We were at Godric's Hollow. This place had the same feeling as the cave that I left my locket horcrux at. I personally didn't like being here but I wasn't going to complain about it either. I know this place. This is where I murdered Harry's parents. Why would he bring us here?

I watched Harry walk toward the door, hesitate, and open it to reveal the Potter home. He hesitated again before looking at me. "Come on Tom." He called, I could hear the uncertainty in his mind. I walked forward and strolled inside, looking around, taking note of the place I killed James Potter.

With one long sweeping look of the place, I walked toward the stairs and turned before entering another familiar room. This was where Lily Evans Potter was murdered by me, and where I almost met my end. Blood magic. I doubt Lily even knew that would happen. Blood magic is an old sort of magic, way older than even Dumbledore.

"Tom?" Harry called. I studied the room. "There you are!" He walked in and stopped. "This room… it feels familiar." He whispered unconsciously.

"This is the room where all your nightmares take place Harry. This is where your mudblood mother died. Downstairs in the foyer was where your father died." I lifted my hand and pointed to the corner. "That is where I made you my horcrux, an accident I assure you. Though it has come in handy, I admit. I now have you as my pet."

"I'm not your pet." He denied.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night. I'm certainly not your pet. You don't have the will to kill nor send me to kill for you. Not that I would of course. The only person allowed to end your pathetic life is me."

"Wow. Thanks." He replied flatly.

"Come Harry, keeping you in this room isn't a great idea. You might have a breakdown." He smiled.

"And you might have a breakup." He frowned. "It's supposed to be a joke."

"A horrible one at that."

"I'd not be surprised if you were happy to be in the place you murdered my parents."

"Also the place I almost ended my own life." I reminded him. "You're the one who brought us here."

"I can't live in a house that's a constant reminder of what I don't have."

"Then by all means, find a different one. I'm used to jumping from place to place to place. I do not, however, approve of you wasting my time! I have things to do and plans to plan, revenge against fools who dared to stand against me. And I can't easily send a pack of werewolves at them can I? As far as I can remember you and your little friends murdered Fenrir Greyback. The only thing I have left on my side are the Dementors. They will always choose me over the so called Light side."

"Shut up Tom." I glared at him, throwing a book at him from the other side of the room. "OW! Tom, that wasn't nice!"

"And?" I demanded. Harry grabbed my arm and we Apparated back to Slughorn's and he shoved me into room. I stood there, confused as he closed my door.

"You're grounded, that's what." He called and I heard his footsteps walk away from the door. I seethed at his words but didn't dare show my rage, no need to destroy part of Slughorn's house.