Hey! That's right, more chapters for Benefactor! Most likely, this one will be four chapters long.

This is a sequel to Benefactor, and I think this story will do no good as a stand-alone.

Special thanks to LOU and SALLY!

Chapter 1

"Get some milk, too!" Jasper yelled, almost certain he was too late. He doubted Emmett could hear him through the closed door. The rattle of his husband's keychain came from several steps away down the stone path, and he knew straight away the milk was a lost cause.

He took the few steps to the window and aligned his hips with the windowsill, watching distractedly at that beautiful man's short walk down the path to his SUV. The years had done only good to the sight of his behind. The jeans still clung tightly; the worn leather jacket fitted the broad shoulders perfectly. The few specks of silver in his hair added some gloss, some aristocracy even, and his pace was somewhat … proud now. He walked like he knew he looked well. Like he knew he lived well. Like he knew he was well loved.

And loved Emmett was. Jasper yearned for his presence more and more with the passing years. They'd fit together like the proverbial hand and glove, and what was even better, they switched the role of the glove regularly, pun intended. Their sex life was amazing, with the play and all.

Jasper sighed and turned his back on the window. Now that he thought about it, nearly twenty-three years had passed since they'd met each other, and what a meeting it was. Out of jail, straight to another imprisonment in their kinky doctor's house. Dr. Cullen had first deprived them of their free will, then granted it back to them, and finally, made it possible for them to live normal lives, bless him. Fake identities were a smallest inconvenience, compared to the opportunity to be normal, mundane, just average citizens with jobs, social security, and a marital status.

He chuckled at the thought about his marital status. An anniversary was on its way in a month, a twenty-year one, and he wanted to make it special for Emmett. To buy a meaningful present, take him to a restaurant, or a club, or something. To be romantic, tender, maybe bring him to bed late at night and do something new, totally different from their usual play. Maybe he'd let his husband use a new toy on him after they'd thoroughly made out. Yeah, sounded about right. A new toy and a night of lovemaking.

Jasper was well aware of the fact that he had started sporting a bit of a boner, and that was inappropriate at this time of day. Not that there were limitations to the timing of their sex life; not at all. Only today, they were throwing a dinner party and preparations were in order. That's why Emmett had gone shopping, and Jasper had the unenviable task of cleaning the house. Dusting and vacuuming mainly, but before that, putting away odd socks, torn packs of lube, and whatnot—hidden beneath chairs, under the sofa cushions ... What the hell was that dildo doing just behind the TV stand? Ah, yes, he remembered, two days ago, he threw it there himself after using it properly to work Emmett up.

Cleaning took him an hour or so, and, right on time, Emmett came back. Jasper hurried to open the door for him and congratulated himself for his thoughtfulness as Emmett's arms were full of bags with groceries and assorted beverages.

"What did you forget?" Jasper's voice was soft, with a hint of mockery, because, yes, Emmett always forgot something from the list.

"Nothing. I'm positive," Emmett replied and pecked a sweet kiss on his husband's lips. "I made ticks on my phone, look." At which he reached in his pocket and took the device out.

Jasper examined the flashing white screen containing the list, which was waved in front of his face.

"Emmett," he said, shaking his head.

"What, my love?" Emmett wriggled his eyebrows, twice. "Am I right, or am I right?"

"Where's the tick here?" Jasper was pointing to the middle section of the list, at an empty checkbox for the line which said Candles. "See?"

"Oh, shit." Emmett looked devastated. "Not again."

He threw his phone on the sofa demonstratively and plopped down next to it. Then he started pouting, exaggerating the curl of his mouth with his lower lip sticking out a bit too much.

"There, there." Jasper used the moment to position himself on Emmett's lap. He stroked his husband's silvery curls then sucked the air from his lungs with a long, suffocating kiss. God, he loved his big, pouting, beautifully aging husband. "I love ya, even now that you're old and absent-minded, and we have no candles."

"Love you too, Jasper." Emmett fisted Jasper's ponytail in an outburst of emotion. "As an excuse, this old man is going to fuck your brains out when the party's over. I promise."

Jasper chuckled and got up with a cheesy smile on his lips.

"Good. Yeah, good. Now, let's cook, mister."

"I love your ass, you know," Emmett continued, abandoning the pouting and the sofa and heading to the kitchen corner after Jasper. "And your cock, too. Oh, and your mouth. And fingers. Three fingers."

Jasper giggled. "You're not trying to squeeze in a quick fuck before our guests arrive, are you?"

"Nope." Emmett blinked with those innocent eyes of his, then his eyebrows did that thing again, flying up his forehead twice in a quick succession and making him look devious and adorable all at the same time. "I'm all moral and good behavior for the afternoon."

"Moral, my ass," Jasper murmured and shook his head again.

Cooking was sort of fun. It was even more fun when they got to the cabbage and dill for the salad. "You're a genius," was Emmett's only comment while they grated. "They're gonna love the salad."

Darkness fell, and the doorbell rang for the first time that evening. Emmett hurried to let their guest in. There in the doorway stood Edward, breathtaking as usual, looking like a model in his tailored charcoal suit and pointy shoes. He still owned it like a king, that just-fucked look they remembered well—mussed hair, juicy lips, and luxurious eyelashes included—and although he was in his mid-forties, just like them, he hadn't lost the lankiness of youth and the smile of a boy. He was greeted as a dear friend, hugged and patted on the back, kissed on the cheeks, and shown his place at the table. They sat and stretched legs comfortably.

Then it all got awkward. Emmett gulped and blinked too often, arms crossed in front of his huge torso. Jasper stiffened, tucking his feet back behind the chair legs, his shoulders going farther and farther back until he resembled a peacock. Edward worried his hair with his delicate, nervous fingers. Silence stretched for a good minute, at least. They looked at each other in turns, glimpses never lingering on the same face longer than a moment.

Next thing Jasper knew, Emmett was getting up on his feet, going round the table, grabbing a fistful of their guest's hair, turning his head forcefully upward, and smashing his lips against Edward's.

Jasper's exhale wheezed through his teeth.

"God, we missed you," he said, his voice alarmingly scratchy, and got up in his turn. He wasn't patient enough to wait for Emmett to pull from the kiss. He just tried to join, as good as he could, but all he could do was lick at the side of Edward's mouth. So he raised a hand and tried to remove Emmett's head gently. As a result, the tips of their noses met in one neutral point in the middle of a triangle, foreheads touching, hands and arms a tangled mess behind their backs and at the napes of their necks. No lips were in the position to meet other lips, but it was still exquisitely intimate and heartwarming in a very special way. They stood like that and breathed each other's air until it got uncomfortable for Emmett and Jasper to crouch any longer.

There wasn't a better time for the doorbell to ring again. The three of them untangled and rushed to meet the newcomer. Jasper opened the door this time, then all made a step or two back to make way for Rosalie to push Doctor Cullen's wheelchair inside.