universe. The Lokthan must be from a different one-one she was glad

she wasn't a part of. Bones' eyes went comically wide,

'That can't be healthy to have memories of a life you never even lived? Hell, how is that even possible?' Spock chose this moment to contribute to the conversation,

as the resident expert on such matters,

'It is entirely possible, Doctor, just not highly probable. From what I have heard of the mind meld that occurred between the Captain and Ambassador Spock, it was

not entirely consensual and therefore the Captain was not adequately prepared. As such, some…leakage of memories may have occurred.' McCoy rolled his eyes,

'Leakage'. Ain't that just what you want… ' As usual, the Vulcan entirely missed the sarcasm, or perhaps just ignored it

'Indeed, Doctor, had this 'leakage' not occurred, we would not have the information we now do- information that may help us against the Lokthan.'