I couldn't believe it. I beat Voldemort just as Dumbledore asked me to. But wait... if I beat him... where did his body go? Others began Apparating around the cloak as something poked out of it. They cast some spell and what was revealed was not dead. It was Tom but he was smaller. Like the size of a four year old boy. I recognized his black hair and his dark eyes. They raised their wands, prepared to put an end end to his life. I ran between them, shouting.

"DON'T! He's armless! He doesn't have his wand! You can't attack someone like that, especially not a child!"

"He did the same to countless others Harry. Move out of the way." Kingsley motioned with his wand for me to move before pointing it right back at Tom.

"I am still just as powerful as I was before, Potter." He spat my name like it was venom, I ignored Tom for the moment. I was still trying to save his life.

"So what? You're just going to kill him? Then you would be just as bad as he is… was."

"Then we'll send him to Azkaban."

"No! If anyone goes to Azkaban then they deserve a fair trial! I don't want it to be just like it was the first time I beat Voldemort." They looked at each other before lowering their wands. Kingsley walked forward and snatched Tom from the ground. "Hey!" I reached out for Tom, wanting to protect him. I wanted to show him, prove to him that not all people were or had to be mean. I know he's probably not going to get the point in a long time but I still wanted what was right.

"Don't worry Harry. We'll keep him in a cell until his trial and not in Azkaban." I nodded, even if I didn't really believe Kingsley. I didn't really have another choice did I? I wasn't above the law. So I would ask for the next best thing.

"If you give your word and give your word that you won't break it."

"I give my word that I won't. What about his Death Eaters?"

"Do what you please with them. They are not small and armless. Besides you can't really trust the Dementors can you? They've proven who they're loyal to." That was Tom. They were loyal to Tom.


"We find Voldemort guilty." Tom had not helped his case in the slightest. He kept taunting them and mocking them. "All in favor of sending him to Azkaban?" No! I can't let this happen! I stood up.


"If we don't kill him and we don't send him to Azkaban, then what do we do with him Harry? He's too dangerous to be left on his own."


"Who would be willing to watch him? He is the most powerful, evil wizard-("There is no such thing as good and evil, you fools!" I wanted to face palm at Tom's… Tomness.)-we have seen in centuries. There is no hope." I stood in front of Tom.

"Then I'll watch him!" My reply came out a bit too fiercely.

"You? Are you sure Harry? He tried to kill you for years."


"One demonstration of him not changing and this trial will continue, understand Harry?"

"Yes but you have to give him time. If he kills someone with no remorse, not if it was an accident, then this trial continues. How does this sound? It is the same thing Dumbledore would have done." They paused at that. They were going to tell me no but now they hesitated to try and send Voldemort to jail so fast.

"All in favor of letting Harry James Potter rehabilitate Voldemort say aye." There were a lot of ayes. "All those not in favor of letting Harry James Potter rehabilitate Voldemort say no." There were only three nos. I sighed in relief. "Remember Harry, if he kills someone with no remorse, as you have said, then this rehab idea is over." I nodded. Though now that I think about it, how do you keep Voldemort from doing what Voldemort does? The only thing on my side was that he was now four years old.

"Understood Kingsley." I turned around and picked up Tom ("Unhand me now Potter!") before Apparating away from the Ministry of Magic.