This is the re-write of 'Prophecy of an Apostle'. The character is less Mary Sue, and the story follows most of the original laws from the anime.

All of the OC's I received WILL be used, so worry not!

There are a few changes I made, such as how long she is with the Potters and all that. Zelretch doesn't make her his apprentice for some time, and instead of this taking place during 'Fate/Zero', it takes place in 'Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works', with a few changes:

-Gilgamesh disappears at the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War.

-Shirou doesn't have a 'Hero Complex'.

-Shinji is a mage.

-Kiritsugu didn't die.

-Illya is allowed to be visited by her father and brother.

-Irisviel is alive.

-The Holy Grail isn't corrupted in the Fifth War.

-Mages are more open about their magic.

-Heroic Class Cards!

For Harry Potter's changes/elements:


-Potter, Weasley (not the twins, Bill, or Charlie), Dumbledore, and more bashing!

-Squibs are really Mages.

-Wizards are oblivious to the Magi, but not the other way around.

-Tri-Wizard tournament happens in 1996 instead of 1994.

Hope this clears things up a bit!

Chapter One: Bands of Magic

London, England

Potter Manor

July 31, 1985

"Happy birthday, Charlus!" the crowd cheered.

From the doorway leading into the room, a little girl watched, her green eyes staring at the multi-tiered, blue and green cake with snitch decorations adorning the sides, and a small model broom on the very top.

She looked away with a sigh, her auburn hair falling in front of her face. Refusing to look back at the party, she quickly walked away from the dining room, making sure to be as quiet as possible as she made her way up the stairs and to her bedroom.

She closed the door, and leaned her head on it with a groan of frustration. "It's my birthday, too," she whispered, closing her eyes so that the tears wouldn't fall.

She pushed herself away from the door, keeping her eyes closed. "I just wanted someone to say happy birthday to me," she tried not to sob, but her voice quivered nonetheless. "Just one person..."

She sat on her bed, wiping away a stray tear with the back of her hand. Her eyes opened, glancing around her small room, taking in the familiarity of the light caramel walls and the cream coloured carpet. There was a pine wood desk in one corner, and beside it a small bookshelf. On the other side of the room was a boudoir, and a single mirror hanging on the wall. Her bed, with a pine bed frame, was a single, with dark grey sheets and a single pillow.

The room was the smallest in Potter Manor, and had once been used by the elves. Since James Potter had taken over as the Head of the Potter house, however, the elves now had a larger room than even she did.

"I wish someone would love me," the girl whispered into the air, unaware that the clock had just struck midnight as the last word was spoken.


Somewhere in the Void, Zelretch was sitting around and debating on how he would execute his next prank on the Clock Tower. He had yet to decide exactly which Clock Tower in which universe would be his target, but he was keeping an eye out for which one pissed him off next.

Suddenly, the air in front of his shifted, and an older woman in red robes appeared before him, her black hair styled elegantly around her face, and golden eyes dancing in amusement.

"Hello, Kischur," the woman greeted, materializing a small throne to sit on. Zelretch nodded to her. "Alaya, wonderful to see you again. It has been quite a while, hasn't it?" he replied in turn, materializing a goblet of blood to drink from, his crimson eyes watching the goddess with contemplation.

Alaya nodded. "Indeed it has, Kischur, indeed it has," she materialized her own drink, a glass of red wine, chilled slightly. "I require a favour."

He raised a brow at her blunt statement. "It is rare indeed that you ask a favour of me, Alaya. You normally ask one of your servants to perform tasks for you."

She sighed. "In this case, I cannot. The favour is too delicate for my executioners to handle. In fact, there should not be any death at all, should you accept."

He nodded, setting down his goblet. "What exactly do you need from me?"

"There is a child that will not survive much longer unless someone intervenes." Alaya said bluntly.

Zelretch blinked. "What could possibly be so special about this child that you of all people want me to intervene?" he asked incredulously.

Alaya sighed. "She is the only one capable of using them."

Zelretch coughed, choking on his drink. "Excuse me? She can use them?" he asked, eyes wide. Alaya nodded. "The very structure of her soul allows for it. Last I remember, you were the only one still alive who could use them."

He nodded. "I haven't found need to use them in a few millennium, however. I suppose that, if she truly can use them, I should teach her how."

Alaya smiled. "Thank you, Kischur. I'm sure that you will have little trouble finding her; her soul shines quite bright, after all."

With that, the goddess was gone, and Zelretch was left with an empty space in front of him.

He sighed, materializing a large folder in front of him. He stared at the cover, the ancient runes adorning the entire front glowing slightly.

"Yes, she will enjoy these."


She woke up to a bright light in her room.

It was late at night, the party downstairs having ended hours ago, and her parents and brother long since falling asleep in their rooms.

She sat up slowly, looking around, searching for the light that had disappeared as soon as it had come. Had she been imagining things?

"Good morning, Helena Potter," a voice greeted from beside her.

Helena let out a small cry of alarm, almost falling off of her bed. The voice chuckled, and suddenly her room was lit up once more, causing her to block her eyes to keep the light out.

"Who are you?" she asked quietly, not wanting to wake her parents. She blinked her eyes and moved her hands, watching the old man taking a seat on her bed. "My name is Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, and I am the Master of the Kaleidoscope."

She cocked her head at him. "I don't know what that means, Mr. Schweinorg..."

He laughed lightly. "One day, you will, I promise you that." he waved his hand, and a huge binder appeared. "Happy Birthday, Helena," he said, handing it to her.

Helena felt tears in her eyes. "You wished me a happy birthday... no one's ever done that before..."

He frowned. "Not even your parents?" he asked. She shook her head. "They only tell my brother Happy Birthday, not me..."

He ruffled her hair. "Well, how are these for your first birthday?" he asked, opening the binder.

She gasped as he flipped through the pages, showing her hundreds upon hundreds of cards, each the size of a single playing card. There were seven dividers, with different names on each.

"'Archer', 'Saber', 'Lancer'..." she read off the first three. "What are they, Mr. Schweinorg?" she asked. He smiled. "Zelretch, kid. And they are called 'Class Cards'."

He returned to the first page, and grabbed the first card that was there. He showed it to her.

The top left corner held a golden diamond shape, with a bow and arrow drawn in it. Beside it was written in runes, 'Atalanta'. The picture that was under it was a teal and white hair-coloured woman wearing a beautiful navy and cyan dress, with gold adornments. In gloved hands was a longbow, with the same colouring as her dress.

She took the card from him and flipped it over to see the back.

The top read 'Phoebus Catastrophe', and under it was 'B+ Noble Phantasm'. Under that were six stat boxes, with Stats filled in. And, under that read:

Height/Weight: 166cm ・ 57kg
Region: Greece
Alignment: Neutral ・ Evil
Gender: Female

"Strength: D, Endurance: E, Agility: A, Mana: B, Luck: C, NP: C." she read each aloud. She looked at Zelretch. "What exactly do these do?" she asked.

He smirked. "With enough Prana, you could use these cards to summon the heroes on them. However, be warned that once you summon them they will be forever engraved on your arm."

Helena hummed. "Can I try?" she asked. He smiled. "You can, but only once I've trained you enough. The more I train you, the more Heroes you can summon."

She grinned. "Then will you train me? Oh pretty please? Charlus is always getting training, but I never do!"

Zelretch nodded. "But, no telling anyone, understand?"

Helena agreed, holding out her hand for him to shake. "Deal!"


London, England

Potter Manor

August 13, 1986

"Do you really think I'm ready, Zelretch?" Helena asked, looking at the card in her hand. The Hero was only three stars, but it was still a powerful hero for her fist summoning.

Zelretch nodded, ruffling her hair. "It's easy, kiddo! All you've got to do is send a small bit of your prana into the card, and the magic inside of the card does the rest. You have more than enough prana to keep him tethered to this world, so don't worry. And afterwards, it'll be even easier for you to learn magic."

Helena nodded, letting the Lancer Class card stare at her, as if mocking her. "I can do this!" she whispered to herself with confidence.

Zelretch leaned against the wall, letting her prepare herself. "Don't worry if you feel a sudden drop in prana; it's normal," he told her as she took several deep breaths.

She nodded, keeping her concentration on her circuits. It had been just over a year since he became her teacher, but she still only had 34 available circuits out of the 195 she had in her body.

It's still enough to summon a hero!

She gently pushed a small bit of her prana into the card, not wanting to overload it. She felt something shift, and suddenly her prana went haywire.

She let out a groan of pain as her circuits reacted, and carved a red band onto her wrist. It glowed, and a quiet hum went through the room as a red light materialized in the form of a man.

The light faded like smoke, and suddenly her circuits were painless. Helena gasped and fell over, the leftover pain vibrating in her arm.

"Are you my master?" a masculine voice asked, and Helena looked up from the floor to see a worried face in front of her, his golden eyes warm.

Helena nodded, and he smiled. "Then our pact is sealed, my Master. Please, allow me to help you," he held out a feminine looking hand. Helena grasped it gently, allowing him to pull her to her feet. "Thank you, Diarmuid Ua Duibhne."

He bowed, a smile on his face. "I have a kind Master," he stated, his eyes closed. She smiled at him. "No one but those of us in this room are aware of the summoning. Unless we're alone or with Zelretch, I'll need you to stay astralized. Is that alright, Diarmuid?"

He nodded. "Of course, Master. However, you may call me Lancer, as it is simpler to say, and no one will know my true identity."

Helena nodded. "Alright, if that is your wish then so be it. Do you want to eat anything, Lancer?"

Lancer looked down and closed his eyes. "I am merely a servant, Master, your food is your own."

She sighed, caressing his cheek. His eyes opened in surprise, his golden eyes searching hers. "My servant you may be, however you are also my friend and confidant. You deserve only the best I can offer."

She saw tears in his eyes, but they refused to fall. "Such a kind master I never had," he said quietly, pressing his cheek closer into her hand, searching for comfort. She smiled. "Come, let us eat."

She had him sit on her bed, and Zelretch summoned two plates of food for them. "I bet you can't wait until you can do it yourself, huh, Helena?" he teased. She smirked. "Soon, soon," she waved him off. She looked at her new servant. "Do you like steak?" she asked, setting the food down in front of him on her bed. He nodded. "Yes, thank you, Master."

She smiled. "Please don't call me that unless it's a formal occasion, Lancer. My name will do just fine."

He smiled warmly at her. "My Lady, then. You are still of a higher rank than I, after all."

She sighed. "I suppose," she replied, taking a bite of her food. She then looked at Zelretch. "Will you be by tomorrow?" she asked. He smirked. "I think I'll leave you both alone tomorrow, and let you get to know one another." he looked at his watch. "I'll be leaving now. Ta ta!"

Lancer stared at the spot he vanished from. "What an odd man," he stated. Helena chuckled. "Indeed he is," she replied.


That night, she and Lancer shared the bed, not only because she didn't have anywhere else for him to sleep, but because of his reluctance on leaving her alone.

She slept soundlessly, safe and warm in Diarmuids arms as he held her close, not wanting anything to happen to her.

He smiled down at the sleeping six year old, dreading the day when she would be old enough for his curse to affect her. He only wished that she had a strong enough will to ignore it, and continue being as she was currently.

"I shall give my life for you, My Master," he whispered, kissing her head softly.

"I shall not let anyone harm you."


London, England

Potter Manor

January 25, 1987

Lancer flipped through the pages of the binder from his spot on the floor, as he rested his back against her wall, searching for his masters next summoning. "Do you prefer Caster or Rider?" he asked, having settling on one of the two classes.

Helena hummed from her spot on her bed, the textbook on Alchemy closing. "I don't know. What are the two servants you're having trouble choosing between?"

He held up two class cards. "Tamamo no Mae for Caster, and Ramasses for Rider."

Helena slid off the bed, settling herself beside Lancer. He wrapped an arm around her, keeping her warm with the heat he radiated. She glanced at the cards. "Tamamo could be three classes all on her own when summoned. Why didn't you chose one of her other classes?" she asked. He shrugged. "I am a Lancer myself, even if I am only one with three stars. Lancers tend to fight with one another. And I do not believe that you are yet powerful enough to handle a Berserker."

She hummed. "I believe you are right. I think I will summon her tonight under the Caster Class."

Lancer smiled at his master. "Alright then, My Lady." he yawned, releasing her to lay his head down on her lap. Helena giggled, running her hand through his hair.

"Your hair is very soft, Lancer," she said, playing with the strands that fell in front of his face. He smiled. "You are the first to say so, My Lady," he replied softly. She kissed his forehead. "Sleep, Lancer. I will do the summoning tonight when Zelretch arrives."

He nodded, and fell into a deep slumber.


The years passed quickly after that. Helena managed to unlock all of her circuits, and maximize them to their full potential. Her elements were revealed to be Fire, Wind, and Darkness, while her Origin was Chaos.

After the summoning of Diarmuid and Tamamo, she summoned five more servants.

Attila of the Saber Class.

Atalanta of the Archer Class.

Iskandar of the Rider Class.

Shuten Douji of the Assassin Class.

Kiyohime of the Berserker Class.

Each servant gained her a crimson red band running up her left arm. She hoped to one day have more servants contracted to her, however she was very much aware of how much prana they sucked out of her.

In 1991, Charlus Potter received his Hogwarts letter, and Helena did not. Resigned to the fact that one of their children was indeed a squib, Lily and James Potter sent her to live with the Dursley family. However, the day after she was dropped off, Assassin killed the family, and Helena made her way to the Clock Tower in London, hoping to gain a spot at the school.

Her status as Zelretch's apprentice only earned her her acceptance into the Clock Tower. Afterwards, she quickly rose up the ladder, becoming one of the Towers top students.

By the time she was thirteen, she was a very popular face in the Clock Tower, and had made several friends.

However, once she turned fourteen, she gained a new band without a summoning ritual being needed, and found out that she was now a participant in the fifth holy grail war.