'Come on, Becky! Let's go!'

This is some of the hardest days of my life. Not only do I have to get back into shape, the sad part is I can't even last 5 minutes. I know in the long run I'll be able to go way longer, but damn this is intense. I've never felt closer to passing out than now.

"Please, Can I take a break? I feel like I'm about to faint."

"Alright, Becky, but you gotta learn to keep up or you'll end up fired." - Sara

That hit me real hard. I don't want to be fired. This was my life long dream, to be able to wrestle in the WWE. I'm already signed, I'm gonna do my best to not get released. I've seen what that can do to people. You can lose your passion for any job quickly when you get fired from it, especially when it's something you love. NXT is the place for me, there's so many amazing people.

As I get out of the ring, putting my hands on my head, trying to control my breathing, I see Bayley waving at me to go over to her. I just wanted to relax for a bit, but I better not ignore her, I don't want to be rude.

"He-y" Man, I can't even say a word without losing my breath.

"Hey, I see you're taking a break and stuff but I was just wondering if I could get your number? We should totally hang with Sasha and Charlotte, have a little get together!"

"Huh! Uh.. Yeah that'll-.. be fine." How did I manage to get that out?

"You know, Sasha and Charlotte are just chilling at the bicycle machine, we should go over and talk about it real quick. I'm sure they'd agree."

"Sounds fine, but let me go... *deep breath* get some water."

"I'll be waiting!"

I grab my water and come back to Bayley, we then walk over to where Sasha and Charlotte are. I can't stop thinking about how everyone does it here. They wrestle, train, travel, repeat almost everyday. It's crazy. I knew coming into this that it would be hectic but saying/thinking something and doing it are two totally different things.

"Hey guys! I was just talking to Becky and we were thinking if you guys wanted to get together maybe tomorrow or something."

"That's funny because I asked Becky a few days ago if all 4 of us could go out sometime." Sasha said with a small smile. She looked right at me while she said that and I couldn't help but return a smile. Her smile is nice. Is is weird thinking that? I'm not sure.

I look over at Charlotte, and she's holding both ends of a towel that's around her neck, also out of breath. She must have just finished cycling. She nods her head and gives the 'hold on a second' finger.

"That shouldn't be a problem.. I'm free tomorrow. What time and where?"

"Well, I was thinking we could go to the mall?" Sasha spoke

"Yeah, that'll be great, Dave n Busters is there so we should go!"

Charlotte puts her lips near my ear, "You have no idea how much Bayley loves Dave n Busters.." I giggled a little, but then I noticed a drip of sweat fall from her face to my shoulder. "Uh, ew!"

"Oh, come on, it's not gonna hurt you. I can't imagine how you'd be in the ring if we worked a long match."

"Wait, Were you whispering something about me?!"

"It's nothing bad, Lass. But.. What is Dave n Busters?



Hell- OW! What the heck Bayley?!" She did not just fucking hit me in the back!

"Sorry, didn't mean to hit that hard! But how could you not know what it is?!"

"Well I don't know, it never existed while I was in the states, and it's not in Ireland!" I snapped hitting her back on the back of her arm.

"Ow! Ugh, anyways, Dave n Busters is a place where you can play Games and Eat! There's a bar too, if you like to drink. There's so many games from Deal or No Deal to Doodle Jump to Air Hockey to Whammy, I could list them all! It can get really competitive, especially when I'm there. The food is great, too! You can win tickets, and you can trade the tickets in for prizes! And t-"

"I think she's got the gist of it, Bayls." Sasha says

"Yeah, I do. So tomorrow at what time?"

"I think 2 is a good time." Charlotte says

"Sounds fine to me!" - Bayley

"I'm down."

"Sasha?" All 3 of us say.

She smirks and laughs a bit. "Sounds like a deal."

'Becky, time for some more training!' Sara yells

"Guys, I gotta -"

"Wait! I still need your number!"

"Oh shit. Okay give me your phone." I enter my number and quickly rush to Sara before she starts yelling at me.

Next Day.

"What to wear, what to wear."

I'm being picked up by Bayley because for the life of me I don't know where anything is. Thank god she'll be helping me around. I think I'm gonna go with black skinny jeans, a red pearl jam tank and some red vans. It's my go-to style, and I don't wanna get too fancy if we're gonna be at the arcade. Oh! Can't forget my snapback. I'm a simple girl, I only wear dresses, heels and wedges when I need to. Whenever I can dress comfortably, I will.

*Beep Beep*

I wonder if that's Bayley. *Ding ding*

'I'm here.'

I don't wanna make her wait. I grab my keys, purse, wallet and phone and rush out the door.

"Hey! You all set!"

"Yeah, I had just finished getting ready when you texted."

"I always come at the right time. Let's go."

5 minutes later

"Jesus, Bayley, you're gonna get us killed!" This woman is mad! She drives like if she was in Nascar. I'm gripping the door and seat so hard my knuckles are turning white. I even made sure my seat buckle locked so I wouldn't be flying everywhere!

"Oh please, I know this place inside and out. Just sit back and relax."

"You almost hit a woman back there! Did you not see her crossing?!" I say twisting my body around, looking back to make sure no cops were nearby.

"I did."

I look up at the sky and put my hands together, "Dear god, help me. What is the speed limit?!"


I look over at the meter to see her going 90. "Is THIS how you normally drive?!"

"Well... Ask Sasha and Charlotte, they know I'm a safe driver."

I give her the look of 'you're a psycho' and laugh with fear "If we even make it."

20 minutes of insane driving and we finally arrive at the mall. I quickly get out of the car and get on my knees.

"Land! Thank god you exist!"

"Oh, shut up, it wasn't that bad."

I look at her as if she was the craziest person in the world.

"There's Sasha and Charlotte."

They pull into a parking spot a few spaces next to us, and I book it to the car.

"What's the matter, Bec- Ohhhhhhh." She lifts her head up and her eyes widen "Bayley drove didn't she.." Charlotte says, then takes her thumb and glides it across her throat

I'm still shaking a bit and Sasha gets out of the car "It was the worst car ride ever."

"Bayley, what did you do to the poor girl?!" Sasha spoke

"Grow up! It wasn't that bad."

"Bayley.. We know how you drive. You need to slow down."

"Whatever. Let's go."

We head into the mall and I must say, it's huge. There's so many stores that I haven't heard of. I've been missing out.

"What's Ross?! What's Journeys?! Old Navy? I've never heard of these!"

"You're in for a treat. Ross is a good place to get clothes for cheap."

"I need to get some workout clothes.." I spoke. Fuck it, I'm gonna go in and enjoy this because lord knows when I'll be able to come back, especially since I was too scared to even look at what roads and directions we were going.

"I'll go in with you, Becky."

"Sasha and I will be at some other store. Meet back in about 20?"

"Okay Bayley."

"Are you okay, Becky? I know Bayley's an insane driver."

"You guys never warned me! I seriously was about to take over the wheel."

"Yeah, sorry about that. At least you're here!"

I give her a smug face before looking around for some leggings. I shuffle through some of the pants and find some nice red and black ones. Too bad it's not my size, but I found some nice dark blue ones in my size.

"What do you think about these?"

"How did you even change that fast?! They look good on you." Charlotte had on a pair that was neon green and black.

"I've done this multiple times, I know what I like."

"Teach me!" I then pick out a plain grey one and move onto shirts. I'm a simple girl, so I picked a plain black muscle shirt and a red tshirt. Onto the shoes now..

"Wow, there's not much to pick from here."

"We can always go to another store, we got about 10 minutes before meeting back up with the other 2."

"What stores sell nice gym shoes?"

"Well, footlocker is a few stores down, we also have shoe carnival. Let's pay for our stuff and we can go."

"That'll be $24.78." Wow, that's it? For 2 pants and 2 shirts?! That's a steal. I just hope these last long, though.

We travel along and Charlotte gets stopped by a fan, so she takes a quick picture with them. I can't wait until I get to be that well known.

"Sorry about that."

"No, it's cool. That was nice of you."

"Got to get as many fans as possible, you know what I'm saying?" She nudges my shoulder

"Gotcha. Ooooo!" I point to a nice pair of blue, black and white nike shoes. They also have some orange and purple on the sides and bottom. "I really like those. Oh my! Those look good as well!" A pair of pink and black ones catch my attention as well. "Charlotte I can't choose!"

"I'd go with the multi-colored one. They look cooler."

"I'm scared to look at the price.."

"Well, it's worth buying them, you know they'll last."

"Huh, You're right. My wallet is gonna cry after this though."

After purchasing my nifty pair of shoes, Charlotte and I head to where we're supposed to meet Sasha and Bayley. We waited a few minutes before they came out of some animal place.

"That dog was soooo cute Sasha! I really want it!"

"Bayley, you already have 3! You're not even home a lot so it wouldn't be good for them."

"Aww, come on!"


I see them arguing so I go up to them "What's all the blabbering about?"

"Bayley wants a dog, but she already has 3 and she's not home a lot!"

"Just one more will do it, I promise!"

"You said that last time."

"Ughhhh! You're no fun."

"Says the one who quits almost every game when they lose."

"Losing is not fun!"

"Can we head to Dave n Busters already?!" Charlotte yelled

"Yes, please! I'm starving." And with that we headed there.

"Wow, there really is a lot to do here." I walk in and there's a sea of people playing games left and right. I also hear a lot of children screaming, I hope they leave soon because I can't stand that. "It's really packed in here, though."

"It usually is. Hi, table for 4?" Bayley then pulls out her Dave n Busters card, so does Sasha and Charlotte. Wow, I certainly feel left out.

"I'm gonna put $50 worth of credits on my card."

"I guess we'll do the same."

"I need a card!"

I guess the lady heard me because she gave me a weird looking face. I think the accent is what's confusing her. "I'm from Ireland, hence the accent."

"Oh.. I'm sorry it just sounded different to me."

"No worries."

I get my card and I put only 30 dollars because I need to save the rest of my money for things I need. "I'll put 30."

"Why 30?" Bayley asks

"I need to save some money."

"Well.. Here, I can give -"

"Save it. I'm sure I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm fine. Plus, I wanna eat before I play. 30 please."

"Well I'll be in the arcade somewhere." Bayley bolts and we no longer can see her.

"Food, anyone?"

Charlotte, Sasha and I sit down and order some drinks, I got Root Beer because that is the shit! And for an appetizer I got some cheese fries, they sound good right now. I'm not sure what the other two got because I couldn't hear them with all the noise. We basically have to scream.

"How do you like it here so far?!" - Charlotte






Our appetizers came and it smells so good. Bayley was right, the food it great. Or at least, it smells good. Charlotte got some potato skins and Sasha got Chips and Salsa. I took a bite of the cheese fries and I'm in heaven. "THESE ARE GREAT."



We eat for a few minutes and it suddenly quiets down. Never experienced that before. But hey, no more screaming kids!

"I'm gonna go find Bayley and play a bit."

"Sounds good. See yah."

"Bye Charlotte."

It's just Sasha and I sitting at the table and I gotta admit, I'm.. Nervous? Are my palms supposed to be a bit sweaty? Anyways, I guess I should start a conversation. "Do you mind if I get to know you a bit more?" I said with a smile

"Ask me anything."

"Well first.. Where were you born?"

"I'm from Fairfield, California, but my 'home' of sorts is Boston."



"Oh, okay. Why is that?"

"I've been all over the US, but I call Boston my home because that's where I started my wrestling career. I've wanted to be a wrestler since I was 10, and when I was 18, I began training."

"Oh wow, so you've only been wrestling for 2-3 years. How long have you been signed to WWE?"

"I started in August of 2010, got signed in June of last year. I was shocked that I even got in, considering I only had barely 2 years under my belt."

"Well, they've signed people with no wrestling experience so it's not that big of a shocker."

"Yeah, I guess. But just me? Some girl who was under 100 pounds and wasn't that known. I mainly wrestled under Chaotic wrestling, won the title once. I've won some titles in other promotions too."

"That's great. It seems like you're good for only wrestling about 3 years."

"I think I learned pretty fast."

"Who was your inspiration?"

"Eddie Guerrero. He got me hooked on wrestling. I was actually there on RAW when they announced he had died. My heart dropped because I really wanted to see him live."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Without Eddie, there'd be no Sasha Banks."

"Well, I'm glad he exists then, aye?" That got her to smile. I love seeing her smile, it just warms my heart.

"Yeah.. any other questions you got for me?"

"You, Charlotte and Bayley seem so close.. How exactly did you guys become friends?"

"We all started around the same time. And I have great chemistry with the both of them in the ring. Although, I seem to have good chemistry with everyone. Even you!"

"Ah well, you and I both know what we're doing."

"We just hung out and I can't really even pinpoint when we became best friends, it just sort of happened."

"That's the best way sometimes."

"Yeah but they can be annoying as fuck." She chuckles and eats another chip

"I can see Bayley being that, Charlotte, not so much."


"Are you friends with any other woman there?"

"Well, yeah. But not as close as I am with the other 2."

"Ah, I see." As I say that we both just kinda pause and stare at each other for a few seconds. She just smiles at me, her fingers crossed in front of her and it melts my heart. Sasha seems to trigger me in a way. I wipe my hands on my jeans because they're still sweaty. Then I see her pull out her phone and a few seconds later, she turns the phone to me. "Doesn't he look so good?"

What? Why is she showing me a picture of Roman?

"Uhh.. I guess? I mean he's okay."

"What do you mean okay? He's a good looking man if you ask me."


"How about him?" She shows me a picture of Kota Ibushi

"Not my type."

"Asians are so cute, though!"


"What about this guy?" And she shows me a random man I don't know

"I don't know who that is but I'm not interested." I'm feeling a little stuck considering I'm not who she thinks I am..

"Really? None of them are attractive to you?"


"That's weird."

"Not really."

I've only known Sasha for about 2 weeks now and I'm already developing some sort of.. crush on her. Just a little tiny bit. Her smile is to die for. But judging by what she just did, she's straight so my chances with her are dead.

'Ugh, stop it Becky. You can't have a crush on her already, you're just getting to know her!'

"Are you two gonna join us or are we gonna have to drag you?!"

"Damn Bayley, where'd you come from?!"

"Don't have to know. Come on, I need someone to compete against me in air hockey. Charlotte won't do it!"

"I guess I'll go ahead and step in!" Air Hockey was a favorite of mine, I'm beast at it. Although, I haven't played it in a while so we'll see if I still have my Irish Charm. Thank god Bayley came and pulled me out from that situation.

"Get ready to get your lass beat!"

"Eat your words, Becky!"

It gets a little intense because her and I are both staring at each other like two stray cats ready to fight. I slowly pick up the puck and take the first shot without her noticing. Bayley wasn't ready for this, because it went straight into her side. As soon as she realized what had happened, she slammed her hands on the table.

"Hey, no fair!"

"Don't stare at me, pay attention to the puck!"

She let out a deep sigh as she took the puck out and hit it. Back and forth we go, shots getting harder and harder. Eventually I manage to get it in her side again.

As the game got more intense, I have 6 and she has 4. One more is all I need to win this, and she's not happy. Charlotte and Sasha are recording this moment, preparing for a possibly rage attack from Bayley. She hits it towards me and I shot back with all the force I had, which made the puck go flying into a crowd of people. "Shit!"

"Get it before someone notices!" - Bayley

"Sasha, you're the smallest! You get it!" - Charlotte

"Really?! Fuck! Hey, excuse me. Sorry!" She quickly picks it up and gives it to Bayley

"Sorry!" I yelled. *clack* "Hey?!"

"Finally, I'm catching up! Payback!"

"Two can play at this game. Hey Bayley, a fan is trying to get your attention!"

"Wha?!" She turns around and I hit the puck, which goes so close to her side. She quickly turns around and shouts "Becky!" And as the puck returned, I hit it once more and it slipped into the pocket.


"Jesus, Becky! No faaiiirrrr!"

"I got brains." Charlotte and Sasha laugh as Bayley storms off. "I'll go talk to her." Charlotte spoke.

"Wanna shoot basketballs or something?" - Sasha

"Basketball sounds good. I'm great at it!"

"We'll see about that." She smirked and took my arm, dragging me to the hoops.

"3, 2, 1, Go!"

It's kinda hard to see and hear how much Sasha is getting considering there's music on now and shit's gotten a bit crazy. I've missed more shots than I thought I would. I am going really fast though, which is probably why I'm missing them. Sasha on the other hand, I see her taking her time. The game is finished after a minute and... she won.

"Congrats, I must say you're the better shooter!"

"Well, considering I wasn't rushing, I made every shot that I did. I saw you racing like a mad man, patience is key."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever!"

"Also, you're shooting isn't the best either. You're almost chucking it."

"Well duh! I have to get it in there some how!"

"Come here and watch." She shows me how to shoot and I guess it takes a lot of wrist work too. "Try."

It felt very weird because I'm not used to doing it. I guess I didn't put my hands right because Sasha came up from behind me and held the ball how it should be. She kinda has her arms around me and it's a weird feeling to me, especially since I don't know her that well. I quickly said okay just to get her off me, I don't want things to get awkward. I shot the ball and I'll be honest, it's gonna take a lot of time before I get used to it. "Uh, is there something else we should play?"

"Bayley wants to leave."


"She's mad over the hockey game still."


"Look, Bayley and I can go and you and Sasha can stay if you want."

I feel just a tad awkward staying with Sasha alone, we still don't know each other that well.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I gotta get home anyways."

"If it's okay with Sasha, I'm fine I guess."

"I guess we can. Good luck, Char."

I can tell Bayley has a short temper. Maybe I can help her on that. They leave and once again, Sasha and I are just left here.

"I'm gonna play some Deal or No Deal, wanna come?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Pick case number 6 Becks!"

"Alright! Alright."

The only cases left are 11, 19 and 5. I picked case number 7. I look to see how much tickets each case could possibly contain:






Case number 6 had 50, which isn't too bad but still bad.

The guy in the game offered me 38 tickets, which of course I declined.

"Which case, Sasha?"

"Hmmm.. go 19."

'30 tickets!'

Offer: 46 tickets.

"No deal!" I slam the red button

"Okay... I'm getting nervous now."

"Choose 5."

"Are you sure?"


'45 tickets!'


Offer: 71

"Man fuck it, no deal."

"Case 11 could have 80 or 125. Do I switch cases?"

"I say no."

"Here goes nothing."

'Your case has.. 80 tickets!'

"Not too bad."


I sigh and turn to Sasha, "I'm not the biggest arcade person. It kinda gets boring to me after a while."

"Neither am I. I just did this so we could all hang."

"Wanna go somewhere else? Or just sit and chat? Or both?"

"Considering we barely ate here, I'm still hungry. I think we can go to chilis or something."

"Never had chilis."

"Let's go there then!"

"I'll take a Water, and for my meal I'll have the sliders."

"Hmm.. I'll also have a water, but I'll take the chicken fajitas." As soon as the waitress writes it down, he walks away and I turn to Sasha. "So.. I do have a few more questions for you, if you don't mind me asking.."

"It's fine, ask away."

"How did your family react to you wanting to be a wrestler?"

"My mom was totally against it at first. It was just something she never thought I'd want to do. My cousin is actually snoop dog, and every time he'd go to a wwe event I'd beg him to take me. He took me backstage a few times and it was amazing. I actually went to Church and the priest had said if anyone wants to say something and have people pray for them, come up. I went up there and I told them that I was going to try out for wrestling school, and everyone laughed at me. I was so upset that day, but I knew I was gonna prove people wrong. The school had held a training camp and whoever impressed them the most would get to be trained for free for a while. I was the only girl there, and I beat everyone. Of course, I had literally no money, so I went there and worked my ass off to impress them. I cleaned up after shows just to get paid to pay for my training, and after that I went back to the same Church and stood in front of everyone, I said "I got accepted." And that was it. Then I got signed to WWE, which no one thought I could do, and I did. I proved them wrong AGAIN. I used to be cautious of my looks because I'm not the best looking woman. But I realized that it shouldn't matter, I wanted this and now it's mine. Sorry for the ramble, but If I was gonna explain I might as well explain everything. I even failed my driving test 2 or 3 times."

"It's nice to hear your story, actually. And I think you're very beautiful, don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

"Aww, thank you." That got her to blush. I can be smooth at times.

"That was great though, proving everyone wrong and silencing the haters. People don't understand how much a dream coming true means to someone until they feel it themselves."

"Very true."

"And you're related to Snoop? That's also great."

"Yeah, bitter sweet. Some people think I got signed into WWE because of him."

"Ahh, that's a crack of shit. They don't understand how hard it is to get into here. I know it took Natalya years to get into WWE."

"That reminds me, I have a question for you. Had you not gotten injured, where do you think you'd be now?"

"I'd like to say I'd be the most popular women's wrestler in the indies."

"Wow, that's a very bold statement."

"I would've."

"Chicken Fajitas?"



"Right here."

"These fajitas smell good. Have you ever had them?"

"They're decent. Not the best."

"Eh, worth a shot." I put everything I could possibly fit into the taco from chicken to cheese to sour cream, green peppers, you name it. I take a bite and my first reaction? As Sasha said, decent. It's good enough though.

Next thing I know we're done and we paid for everything. Time flew by, I guess we just talked and ate a lot. We decide to call it a day, and she takes me to my apartment. "Thanks for the ride home, Sash."

"Well, how else were you gonna get home?" She says with a 'duh' attitude

"Taxi, walking, I would've found a way."


"Yeah. Anyways, I'll see you later."


"Yes?" I put my hand on the door and duck down into the car. She smiles and oh god, that smile kills me.

"Thanks for hanging with me today. It was nice getting to know each other. Do you mind if we hang again sometime?"

"No! We can never do that again!" I wait a few seconds and then laughed. She seemed a bit disappointed for a second there. "Just kidding Sasha, yeah I don't mind." I stick my tongue out and she rolls her eyes


"Alright, See you later Sash."

'Today was a great day, besides Bayley not being the best sport. I got to know Sasha a bit more, I wish I had gotten to know Charlotte and Bayley more, but there's always next time. Sasha seems so cool, her smile is to die for, I can't get it out of my head. I need to stop thinking about the whole basketball situation, it's just something 'friends' do. Am I even considered a friend? Not sure. Anyways, back to training in the ring.'

Okay, so I know it's kind of a slow build but I'm not the best at writing this type of stuff. I'm not the most descriptive, and that's because I really don't have a creative mind. But to the people who still read this, thanks so much. I'll try to pick up the pace soon. This chapter was filled with a lot of talking but again, not creative.