Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon our any character related to this manga, anime, etc. I am merely writing a story featuring two of the characters to hopefully get a few laughs.
Chapter 1
It had been a long but noisy flight back to Tokyo. There was a spoiled brat kid that kept screaming on the plain demanding his toys, and another passenger beside him snoring like there was no tomorrow. Kendal was looking forward to nothing more than his warm comfortable bed to sleep off this jet lag.
He had gathered his things from the cabin and began walking to the airport. His plane had landed ten minutes prior and he was ready to put his feet on solid ground. That fifteen hour flight was a killer.
He went through customs getting his passport stamped before finding the exit. His friend, Zachariah agreed to pick him up.
"Mr. Kendal Aimes!"
His tired brain, though very alert, picked up the sound of a very dainty voice. He looked over the crowd seeing a blonde make her way to where he was as she called out his name again waving her hand to him. Did he know her? When she reached him, she gave an exaggerated huff before bowing to him, "I'm Aino Minako."
He bowed to her respectfully. Was she a fan of his work in the film industry?
"I'm here with Zach Pemmington. He has a car ready for us to go in."
He internally sighed. Thank God. He sure was grateful that things were going as he planned for once this year. He was thankful to be out of this crazy ice and snow during the winter. Now that it was all melted, he came back to finish some work before filming here in town once again. The spring surely was the best season for him to do his work.
"So you're some hotshot producer in the movies, huh?"
There goes his peace and quiet. He looked down to her not really desiring to strike up a conversation with this stranger.
She smiled brightly.
She was like a ball of golden sunshine.
He was not liking this right now. Why did Zach bring along someone who was this upbeat when he would have preferred someone somber or quiet. What about that girl Zach was interested in? She was really quiet. Why didn't he bring her instead of Ms. Aino?
"You might be asking yourself why I am here," she commented which made him raise his eyebrow, "Zach was so kind to give me a ride after I had my car taken to the shop today."
Ah made sense. Kendal didn't care much anyhow. He just wanted to go home and get to sleep.
His ice blue eyes noticed the enthusiasm on his friends face as he welcomed him back from the long journey. "Good to see you my friend!"
He nodded his head in acknowledgement as he placed his luggage in the trunk of the car. Zachariah closed the lid and began making his way to the driver side as Kendal sat in the passenger side. He sleepy rested his head back on the car headrest and tried closing his eyes.
"So I heard you are producing a movie about the Sailor Senshi!"
That little dainty voice again...
"Did you start filming it yet?"
He kept his eyes closed as the photographer began driving out of the airport. It was at least thirty minutes before they got close to their destination. Thirty minutes of listening to this girl talking... just his luck.
"Who are going to be casting in this film? What Sailor Senshi are going to be featured? I'm sure you know that there are at least eighteen of them."
Would she just shut up?
Wait...eighteen Sailor Senshi?!
"What do you mean by eighteen?" He asked, his voice deep and very sleepy.
She began listing of all the senshi plus some he never heard of. Was she some sort of super fan? Did she actually know the mysterious but beautiful women warriors?
"They are so cool to watch! Heck, I would be happy to play one of your characters if you need a replacement!"
Did this woman have a mute button?
"Miss Aino?" asked Kendal finally speaking after all her theatrics and enthusiasm. "Please be quiet. I need to rest."
"Oh...sure..." She replied finally silencing herself. He adjusted himself in the seat and let the quiet motion of the car let his mind finally rest...until he heard tapping from long manicured fingernails on her cell phone device.
The stoic man with silver hair frowned in displeasure. Was this woman out to annoy him and continue his insomnia? Seriously? He kept silent trying not to let the sound irk him without much success.
This was going to be a long car ride.
Kendal fell into his bed face first in the down pillow. His eyes were already shut and he was more than ready to sleep. The sun was setting already, which was good. Hopefully his body would not be severely jetlagged from the trip.
His head lifted from the pillow in a snap, and he leaped out of bed. His body was being fueled with adrenaline as he ran to the blind closed window to sneak a peak as to what the cause of that noise was.
He smirked. Perfect.
Instantly, the producer grabbed phone along with a portable camera and raced towards the action like a storm chaser after a tornado. He saw many people running towards their apartment quickly locking the doors behind. He was going in the total opposite of the neighbors. This would be perfect he mentally thought. To have actual footage of the Sailor Senshi battle fighting this thing destroying structures in Tokyo.
This would definitely boost his ratings as a producer! Live action. It couldn't get any better than this!
As he neared the bottom floor to the lobby of his condo, he stopped and waited. His instincts were telling him to wait-
He shielded his face as the front lobby glass shattered into a million shards. The monster, looking very much like a mutant boar began running towards anything that began to move. People barely missed being gored by the monster's tusks.
Women screamed and children cried as they ran to safety. Men quickly shouted trying to get away from harm and succeeding as they escaped to the stairs or elevator. Kendal, on the other hand, remained where he was and continued to film. His crazy director mind began thinking of what else he could use to change the angle of this shot. He carefully put the camera up high in a place it would be safe and capture the entire shot. He then took out his smart phone and changed the settings as he snuck to a different side. He crouched down in a hidden spot and began to video the mess and chaos the monster was making.
He smirked. This was gold! His film would definitely make number one at the box office! Now all he needed were the-
Kendal stared at a second beast as it rounded the corner sniffing the rubble and walls. His ice blue eyes widened as he lowered the phone. His mind began to calculate possible escape routes as he slowly reached to grab his pocket knife. Fighting this thing was not going to be pretty.
The monster screamed as it was replaced with a flash of gold light piercing through its belly that pushed it into the adjacent granite-covered wall.
He saw the shadows of a woman walk into the scene with an orange skirt, her hair of the finest golden hues. Her balance was perfect on the pointed heels giving her small but muscular frame an edge of authority as a warrior against these horrific looking creatures.
He saw her smirk.
"Do you really think messing with people like that is going to get you anywhere you stupid hogs?" she taunted to the creatures as she readjusted herself to attack the duo. As one charged at her, she leaped gracefully and gave it a nasty surprise which proved its demise.
As the senshi turned to finish the other creature, Kendal aimed his video to record the warrior of the planet Venus. She was the subject of his dreams. She plagued his mind more than all the movies he produced combined.
She was the woman he wanted to get to know.
She was the only Sailor Senshi that his movie needed to have a full cast for production.
He watched as this beauty smirked making sure the two hogs turned to dust piles. She dusted off her white gloved hands and turned to leave. The producer stood out of his hiding spot to get a better shot of her as she was making her exit.
Her light blue eyes widened as she caught sight of the man with silver hair. He silently started at her as she stood and watched him in return. He definitely was intrigued by her confidence and pose. Perhaps she would share a few words with him?
He saw her wink and quickly blow him a kiss before running into the night. He began to chase after her on foot, his feet crunching over the shattered glass. He almost slid in the glass under his feet, but stabilized himself. He caught flashes of orange and yellow before it turned a corner down the ways.
"Wait!" he called out trying to catch up.
As he rounded the corner, he found himself in a dead end ally. No one, not even the senshi herself was there to speak to him.
He frowned in displeasure having greatly wanted to interview and speak with the Senshi of Love. Perhaps it was her magic to vanish once a job was complete.
As he returned to the condo, having grabbed his camera, he made a beeline back to his room to review the footage. He watched carefully on his computer screen as he fast forwarded to where she made her appearance. He was elated!
Her entrance began with the beam of light before she walked casually into the scene like a boss. He studied her as she attacked the monsters again with such elegance and poise. That's what he had been looking for in the auditions of Sailor Venus. Yet all the actresses he interviewed came short in one way or another.
To actually see her fight in action and just a few feet away brought great excitement and pleasure.
Now... to find a way to meet her first hand would be another task in itself.
Minako sighed as she leaned against a wall in her apartment. Long ago she had returned to civilian clothing, but her body was shaking at the sight of him.
He was at the scene of the Youma attack, and she didn't realize it till the battle was over. How could he be so sneaky like that? Jay mentioned something about how Kunzite was a slick one in battle. Though very strong, he always calculated his actions to cause the most effective attack to take out the enemy quickly. She also vaguely remembered some training sessions she had with him back during the Silver Millennium. She always remembered him holding her tight to his chest disabling her arm movement to attack, or pinning her to the wall or ground using his body weight to keep her from winning a dual. Though her attacks were strong, his strategies were that much more clever keeping him three steps ahead.
She shook her head as her heart began to pound. She also suspected that there might have been some past history between Venus and Kunzite.
She felt it. When he looked into her eyes, she felt something rise up in her chest and belly that was never there before.
It couldn't be, but perhaps it may have been... Was Kunzite her past lover? What would Kendal think if he found out she was the Senshi from Venus?
Authors note: First chapter! I'm going to try and make this humorous as I go with splashes of romance. I need to hear back from you! 7 reviews promises a chapter in 24 hours. Yes, I will make sure I update the story even though I have a very busy week. If not 7 reviews, then who knows, it could be another 10 years before I update like in the story "Winter" . Hint hint..wink wink...
Also, if you never got to read the story "Winter", please take the time to read that first. The future chapters in this story will make much more sense if you take the time to read it. Seriously. You would have missed ALOT.