A/N: Sorry about the wait. Been busy in the real world with finals and stuff XP.

"Would you hold still? I can't focus with you squirming all over."

Keith and Lance had been meeting secretly, late every night, for nearly a month now, both keeping true to the deal struck after the mission on the Galra ship. Keith had resisted relieving himself this entire time, though he occasionally woke up uncomfortably sticky from the vivid wet dreams he'd been getting since the first "lesson". He felt entirely humiliated by his own subconscious, though he knew rationally there was no way anyone could know what he dreamt about. No one knew how he really felt about Lance either. He was safe to fantasize extensively on his own, which he did nearly every moment of his free time.

He knew obsessing like this wasn't healthy, especially when he and Lance weren't even dating. He wasn't sure what their relationship was, though the "lessons" had been growing ever more heated. Keith often found himself enjoying more of the kissing than actually learning from it, letting Lance take the lead and, essentially, have his way with him. It wasn't all so selfish though, he figured. It seemed Lance was enjoying it almost as much as he was. The way he'd been pushing his cool hands under Keith's shirt while they kissed, lightly touching his lower abdomen, tracing his hips and muscles with his fingertips, pressing against his lower back…Keith craved those touches like a man lost in the desert craved water.

The current evening's meeting was different than the previous ones. Lance had suggested they sit on the floor and try using their tongues. Internally, Keith was thrilled. He wanted nothing more than to have Lance hold him down and kiss him like he did on the Galra ship…maybe with those new touches thrown in as well. But he didn't want to seem too eager, lest Lance figure out how big of a crush he had on him. Still, he agreed, and here they sat, Lance attempting to start while Keith struggled to find a position that wouldn't give away his inevitable erection.

"I'm just trying to get comfortable, dammit," he grumbled, "These floors aren't exactly covered in shag carpeting."



Keith looked up, falling still as he met the unusual deep blue of Lance's eyes. He was smiling like he had the first time they met like this, serene and gentle. Keith felt his heart miss a beat then accelerate to compensate the loss. Don't do this to me now…

"Relax, okay?" Lance said, leaning in, "Just mirror me. Less is more with tongues."

"Right…" Keith trailed off as Lance closed the distance and he had to fight himself not to grab hold of him too quickly. Lance slowly reached up to touch the side of Keith's neck; that combined with the smooth tilt of his head gliding his lips along Keith's sent shivers all through him. Keith reached out, uncertain, and grasped Lance's sleeve. Lance parted their lips with a soft, strong motion and Keith had to suppress a moan as his tongue entered his mouth. Fuck…why does it feel so good when he does that?

Keith tugged at the sleeve as he tried to match Lance's movements. It had been so difficult last time…no, it was impossible last time; but this time, now that Lance was moving so slowly with the intention of teaching rather than dominance, he found it much easier to follow along. And oh god did it feel so much better when they were in sync with each other and not fighting to prove a point.

Keith inched his way up Lance's arm, holding tightly to the fabric of his shirt to keep his hands from shaking. His breaths came in short and hot and he found it harder and harder to control them. Lance took these as cues to lift up the hem of Keith's t-shirt with his free hand, the hand on Keith's neck sliding back into the nest of black hair that hung over the nape of his neck. The hand under his shirt passed delicately over his abs before he did something that caught Keith off-guard.

Lance tightened his fist in Keith's hair, pulling him into the kiss even harder, and his other hand trailed up the feverish skin to his nipple, teasing it ever so lightly. Keith gasped sharply, nearly gagging on the excess of saliva. Lance broke the kiss briefly, licking Keith's bottom lip as he went, and asked,

"Is this okay?"

Keith's eyebrows furrowed as he considered this, breathless. It took a moment for his thoughts to return to him long enough to reply,



Lance resumed with vigor, forcing a muffled cry of surprise from Keith as their mouths collided once more. He spread his long fingers across Keith's pectoral, rubbing his hardening nipple with his thumb. Keith's breathing hitched. All thought was lost to him now and all he could focus on was how good this felt. Lance gave a soft hum of contentment and dragged his index finger down to give Keith's nipple a gentle pinch, simultaneously tugging his hair. At this, Keith moaned, long and loud, though quieted by Lance's own mouth. Lance froze. He hadn't expected that. Confused, he pulled away, releasing Keith's hair and removing his hand from under his shirt.

The sight before him was not one he ever imagined to see. Keith, distant, impulsive, cold-shoulder Keith was sitting with his knees spread wide, his jacket falling off his shoulders. His hair was rumpled and sticking up, his face redder than Lance had ever seen it. His breathing was short and ragged and he looked at Lance with longing…lust? It was then Lance glanced down at the (very obvious) bulge in Keith's pants and felt the heat rising in his own cheeks. Shit, he thought, pressing a hand to his lips in contemplative shock, I did that.

"Why'd you," Keith panted, his forehead wrinkling in frustration, "Why'd you stop?"

"I-uh…you…" Lance stammered, scrambling to find words to express how he was feeling at this moment, "You want to do this?" That sounded stupid, he berated himself. Keith twitched and shuddered. He licked his reddened lips briefly before speaking, and Lance found it increasingly difficult to keep his eyes off his groin.

"Fuck, Lance, isn't it obvious?" Lance flinched at the roughness of Keith's voice. Was this really happening?

"I need to hear you say it," Lance insisted, "Please, Keith." He reached out and slowly pushed Keith's jacket down his arms, bringing his lips to his neck. "Tell me you want it, and I'll give it to you." Keith whined softly as Lance planted small kisses along the side of his neck, wrenching his hands out of the bunched sleeves at his wrists and grasping at Lance's shirt.

"F-fuck…I…" he wheezed, fighting himself. What had he left to lose? His dignity was long gone. He still had concerns of appearing foolish, considering he had never had sex before (and he was almost certain Lance had), but here Lance was, willing, only asking for his consent. Taking a deep breath, Keith dug his fingernails into Lance's back and whimpered,

"I want it."

Lance shivered. He'd never gotten this far with anyone and wasn't sure of exactly what to do. Sure, he'd seen plenty of what the internet had to offer and, sure, he'd done plenty to himself, but this was different. This was Keith. Keith, who he'd tried so hard to hate and ended up wanting nothing less than to wake up at his side, see his incredible smile, feel his smooth, warm skin under his fingertips…He refused to admit, even to himself, just how long he'd harbored a crush on Keith (though if he really thought about it, and was honest with himself, it had to have been before they even found the Blue Lion).

Lance hesitated, idly kissing and licking Keith's neck. He had before him a unique situation. Keith was literally begging him for sex, probably loaded with those sweet sounds that were such a turn on for him. However, he barely knew what he was doing and refused to look incompetent.

"Again," he whispered before he had a chance to think about what he was saying, "Say it again."

Keith's pelvis jerked forward slightly as he tried to prevent his hips from bucking as hard as his body wanted.

"Come on, Lance," he complained, "I already said it." He gasped and moaned as Lance bit down on the skin between his neck and shoulder, arching his back.

"One more time," Lance purred, "Tell me what you want." He teased Keith's nipples over his shirt while he worked on his neck, reveling in the strained whimpers his actions caused.

"I – fuck – I want it," Keith rasped, desperation thick in his tone, "I want you so bad." Lance moved back to kiss Keith's mouth again, his own desires clouding his need to hear Keith's repeated consent. Did I hear that right? he wondered as he held his enthusiastic partner in place, Did he mean to say he wanted me?

"What is it…that you want?" he continued between contact, thoroughly enjoying teasing Keith, "Be specific." Keith whined in protest but complied anyway.

"I…" he panted, tugging at Lance's shirt, willing it to disappear, "I want you to touch me."


Keith grasped Lance's wrist and firmly guided his hand to his groin, gasping as it pressed against his dick.


Lance's breathing grew faster as he took the lead, gently palming Keith's erection through his pants, thrilling at the moans the action elicited.

"Like this?" he asked, "You like it when I touch you here?" Keith rolled his hips to gain more friction against Lance's hand, finding it incredibly difficult to form words in between his cries of pleasure.

"Yes," he wheezed, pulling Lance closer and pressing his chin into Lance's shoulder, "Fuck…yes."

Lance found himself releasing a soft chuckle at this, still incredulous at his current situation.

"I never knew what a slut you were, Keith," he murmured into Keith's ear, "You've been holding out on me."

"Sh-shut up!" Keith sputtered, feeling his flush extend into his chest, "I just…ah! I haven't done anything for a while…"

"I bet you don't touch yourself because you can't keep your voice down. You don't want everyone else to hear how horny you are." Lance pressed harder as he rubbed, lightly kissing Keith's neck and shoulder again.

"Fuck you – nngh! – I…oh, fuck, I…I…"

"You what?" Lance pressed, grinding the heel of his palm against Keith's tip. Keith clenched his jaw. He attempted to suppress the moan that bubbled up from this action, producing a pathetic, squeaking whimper instead.

"Fuck, Lance, I'm so close," he muttered, digging his fingers into Lance's back, "I'm gonna –" But before he could quite reach orgasm, Lance pulled away, prying Keith's hands from his shirt. Keith shuddered and glared vehemently at him.

"What now?" he growled, "I was so close." Lance offered a genuine smile.

"I want some attention too," he said, "I don't want a half-assed handjob when you're exhausted from cumming." Keith frowned and assessed the situation. Lance was clearly hard, he noticed, and he knew that he was right about him becoming exhausted.

"Alright," he said, coming back to his senses, "Get on the bed. I can't sit on the floor anymore." Lance obeyed, sitting up near the pillow. Keith struggled with the zipper of his pants and the fastenings of his gloves for a moment in his haste to get them off before joining him. He left his boxer briefs on, however, as he felt too shy for Lance to see him just yet. That'll change in a few minutes…

"So eager," Lance commented, fiddling with the fastenings of his own jeans, "Seriously, if I knew you were this desperate we might've done this sooner." Keith climbed onto the bed, scowling as he helped Lance remove his jeans.

"Yeah, like you'd've wanted to fuck me before tonight," he grumbled, "I'm sure you've had better than me plenty of times, right?" Lance blushed and averted his eyes.

"Actually, I, uh…no," he muttered, suddenly bashful, "You're the first." Keith paused in tossing Lance's jeans to the side, surprised.

"Seriously?" he questioned, dropping the pants on the floor and hesitantly touching Lance's thigh.

"Yeah, seriously," Lance confirmed, "I just think…kissing doesn't mean anything but sex should." Keith shivered and leaned closer, sliding his hand up Lance's thigh as he moved.

"And it means something with me?" Lance blinked.

"Yeah…I guess it does…" he whispered. Keith closed the gap between them, kissing him with the intent to show him this meant something to him as well. Lance moaned softly as Keith cupped his cock through his boxers, reaching around to bury his fingers in Keith's hair. Keith moved his hand in firm, repetitive strokes along Lance's shaft, focusing more on that motion than the kiss. Lance took control of it instead, expertly caressing Keith's lips with his own.

"You like touching me, don't you?" he said, breaking away, "You wanna hear me moan like you do?"

"Do you ever shut up?"

"What can I say? I've got a lot on my mind." Keith tugged at the waistband of Lance's boxers, inching them down his hips.

"How about I clear it up for you?" he suggested, brushing his knuckles against Lance's bare tip. Lance twitched and jerked back, suddenly anxious. Keith backed off, sensing he had struck a nerve. Lance refused to meet his gaze, but Keith could see that he had become intensely uncomfortable.

"Sorry," Lance apologized, "I, um, I don't want you to look at it." Puzzled, Keith tilted his head.

"What do you mean? We both have one." Lance rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"I know that…it's just…mine's weird, okay?" Keith watched him for a moment in silence. He noticed how warm he had gotten already and pulled his shirt over his head to relieve some of the heat. He remembered something about oral sex from the half-paid attention to lectures in health class and leaned in to give Lance one more kiss before attempting it.

"I won't look," he promised as he slid Lance's boxers down his legs, touching their foreheads together, "Trust me."

Lance's breath caught in his throat in anticipation of what Keith was about to do. He watched him pull back, their eye contact never breaking. Keith lay a hand on Lance's cock to guide his next move. Lance gave a sharp gasp as Keith ducked his head suddenly and took half of his length in his mouth. Stars burst before his eyes at the shock and he whimpered, reaching a shaking hand out to grasp Keith's hair again.

"Oh, fuck, Keith, where'd you learn to do that?" he asked weakly as Keith bobbed his head, coating his dick with as much saliva as he could produce. Keith grunted softly, keeping his eyes closed and trying to ignore the interesting, somewhat bitter but not unpleasant, taste of Lance in favor of performing well. He tilted his head side to side as he moved, getting different angles that elicited various (incredibly sexy, he noted) sounds from Lance. Keith savored each one, relaxing his throat so he could take even more. Lance moaned louder at this, tugging Keith's hair with one hand and covering his own mouth with the other.

Lance found it difficult to speak with his dick in Keith's mouth. His mind was a blur of expletives and endorphins and the rush spread through his entire body. His moans became almost as frequent as his exhales and he could feel himself growing close to release.

"Keith," he wheezed, tapping Keith's head lightly to get his attention, "Keith, stop, I'm gonna cum." Keith pulled back, leaving a trail of saliva between his mouth and Lance's cock. He looked up at Lance, his heavy bangs in his eyes, though Lance could tell he was confused.

"I don't want to make you swallow it," Lance clarified, reaching for Keith's hand, "I'd rather look at your stupid face." Keith smiled at this, recognizing the humor as a cover up for the oxytocin. He leaned his forehead against Lance's as Lance guided his hand back to his cock to finish him off. It only took a few more strokes for Lance to reach orgasm, and he yanked Keith in for an aggressive kiss as he did so, his mind going completely blank.

Keith felt the hot semen spill out over his hand as he continued to pump Lance through his climax, unable to stop himself from moaning a little, hearing Lance do the same. They broke their kiss almost unwillingly, their breaths needing more space than what was confined to their mouths.

"Fuck me, Keith, are you sure you're a virgin?" Lance wheezed, laughing weakly.

"Pretty sure," Keith answered, nuzzling Lance's face before rolling onto his back next to him. He tugged his boxer briefs down his legs and kicked them off onto the floor, then turned to face Lance, his thoughts still clouded with desire.

"I'm sorry," Lance said breathlessly, "I don't think I'm ready to have cock in my mouth."

"So…what?" Keith questioned, getting impatient. Lance wiped his hand on the sticky white puddle on his stomach and stared at it momentarily, struggling to form coherent thoughts. Suddenly, a grin broke across his face, and he excitedly gathered as much of his cum into his hands as he could wipe up.

"What are you doing?" Keith asked, confused. Lance kissed him briefly before responding,

"I think you're gonna love this."

Lance carefully brought his hands to Keith's dick and slowly began coating it with the cum. Keith yelped and spasmed, shocked by the difference a little lubricant made. The moans quickly returned, loud and needy.

"You really are a slut," Lance purred, moving to kiss Keith's neck again as he increased the speed of his hand, "Tell me what you want."

"Oh, fuck, Lance," Keith whined, "I want…I want you."


"I want you, Lance…I want you…"

"Louder." Lance bit down hard on Keith's shoulder.


Keith panted heavily, his mind long gone. All he could say now was Lance's name, over and over again. His breathing spiked, and his moans grew higher pitched as he fast approached orgasm. He grabbed onto Lance, dragging his fingernails across his shoulder blades.

"I'm gonna…I'm gonna…" Keith whimpered.

"Cum for me," Lance whispered, "I want to hear you scream."

There was no better word for the cry that ripped from Keith's lungs as he ejaculated onto his own abdomen, his eyes shut tight as he clung to Lance. His voice sounded so raw and ragged…Lance felt chills all through his body, surprised at how erotic it was to him.

Lance held Keith for several long minutes after his voice faltered and gave out. Keith lay panting and shivering, his forehead pressed into Lance's chest.

"You gonna live?" Lance joked, idly stroking Keith's sweat drenched hair with the backs of his fingers.

"Shut up," Keith grumbled, "I told you I hadn't done anything for a while."

"How was it doing it with someone else?" Keith inhaled deeply, trying to steady his breaths.

"It was…nice, I guess," he said softly. Lance laughed and gave him a light squeeze, causing his heart to flutter.

"You guess? I'll have to step up my game then for next time." Keith pulled back to look at him.

"Next time?" Lance's smile was impossibly attractive, slightly crooked with a flush to his cheeks and his hair rumpled; his skin almost sparkled with the thin sheen of sweat that coated it.

"Of course!" he said, "Unless you don't want to, which is totally fine. I'm not gonna pressure you into anything." He liked it, Keith thought with incredulity, He actually liked what I did. While he was lost in his baffled thoughts, Lance wriggled his arms free and rolled over him to get to the floor.

"Where are you going?" Keith asked, sitting up. Lance waved him off as he picked up his discarded boxers to wipe himself down.

"I'm gonna get us some space juice," he said, "I bet you're pretty parched after all that screaming." Keith blushed and crossed his arms over his bare chest, bashful but also mildly annoyed.

"Wul…kind of…" he mumbled. Lance shook his head with a smile as he pulled on his pajamas and slippers. He's too cute for his own good sometimes, he noted silently. He made for the door but paused before exiting.

"Hey, Keith?"


"Are we square now?" Keith scoffed.

"Like hell we are. I'm getting you back for teasing me in the beginning." Lance smirked as he left the room, knowing he was in for the long haul with this one.

A/N: jfc am I apprehensive about posting this sort of thing. Huge thanks to my best friend Nelly for helping me edit this beast (I'm ace so when I write smut it tends to get a bit clinical). And now I can focus on the cute, fluffy fics I have planned (though really it's mostly gonna be school work with as little fic writing as I can get away with). Thanks for sticking with me, guys, I hope you enjoyed my shaky attempt at the pronz