It was another ordinary day at The Institute of War, champions were being called to battle on Summoner's Rift like usual. However this day was unfortunate at the time for a few champions for they were on the same team which meant they had to ignore their past and work together. Warwick was summoned to be the jungler, Vayne the adc, Me as support, Singed as the top laner and Karthus as the mid laner. As the champions gathered from their rooms to the summoning circle that would transport them to their fountain on the rift, they stood next to one another. The atmosphere around us was thick with anger, feelings of betrayal, caution, hatred. The only two who were friends were Singed and Warwick, and then you have Me and Vayne who were just acquaintances. Once we were teleported to our fountain we saw who we were up against , Vladimir , Victor, Urgot, Mordekaiser and Thresh.

Nothing out of the ordinary happened at the start of the game, Warwick went top to start at krugs so he can get red buff first, Singed happily obliged to giving his friend Warwick a leash before he headed back to lane. Vayne and I were pushing bot lane with ease, my silence and healing denied Urgot and Thresh to ambush Vayne. Noting that bot lane was having trouble, the enemy jungler came to gank. Mordekaiser, Urgot and Thresh were able to kill Vayne but not without the death of their allies Urgot and Thresh. However that leaves Mordekaiser who had killed Vayne while his ultimate was active, I tried to flee from the Iron Revenant and the ghost of Vayne. I had already used my "Wish" to heal Vayne while she was in battle so I had nothing to heal myself enough to get away. I was only able to slow him down but when he got close I thought this was the end until the summoners revived me. They towered over me, my staff was knocked out of my hands and landed a bit out of reach. Mordekaiser stepped on my arm as I tried to retrieve my staff, I groaned in pain, and looked up at him with my golden eyes. He raised his mace about to swing it down to end my life, but then he stops in his tracks, unable to move for a short duration. I quickly grab my staff and used starcall on Mordekaiser to heal myself a bit. I noticed it was Warwick who came to my rescue. I used my Equinox to root the Iron Revenant and healed Warwick. The Blood Hunter was able to defeat the enemy jungler, he then glanced at me although it wasn't his usual eyes of hunt, they seemed kinder. No, that's probably not true, he is probably trying to trick me again. I recalled to heal myself in the safety of our fountain. The rest of the game went smoothly and we were victorious at the end.