Author's Note: Sorry I haven't posted. My puppy decided to chew up the charger for my brand new laptop and I had to wait forever to get a new one. Anyway, this is the last chapter. Thank you all for reading. You guys are awesome!

23StellaOrgana - Selene doesn't have a sister and I wasn't planning on giving her one. In chapter 1 she says she has no leader, no minions, and no siblings. She's just alone in all aspects of her life… until Jay of course.

Chapter 6

It was Sunday morning, three weeks into the new school year, and Carlos found himself getting up early despite his trouble falling asleep the night before. He got up to open the curtains, letting in the sunlight. He looked out to see it was a nice and sunny day, much like 80% of the year. Fall was just around the corner and the trees were still as green as ever.

Turning around he saw his roommate still snoring away. Jay had the most difficulty falling asleep. Looking at the clock, Carlos decided to let him sleep in a little more. It was Sunday after all.

It had been months since their meeting with Ben and the girls to discuss the next villain kid that would be granted entrance to Auradon Prep. It had been then that Carlos noticed the change in Jay's sleeping pattern. It was normally the weekends that Jay would be up late into the night doing one thing or another, sometimes going out passed curfew doing who knows what. Carlos simply thought it was due to the weekend, knowing there weren't classes that day, and thought Jay simply got restless. Trying to be good and follow the rules took a toll on all of them.

Jay knew better. He knew he couldn't fall asleep Saturday nights because he wouldn't see Selene the following day. Sunday's were no longer his favorite day. Since arriving at Auradon, Sundays were filled with worry and sadness. Worry for the girl on the Isle, wondering if she were in pain, and sadness for not being able to hold her and comfort her if she were.

Since their meeting Jay was restless most nights. He'd blame his constant restless nights on end of year finals, but Carlos knew better. Finally having talked to his friends about Selene, and with Ben considering her as a potential new student gave Jay a little bit of hope that he'd see her once again. He was anxious, he needed to know their decision.

Ben had been very professional during his meeting with his council members. He'd offered them the short list of teenagers and stated what little facts he had.

Ben had seen the change in Jay as well. Although his Isle friends couldn't tell what love was if it came up to them and punched them in the face, he could tell from a tourneys field away. And Jay was head over heels in love. Ben would let himself have this one moment of weakness and let his heart rule his kingdom... one last time.

"That covers everything on the agenda," said Doc, King Ben's senior council member. "The floor is now open for new orders of business."

There was a moment of light murmuring as the King's Council looked amongst each other. Ben politely waited for any business the other council members wanted to bring up before bringing up his own.

"I would like to discuss the selection for our next Isle of the Lost transfer student," Ben said after it seemed that no one had anything else to say. "The school year just ended and I think the summer will be enough time to set up for a new Isle student as well as the younger students transferring from the lower campus."

"Yes, yes," Genie said. "And you received some help from your friends correct?"

"Yes, that's correct," Ben answered. "As you all know, Carlos, Evie, Jay, and Mal returned to the Isle of the Lost not too long ago-"

"Without permission," Grumpy interrupted.

The other council members looked around anxiously.

"Uh, well," Ben said, not really knowing how to respond.

Grumpy didn't have anything against Ben or his friends from the Isle. He was just being Grumpy.

"I believe they were given permission by King Ben right before they left," Fauna stated earning her a grunt from the dwarf.

Doc cleared his throat. "Let's not forget Grumpy, if it weren't for those kids returning to the Isle of the Lost, their parents might be on the loose after going through the catacombs. I think they've proven their loyalty to Auradon."

Grumpy let out another grunt and Doc gave Ben an encouraging nod to continue.

"Well, as I was saying. While on the Isle they came across a small group. They call themselves the Anti-heros."

There were nervous murmurs at the group name.

"Now, before you ask," Ben rushed out, "they are not a group to be worried about. Yen Sid is their leader, their advisor. They're kind of like a rebellion against the Isle. They want to choose good just like the Isle students here. They've already chosen good," Ben corrected his last statement.

"Hmm…" Pongo hummed. "Maybe we should contact Yen Sid."

"I second that," interjected Flora. "As a teacher he should have some insight regarding our selection. I'll handle the correspondence."

Ben nodded. "Alright," he conceded. If Yen Sid could offer any additional information, he was sure it would be in favor of the Anti-heros as opposed to against. "Now, we've decided to make our selection from the group of Anti-heros as we already knew they are trying to be good."

After receiving nods approval from his council members Ben continued. "We've narrowed down our selection to three students. Umm… unfortunately, everyone on the Isle are kind of lone wolf types. They don't really have friends, so it's difficult to get information in regards to personality and character. Being an Anti-hero is really all we're going off of."

"Well, it's a start," Arista stated, her red tail tapping against the wall of the bathtub she and her sisters were sitting in. "Who are the three?"

"Carlos De Vil has nominated Jace and Harry. My apologies," Ben said looking down, ruffling through his notes. "Those are their nicknames. Given names, Jason and Harold, sons of Jasper and Horace."

"Cruella's minions?" Merryweather questioned, her voice cracking slightly, a disgusted look on her face. "Sounds suspicious."

Ben let out a light sigh. "Yes, that's correct. Jace and Harry have stuck to Carlos's side all their lives. They are loyal to him and now they're Anti-heros. We can all agree that Carlos has done his part to prove he's good now and his previous school records show that he mainly excelled in science."

Oh yes, Ben used his status to access Carlos's confidential school file. He needed any information he could use.

"Evil Schemes, Selfishness 101, Wickedness," Ben listed the different classes offered on the Isle. "He just barely passed those classes. Clearly, this shows that he doesn't care for becoming a villain. Therefore, if Jace or Harry arrive and all they do is follow Carlos around like minions, then I do not think it is something we should worry about."

There were thoughtful expressions across all members of the council, save for Grumpy of course. Not much could change his chronic resting grump face.

"Assumptions aside, we'll receive more information from Yen Sid. And the third student?" Flora asked looking up from her own pile of notes.

"Oh, yes," Ben said. He knew that last statement would be a bit of a stretch for the council.

He could feel his palms starting to sweat. Ben had noticed a change in Jay after their meeting. Jay tried his best to stay his usual upbeat, fun self, but he didn't quite have the same skip in his step that he usually did. His Tourney game wasn't the same either. He was still an excellent player, a natural. He just wasn't the same.

Ben didn't want to let Jay down.

"The last choice," Ben started, "is Selene, daughter of Stromboli."

Ben looked up. Some of his council members were scribbling notes while the rest were listening intently. Ben guessed Stromboli wasn't as hated as his friends' parents. This could work in his favor.

"She is described to be quiet, not many friends, but that could be said about anyone on the Isle. Also studious, she's always seen reading a book," Ben listed.

Grumpy grunted again. "Probably plotting to show her father that she's more evil than he is," he said. "He's nothing but a showboat. Could have just thrown him in a dungeon somewhere."

"We should have Yen Sid pull school files for all three students," Alana insisted, as she used the bathtub water to fix her hair. "Have a look to see if they've excelled in any of their particularly nasty classes."

Flora nodded, adding a reminder within her notes.

"Umm, apparently, she's usually reading fictional books, not textbooks or nonfiction," Ben interjected.

"And she's also one of these Anti-heros?" Flora asked, still scribbling notes.

"Yes," Ben stated confidently. No one seemed to have any problems with his last choice aside from Grumpy. "And if I may add," he continued, "in addition to choosing good and being a part of the Anti-heros, according to statistics, those that read fiction have a better ability to empathize with others. This is a trait that's not found in any of the villains on the Isle."

Sniffling a bit, Sneezy said, "Empathy doesn't happen much to certain Auradonians either."

Everyone chanced a glance at Grumpy, a teasing smile playing on all their faces. Grumpy simply crossed his arms and grumbled under his breath.

"Well, if that is all, I suggest we think on this while we wait to hear back from Yen Sid, and make our final decision at our next meeting," Doc suggested receiving nods of approval from the council members.

"Thank you, everyone," Ben said. "I officially call this meeting to a close. I'll see you all next month."

It actually took two full meetings before Ben gave Jay the good news that Selene was officially a part of the school roster.

Carlos walked over to Jay, still sleeping in bed. "Hey," he said giving Jay a nudge.

In return, Jay simply turned away from Carlos, pulling his blanket over his head. "Go away."

"Okay," Carlos said. "Today's the day. But I guess I'll just meet your girlfriend without you."

Jay shot up like a bullet. He had been waiting for this day for weeks. Selene and the others were scheduled to arrive a week prior to the beginning of the new school year, however the date kept getting pushed back for a reason or other. Now it was almost a month into the new school year and she was finally coming.

Looking at his roommate, Jay noticed Carlos was already dressed. "Why didn't you wake me?" he asked looking at his clock.

"Relax it's almost nine. They won't be here until ten."

Jay moved his blanket to the side, grabbed a towel, and rushed into the bathroom saying, "And she's not my girlfriend."

Carlos shook his head, chuckling at Jay's behavior.

After what happened at Ben's coronation, the King's Council only allowed one Isle of the Lost student to transfer. However, after everything the four Isle students went through in the catacombs and with the knowledge of the Anti-heros Club, the council felt at ease bringing over another set of Isle kids. Therefore, after receiving a letter of recommendation, of sorts, from Yen Sid for Jace, Harry, and Selene, the council decided to grant all three students entrance to Auradon Prep.

"I don't know what to wear," Jay said looking at the open drawer in front of him. He had finished with his shower, his long hair was dripping onto the floor, only in his boxers, with his towel hanging off his shoulders.

"Don't be such a girl," Carlos said with a chuckle. He was having too much fun watching Jay stumble about nervously.

Jay picked up the Tourney ball on his dresser and threw it at Carlos, who easily dodged it. At that moment, there was a knock at the door. Before either boy could say anything or attempt to walk over to open the door, it flew open. Mal and Evie walked through, letting themselves in, leaving the door wide open. They chose good, however etiquette was still a bit of an issue, except for Evie.

"Not decent," Jay said, not really caring.

"Jay doesn't know what to wear," Carlos chuckled, earning a growl from Jay.

Evie perked up at the chance to dress one of her friends. "I've got this," she said, walking up to the open dresser. "I think we should go simple, she's only ever seen you in your normal vest ensemble. The familiar outfit might make her feel more comfortable in a new place. Or," she continued getting more excited. "We could go a little nicer, like on parents day. She hasn't seen you in a while and she might like the fact that you made an effort to look nice for her."

Jay simply groaned and sat on his bed. He never cared about how he looked. He honestly thought he always looked good. But today was different. Today, he thought he couldn't look good enough.

"I say simple," Mal suggested, motioning to all of their outfits. They were all dressed in their everyday Isle garb. Nothing dressy except for Evie, but that was her usual style. "It'll be better if you both are comfortable."

Carlos nodded in agreement as Evie pulled out an outfit for Jay to put on.

As Jay changed in the bathroom there was another knock on the door, but this time the person on the other side waited at the open entrance for a welcome.

"Hey, Doug," the three Isle kids greeted.

"Hey, guys."

"Hey, guys," Freddie chimed, appearing immediately after, letting herself in. "Just letting you guys know, I could see a limo driving up toward the school."

The four kids looked at each other confused.

"It's only 9:30," Carlos stated. "Aren't they supposed to be here at ten?"

"Actually," Doug interjected. "That's why I'm here. I went down and didn't see you guys there. Their time of arrival was scheduled for 9:30. I guess they're running a little late."

Carlos, Evie, and Mal looked at each other worriedly for a moment. "Jay!" they yelled together.

"Get out, now," Mal ordered, as Carlos pounded on the bathroom door. "We're late."

Jay rushed out of the bathroom, zipping up his vest. "What do you mean? Carlos said ten?"

"I guess I was wrong," Carlos said bashfully, scratching the back of his head.

Mal threw Jay his shoes. "We need to get to Beast's statue," she said.

Jay hopped on one foot towards the door, as he pulled on his shoes. Without saying a word, the five villain kids ran out of the dorm room, Doug and Dude following behind. Jay cursed under his breath as they rushed down the stairs.

"There's the limo," Evie said causing everyone to stop to look out the window.

There was definitely a limo pulling up to the driveway.

Jay could only think that she was here. Selene was off of the Isle, just as she wanted.

"Well, what are we waiting for," Freddie said, getting everyone to snap out of it.

The six teens were rushing down the steps once again, with their dog companion keeping up with their pace.

"Welcome to Auradon," Ben greeted as they burst through the front doors.

Ben and the three new Isle transfer students looked to see what all the commotion was about.

As the other students ran along the walkway, Jay made a point to make a beeline for the limo, jumping over anything that was in the way. Just seeing her standing there gave him the endurance for stunts that he'd been missing on the Tourney field lately.

Selene couldn't help but smile as Jay effortlessly jumped over hedges and benches before coming to a halt right next to Ben.

"Hey, Feisty," Jay breathed, slightly out of breath.

"Hi, Jay," Selene greeted, a genuine smile stretching across her face.

Evie squealed in excitement, tugging on Doug's shirt sleeve. Mal and Carlos exchanged a look. They all understood that this simple exchange was the equivalent to the running into each other's arms that they'd seen on those sappy Auradon movies.

"Second wish granted," Jay stated.

He could feel it in his bones. This was the start of his happily ever after.

Author's Note: That's the end everyone. Been brainstorming some sequel ideas. It's all a jumbled mess of basic and boring ideas, but I think I have one or two decent ones. _ Let me know in a review if you guys would read a sequel.