AN: The idea for this story came to me when I was watching Bones, and Hodgins told Angela that he would be that guy for her when she thought she was pregnant and she had planned to go it alone since she thought her boyfriend wouldn't be able to handle it. Turns out she wasn't pregnant, but still the idea stuck with me. Ok, so I must tell you that this story may be a bit more erratic in the posting since not all of it is finished yet, but I do have a couple days off soon, so we'll see how far I get before the next chapter. Well, enjoy and please please please review so I know if you want me to continue this story. I am really gonna need feedback on this one. Happy reading!

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

No one had been there. No one.

She had imagined it so different. Her mother holding back tears; Luke being where her father probably wouldn't. Her baby's father smiling down at her with pride. She had even planned for her grandparents to be there (they not doubt would have been). All of that should have been true. But it wasn't.

She did it alone. Her mother not at her side; Luke not being her father figure. She didn't even want to think about where her baby's father was. Well, she knew, but she wasn't sure where they stood. Her grandparents hadn't been there; they had turned up their noses (mainly her grandmother) when she had told them about the father. How she couldn't go back. Not to that. Not to him. They believed she was throwing her life away, and maybe she was.

However, when she looked upon the face of her baby girl, it didn't all seem so bad. Her daughter, whom she had named after herself like her mother before her. Though now, it seemed maybe the demurral might have played a major part in the naming of her child. She had been thinking of how right her mother had been in the fact that men named their sons after themselves, so she named her daughter after herself. Lorelai Lynn Gilmore.

Rory looked around the room of machines, and tried, oh how she tried, to hold back her tears. Her mother wasn't there, neither was Luke. Her grandparents hated her, and she didn't know a thing about her baby's father. She felt the room closing in on her, and she just needed to get out. She thrust her arm up to try and move from the bed, and she remembered the IVs and other wires clinging to her body. She groaned, but covered her mouth with her hands when she remembered her baby.

Rory's blue eyes trailed to the bassinet, making the tears come. She was lying in a hospital bed, alone. No one had shown up for the birth of her daughter. She had gotten into a fight with her mother just after they had patched things up, and once again they were not on speaking terms. Her grandparents had shunned her the second she had broken up with Logan, and not even one of her friends had known. The only person to keep her company was her baby.

Sobs wracked her tired body, and she hoped that she didn't wake up her newborn. She felt like she was giving up everything. She felt like her life had taken a turn for the worst, and nothing was going to fix it. She hadn't even graduated Yale like she promised. Her second break, and she couldn't go back after this one. She needed help, but there was no one to grant her with it. A cry of anguish ripped through her very core just as a nurse was walking by her room.

The woman, who looked so matronly, stepped in as the baby let out her own cry. She picked up the baby, and walked towards Rory who couldn't even bring herself to look at the child. "Hey, now." The woman's warm green eyes searched Rory's face. She softly wiggled the baby around in her arms and smiled. Rory looked away, didn't even reach for her crying newborn. "Are you alone?" She turned her attention to the new mother.

Rory nodded when the nurse, Linda was what her name tag read, sat down on the side of the bed. "Do you know how to feed her?" Linda asked when the blonde baby moved her head around looking for something to suckle on. Rory nodded her head again, and took her baby from the nurse's arms. "What's her name?" She asked, pushing a strand of silvery blonde hair behind her ear.

"Lola." Rory murmured, mesmerized with her daughter. She had already fed her a few times, but just looking at the baby in general filled her eyes with awe. Linda smiled a little brighter. The mother's blue eyes once again filled with tears when her daughter fell asleep. Linda waited, letting her hold the child a bit longer before putting her in the bassinet. She felt her tears increase when Lola was taken from her arms. "I'm all alone." She whispered, trying profusely to wipe the tears from her eyes.

Linda moved a bit closer on the bed, and placed her hand on Rory's shoulder. Her blue eyes flew to the motherly woman's green, and she let her envelope her in a hug. Linda held her while her body shook with sobs. Rory didn't even know this woman, but she felt indebted to her. "It's going to be ok." She pulled her closer when another round of sobs started.

"I-I don't know if-if I should d-do this…" Rory stated. Linda pulled away, and searched the younger girl's face. She noticed how Rory's eyes flicked to her daughter's sleeping form, how her eyes welled up with more tears after saying that.

"That's not what you want." She whispered. Rory shook her head. No, it wasn't. She had been blessed with an amazing mother who had done it all on her own. She knew she had to do the same for her daughter. It didn't mean that she couldn't doubt her abilities. "Then keep her. Be the mama you want to be. Children are a gift; I should know I have five of my own. Give your baby the best life you can give her. Because you know that your life won't be complete unless that baby, Lola, is in your life. You won't be alone for long. All things work out in the end."

Finally, something give her determination. She could do it. She could be the mother she wanted Lola to have. She was going to do it. But she couldn't do it alone. Linda hugged her one last time then walked out to do her rounds. Rory was grateful for the woman who had comforted her in her time of need, but now she needed someone permanent. She couldn't do this alone.

She also couldn't stay there much longer. She had been released, and when she got into her car she didn't know where to go. She couldn't go back to Logan's apartment. He wasn't there, and there were too many bad memories. She couldn't go to her mother since they weren't on speaking terms. She did have to get out of this parking lot though. So she put her car in drive, took a look at the baby in the backseat, and drove.

She drove away from it all. She was halfway to her destination when she realized she was crazy. She felt the tears rolling down her face, and she pulled over. She looked at Lola, still sleeping peacefully. Once again, Rory didn't know what to do.


He had heard rustling. All he heard was rustling. Something was close to his door, and he didn't like it. It was probably something dumb, like a racoon, but damn was it annoying. There wasn't anything he could do about it. Especially in the storm that had hit them, leaving no visibility. He hated nature.

He finally got up to do something about it. He had heard a knock at the door, and realized this was as good a time as any to go look around. He yanked the door open forcefully, and stopped when the person at his door jumped. She was there. Her hair plastered to her face from the rain. Her gorgeous blue eyes red and puffy from crying. He only saw the helpless look on her face before ushering her into his apartment.

She was soaked to the skin, but the object she held in her arms was as dry as a desert. The object in her arms gave a soft mew in protest to being held so tightly, and Rory softened her hold. Jess watched her with amaze and confusion in his eyes. She was here, in Philadelphia, ten months since they had last spoken, with a baby. Her eyes met his, and she fought back tears. She lost the fight. She was reduced to a sniveling mess when he took a step towards her.

"I ha-had nowhere else to-to… I just got out of the hospita-al, and I-I didn't…" She cried. Jess took another step towards her. Broken, a shell of the woman he had once known. Her hold on the baby tightened slightly when he pulled her in for a hug. He made sure to be mindful of her daughter, but he held her as close as possible while she cried.

She was brought from sobs when the baby started to cry herself. She sounded helpless, like how Rory felt. Lola's cries were insistent, and Rory felt to make sure there wasn't anything coming from the diaper. Of course, the baby would be hungry. The brunette's eyes flicked up to Jess's, and he understood what was happening. "I'll be right back…" He left the room in a hurry.

He walked into his room, and began rummaging through his drawers while he waited for Rory to finish. She was going to need something dry to wear if she didn't want to get sick. Jess looked around for something that would be fit for a woman. Eventually, he grabbed his Distillers t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants too small that he had never been able to get rid of. He thought he heard her finish, and took that as the time to walk into his living room.

She was sitting so peacefully on the couch, or so he thought. In all seriousness, she was crying yet again, clutching her daughter close to her chest. Jess sauntered to where she sat, and placed himself right in front of her face. She looked at him sadly, her eyes hollow. "You should change." He held out the clothes. She looked between his soft smile and the clothes in his hand. She shivered, indicating how cold she really was. "Bathroom's over there." He pointed, and she nodded.

She looked around, unsure of where to place her baby while she changed. She had been stupid and forgotten the car seat in the car when she made her final mad dash for his door. Rory eyed him curiously when he placed the clothes on the couch and held out his hands. She carefully placed the baby in his arms, which felt incredibly warm brushing against her cold skin. "Lola," She watched the newborn's eyes flutter. "Her name is Lola."

Jess nodded, and held Lola like she was precious treasure. Which she was, considering she was Rory's daughter. He had only held his sister once, so being entrusted with someone's child was nerve wracking. He didn't tell that to the woman who had trusted him enough. He didn't want to give her a reason to run away.

Inside the bathroom, Rory felt more tears prick at her eyes when she saw the t-shirt he had picked. It must not of crossed his mind while trying to find her clothes, but it played at her emotions. The concert he had taken her to, the concert that solidified their relationship. She didn't think about it further as she slipped it on. She draped her wet clothes over the bathtub, and gave her face a hard scrub with a wash cloth. She was a mess.

She felt her hair drip down her back as she walked into Jess's living room. She stopped short when she saw him holding her daughter. Her two-day old daughter, and he was holding her. He was the first person, besides herself and the nurses, to hold Lola. He was the only person connected to her life that was holding her daughter. She nearly doubled over in agony. She felt a pang from her heart thinking about her old life. She was giving it all up.

"C-could you, uh, could you get her car seat from my car?" Rory pulled his attention away from the baby. Jess nodded, and handed her Lola with the utmost care. She snuggled her daughter close as she watched him walk out the door. She kissed her blonde head and waited for him to return. A few minutes passed, and Rory began to get worried. She was afraid that he had…

Her fears were calmed when Jess waltzed back in. He was now soaked, but holding a relatively dry baby seat. "These things are impossible." He exasperated. Rory nodded like she knew what he was talking about. She didn't. She had gotten someone else to help put it in for her, and she hadn't taken it out yet. They were both nodding awkwardly.

Jess finally sprang into action when Rory yawned. "I h-have another room." He nodded toward the guest room he had thought a good idea at the time. At least now, it would be used. She tried to smile, but it came as more of a grimace as he led the way. Jess opened a door, and Rory had to make sure her face didn't reflect her disappointment. The room was very small, barely big enough for the bed in it, but she couldn't be picky.

"I'll let you get to sleep." He whispered, trying to think of ways to spruce up the room. Rory nodded, a ghost of a smile playing at her lips. She placed the sleeping Lola in her car seat on the floor before turning around. Jess was surprised at how quickly she had come to face him.

"I, uh… Thank you." She whispered. Jess nodded, and waved his hand like it was nothing. He was surprised when she wrapped his arms around her. Her face was buried in his chest, and he knew that she was no doubt trying to keep her tears at bay. He kissed her hair, something he never thought he would do again, hugging her tighter.

"Goodnight, Rory." He pulled away. She nodded her head solemnly; she liked the way it felt to melt into his embrace. Rory fell onto the small bed Jess was letting her sleep on, and barely got underneath the covers when sleep took her. She hadn't realized how tired she was until now. She hadn't realized how little she had slept in the past two days. She didn't realize Jess was watching her every move, hoping to take away her pain.