Shizuo kept hearing the flea in his ear both rambling and saying stuff to piss him off.

It was for a good reason. He had to get angry enough to be a force that Hydra couldn't stop for however long the team needed. But it didn't mean that he suspected Izaya doing this on purpose so he could mercilessly tease him without the consequence of him getting chased.

He heard Steve give the command for Shizuo to start. That's when Izaya started to annoy him more than he already was. In the back of his mind was the thought that Izaya was doing it for the mission. That quickly disappeared when he heard the flea's smug tone yammering on about something that easily pissed him off.

That's when the secret agents of Hydra finally met the brute strength known as Shizuo Heiwajima of Ikebukuro.

"Sir there's a man here throwing crates! He seems to be doing it with ease." Shizuo heard one of the agents yelling at someone. He could feel his anger grow at this and threw something larger than a crate.

He could heard screaming and shouts to do something. He could also hear Izaya still talking in his ear, keeping him angry.

"My my Shizuo. Such brute strength. No wonder you're so feared." He heard the flea purr into his ear. A part of him was confused at the tone of the sentence while the other part became full on angry.

A scream was torn out of him and the started to throw bigger things, not even thinking about what he was throwing or where he was throwing it. All that matter is that his anger was in control and that mission couldn't happen as easily without it.

Then Shizuo heard a gun shoot off. He stopped midway from throwing something and turned to whoever shot off the gun. Growling lowly he made his way to the person. There was nothing else but him destroying whoever that was.

"Shizuo, don't get distracted!" He heard Natasha say, but it was lost in the wind as his fist connected to the person's face.

There were others yelling at him to stop, but it was for nothing. His anger was being satisfied and wasn't about to stop.

"Shizuo-chan. Focus on the mission." He heard Izaya snap at him.

His head cleared up a bit, making him realize he lost his temper more than usual. He dropped the person, seeing their face was bloody and beaten in. It made him wince slightly as he didn't want to do that to this person if they had happen to be an innocent bystander that had gotten scared by his rage. Then he remembered they were most likely part of Hydra and that made him go back to throwing objects around.

He could hear in his ear a collective sigh of relief. He didn't say anything nor put much thought as to why they did that. It was better not to.

From there Shizuo kept his temper in place. Izaya would direct him and others over the coms, telling them where they needed to go or what to do. A small part of Shizuo was glad that Izaya was here for that.

Then he heard Izaya tell Natasha she needed to release the secret files that S.H.I.E.L.D had. The moment of silence that filled the com felt forever for Shizuo. To an extent he understood the plan Izaya was trying to weave.

If the secret organization released all the files, then that would include whatever ones that the Hydra organization had hidden as well. That would give evidence that Hydra did exist within S.H.I.E.L.D. It seemed simple enough to Shizuo and he could say for sure that it was a move that Izaya probably considered the moment he heard about the Nazi organization that had accumulated in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Steve gave the final order for Natasha to do what Izaya did. Then Shizuo saw Sam flying over where he was, still being a distraction. He gave a quick wave before going back to his part in the mission. That is until he saw Sam being forcefully dragged out of the sky.

He saw a man with a mask over his face and metal arm throwing punches at Sam. With a bit more anger at somebody hurting Sam that way, he tore off a piece of an aircraft and threw it Sam's enemy.

The person looked up at the flying projectile before it quickly came crashing close to them. They stared at it and then saw Shizuo climbing up towards them with anger fueled passion at getting at them. Sam saw this as a chance to get up and away. The person didn't even try to go after him.

The two of them came face to face when Shizuo got himself over the building's ledge. Shizuo being closer now could see the mask was more like a muzzle, the hair was long and greasy and that in their eyes was filled with much confusion. Whether that was the all situation or just Shizuo himself, he didn't know.

And he didn't particularly care at the moment.

Shizuo gave another scream as he threw his whole body at the person. He was only stopped when the masked person put out his metal arm and got out on his shoulders. He squeezed Shizuo's shoulder with much force, but that still didn't stop him fully. He took his other arm and grabbed at the person's mask. He tore it off, watching as it fell to the ground.

The shock on the person's face and the loosened grip on his shoulder made it easier for Shizuo to flip him over onto the hard concrete of the building. There was a soft sound of a groan. Then Shizuo lifted him up and threw him against the roof of the building. Satisfied he had done all he could with this person, he made his way to the ledge of the building.

He took the scene in. He saw Natasha joined in the fight and was taking people down. Sam was in the air, taking down people that way. In his heart he could feel a sense of comradery and that he should be down there helping them.

"It seems Shizuo has found his calling as a secret agent." Izaya teased through the com. All Shizuo could do was smile at the sentence before joining the other two in helping them.

While that happened he saw from the corner of his eye that Steve was making his way through the helicarriers in the sky. It seemed he was making good progress until he heard the man yelling something on the com before it went dead.

"Izaya can you get Steve or is it just me?" He asked. The info broker mumbled something to himself before answering Shizuo that he could get the other blond to talk to him.

In his gut he could feel dread make knots of itself.

"Sam go check on Steve for me. He's not answering his com." Izaya ordered. The other man then flew off towards one of the helicarriers.

"If he needs help then I'll have Sam pick you up and fight whoever is taking on Captain America." Izaya said.

"Why me? Wouldn't Natasha make a better person for that? He questioned as he took down another person. Another took their place, this time with a knife instead of fists.

"You're dependable in a situation to take out whoever is stalling Steve. You do know that the plan needs him to have all those cards on the helicarrier to bring them down."

"I was at the same meeting as you were" He snapped as he knocked a person out as more than one tried to take him on. "Just didn't figure it would include me going to the helicarrier to beat someone up."

"Well plans change sometimes Shizuo. I thought you would know that from your brother's films."

Shizuo heard the smug tone and his anger flared up with such intensity. He gave another scream and took everyone down that came at him or were close enough. In his ear he could hear Izaya chuckling softly and that egged him on even further.

"I say it once, I will say it again. Stop flirting in Japanese." The both of them heard Natasha say her tone irritated. "This is a mission, not time for a couple's first time flirting in their honeymoon phase of the relationship."

The both were speechless until Shizuo roared that he wasn't flirting with the flea. And then Sam confirmed that there was a situation going on with Steve and that he needed help.

"Looks like it's your time to shine Shizuo."

Sorry it took me so long to lost interest in this for a few months and then got motivated again. ANyway hope you like this chapter!