The story is back. To be honest my ideas were a little… mixed. To the point that I didn't have an idea what should be better than the other. Anyway enjoy and sorry for a long time of absence!
Chapter 6 : Rip & Tear
It all started with a single act… One shot to start a chain that would soon consume the whole human realm in an wave of death and torment. At first the typical weapons made by the humans could not stand against the beings that started to interfere with their sandbox, but that has soon come to an end. Burning embers of war and progressing industry of the said phenomena caused a happening that carved itself deep within the ranks of the Supernatural.
Oh yes the overconfident self proclaimed masters of the realm soon took a taste of how powerful humans can be… An age where the human race has stopped being the cattle to feast upon.
Behemoths made of steel! Guns which shoot projectiles miles away with an astounding effect in the package and more… That was a clear sign that the technology of man has finally started to make a strong foothold against magic. An act which the Supernatural would never conceive would happen. Except Grigori of course, but who exactly trusts them outside their own inner circle?
(Ypres, Tuesday 13th of July 1917, 1:20 am)
The battlefield of Ypres… The mother of the deadliest inventions deployed by man at these terrible times. Artillery in the beginning was the most efficient way to obliterate the opposition, but it changed with the coming of tanks and most of all… Chemical weapons. 2 years ago in this hellhole the Germans dispersed the chloride against the opposition causing mass casualties. It was a death more painful and cruel than the seemingly more sane ways of taking lives away. Afterwards came the phosgene being a lot more effective than chloride, but the inventions didn't come to an end at that. At this day now a new gas has been deployed… The deadliest of them all… The mustard gas.
Germans which were the most technologically advanced in the conflict had managed to affiliate themselves with the Grigori to further improve their potential and now the new toy released from the artillery guns was soon to fall on British forces located east of Ypres…
British people having support of the devils once more had some toys to play with as well, but not as much deadly as the Germans had.
In the camp the British forces had a rather peaceful night after the violent clashes which did occur hours prior to that. They hoped for rest and time to rethink their strategies… but such an occasion couldn't be passed that easy. Among the group of soldiers an extraordinary young fellow was trying to rest watching the unsettling sky ahead of him. For the humans he was a normal young soldier with a strong presence around him, but for the supernatural he was known as the White Dragon Emperor.
He stood at 6 foot two with a calm collected look. His body was well defined for a man of his age more so adding the fact that he was a soldier. A good soldier must be in a good shape and Ethan couldn't be worse than that. His blonde hair was made short by his favorite barber in London… How much did he wanted to come back there? To his London… Every single man had a wish like that up there. Instead, they were greeted by death and an overwhelming dread that forced them to act cautious every single day and night. Muscles always tensed without a chance to relax. Sleep? Never in such a place... The stench of putrid flesh would let you sleep? That was a typical day on the fields of war for Ethan Pierce… Always fucked up.
Sadly the scale of getting a bad day went off the charts… The whistling sound of an artillery round coming straight near him and his companions. That was always a bad sign…
The explosion came next and by the sight of that deadly orange fog all man scattered in panic to equip their gas masks. Hoping that the filters were still in good shape, or that the guys making them added enough coal this time. Having the masks somehow eased the tension just a little bit for Ethan and the company, but that ended when the fog came in contact with their skin… The screams of being eaten alive by a chemical gas filled the camp like a ravaging wave of terror. Next came the German attack with them having full body protection against their deadliest weapon ever deployed.
On a hill not far from the camp a person was watching the events unfold. Wearing a black trench coat with a hoodie and the infamous skull mask. That was Nero, but he was a lot different. His final trial against Siegfried changed him… For better or worse? Time will tell…
"Another chemical weapon… This one is interesting! It strikes the whole body by coming through skin! Like a living fire burning its victim from the outside and inside out… That is something made by Grigori I bet." Nero commented the sight with curiosity and anticipation
"Look… A special one is struggling against it with amazing tenacity." Sicar commented his spottings looking at Ethan battling the Germans in feral rage
What Sicar spoke of was entirely true… Ethan lost in rage and adrenaline of his last stand grabbed and smashed as many opposing foes as he could. Crushing their heads and bones against the hard ground. With each splattered brain a defying DIVIDE was heard. His body didn't even try to falter… Reinforced by the Heavenly Dragon inside of him only wishing for survival and vengeance for his lost friends. He was picking every single weapon he could use to slaughter the ones that took his friends from him. His Enfield jammed so he used it as a bat to smash their skulls. Or to stab them with the bayonet… It didn't matter that they were already dead… The boy kept stabbing until there was not even a tinge of muscle movement of his foe.
"He's more than interesting Nero. In a span of a moment his body has been dragonified and now he's decimating them in this condition. He won't hold out for long though…" Wraith spoke noticing the fact that this boy is something more than special. A human undergoing instant dragonification without losing his self-conscious or dying at this condition.
"Retreat! Retreat!" German soldiers started to panic and tried to retreat. Entire platoon got smashed by a single soldier. They didn't even manage to escape Ethan's wrath.
After seeing that no more enemies are present the adrenaline that Ethan had faded away and he had hit the ground barely able to move.
"At least I avenged them… Albion I don't have much time left do I?" Ethan spoke in tears to his partner and friend knowing that his life is starting to fade away.
"[Sadly not… You managed to avenge them, but at a terrible price… That fog damaged your body to an insane degree. Even turning most of your organs to dragon ones only served as a pause to the damage…]" Albion replied almost in the same way that Ethan did… The boy was something special to him. Almost like a child of his own… 3 factions had again taken something dear from the Heavenly Dragon
"It looks that I will not even die in peace… I feel the crows coming for me." Ethan spoke in a ragged voice noticing 3 fallen angels descending near him.
"It's over for you White Dragon Emperor. It has been easier than we thought it would be!"
The 3 man group had trenchcoats and masks equipped which somehow made their identity obscured. Only the wings served as means to discern them from normal people.
"Go fuck yourselves you pathetic animals." Ethan spat at them in rage knowing that now he can't lay a finger on them
"It seems we have a feisty one… I wanted to finish you off quick, but now I will enjoy ripping you apart boy!" The group leader spoke and tried to pierce Ethan's leg with a light spear only to see it being shot to pieces
"It seems you are having fun up there you pitiful creatures. It is time to remind you how terrifying, I can be…" Nero spoke approaching the group holding down Calamity with its barrel smoking from the shot earlier
"Who the fuck are you?" The leader spoke in anger trying to pinpoint with who are they dealing with
"Strange… I thought that most of you already knew who's their worst nightmare to come across. I've been absent for 25 years and you already forgot about me? That's cruel…" Nero replied in a darker tone already influenced by Sicar's power.
"I… heard about you… My grandpa told me the stories of a man who had the same mask as you and fought in the Revolutionary War and the Civil War later… That already made you inhuman by the time span this conflicts had… You're the infamous Reaper are you not?" Ethan interjected with a ragged voice recalling the stories of the infamous mercenary that turned the tides of the conflicts in America
The fallen angel group stood mortified recalling the simple rule that was enforced in every faction, if you ever come across the Reaper… Pray that you can run fast enough.
"I knew you were an interesting man… Sorry for not helping earlier, but I'm trying to not influence the human realm to such an extent." Nero replied clasping at the boy's knowledge and now ready to help him the best he can… In other words… A carnage show!
"Well then… Who's first to die?" Nero spoke to the fallen group with a bloodthirsty smirk ready to obliterate them into oblivion
"Don't get cocky!" One of the fallen tried to pierce Nero from the flank… Instead, his body has been chopped in half by a single swing of the Infernal Queen. Not wasting a single moment Nero shot the next one in the head leaving remains of his neck intact. The leader was the only one standing, or rather on his knees pleading for mercy.
"Spare me! I will go away and you will never see me again!"
"Hahaha… Mercy? That's a human's responsibility." Nero replied and turned towards Ethan patiently waiting for the death sentence to come
"Waste the animal!" Ethan replied with a smirk and anticipation towards a show
"With pleasure…" Nero replied and impaled the crow on the Infernal Queen turning a new button on making the blade work as a drill which now was shredding the poor bastard like a cherry pie.
The screams came to an end with his intestines splattered around the ground like confetti. Ending the show Nero lifted the blade upwards cutting him in half and turned towards the dying boy.
"Thanks for the help…" Ethan replied barely holding his self-conscious intact
"No problem mate. What's your name?" Nero asked the boy
"It's Ethan… Yours?" Ethan replied and asked Nero the same question
"Nero. Do you want to live Ethan?" Nero replied asking the boy the most important question as of now
"Is it even possible now…?" Ethan replied with a spat of his blood and a tear in his eye
"I will try my best…" Nero spoke and lifted up the boy that was already unconscious and started to sprint in impossible speeds much surpassing the ones that Devils call the Knight pieces.
(In a forest 5 miles away from Ypres. 10 minutes later.)
"You said that you will help him, but how?" Wraith spoke from the gear curious how Nero intends to save the boy's life
I felt a shroud around here. Siegfried told us about a magical place around here did he not?" Nero replied making Wraith remember about a really special place around these parts of the land…
"In fucking possible… We're going to visit the most desired place for an every man in the world?" Wraith replied in a perverted tone with his blood already dripping away
And that triggered a flashback in the minds of our duo…
(Castle of the Schtauffen, The Abyss)
"Hi Sieg what's up?" Nero spoke to his stepfather curious why did he wanted to speak with him
"Hey Nero, when you go back to the human realm make sure to visit a friend of mine 5 miles away from Ypres in a forest. It's a place hidden behind a magical shroud to make it impossible for normal people to enter…" Sieg replied with a smirk seeing that Nero is hooked up on the subject
"What's the place called?" Nero replied with curiosity of visiting a friend of Sieg himself
"The most desired place for an every man in the world! Town named the Pleasure Paradise!" Siegfried replied with a cheeky tone laughing at the name of the place
"What the fuck?" Nero replied with a question flabbergasted and insufficient comprehension for the absurd shit that Sieg just told him
"Yeah… had the same reaction when I stumbled upon there." Sieg answered back with a laugh recalling his past experiences with that funny place
"Going with the name… Is it a whorehouse?" Nero replied trying to piece up the shit pile together
"Don't insult this place… That's something entire worlds away from a whorehouse! You'll see!" Sieg replied laughing again at Nero's cluelessness
(In the present, The Pleasure Paradise)
The duo entered through the veil… What was behind it confirmed Sieg's words that this place meets more than the eye. Flashing signs at the place giving it a neon like look. A mass of monsters, youkai and even some devils and fallen with a rare angel to the mix. Question was… What exactly is this place?
"Yeah… Sieg was right in regard to this place. I'm already pissed just by standing here… So many 3 faction scum scattering around here. Ethan is my priority so his safety comes first… Afterwards we would purge this shit hole." Nero spat watching the rather lively town with a true mass of oddities
"Calm down. Nero you need to start thinking who you really should cut down. It's strange coming from me, but making a genocide just for a race alone is kind of stupid." Sicar replied in his mind trying to somehow ease the tension.
"[You truly hate the 3 factions. I think we share the same view Black Reaper.]" The White dragon emperor took a chance to comment the discussion calling Nero in a rather new name
"Oh. We have a chance to talk aren't we Albion?" Nero replied slightly surprised to the input of a legendary dragon.
"[I don't recall introducing myself to you. How do you know my name?]" Albion replied in wonder how does he knew his name
"Ddraig told me. I met him and his host in the Revolutionary War... I forgot to ask. Black Reaper? When did people started to call me that? Not like I'm complaining." Nero replied revealing a bit of information and asking about his new name in wonder
"[People started to believe that your death itself. Slaughtering everyone who dares to oppose you covered in a black mist. Not to forget what you did in the Wild West… Is it true that you somehow summoned a black dragon which was more powerful than Great Red?]" Albion replied revealing more interesting facts that resurfaced after Nero's absence in the human realm
"Who knows?" Nero replied in a mystery tone not willing to reveal who Kalameet is. The true apocalypse dragon was not something to be bragged or talked about. Not to mention that Nero's destiny along with Kalameet is to purge the world in darkness. Something which Nero didn't want to do. At least for now…
["I see… You're not willing to spill the beans. I will try my best to keep Ethan alive until you find someone to aid him.] Albion answered back realizing that he will not get anything on the black dragon subject from Nero at all, so he focused on keeping his host alive
"That would be for the best. And if you're willing to know… Let's say that the black dragon you asked me about is the true instrument of the apocalypse created far earlier than the Biblical God." Nero replied with a hint towards Kalameet's origins and went deeper into the town
["Impossible… The true symbol of destruction and apocalypse Kalameet!…"] Albion shouted in fear recalling the stories told ages ago only to the higher dragons at the time
"Colour me impressed. You got that by a single hint!" Nero replied with a sinister tone being impressed at the heavenly dragon's knowledge of the pecking order and added a reminder for Albion to know what weight this information holds.
"Hold that for yourself only Albion… I don't want this information to be leaked yet."
["I will, since you told me the truth… Do you intend to start the true apocalypse Nero?"] Albion replied in wonder knowing that having such a being as an ally brought you devastating possibilities
"No. At least not yet… I want my vengeance against the factions. Obliterating the whole world with it is not of my concerns. It holds out well besides that cancerous spawn which is the factions." Nero replied revealing his true agenda towards the world as of now
With that Nero went deeper into the town searching for the supposed friend of Sieg's and the owner of this… place. Going further in he took notice of a commotion which turned out to be a street fight between a fallen angel which Nero knows too well. Against an Ogre which probably got pissed off about something…
The place was crowded with many people. Goblins, Ogres, Orcs and Youkai. To that end a couple of devils and strangely enough a fucking priest… In a shit hole like this?
"Look Wraith. It's the welp we spared so he could deliver the message to Kokabiel. He changed that's for sure…" Nero spoke in the mindscape reminding Wraith of Regul whom they spared so he can deliver the message. The boy changed from a wimpy middle schooler to a full fledged man. 25 years can do a lot to someone it seems…
"Indeed. He's in a pinch… Should we help him?" Wraith replied noticing Regul's change and the facts laid on the table. If someone as well standing as him was here, then he would know where the owner of this… place was.
"Any last words crow?" Ogre spoke with a rumbling tone preparing to smash Regul's skull onto the pavement.
"Suck my dick you fat piece of shit." Regul replied slashing the Ogre legs with a light sword effectively putting him down and now Regul was on top fully prepared to slash off the beast's throat.
The problem was 4 more came by and they weren't happy about their friend's predicament…
"You crow faggot! What did you do to Kenny!" and they started to scream prepared to smash him with their skull maces.
"Shit... " Regul spoke noticing that he's fucked as of now thinking of anything to end the current ordeal
The commotion stopped when everyone present felt an terrifying spike of killing intent and a figure in a black trench coat with a skull mask coming closer to them
"I suggest you scram before I paint these streets with your guts." Nero spoke with a bloodthirsty smirk ready to shed some blood onto the streets
"You want a fight human boy?" Ogres spoked not feeling what they're dealing with
"Human? It seems your sensory abilities are even smaller than your brains." Nero replied already pissed that these lesser creatures tried to mock him
"Fuck me… It's the Black Reaper!" Regul spoke in shock about seeing a being that still acted as a savior and a nightmare to him
After hearing these 2 words which left Regul's mouth most of the citizens watching the scene started to run in panic for their lives along with the Ogres.
"Good to see you again Regul. It seems you found a better place to live I presume… I thought that Kokabiel would kill you on spot for delivering that information which I passed upon you." Nero replied with a surprised tone watching the people scram away like ants before him. In fact it was a nice feeling for him
"No… Azazel took me in after that and I act as one of his body guards now." Regul replied with a calmer tone feeling no hostility coming from Nero
"Do you know where the owner of this shit hole is? I need medical help." Nero asked pointing at Ethan's body laying on his shoulder
"You mean Lilith?" Regul replied looking at Ethan's pretty bad state
"Lilith?" Nero replied with a question not aware of her
"She's the Queen of Succubus for fuck sake man!" Regul replied with a shocked tone that the Black Reaper himself didn't recall such a beauty at name alone
"OH MY FUCKING DEAD GOD! FUUUCK YES!" and Wraith took a moment to comment the amazing discovery which just happened. Nero just facepalmed and Regul was shocked at the sudden ghastly voice screaming like a madman…
"Lead me to her." Nero replied annoyed at Wraith's perverted nature which most of the time struck a nerve… or two.
"It's guarded by the big ass ogre and neither you or me have a pass to enter… Azazel is there though… So can you promise me that you won't do something bad? He's a different man than Kokabiel." Regul replied explaining who was there and what was guarding it
"Easy. The boy is a priority now… Besides, I wanted to meet a faction leader for my own purposes, as for the guard… He either takes us in or I will open the doors with his corpse alone." Nero replied interested in meeting Azazel and in the same time pumped up to do some damage
Strolling further into the town the team came across a shady dealer offering them some nice weed. Blowing off a joint? Why not!
"Hey hey… You wanna buy some weedie weed?" The Goblin Dealer asked them letting Nero check up his package
"Hmm…" Nero took the supposed 2 grams of weed for a smelling test. His face from a slight smile changed to a dark smirk and he started to chuckle
"Good stuff right?" The goblin asked again and got scared shitless seeing a big gun barrel pointed at his forehead
"Of course... 10% of Weed, 60% of fucking cyanide and the rest I will rather not tell. You choose the wrong person this time you little shit!" Nero replied and blasted off the goblins head like a watermelon across the street wall. Regul stood shocked watching the remains of the Goblins brain gliding down to the ground
"That's what you do with people that want to poison you Regul. Another shitty dealer less!" Nero took a comment to the show telling Regul the best method to deal with a Goblin scammer. They're a plague, but always one less in this rotten world right?
"Actually… That's correct. He tried to poison you with a supposed weed package. You have a rather interesting concept of justice Nero…" Regul replied still processing how fast Nero proceeds to kill off people on a rather dangerous basis and started to walk again towards their destination
In a minute they were at the entrance and the big ass Ogre wasn't pleased to see them.
"Hello you bitch ass lump of meat! Let us pass or I will use your body as a battering ram. The choice is yours to make!" Nero shouted to the colossal ogre giddy to already waste him and be on his way
"How dare you whelp! You want to be crushed?" Bitch Ass Ogre replied in anger at the mockery presented by a smaller creature than him
"Hold him." Nero spoke to Regul and passed Ethan onto him and in the same time lunged at the Ogre with a charge kick while the Abyss Shroud covered him whole, sending the big creature flying like a cannon ball towards the mansion's door. When the Ogre collided with the doors they blasted off like a sand castle leaving the entrance open for the 3 of them to pass.
"Amazing…" Regul spoke in awe at Nero's power. To send a 6 story tall giant flying like a rag doll with a single kick wasn't a common thing to see
"Let's go." Nero replied and Regul nodded following him inside
(Mansion of the Pleasure Paradise, Main hall)
The whole mansion trembled upon impact gathering attention of everyone present thinking it's an all out attack. Sending a 6 story giant like that serves as a good start.
First one to enter was Regul with Ethan's body on his shoulders gathering the attention of all present inside…
"Regul! You really wanted to hit on the chicks didn't you!" Azazel shouted out in a laugh at the uncommon entrance although he straightened himself out seeing the body Regul was carrying
A few seconds next from the smoke Nero emerged releasing some potent amount of his aura to scare anyone inside shitless making Azazel jaw drop along with the residents of the room
"Looks cozy on the inside… Where's Lilith?" Nero spoke not giving a single fuck to the people inside
"You told me you won't gonna do something bad didn't you?" Regul asked away with a scared face recalling the dread he felt that day
"I need to mark my entrance boy. I didn't slaughter anybody here so that's a good start isn't it?" Nero replied with a cheeky smirk noticing Azazel and a Woman looking like a more adult version of Rachel
"Okay… You're the Black Reaper after all…" Regul replied rising a wave of terror in the room
The big ass ogre stood up ready for the next round, but his mistress stopped him just in time…
"Mikey don't even lift a finger against him. You will die the next second you do so."
The woman was something which turned up the stakes in beauty ratings. At least in Wraith's case… Hourglass Figure! Breasts bigger and firmer than Rachel's along with that skin and that face for which most would kill for.
"Good. I was just about to chop him in half." Nero replied with a smirk pulling the Infernal Queen back
"So we meet Reaper… or rather Nero Schtauffen?" Azazel replied gaining Nero's attention
"Yes. I wonder what still holds me sane to not kill you on spot. Where's Kokabiel?" Nero replied with a darker tone leaking absurd amounts of killing intent flooding the room like a wave of death
"He defected the Grigori after Regul delivered the message. Gotta say he turned out pretty paranoid. Who's the injured boy you brought in?" Azazel replied and asked about Ethan noticing his condition
"This generation white dragon emperor which fell victim to the mustard gas. Kokabiel henchman tried to finish him off, but I got them first… He had the will to live so I brought him with me in hope that any of you have means of medical treatment." Nero replied and cooled himself up releasing the tension away. Describing Ethan's state a tinge of empathy could be heard which for Nero himself was a distant feeling after everything that happened in his hectic life
"Mikey take the injured boy to the guest room. The girls will come in afterwards and hopefully fix him up…" Lilith jabbed in and ordered Mikey to take Ethan to a more comfortable place to even try any means of treatment. Nero was reluctant on letting the ogre touch the boy, but he saw that even that bigass beast felt compassion towards the wounded soldier so he let it be
"Thank you Lilith. I'm in your debt…" Nero replied thankful to the queen for her aid towards the boy
"No need. Thanks for visiting me!" Lilith replied with a smile that reassembled that evil smile which Rachel adorned when trying to do something lewd to a maximum degree. The chill towards Nero's and surprisingly Azazel's spine went like a thunder, but he was enjoying it. He had a different objective, so wasting no time Azazel dragged Nero away to a balcony for a talk…
(The Mansions Balcony, Present)
"Sorry for dragging you off like this hehe…" Azazel said with that cheeky smile of his trying to break the ice between them
"I don't understand your motives. A man on your position should already be set as an enemy towards me." Nero replied still being cautious towards Azazel who in his eyes reached the level of absurd by even trying to play friendly with him
"I know. The point is I want to make the true peace between the factions from the very beginning. Kokabiel who had a strong military force threw a peg towards me tho… Even when I'm known as the Governor I still can't rule everything in my sandbox." Azazel replied showing a rather sincere side towards his life goal as a leader that basically opposes the official view on the case and continued
"Even the case of Bibury… No one knew the truth until you forced Regul to deliver the message. From our standing Kokabiel purged your hometown with an objective of eliminating stray fallen angels… He left after that meeting and never came back."
"I see… On my side the Agares family. That bitch used incinerate anthem to burn children and innocent townsfolk alive. A carriage full of children like I was got burned alive in holy fire. Oh the irony… Yet she was proud of herself. How much pleasure I had when she broke like a twig!" Nero shared his view on the beginning of his bloody work turning a strong emphasis how he enjoyed ripping the child killer apart.
"Hmm… What about Grayfia?" Azazel asked curious about the reason he fought her in the first place also taking notice that the Reaper enjoyed his own type of justice
"That was a funny one. When I sent Regul off, I wanted to take some rest in a forest nearby the fighting zone, so I went there and en route she ambushed me with an ice spike straight to my guts and started to brag how she will avenge the Agares family… You probably know the rest." Nero replied with a chuckle at the sudden ambush and in the end with a darker shade recalling how Grayfia thought that Agares were saint and dandy
"I always knew that you don't just act on pure urge of vengeance alone… If it means anything I'm sorry for your loss. At least Siegfried does well as a stepfather does he not?" Azazel replied with sincerity and the Siegfried part turned up some wheels at Nero's own thinking
"Hmm… He told me that he indeed met you after the whole ordeal. At least from the time that he had enough strength left to resist the seal and explore the world a bit." Nero replied visibly turning friendlier towards Azazel, but still holding his own dose of caution
"Yes it was a funny meeting… The bastard has an insane tenacity to alcohol…" Azazel recalled the times with Sieg and the pointer towards his fondness to good alcohol
"I'm the same case. We couldn't set the contest since all the booze went out…" Nero also recalled his own funny times with Sieg
"Do you want a drink then?" Azazel asked with a grin showing up a nice whisky bottle which basically screamed drink me alive
"I don't know. It's an oddity that I'm even talking with you on such a friendly level… Wraith decide what we should do…" Nero answered back and the damnation gear came to life gaining a gasp of shock from Azazel due to his sacred gear mania
"Sacred Gear!" Azazel shouted in awe like a child seeing his favorite toy
"You're wrong. It's called Damnation Gear and it was created by the true creator. It has absolutely not a tinge of sacred to it... " Nero replied correcting Azazel what he was seeing now in the same time Wraith materialized in his skull armor
"Oh shit! Who are you?" Azazel spoke flabbergasted seeing Wraith's form and the fact that he far exceeded means of Astral Projection, if his hunch was right Wraith can possibly fight to a truly remarkable extent
"The first dark wraith of the Abyss. Call me Wraith… To your question Nero, I think we can try it out… I'm bit of sore as well and I never say no to a good booze."
"Well then bring it!" Nero summarized the choices and took what every sore man after a journey would take
The trio started a drinking contest at the balcony, but the owner of the Paradise had more problems on her head right now…
(Mansion of the Pleasure Paradise, Guest Room)
Lilith entered the room where the boy which Nero brought was located. His condition was more than critical and she needed to coordinate her efforts to somehow safe the boy.
More than a half of the Mansion stuff gathered in the small room and started to partake every possible healing method they knew to elevate Ethan's chances. The best was magic since it worked well with his partially dragonified body. The medical team has been split into 2 teams. First one would keep Ethan stabilized and the second one would do anything they can to mitigate the massive internal damage the boy sustained. One thing was certain… Humans are the true monsters in case of creating weaponry. In a span of 4 hours Ethan has been somehow saved. To the efforts of twenty people present in the room… He would need to rest for sure, but a bigger problem was still present. He would have a lot bigger lifespan than a typical human being, but his stomach which was damaged the most would be a problem in his later life. He would live for long, but it was certain that his natural death will be the most painful a man can get.
"We made it!" Lilith cheered and soon the whole group followed with glee that they managed to pull off a miracle
"Yes mistress we did!" The first team consisting of entirely succubi cheered to their efforts
"It's a pure miracle that we actually made it…" The leader of the second team replied. Still having disbelief that such feat was even possible at the terrible state their patient was in. The second team was a mix of races. Youkai, Succubi and strangely a human doctor which was captured when he was on a walk at the forest
"Okay everyone head over to everywhere you want to get some rest. The boy should wake up in a few hours." Lilith said and everyone was ready to leave a room when they felt a dragonic aura spike which made them turn to the boy again. Everyone was staring at him with shock evident that he's already awake and kicking. That boy was something else entirely…
"It's impossible to sleep when you're so fucking loud… So he kept his promise it seems. Black Reaper is truly a person that defies fate. Although I'm most thankful to everyone present here for saving my sorry ass." Ethan spoke with a solemn tone noticing that he's still alive which he thought was an empty promise to ease his last moments. Afterwards he offered his thanks to the medical team for saving his life and stood up from the bed and onto his legs acting like he just woke up after a busy day
"How can this be? You were on the brink of death and suddenly you're up like you had nothing done against you… What in the world are you boy? Even with your organs dragonified it still doesn't even cover up that absurd recovery rate you just showed up?" The Doctor asked out with his mouth agape and his voice clearly covered with shock and inability to comprehend what did he just saw
"Hmm, because you saved me I'll tell you. Imagine a typical human taking vitamins or eating anything healthy… A normal human body never uses every single nutriment to the fullest and some of them are expelled back, while my body uses 100% of everything I take inside of me. That's why I regenerated so fast and suffered this much damage due to the mustard gas. It's a double edged sword." Ethan replied watching the group from a state of shock enter a new state of interest trying to comprehend everything that Ethan had said
"Hilarious that a human can be so interesting eh?" Ethan replied to the gathering around him cackling like a jester seeing their dumbfounded expressions was a fantastic mood boost for him
"I see you enjoy being a jester boy… You are aware how you pay off a debt to a succubus?" Lilith replied with a dirty smile already seeing Ethan pale at the thought
"Ehh… Fuck?" Ethan replied dumbfounded and with his favorite word which he uses the most he had sealed his fate…
"That's right. We will fuck you so hard that you won't be able to walk! The girls will be really happy for your service, while I head out for the main prize of this whole ordeal!" Lilith replied with a beaming smile seeing Ethan's face turning into many shades of red and left the room leaving him at the mercy of ten Succubi beaming with lust for some semen especially a dragon one…
(Mansion Balcony, 4 bottles of whisky later)
"You're insane Nero! How in the world are you still standing…" Azazel blurted out in a drunken haze watching the Reaper standing in front of him with a smirk and clearly unaffected from the amount of alcohol he took upon himself
"I like to drink a lot, and due to that my body became a lot more resistant to alcohol, simple as that Azazel." Nero replied maintaining the cheeky smirk of his while watching a faction leader in a state of drought which was amusing to say the least
"Now since you hoped it will be easier to persuade me when we would drink a lot and now you've got that wrong! I consider your standing, but to be honest I couldn't even give a less than a fuck about your motives or your course of action. Sarmin and this... is your responsibility and for your insufficient balls as the leader of the Fallen Angels you ended up in this state." Nero spoke seeing Azazel getting a serious yet stressed face he continued the bash
"You could ask your other Cadre to assist you in bringing Kokabiel in line. Even with the portion of the military on his side a combined force of the Cadre would bring him down on his knees instantly. Your doubt and stupid belief that he would change turned you up to this! I will not be hostile towards you considering your relation with my father, but know this… You will always be an excuse of a leader in my eyes and don't even hope that my standing towards you will change fast… Good luck in your ordeals Azazel." and left to the mansion interior leaving Azazel alone in his thoughts
"That was cruel, but you're right… Time to clean up the shit I put on then!" Azazel said to himself feeling the harsh truth hitting him like a train. Grigori will be safe for now, but the fact still remains. Reaper will not stop his crusade and the Supernatural world will be soon drenched in blood
(Mansion interior, 5 minutes later)
Nero was out to explore the mansion interior, on his way around the halls he could hear the moans and screams of pleasure coming from the room that Ethan's supposed to be. That could only signify what devious plan Lilith had in store for himself…
"Nero can I materialize please? I will storm that place like a typhoon!" Wraith yelled out in his perverted glee while Nero was focused on an entire different thing and was conversing about the said thing with Sicarius effectively muting Wraith's pleas of having some sex fun
"Do you feel it too Nero?" Sicar spoke in the mindscape taking notice about a strange godly aura few miles away from the mansion
"Yes I do… It's draconic and immensely strong, also I can feel a few more devil signatures which are at least ultimate class. I can't resist the temptation Sicar…" Nero acknowledged the feeling of his vengeful partner and it draws the attention of the most dangerous one of the spirits residing in Nero
"So… that thing has finally come to visit us." Inferno spoke in an amused voice already on track with what are the party's gonna deal with
"As usual you're on a hunch don't you Inferno. Putting the puzzle together with what you said I can clearly say it's Ophis. The question still stands… What's her game?" Nero replied with a chuckle and sorted out the puzzle together recalling how Kalameet described one of the dragon gods. Inferno put a strong emphasis to that thing so it was a clear guess
"As always up on track and vigilant… That's what I like to hear when I decide to speak to my true destined host. You take everything you can get to attain your purpose and that immeasurable hatred that outclasses my own. You still remember for what reason I decided to fuse with your body don't you?" Inferno replied in a serious tone regarding his opinion on Nero and touching a really important subject which had come to fruition on the Abyss Plane…
(Flashback, Inferno Cavern, The time of trial)
The final chapter of Nero's preparations has been accomplished. Hours, Days, Months and Years of constant struggle against the First Darklord had changed the new lord into a whole different being. His body reached the absolute limit of what it can dish out without the complete damnation gear and Siegfried decided that it is time to give Nero his last gift to finish up his final trial. Even without it the boy had such insane capabilities that without Inferno's help he could start the next Great War without that power, but the consequences of that would draw other factions than the 3 into the fray.
Gods from different pantheons and even Shiva himself… A contest of destruction would start and Nero knew that Shiva is in a whole different caliber than the enemies which would await him in either Angelic, Devil or Fallen side. Kalameet would be solely focused on the others and without Soul Edge the chances of taking Shiva's head would be slim to none. Inferno told him that Shiva wouldn't take his actions of destroying the supernatural world lightly… After all Nero could take the title of the aforementioned god for himself and that would be the ultimate blasphemy delivered to the destruction god. The dragon gods and most importantly Trihexa were already picked by Kalameet to personally obliterate and that didn't leave a single room to question…
"Nero your trial against me is over. Head to the deeper part of the cavern and confront the blade." Siegried spoke and pointed towards the deeper part of the plane they were residing at
"Yes, Thank you for everything Siegfried. You will be always like a father for me…" Nero replied and went towards his destination entering to the deeper part of the cavern cutting himself off from everything around him.
It was a blacked out zone. Similar to what he already faced in his dreamscape, on the middle of that seemingly endless space an altar was located and on it the Soul Edge waiting patiently for him to come closer. Wasting no time Nero came to it and grasped the hilt and so it begun…
(At the boundary of the Void)
Nero arrived in an infernal scenario. It was a battlefield burned to ash with skeletons and remains of the warriors scattered around like decorations made by a psycho. On the stacked up pile of bones a throne has been set on which Inferno in his full glory was sitting and beckoning Nero to come closer for their speech. It was all planned out behind the ears of everyone… A commitment made by them both after experiencing each other's hatred and grief for the world. An union unexpected for everyone, and especially the other abyss residents. The time of the true dark lord beckoning was at hand!
"You're finally here Nero… I couldn't wait more to be plain with you! You're the first and last being that will attain the true will of the Abyss plane. I'm the blackened will of the true creator himself and after seeing your struggles and that innate hatred… It was a no brainer as you modern people tend to call it. Come and claim me and my power along with the sword! Plunge this world in darkness and savor the thirst!" Inferno rose from his throne and spoken, ready to fuse with the young lord's body to make him reach unlimited heights in his quest of vengeance
"As you wish Damned one. I shall answer to your pleas and continue my struggle to please your thirst for new souls to torment for eternity, albeit the target list would be small considering the Biblical God soul suffering inside the blade and screaming in eternal torment." Nero replied in twisted glee greatly emphasizing the last part of the most hated being by the whole abyss suffering for eternity. Once he fuses with Inferno not a single creation made by that paltry god will pose a threat to him! A perfect counter for what once happened to Siegfried after realizing his objectives. The faction vermin would be unable to seal him or obliterate him with holy weapons… And so it begun and to the surprise of Nero it didn't hurt at all. It was as something that he long lost had finally come back to his hands.
"Perfect… I can feel like, I'm in home right now…" Inferno took a comment to their fusion speaking in the mindscape and then in the gauntlet.
"I bet you're wondering why your appearance didn't change at all?" and asked a question that already bugged Nero from the very beginning
"Yes… It is strange, I can feel an overwhelming veil of pure unchained abyss power swirling inside of me. It doesn't stop… but as of my physique nothing has changed." Nero replied to the question feeling pure amazement at the almost unlimited power resource obtained by him to attain his goals
"To fully utilize me you would need to let Wraith run rampant. The gauntlet wasn't made for such an unique union. After all, the creator never expected me to fuse with a host. You're an anomaly, a totally unique existence. Later on when you will channel my power your eyes will change first. My feral slit will appear they will become even more dense with blood. Your aura will start to demolish and eat away all living things around you. That is just the start of it… 5 percent at best will create such anomalies if you go further your wings will evolve and you will manifest the Dark Lord armor. Similiar to Siegfried's albeit his Damnation Drive was made to summon it to channel my power. That's why it was so taxing on him… You are far above him now! You will not be taxed because you have me inside of you. You will be able to turn into my perfect form and utilize the sword to the max. Explaining it on shorter terms…" Inferno interjected and explained the most important things that will happen now once they merged and now to further motivate Nero…
"You will be able to freely manipulate the billions of lives consumed by the sword. By merging with me you can use the forbidden magic used by the creator to shape this world, but we are the darkness and we lack the light to balance it… So instead of creation of every living thing, it will be the death of all things that will only differ on the scale of the spell once you unleash it. Living beings, The ecosystem itself, the land… EVERYTHING WILL ROT AND DECAY FOR OUR ENJOYMENT! You can open the Abyss Gate and plunge the realm in darkness. Release the plague of the cursed ones to make the land void of life. Your possibilities are endless at this point… You don't have the Damnation Drive. It is the Last Requiem of my glory that will set every single foe screaming for salvation!"
Nero after hearing the joy of Inferno only followed his route by laughing like a madman on steroids since now the only thing left was to abide their time and wait till the Hindu gods weaken, and the hour of their weakness was coming. Even if they have to wait for a century or more...
(End of Flashback - Mansion Interior)
"It still strikes me deep… The both of you! That's the best surprise you could ever gave me!" Sicar exploded in a ferocious laughter after hearing and recalling the past event which only fueled his vengeful madness
Afterwards Wraith has been summoned to the plane and could roam freely around the castle now. He wanted to do something lewd and it shall be done. At least he will be the scapegoat for Lilith now or so they thought…
"Interesting… I felt that something was far off, but I couldn't find the source. It's really amusing we now have Inferno with us as well. This sick party is going to step up to a level not yet comprehensible for us. Can't wait for that… I shall check up on Ethan and maybe score Succubi or two later, but know... I will slaughter the group that is coming close to the city. I bet you're taking the main dish right Nero?" Wraith spoke out and least to say surprised them all. He was acting like a jester and a perverted fool for most of the time, but in reality he's as twisted as Inferno could be. He the ancient guardian of the Abyss plane is a terror known to the world by a different name and it shall be spoken out today…
"Hahahahaha… Is it the return of the Umbral Specter?" Inferno lashed out with his laughter at once calling Wraith by a title not heard in centuries
"Who knows damned one… Least to say my Sinner's refuse hungers for victims. It hasn't been sated in a tedious span of time, not to mention that until now Nero didn't found any worthy enemies to be butchered by it." Wraith replied with fervor pointing towards his long sword that now has been revealed.
For most of the time it was covered in black mist to hide the name of said weapon and seal it's power. Now it was free to feed and hungry it was... On the whole blade line the runes were carved seeping with pandemonium while the hilt was decorated with a skull that seemingly started to move on its own and now started to speak in a distorted voice
"I can feel the grand feast coming… Don't hesitate Umbral Specter… Slash them! Mutilate them!, Behead them!, Rend their flesh and bones asunder… let their screams sake my thirst!"
"It's settled then. Wraith leave no one left alive… we will hang their bodies or rather the remains of them as a warning to not ever cross this place. It is time we repay Lilith the favor of saving Ethan. I always repay my debts…" Nero summarized the strategic meeting and went on his merry way, whilst Wraith headed out for the hunt of his own. It's never too late to paint the streets in blood!
(Lilith's meeting room, at the same time)
Of course the mistress of this city had her hands full as well. She had some important guests to attend too and now was the time to do so…
It was a hall rather than a room decorated in Victorian style whilst having a somewhat warmer shade to it. In the room Azazel was seated with an unexpected guest of honor… Siegfried himself. Azazel was begging Siegfried to make Nero reconsider his ways, but it's for naught...
"It seems that Nero is rather livid to drown this land in blood. It was to be expected… He managed to fuse with Inferno and that's something I would never imagine happening at all. You better prepare yourself Azazel. Hope you won't have to cross blades with him. I can say this without doubt that he's worlds above me now… He doesn't plan to destroy the world so at least that. I won't ever oppose his ways and I hope you remember that well." Siegfried spoke and deeply clarified that he won't do a batshit against Nero since in secret he's waiting to see the outcome himself and no one will be able to stop it. And of course he's trying to fulfill Siegfried's dream in secret and that's the last thing the old being needed in his immortal life.
"I only hope that you're right… I will fight to make this world peaceful again." Azazel replied somehow certain of Siegfrieds words albeit even Siegfried himself does not know the whole truth in Nero's scheme…
"Of course… It seems that Nero is still full of surprises." Siegfried reassured the Fallen Angel leader and took notice of a strange phenomenon that he didn't feel in centuries
"What do you mean Sieg?" Lilith took chance to speak into the matter at hand curious about the next card drawn by the new dark lord
"He managed to completely release Wraith from the gauntlet… The Umbral Specter is free to roam the realm once more." Siegfried spoke out in a rather grim tone recalling the past of a seemingly funny and perverted individual. The truth of course is a lot darker than expected
"You can't mean… That funny guy that was drinking with me is the same menace that terrorized the world for centuries in the ancient times? The feared slayer that feasted on the souls of his victims to fuel the unknown dark land… The same one that managed to almost kill Uriel and maim Michael?" Azazel interjected and after clasping the facts together reached a revelation of how terrific Wraith truly is… A merciless and a cruel monster which gathers souls without delay for the abyss itself, hiding behind a mask of a perverted fool.
"Yes. This will be interesting to watch…" Siegfried replied to Azazel's outburst with an amused grin waiting patiently for the chain of events to play in
"Each time you come here Sieg bad shit tends to happen. Strangely enough it's every time on my turf…" Lilith spoke in annoyance recalling the first dark lord antics and their old times which the Succubi Queen did enjoy, but had some bad memories in the mix as well.
"Take it easy Lili… It's probably my last time up here. That seal is chaining me down at all times, unless I'm in the abyss." Siegfried interjected Lilith's rant with a sadder tone reminding her that it's the last time he will be able to visit her
"I hoped for a drink old pal… It seems you don't have much time up here. Do you know what we can expect from Nero from now on?" Azazel jabbed in distress that he won't drink with Siegfried again and afterwards threw a question that will eat way at him for the rest of his life
"To be honest with you… It's a complete unknown to me now. He managed to do something that shouldn't happen at all. Now it feels like he opposed fate itself… With this he will be able to utilize each gear stage to a completely new level. I couldn't release Wraith or the others inside of it nor use their true weapons. He's a different case now, and he will come to a point when he won't be able to find a strong opponent unless he throws the world to its knees to bail out the Hindu gods." Siegfried replied towards it pointing out that even he couldn't foresee the future of Nero's actions and could only point out the oddities that resurfaced just now
As the meeting took place, Wraith was getting closer to his destination and his blood started to boil for sacrifices. They shall be made…
(The Pleasure Paradise, East District, Wraith's POV)
"At last I was getting closer towards my adversaries… How much time has passed since things ended up for a sharp turn I wonder... A Millenia?, A Decade? I already lost the feeling of time the only thing resurfacing in my mind are curses thrown upon myself. The final screams of those destined to be put down by my sword." I thought as I crossed the streets ahead of me. They reminded me of New Londo the ancient city at it's true prime which later turned into a graveyard…
As I was starting to increase my pace, I could already sense their aura's. At least a hundred devils mixed between High and Ultimate Class… It was a strange phenomenon indeed. Most of them died in the Great War and for such a number to suddenly resurface! My comeback couldn't be greater than that. Feeling them being closer than a half mile away, I used my presence concealment and prowled towards the rooftops ahead to greet them properly.
Now as I was properly positioned it was time to strike! I could see their front echelon marching in a steady pace… Their movements, stance and overall presence testified for their ranks in the Devil world, but against an Abyss Demon like me they are up for a ride. It was time to strike the first twenty of them, so I started to condense the evil torrent of the abyss in my right hand and focused it into the air, after imagining sharp stakes they started to form themselves in vast number ready to be hailed upon them. Around myself I caste Pursuit to abolish their backline as the stakes land… Later on, it will be pure bloodshed. Wasting no time I hurled the stakes towards the unprepared devils and hell broke loose…
Stakes landed and the first five of them died on spot. I did hit their vital points and by the speed of the projectiles it was an instant K.O. Wasting no time I dashed from the roof with Sinner's refuse prepared for a spin slash to their right side while Pursuit skulls shot forth towards their magicians… As the projectiles hit most of them were pulverized, while the survivors sustained fatal wounds… Perfect! As I hit the ground and used my momentum the blade went with a screech cutting through the survivors like butter! How long have I missed those sounds of agony! Soon their lives started to flee away and my blade consumed their souls screeching in ecstasy…
"More… Give us more!"
I couldn't be happier to oblige. With few more swings at their shocked frontline it started to crumble away into dust. Their dismembered limbs decorated the streets while the torrents of blood painted it anew… The thrill! More give me more! As the blade digested their souls I could feel that amazing flood of power veil within me… Their leader was charging at me with a war ax in hand! Full plate with a truly strong blood-thirst! Finally, a worthy foe!
As I blocked the strike the sheer force and the momentum of his charge blew me away to the end of the street…
"At last a worthy opponent to crush into submission!" I spoke towards the man with my blood boiling in anticipation as I straightened myself up
"I don't know who or what are you, but you're going down for Lord Rizevim sake. Prepare yourself!" He spoke and lunged into a somersault towards me intent to cleave me in half!
I was prepared now… I cast the resonating blade and as he was inches away, I swinged my blade towards his upper torso releasing a violent torrent of the abyss effectively blowing him away and destroying his chest plate, the energy cut him deep across his lungs with blood gushing away like a condensed stream as he flew away towards a nearby pavement sustaining further environmental damage.
"It's 1:1 unnamed warrior. Entertain me more! Dance till you wither away! I'm the Umbral Specter! Give me your name!" I shouted out as adrenaline coursed through me. This man was interesting! He survived the resonating blade and was starting to stand up…
"Roland Vivaltus. Your name does ring a few bells to me… Your appearance happened thousands of years ago, so right now, I'm facing off against a legend in the flesh?" As he stood up he introduced himself and threw a rather interesting question at me
"You're correct, but that's the end of it. Grasp that weapon of yours and come at me!" I replied in glee, trying to motivate him to come at me so we can dance some more… His wounds even healed up and a strange snake slithered around his hand…
"I wasn't supposed to use this, but consequences be damned!" Roland shouted at me as the snake started to merge with his form and give him a vast boost of power…
I could only chuckle and then it turned out for a maniac's scream…
"So the legendary Ophis is a walking powerbank for you? Hahahaha… Most entertaining! So for being a tool for sacrifice you actually get a reward?" I replied to the man still chuckling… Ophis is an ever bigger idiot than I thought…
"And what makes you think, we shall fulfill our part of the bargain?" Roland replied to me with a grin and started to laugh as well
"But of course… None of you would stand a chance against Great Red, so you deceived her and now you're having fun with her snakes? I just can't stop, but laugh… A being of unimaginable power used as a fucking tool for beings that equal to a cockroach against her?" I replied with further glee and sheer amazement at the unholy amount of stupidity I've been experiencing now
"Of course, we're only starting our alliance and in time it shall shape into an organization to overthrow this foolish play of events! They traded the seats when the biblical god has been obliterated by one of you? The world needs to change and we shall deliver in due time!" Roland replied with passion regarding their play, but he forgot an important factor that will happen today. Those filthy mongrels will be purged today!
"Fool. You shall accomplish nothing, since today most of your precious friends will be slaughtered… If I'm here where's the Black Reaper huh?" I answered back to his foolish testimony and savored the feeling when his eyes went to utter shock after he realized what will happen next
"You will not lay hands on my master… NEVER!" And the fool went into a heated charge against me… Normally I would just bisect him like an insect he is, but sadly Ophis's aura will make that feat a little harder for me.
Afterwards we started to dance! Blow after blow, I've been making progress to stagger the fool, but the power he just obtained made it truly difficult…
"I have you now!" Roland screamed as he tried to bisect me with his ax, performing a frontal leap, looks like it's time to get serious…
I dashed away and started to form my power to unleash something, I've been experimenting on in a while… A memento befitting Vlad the Impaler!
"Do you think you can match the power of Ophis?" Roland asked me looking down at me for retreating, but he shall drown back on his words right now…
"Kazikli Bey!" I shouted as countless stakes blasted from the ground racing against him on autopilot. They are not normal stakes after all!
"Hmph… I can withstand those sticks like their nothing!" Roland charged right in into my trap! Each time he has been stung he suffered massive damage and stake after stake he lost his momentum tripping on his back right into my finisher!
"Die…" I said in hate as the biggest spear, I could muster impaled him from behind setting him as meat for the crows.
"Impossible…" Roland mustered out as he saw his own limbs being infested with Abyss Plague. His skin flaying out like paper, his bones breaking like twigs, the blood spraying out like a geyser from his impalement as the Abyss Aura feasted on Ophis Power his life started to fleet away into dust. A moment later not even a trace of his existence remained…
"Dust to dust as the say! HAHAHAAHA!" I started to laugh in a heap of the moment, enjoying my own handiwork do its job.
The remains of his squad watched in terror as their leader turned into nothing, but dust. They started to run, but you can't outrun the Umbral Specter…
"Host annihilate them! Their men are running from the battlefield! What a shameful display!" Sinner's refuse took a chance to inform Wraith about it's spotting and afterwards throwing a truly devilish remark feeling Wraith's grip on the sword tighten as he dashed away to finish his prey…
On the other side away from the town, Nero has been making progress on reaching to a meeting of fools which he will gladly attend and destroy afterwards…
(A few miles away from the Pleasure Paradise)
"I can already feel it." Nero said out loud as he marched towards the plains and reaching up to a hill to overlook a peculiar meeting he couldn't miss.
"Yes… A super devil, Ophis and a few ultimate classes with power reassembling the past devil kings." Sicar said as he noticed the participants auras nearby
"Asides the Super one and Ophis, rest of them are trash…" Inferno brutally summarized, what should the party expect from the participants of the meeting
"It will still be interesting to eavesdrop I think…" Nero summarized the opinions of his companions and started to close in towards his watching spot…
That would mark it as the cliffhanger. First things first… Sorry for being absent for so long ;( I had college, some life problems to solve and a vast amount of different things added into that, but most importantly a giant writer's block. I added and added more and more to this chapter by literally months… Finally, I managed to pull my foolish ass together and finish it properly! LOLZ1337, jaackrichter, SantoryuSekai thank you guys for actually pushing me up with this ;) I hope that this one can actually repay your rather absurd waiting time. Same to all of the followers of the story ^^ I hope this one doesn't disappoint you, as for the chapter itself… A lot of new stuff added again, with an addition of trying out to do a 1st person POV featuring Wraith and a little something to his backstory (LOLZ1337) That's for you ;) Of course it was only the beginning and more layers of each resident of the abyss storyline will be unveiled in due time! If you have any questions or opinions to share along with criticism feel free to review or just send me a pm ;) See you next time ^^