A/N: Hello everyone, I hope you guys are doing well and if not then wish you can feel better soon enough. Finally, this story is coming to an end in the following and I have you thank all you amazing people for your, love, patience and support. I am grateful to you all for reading this story and all the follows and favorites. I would like to personally thank the anonymous reviewers, MiharuTousaka, MazerMooso and Adela for reviewing the last chapter. Now I wish you all have fun reading the last chapter!
Chapter 81: Goodbye
(Leon's POV)
I hurriedly reached to retrieve my cell phone from my pocket, as everyone turned their heads to look at me. I silenced the tone and excused myself from them, already starting to move. I walked a little further away from the group and looked down at my phone that was flashing 'Ingrid Hunnigan'. I let out a heavy sigh and answered the call, knowing exactly what this could be about. The woman on the other end relayed the information, speaking in a fast paced tone, and I mostly did the listening part. She hung up once I gave the confirmation of my acknowledgment.
I pocketed my phone and walked back, trying to force a slight smile on my face while shoving my actual feelings aside. Cole was the first one to ask if everything was alright. I told them that everything is fine and it was just some red tapes that need to be taken care of but nothing too concerning. Mr. Lawrence expressed his professionalism saying, he understands that this outbreak meant a lot of work for me. However, my wife had a very scrutinizing look on her face and I knew she had caught my lie the moment it left my lips. She raised her brow at me with a faint smile, as if mentally asking me what's the matter but I didn't want to indulge her in this detail yet and risk letting this smile fade away.
Kate's gaze shifted somewhere over my shoulder and her smile faltered, just as I felt a presence behind me, "Excuse me, Agent Kennedy", I heard a male speak before I could turn to see a US military soldier by my side, "I am here to inform you that your extraction chopper is ready."
"You're leaving now?!", Kate asked me with a straight face, before I could say anything in response.
"Yes", I answered her and she gave displeased look, before just walking off to stand a little further away from us with her back towards us. I let out a sigh, "Thanks", I addressed the soldier, "You go on ahead, I will be there shortly."
"Yes, sir!", he responded briskly with a slight nod and headed on his way.
I turned my head to look over at Kate and inwardly let out a sigh, "I didn't know you'll be leaving this soon", Mr. Lawrence was the first one to speak, "I was expecting you to stay", he briefly looked over at his niece as well, "At least a few more days."
"My work is officially done here", I told him shifting my gaze from Kate to him, "So…", I didn't feel like completing the sentence, since it was pretty much self explanatory.
"Perhaps I misread the situation but I understand it now", the older man spoke in a bewildered tone and smiled slightly, "Thanks for everything that you've done for Kate and helping me tell her truth. It was really a pleasure knowing you, young man", he gave me his hand.
"Please don't mention it", I said with a shake of my head, as I took hold of his hand, "It would have been a bit difficult to crack this case, if it wasn't for you", I stated a fact whilst shaking his hand, "I know I don't have to say this but keep supporting Kate; she'll need it", I requested and the elderly lawyer gave me an assuring nod.
"It was great knowing and working with you, Kennedy", Cole stepped up to say goodbye with a friendly smile and held out his palm to me as well.
"Likewise", I said and we shook hands as well, "Take care of Kate", I added jerking my head in her direction, "She can be stubbornly careless and ignorant at times."
"Don't worry", he assured me with a slight shake of his head, "I'll make sure, this doesn't happen again."
"You should talk to her before you leave", Mr. Lawrence said referring to his niece and briefly glanced at her, "We will leave you two alone."
I gave him a slight nod and Mr. Lawrence walked away with Cole following close behind him, as he waved a goodbye at me over his head. I again looked over at Kate, who still had her back turned towards me; possibly mad at me a little. I heaved out a heavy breath preparing myself and walked in her direction. I really wasn't sure what to say, not because I had nothing to say but there was too much to say and just not enough time. I didn't even know if I should even say something or if I will be able to say anything when I face her.
As I approached closer to Kate, my walking pace became slower and each step got shorter and shorter in a fruitless attempt to prolong reaching her just so I could spend a few more seconds in her soothing presence. I always knew I had to say goodbye to her some day but now that it had finally come to that moment, I didn't want to go through it, especially when I knew it would sting as hell. However, I had to bear with this ache in my heart and do what needs to be done.
I was possibly about an arm's length away from Kate, when she might have sensed me approaching and turned in her spot to face me. She gave me the weakest of her smiles and I tried to mirror it as best as could, when I really wanted to punch something instead. I took my fair time just to adore her charming face and imprint it my memory, after all this was the last time that I'll be seeing it in person. However, all the time in the world wasn't enough for me to admire this woman's beauty to my heart's content.
"Liar!", Kate slapped me with that accusation for probably hiding the detail about my departure, with a furious look on her face.
"I am sorry", I apologized to her, "I just didn't want to bother you with this unnecessary detail", I told her the truth. If she had known about it from the start then it might have dulled the carefree moments we shared.
"So…", she began looking deeply into my eyes, "This is…", she pursed her lips tighter, "I don't know… goodbye then?", she added with a shrug of uncertainty.
"I guess it is", I admitted the sad truth with a slight nod, "Take care of yourself and don't do anything stupid because I won't be there to save you", I tried to make a joke.
"Hmm… you're just tempting me to test it out, you know", she played along with a smile on her lips and tears in her eyes.
A laugh somehow found its way past my lips, "But seriously take care of yourself, alright", I said genuinely wishing her well.
Kate hummed her agreement in response with a couple of nods, "You too, stay out of trouble", she wished me with a warm smile.
"I will try", I replied with slight nod, "Although it's kinda impossible with troubles usually following me wherever I go", I spoke in a matter-of-fact tone and she gave me yet another smile. I took another moment to admire her enchanting smile and heaved out a sigh of inevitability, "I guess I should get going now", I added in a monotone.
"Take Shadow with you", Kate said promptly, before I could even make a move and held out the little pup to me.
I was taken aback at her words and looked from the seemingly confused mutt to the woman holding him, "I… I can't…", I disagreed not taking the puppy from her, "You're the one who found and rescued him."
"And you keep him!", she said with a weight on her voice and pushed the little dog in my arms, "Take really good care of him", I wasn't sure if she said it to me or the puppy.
"Kate, I am not taking Shadow with me", I told her with a shake of my head and tried to push it back in her arms but she took a step away from me.
"Just consider him a parting gift from me", she said crossing her arms, "The jacket I gave you is already destroyed."
"He's better off with you", I said putting the puppy down on the ground, since she wasn't taking him from me, "I am in no position to take care of a puppy."
"Maybe, you won't know if you try and besides you need him more than I do", Kate argued being her usual stubborn self, "I have so many people with me and you can use a bit of company, so take him with you."
"I will be fine!", I told her sounding as assuring as I could at moment, "And I am not taking him."
"How about we let Shadow decide who he wants to go with", she suggested smiling down at the little guy, "We'll accept his decision without a further argument. Deal?"
"Fine with me", I agreed almost right away knowing well that Shadow will pick her, since he has been following her everywhere now.
"It's decided then, you can't back out later", she said with a shake of her head and I just nodded in agreement. She looked down at the puppy that had been circling around our feet, "Who do you pick little guy?", she asked him and he stared up at her seemingly confused, "Go towards Leon", she added to him whilst pointing at me and he let out a happy bark.
The puppy joyously trotted towards me, "This is cheating!", I expressed my displeasure moving backwards. I hadn't accounted that he would follow her commands.
"It's not he's clearly picking you", Kate said letting out a slight laugh while I tried to avoid getting caught by that puppy.
"Go back to Kate!", I tried to command him as well but he didn't listen to me, "You told him to pick me!", I said to her in slight frustration stopping in my tracks.
"It's not really against what we decided. I mean you tried to do the same", she made a valid point with a shrug.
Before I could say anything in rebuttal, I heard an enthusiastic bark and felt a little weight on my right foot. I looked down to see Shadow was keeping his front paws on my foot and looking up at me, rapidly wagging his little tail from side to side. He let out yet another energetic bark as if smugly telling me he caught me, continuing his tail wags. I slapped my forehead, out of slight frustration at my own short-sightedness to not have seen this coming. I was just too confident to even consider the possibility that Kate could order the little pup around.
"Kate…", I began hoping that I could still change her mind about this.
"Uh… ah", Kate said shushing me in between, "You agreed to not back out later", she spoke in a reminding tone and crouched to pet the puppy, "Good boy!", she praised him with a smile, "Now go with Leon and look after him!"
"This is unnecessary", I told her with a slight frown and not bothering to keep the annoyance off my tone, as she stood up to face me.
"Don't be a sore loser now", she said with a foxy smile, "And treat Shadow with utmost care."
I couldn't help but frown at her and she responded with a stubborn glare, making me let out a defeated sigh, "I will", I replied letting her have her way.
"That's like a good boy", she said cheerfully with a bright smile on her face and tears in her eyes.
"I'll be heading off now", I told her and her smiled faltered for a very brief fraction of a second.
"Have a safe trip back home", she wished me well again, stretching out her arm to shake my hand, maybe holding on to her tears, "Thanks for everything and it was nice knowing you!"
"Same here!", I replied with a smile, reaching for her hand as well.
I gently took hold of Kate's soft hand in my rough one and it reminded me of the very first time we shook hands on the balcony, when we first met. I wish I could just jump back in time and stop any of this from happening but all I could do was stand here, just holding on to it. We didn't really shake hands and kept looking in to each other's eyes without really saying a word, maybe caught in a whirlpool of time and emotions. She gave me the weakest of her smiles and it took every bit of my strength to resist the urge to pull her closer and hug her tightly.
I already knew that I should be already heading over to that chopper but I couldn't even pull my hand from her then making my feet to step away from her was a distant thought. I called out to Shadow declaring that it was time to go and at the same time telling my miserable heart the same. I loosened my grip on her hand, still unable to let go of her, and finally took a step back and away from her. I continued to walk backwards and her hand just slipped away from mine, as the distance between us grew.
Kate's smile didn't fade even for a bit and I tried my best to capture this moment in my mind's camera, after all this was probably the last time she'll grace me with her lovely smile. My heart virtually sunk to the bottom of my stomach at that depressing thought and I turned my back on her to not make this parting anymore difficult or painful for either of us. I assumed that not having her in my line of sight would help me move faster but with each advancing step my heart sent me reminders of all the good memories, I had with Kate and I was tempted to turn around to look back at her.
I hardened my heart and locked away those memories tight, so I could keep moving forward. It wasn't the first time that this feeling of leaving her behind bugged me constantly but I have dealt with it before, when I left the mansion. However, it was easier then because I knew that I will be seeing her again and now I wasn't really sure if we will ever cross paths again. Kate and I led two very different lives that it was a great miracle that we met on the balcony that night and our time together was nothing less than a fairy tale that came true.
(Kate's POV)
I felt fresh, hot tears running down my face, when Leon eventually turned around that I could only see his back while he treaded over to the extraction point. The surroundings suddenly seemed colder, making me pull on my shawl tighter and wrap my arms around my body for a little bit of warmth but it didn't really help me at all, possibly because it wasn't the kind of warmth I needed and the only person that can comfort me was already moving away right now.
As I watched Leon's tall figure growing smaller with each passing second, I was reminded of all the times that I almost lost him or felt like I lost him and the ail in my chest intensified. Every step that he took away from me drove a knife in my heart, as if it was slowly being chopped up piece by piece. This was the worst kind of torture with no physical injuries to tend to but a pain that felt very real and there was little to nothing I could do to ease it.
I averted my eyes to not look at him walk away; I just couldn't bear to witness his departure yet another time. I turned around thinking I should get going as well but my feet stayed glued to the spot. My mind kept telling me to move but I couldn't put up the strength to carry through that action. I didn't want to leave Leon and I didn't want him to leave me either but I didn't know what to do to make him stay. I looked back in his direction once again but I couldn't see him anymore.
I visually scanned the area from one end to another, searching for Leon but I couldn't seem to spot him among the crowd of BSAA agents. Almost immediately my heart sped up in fear, as my panic-level rose to maximum, and I took off running in the direction I last saw my husband, looking for him. It wasn't long before I spotted him treading on his way to the extraction chopper with little Shadow trotting by his feet. I didn't know what feeling overwhelmed me and I called out his name.
(Leon's POV)
I spotted the extraction chopper just up ahead and I was somewhat relieved that I finally made it, since it felt like the longest and most difficult walk of my life. However, that feeling didn't last too long and I heard a feminine voice calling out my name. I recognized the voice right away to be Kate's and all the efforts that I have been putting up until now to not look back went down the drain at the sound of that voice. The moment I turned about, Kate rushed in and wrapped her arms around my torso hugging me.
I shoved all the hesitation and caution aside and wrapped my arms around Kate's delicate frame holding her tight in my embrace, ignoring the pain in my wounded shoulder. I was longing to be in her warm and soothing embrace but I have been pulling myself back and miserably trying to maintain a professional distance, because I knew I will be leaving soon and I didn't want to over complicate the already complicated relationship Kate and I shared. I could pretend and feign indifference but I won't be cold towards the only person, who has showered me with nothing but loving warmth.
Kate pulled herself away from me and I looked down at her, "Do you… do you… have to go?", she asked me, taking hold of the front of my shirt, as huge tears streamed down her face.
I dried her tears, "You know I have to", I stated the obvious, swallowing the painful lump in my throat.
"You won't come back?", she queried and I thought it better to reply with a shake of my head, "You won't…", she pursed her lips tightly, seemingly quite reluctant to speak, "Won't you stay… if I asked you to?", she asked the dreadful question.
'Of course I will stay', the obvious answer echoed in the back of my head but I shook my head in negative because I couldn't say the truth and didn't want to lie, "I am just making some tough decisions", I added with a scoff, feeling a crushing pain my heart.
Kate closed her eyes tightly, as two huge drops of tears rolled down her rosy cheeks while she hummed in response, nodding her head understandably and in agreement. I turned up her face, so I could wipe the tears off her beautiful face and ended up being mesmerized by her sapphire blue eyes, as she lifted up her gaze to look into mine. I felt her fingers softly brush against my shirt's collar while my hand lowered just a little to caress the skin of her velvety smooth lips with the tip of my thumb.
It was as if our bodies moved in perfect sync, as Kate raised herself on her toes while I leaned in closer to her face with my heart beating ten times the normal. Just as our faces were inches apart, she froze in her spot and I read a slight hesitation in her deep blue eyes, maybe somewhat conflicted about this just as I was. However, I lowered my head a bit further to close the gap between us, capturing her sumptuous lips and closing my eyes to that kiss.
The moment our lips made contact, my heart paced up in sheer ecstasy and I instinctively pulled Kate closer, enclosing my arm around her waist while my other hand gently cradled the back of her head. I felt her wrapping an arm around my shoulders while her other hand rested against one of my cheeks, as I slowly started to savor the taste of her smooth lips. She tasted better than the world's finest wine; bittersweet like dark chocolate; invigorating like a black coffee in the morning and smooth like scotch on rocks.
It had been so long since we shared a kiss like this but it was just as intoxicating as I remembered it to be, and as always it was numbing my senses to the surroundings. This mere touching of lips was stripping my mind of any thoughts, muddling my sense of time and making me forget about everything but the woman in my arms right now. She was the only thing I cared about and the more I kissed her the more I wanted to kiss her, as long as I can and no matter the consequences.
Kate's soft lips tenderly and yet passionately engaged mine own, filling my heart with comforting warmth and healed my weary soul. It made me feel wanted; it made me feel loved, telling me that I had a place to belong with someone I can call my own. Her soft kisses brought down my guard and once all those barriers crumbled away, it wasn't long before my heart started to convey all those unsaid words and unexpressed feelings that I had chosen to leave out.
(Kate's POV)
I felt a powerful jolt of electricity run through my entire body and my heart raced with joy, when Leon touched my lips with his. He abruptly and somewhat roughly pulled me closer that my body almost collided into his rugged frame while his arm locked around my waist, holding me close and warming up my cold body in his loving embrace. Almost immediately the unbearable ache in my chest alleviated, the troubling memories of last night faded away and all my fear just vanished.
It seemed like forever, since we last shared a steamy kiss like this but not a day went by when I didn't remember how it felt to be kissed by Leon. The sensation of his lips against mine could only be described as heavenly, since it made my heart feel an otherworldly content and comforted my soul like nothing else. It made me feel like I was flying high above the clouds in the endless sky. His kisses were so sincere and lovingly addicting that I just couldn't get enough of them and was always left wanting for more.
The way Leon affectionately caressed my lips with his own, unleashed a tumultuous storm of various emotions, thereby rendering my conscience useless. It left me powerless and the only thing I wanted to concentrate on was sincerely returning this amorous kiss and making him feel as loved as he is making me feel, if not more. The kiss had just started to heat up when I experience something unexpected that it almost made me break the kiss but somehow I managed to stay.
I felt a warm pulse run through my entire body, as the images of our first meet flashed vividly in my mind quite like a movie. The first time we smiled together; the first laugh we shared; the first time we flirted; our first kiss and everything thing that follow and led up to the very moment we are having right now, as we shared this final kiss of goodbye. I sensed Leon fingers touch my cheek, only to realize that I was crying and once again he was wiping my tears while he continued to appease my breaking heart.
(Leon's POV)
The video tape of my life that I spent with Kate slowly rolled into a motion in the back of head, as the warm kiss became even steamier. The memories of the each and every single moment that I had with her blew up exponentially, being so visually graphic that it all seemed too real to be just a residual picture of the past. It instigated a violent eruption of different emotions one after another, as if I was experiencing all those instances for the very first time. It felt like I re-lived through the entirety of the time period that I spent with Kate in a matter of few seconds, during which our lips passionately sipped on to each other.
I sensed a drop of tear roll down Kate's cheek and knew that she might be sharing my exact emotional frame of mind. I dried that tear from her face, when I felt her body tensed up all of a sudden and her perfect kissing rhythm faltered for a tiniest fraction of a second, making me realize that she was possibly running out of breath to maintain this kiss.
I was just moments away from pulling away from the kiss, when Kate wrapped both of her arms around my shoulders. She pulled herself even closer and started kissing me even more feverously than before, refusing to let go. I immediately cohered in her passionate act of love and caressed her lips with the same vigor as she was caressing mine. However, I knew it was the last flare before it ends and I didn't really want to make it even more painful to her than it already was.
I sipped on those sumptuous lips for a couple of more seconds, imbuing the taste and their feel in my memory, before we both slowly broke away from our last kiss. Kate had been left panting and I could feel her warm and heavy breaths on my face, as our faces were inches apart with our eyes still closed and foreheads resting against each other. I pulled my head backwards and opened my eyes to meet her beautiful blue eyes.
"Each and every moment that I spent with you were the happiest moments of my entire life!", I confessed to her, making sure she knew how I felt about her.
Kate smiled sadly, "Go!", she only said in not more than a whisper and pushed me back slightly, "Before I change my mind."
(Kate's POV)
Leon gave me a couple of nods which were barely noticeable and after a considerable long look, he looked downwards at the puppy loitering near our feet. He picked up Shadow off the ground and I petted his head once, before Leon turned and walked away. It was still painful to watch him leave and I still didn't want him to go but no matter how tempting it may be, I couldn't tie him down here with me. He was not only the man I love and married but also a Special US Agent with many other responsibilities on his shoulders.
It would not only be selfish but also unfair on my part to make Leon leave everything behind just for me, especially when I knew how important this fight against Bioterrorism was for him. It was an unwanted but nevertheless a significant part of his life and I can't just turn a blind eye to it or tell him to do the same. I love him for who he is, however he is, whatever he's going through and wherever he will be. It was an undeniable fact I just have to deal with because there was no easy way around it.
I watched Leon have a brief word with the soldier, who came to fetch him earlier, and then climb up inside the extraction chopper. The huge rotor blades of the chopper started rotating, making extreme noise as the blade cut through the air and blowing dirt in every direction. I reflexively narrowed my eyes and raised a hand, shielding my eyes from all the gust of air blowing dust particles, just so I could catch a last glimpse of Leon as he shut the chopper door close.
(Leon's POV)
I climbed inside the chopper, took an empty seat, which was right next to the chopper door, and put Shadow down on the adjacent seat. The pilot cautioned us to tighten our seatbelts and gave us an estimated time of arrival, while I strapped on the safety belts. I heard the rotor blades coming to life and moved to close the chopper door, noticing Kate was still standing at a distance. I stared out through the glass window, trying to squeeze a few more seconds I could look at her beautiful face.
It wasn't the first time I was parting ways with someone and usually it's little to no trouble for me but leaving Kate behind was definitely proving to be exceptionally very difficult. It wasn't just because I love her but because she loves me back with all her heart and soul. Even if it was just for a few days, she gave me a chance to live a perfectly normal life with her as her husband, and that was more than I could ever ask for. I didn't want to leave this life behind and I didn't want to leave her behind, because I knew no other woman could make it work the way she did.
I wish I could bring Kate along with me and even though it seemed a viable option but I just couldn't drag her down in this hell hole with me, so I could stay with her. It would not only be foolishly self-centered of me but also extremely dangerous for her, and I didn't want to expose her to the demons of my accursed life more than what she already was. She could live a normal life instead of living a life full of horror with me with a constant threat to her own. After almost losing her multiple times, I knew I couldn't take such a risk with Kate's life. I'd rather have her safely living far away from me than have her dead in my arms.
The chopper lifted off the ground with a slight jerk and Shadow let out a saddened whine, making me notice that he had climbed on top of my legs. He raised himself on his hind paws to lean against the window, maybe to look out at Kate and let out a grieving howl. I guess I wouldn't be the only one missing her presence and then I realized what Kate actually meant when she said Shadow will keep me company; she didn't want me to feel lonely when I think about her.
I couldn't stop a slight smile from spreading across my face at Kate's consideration and at the fact how well she knew me. I petted Shadow's head, looking back at her again. I couldn't make out her expression from where I was but I hoped she had a smile, when she waved her hand in our direction and Shadow responded with a couple of enthusiastic barks as if saying his goodbyes. I wasn't sure if she could see me but even so I returned the gesture, wishing her 'Goodbye' but hoping for a 'See You Soon'.
~The End~
A/N: Thanks a lot for reading this story and I hope you enjoyed the mystery and unconventional end. I apologize for all the typos, grammatical mistakes or any inconsistencies in the plot which might have been confusing to understand. I would love to hear your thoughts on the ending and the story as a whole. How did you like the ending? Will you re-read the story to catch all the hints that you missed and have a new perspective? Do you want to read more Leon/Kate? xD Please feel free to leave your thoughts, comments and critique the story however you like. And as always I wish you all have a great time!
Anonymous Reviewer (1), I delighted to know that you found it amazing and glad you find Leon's portrayal realistic and that's a huge compliment for me. Thanks for reviewing! :D
Anonymous Reviewer (2), I tried my best not to rush it and explain it well. But well I guess I screwed up with happily ever after (*shrugs xD). Thanks for the feedback! :D