Their little breastfeeding routine was going well until their son Stoick suddenly began craving for more milk, leaving Astrid completely exhausted by the end of the day.

Because of this, Hiccup no longer had the opportunity to suck her breasts.

The worst part was that he and Astrid also didn't get much time to be intimate.

Hiccup naturally became annoyed over this fast.

Astrid was his wife and he should be able to have access to her whenever he pleased. He should be able to screw her brains out and drain her breasts. She was his.

This didn't mean Hiccup didn't love his son because he adored the kid to bits.

He just wished his son's new habits wouldn't affect Hiccup's personal time with his wife.

One night, Hiccup was lying beside Astrid while she fed their son.

It was in the middle of the night and he was trying very hard to fall asleep.

But the sucking sounds coming from his son were very difficult to tune out.

It was almost like the Gods were taunting him now and it only made him further annoyed.

Astrid noticed her husband's restlessness. She had been doing so over the whole week.

While it was nice to let him drink her milk, she needed to prioritize their baby and Hiccup needed to understand that.

It did however not mean that she wouldn't, once in a while, try to please both of the men in her life.

Astrid stroke a hand down the side of Hiccup's face, making him turn around to face her.

She quickly pulled little Stoick away from her chest to make him change breasts so the one closest to Hiccup was free for the taking.

Hiccup watched her in confusion for a moment until it suddenly dawned to him what Astrid was actually suggesting.

He raised himself up a little and then closed his mouth around her nipple, moaning as he suckled it soundly.

Astrid watched both her son and her husband with a loving smile.

They both looked so relaxed and at peace now.

And at the end of day that was all that mattered to her.

A second chapter requested by Rex Vong Thrawn