I only got this idea last weeks and thought I should try it out. Read and Enjoy


Og was strong. If you asked around all who knew him would say so. Og was powerful. He could pull an oak tree out of the ground and use it as club to swing at his enemies. Og was feared. He killed the last troll who dared to challenge him with one punch. Yes, the chief of the War Trolls Og was certainly great. His short name said it all. There was no one in the world that could beat him.

Or so the War Trolls had thought.

None of them could believe what was happening in front of their eyes. Og was on his knees and bleeding profusely. His giant adamantite club lay on the ground next to him, broken and bent. Everyone present had witnessed how hard the mighty troll had fought. He had swung the club like they had never seen before. The force behind his swings was so strong it had generated a not so gentle breeze. The strong had covered their faces and the weak were blown away. Even some of their house had been damaged by the wind generated by Og.

This made it all the more shocking that the chief's opponent, a human, hardly batted an eye.

Whenever Og attacked the creature had simply raised its golden staff to parry the onslaught. It was a surreal sight. The adamantite club wielded by Og was as thick as the creature's body and twice as long yet it fended it off with hardly any effort. Usually when Og swung his club the opponent would be sent flying, whether they blocked or not. However, this creature did not budge. When it blocked it was Og who felt vibrations in his arm. Even when he had begun to swing with both hands the results didn't change.

The creature seemed to tire of this routine. When Og attacked once more it sidestepped. The adamantite club hit the ground and caused a minor tremor. Og roared and as he lifted the club. The War Trolls could see that their leader had lost his temper long ago. In that roar they could feel his desperation. Another problem had surfaced. That club would not budge.

The creature had stepped on it with so much force that the club, which was made of the strongest metal known, had bent beyond forty-five degrees. Og had not been given a chance to react because the creature suddenly attacked with its staff. That was how he had ended in this disgraceful position, kneeling in front of his enemy. It was clear to everyone who had witnessed the fight that this foe was stronger than Og. If not for the incredible regenerative skills of the troll race this fight would have been long over.

His wounds were already starting to heal and he was regaining his strength. When he got too his feet everyone who saw his eyes was taken aback by the fury in them, so much so that even the most hardened warrior in the tribe took a step back. Og was notorious for wiping out entire villages and leaving not even the infrastructure standing. This is why no one, whether from his own tribe or other tribe, dared to go against him. Everyone was scared. They had never seen their chief this furious before.

"YOU PUNY ANT!" he roared as he lifted his bent club high above his head. "OG WILL CRUSH YOU!"

He brought the club down with his full strength. But there was more to it than just a swing. At that very moment they felt the air distort around Og. Only a few knew what was happening. Og had activated a Martial Art, the mysterious power used by human warriors in from distant lands. With that Og's downward swing carried several times his full strength.

However, before the adamantite club reached its mark it was cleaved in half.

"I have given you enough chances to submit but it seems you're too stupid to reason with."'

That was the smooth voice of the creature. In its hand it no longer held a golden staff, but a sword with a golden hilt. In its red eyes they saw something that terrified them more than Og ever head. This was a being far beyond their capabilities, far beyond Og's abilities. The creature that stood not higher than their knees could not be human. This was a terrible monster that no troll alive could ever hope to beat. The terrified look in Og's eyes proved that he too had begun to understand it. But that realisation had come too late.

The creature swung its sword and blood sprayed everywhere.