12 years later - Chloe price now 30 years old was getting ready to close up the parlor she half owned.

Alright Chloe im heading out lock up for me will ya? Mitch her boss asked.

Chloe gave him a thumbs up. No problem see you tomorrow!

After he left Chloe was cleaning her station when her best friend Tasha came over. Hey Chloe i just locked the register and cleaned the counter can i go now? pleaseeee that full back tattoo job i had today was killer.

Chloe chuckled. Alright Tash you can go say hi to your husband asshat for me will ya?

Tasha shook her head. Honestly Chloe its been 12 years will it kill ya to call him by his real name at least once?

Chloe pretend to think for a moment than replied. Yes it would.

Tasha laughed. You never change, anyway Me, Warren and Daniel are going over to see the Caulfields tonight want to come?

Chloe smiled. Around a month after Tasha first started working at the parlor and Kate and Victoria went off for college. Vanessa and Ryan went into adoption, they loved Max and always will but they never saw there baby girl grow up and live so they decided to give it another go but they adopted instead. Fate would have it they adopted Tasha's son without even knowing who he was. Tasha was upset at first but she saw how kind Vanessa and Ryan were and they even agreed Tasha could visit him anytime she wanted to. She was still his Mother after all. Tasha practically cried for joy, she couldn't be his mom but she was being the best damn aunt around, and 4 years ago she and Warren gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Daniel.

Sorry its family night tonight at my place maybe next weekend.

Tasha beamed. Its a date! see ya later!

And with that she left to go home to her family. Chloe smiled as she locked the front door and got into her new pickup truck. I miss my old pile of junk. ...

When Chloe got home she opened the door and yelled. Where are my favorite little gremlins!?

Soon after she heard the pitter patter of little feet running towards her. Daddy!

Chloe bent down and held her arms open as two twin little girls ran into her and hugged them. We missed you daddy!

Chloe laughed. She remembers when she was first called that. Kate and Victoria tried to get them to change that but she didn't mind at all, dad or daddy was just a title and she was strangely proud of it.

Did you two miss me? I asked.

They both nodded. They both looked like exact copies of their mother. Kate. When we first heard we were having twin girls we knew what to name them right away.

Yeah Rachel and i found something cool and couldn't wait to show you!

I beamed. Oh really tell me Max what did you and Rachel find?

Rachel held out an old coin. We were digging and found this neat huh?

I mocked being shocked. Wowsers! thats a really cool coin you two are like pirates now!

They both beamed and shouted. Yay! we're pirates!

Thats when Chloe looked up to see Kate walking in. Welcome home Chloe. She smiled at me with that gorgeous smile.

Chloe stood up and walked over to her, embracing her and giving her a soft kiss. Good to be home.

There moment was ruined when there twins went. Ewwww.

Chloe playfully stuck her tongue out at them. Quiet you two or no ice cream tonight.

They both gasped. No daddy we're sorry! They both said at the exact same time.

Both Chloe and Kate laughed. Good girls now go help mama set up the table for dinner please.

They both nodded. Ok!They both then raced to the kitchen.

Kate kissed Chloe one more time. Missed you.

Chloe stroked Kate's cheek lovingly. I missed you to and Tori, how is she?

Kate smiled. Very good, she went to the doctor today four months along and doing just great.

Chloe smiled. That's great news, so whats for dinner?

Kate led Chloe into the kitchen. Homemade lasagna.

Chloe licked her lips. Mmmmm sounds hella awesome.

When they walked into the kitchen Chloe went over to Victoria who was setting down a plate hugged her from behind and kissed her cheek. Hey Tori.

Victoria smirked. Well welcome home did you miss me?

Chloe answered by kissing her lips quick. Always do.

Victoria's smirk grew and whispered. Maybe you can show me how much tonight.

Chloe laughed. Her hormones are worst than Kate's was. I'll be sure to rock your world. Chloe whispered back.

Kate cleared her throat. Ahem there are children present.

Chloe and Victoria chucked. Sorry you know how Tori gets, anyway lets dig in im starved!...

After dinner and bedtime approached. Chloe was tucking in Max and Rachel. Hey daddy can we see grandma and grandpa Price tomorrow? Max asked.

Chloe smiled a bit. Actually they were visiting tomorrow anyway.

They both cheered. Yay!

Chloe laughed. They do love My mom and David maybe because they spoil the girls rotten. Alright you two, good night and sweet dreams. She kissed there cheeks and they said good night back and cuddled with each other.

They are just to adorable. Chloe thought with a happy smile as she quietly left the room and closed the door...

Chloe entered her bedroom and saw Kate doing papers at her desk. Grading papers? Chloe asked.

Kate nodded. Yup just finished actually i have some very bright artists in my class.

Chloe smiled. well thats good.

Chloe was glad Kate was doing something she loved. She took Jefferson's old position, at first Chloe wasn't sure about it but seeing Kate so happy with her work and with the students she warmed up to it, plus it was the biggest, Fuck you to Jefferson which was a plus. They both got into bed and laid down and heard Victoria come in after her shower..with no towel.

Remember your promise Chloe? Victoria asked with a smirk. Oh and Kate can join in to that would be better.

Chloe chuckled and Kate blushed a bit. Its going to be a long night...

Chloe's Pov- I slowly woke up and looked at the clock. It read. 2:35 a.m. I slowly sat up and looked over and smiled. Kate was hugging my side with Tori hugging Kate from behind her. I slowly and carefully removed Kate's arm and got out of bed. I picked up my boxer shorts from the floor and an oversized and put them on. I quietly left the room, went to check on the twins who were still safe and sound in bed. After that i went to the living room and grabbed my smokes and a lighter from above the fireplace that was next to a photo of me Victoria and Kate on our wedding day. I silently went outside and sat down on the patio chair lit my smoke and took a drag. Then let out a big sigh.

Look at me, Chloe fucking Price happily married to two amazing women with twin girls and another one on the way...fuck were has the time gone? Seems like just yesterday Max saved my life and i met Kate... Max, Rachel, dad. If your up there like Kate always say's you are i just want you three to know that..im happy, im very fucking happy. I miss you all so much and i wish you were still apart of my life but i hope your all still watching over me and my family. I miss and Love all three of you, especially you Max, thank you for giving me a second chance at life i don't know how but i feel like what you did on that day meant alot more than what anyone would have thought. I'll always love you Max and hope i get to see you again someday. After my inner thoughts a small blue butterfly flew towards me and landed right on the middle of my cigarette that was in my hand.

I smiled a bit. Life sure is hella strange.