Author's Notes: I know that you are problem look for an update to my other Lucifer story, and I'm going to update that today too cause in the next few days I'm going to be going out of town, but come on after that episode how can you not write something. Then I read a couple of things today and omg so here you go.


Mazikeen had been sleeping peacefully after coming back from trick or treating with the little human. She often thought that her master getting closer to them would end up being a bad thing, but she couldn't help it she was growing fond of her little bag of Trix. They had gone to get the candy, and when she showed her a piece of the real her she didn't cringe in disgusts, she was excited. They had fallen asleep on the couch before she had a chance to show her the movie. She thought she hadn't gotten to the age to appreciate the gore of the original Freddy Krueger, she knew when she had found it a couple of years ago she enjoyed it a lot. The little beauty had fallen asleep, and it's like a drug before she knew it, she had fallen asleep as well.

She was awakened by something. What was it though? She looked around the room but no form of threat was around. Lucifer her wanted her there to protect Chloe, and she would. She would do anything for her master. She closed her eyes and tried to find him. That was the problem, there was something not quite right.

"Lucifer!" shouted rising to her feet.


A part of him wanted to stay around and see if she was alright, but after he had shown her his real face, he was certain that she would never want to see him again. It was for the best really. No one needed to be around him really. He was poison, everything he touched went to hell. His mother, Uriel, well maybe not Uriel. He was just gone. Why was it that no matter how many times he washed his hands he couldn't stop seeing the blood? He had left the car; he didn't know how long he'd been driving but all of a sudden he felt very tired. He just needed to shut his eyes, maybe then everything would be alright in the morning.

Chloe didn't know how long she had been driving, or why she was out driving for that matter. She had finally drifted off to sleep only to be awaken by Maze. She told her that she had to find Lucifer, that he needed her. She told her that she would go out, but she was far from who he needed to see at that moment, that he would only be upset if she saw him in this state. She had no idea what state she spoke of, but she knew that all she wanted right now was to snuggle up in bed, and sleep for weeks. Then she thought back to how he'd been acting, and then she knew why she had been driving for what felt like hours looking for friend. She had finally to go down towards the beach, and that's when she saw him.

"Oh Lucifer.' She sighed turning off the engine.

So he was here again where it had all started. He didn't know how long he'd been walking, but for the first time in a long while he missed his wings. It was raining a little harder now, but he didn't care. He was feeling all of this human emotion, maybe if he was lucky he could get some of that human illness and die. Then what? Would his father get his wish and return him to hell? Or would he punish him and just erase him from existence like Uriel.

He closed his eyes tightly and that last bit of restraint that he had been holding to faded away, and before he realized he was a grown man lying in the wet sand crying uncontrollably.

Chloe was unprepared for this. She had seen that he was lying in the sand and she had gotten a blanket to take to him but her other hand was holding the umbrella. She didn't think she would find him so distraught. She had been calling his name for about five minutes, but he didn't hear her but his sobs got louder and louder, and she was afraid he'd pull out his hair as hard as he was pulling it.

"Oh fuck it." She said falling to her knees beside him.

Lucifer didn't need to wonder who it was who found him. He knew that she would, he knew that she would find him. They were only two people he could really count on and she knew that Maze would send her. Without even thinking he clung to her and let the emotion crash over him. He didn't like it, he didn't like it one bit.

"Oh Lucifer, what's happened?" she whispered.

"I had to do it. He made me, but if I could take it back…. I'm so sorry." He sobbed.

Chloe didn't know what he was talking about, but she did know that if they didn't get out of the rain soon they would definitely catch their death. She had to get out of there she went to stand…

"No please, don't leave me!" he shouted desperately.

"We have to get out of the rain Lucifer. Come on I got you." She told him hauling him to his feet.

He cried out louder when she raised him to his feet which alarmed her. She thought back to how afraid Maze was, and the fact that she didn't know if he was hurt physically or not. Had she done the right thing.

"What is it, what's the matter?" she asked.

"It's not supposed to be this way; I'm not supposed to be this way. I need you too…too…"

"You need me to what Lucifer?"

"I need you to fix me detective. Can't you see I'm broken?"

End Notes: Should I continue? New chapter of Speechless soon.