Hi guys! How are you? Hope you enjoy this chapter! Sorry for the slight delay! I have been busy with life. Ahaha. I just bought myself an Erina pin and a Mito pin! In addition, I brought a Shokugeki no Soma small bento box! It is in the shape of a thermo. I love it so much 3

I do not own anything.

Totsuki University Chapter 7

"I got all your assignments last night. Nicely done. For this assignment, we wanted to warm you up to the projects and to get to know each other better." Dojima said.

"So everyone got a passing grade as long as you turn it in." Hinako smiles at the class.

"Well, there are a few changes to the class though." Kojiro said.

"Unfortunately, the beautiful flower Urara had to change classes due to her schedule." Donato said sadly.

"So what now? We decided to change some things up. Spice things up, make them more fun." Kojiro said smirking.

All the students in the room sweatdrop. They know that excuse is a total lie. Urara probably could not deal with being pair up with Nao and left. Now, who is the sucker who is going to have to be pair up with her now?

"Asato, you are changing partners from Hayama to Sadatsuka."

"What? No! Why?" Hisako shouts as everyone sighs in relief. Thank god it is not me.

"Well, you two are so formal with each other and we feel like that is how you guys will be till the end! There's no fun or excitement in that!" Hinako said while pouting.

"Eh, I get stuck with Erina sama's friend ugh, why not Erina sama herself?" Nao murmurs to herself. "I get rid of her and take her place as Erina sama's friend. Hehehe." As she murmur this, a black aura starts to surround her and creepy laughter follows.

"Now, Hayama, you are assign to the pair of Nakiri and Kurokiba." Kojiro told the trio.

"Huh? Not that I mind, but why us?" Alice asked.

"Well, you guys have the perfect harmony already. There's no conflict or drama! Where's the fun in that? We need to change that and add some excitement to that perfect harmony!" Hinako said with a grin as she claps her hands.

The whole class sweatdrop once again. The teachers are just having their fun with this. Obviously, they like messing with the students and seeing drama.

"You guys will be doing the same thing just in a trio instead of pairs." Fuyumi informs them.

"Of course, that makes some things more amusing, but we see how you handle things!" Donato laughs.

"Anyway, the purpose of the first assignment is to help you guys get to know each other as partners. Get you guys out of your comfort zone and hang out with people you would not hang out with on a daily basis. Also, it is to help ease you guys, of course." Dojima told the class.

"So, as you guys know, at the end of this month, there is a cultural festival. We want you guys to contribute to the festival with a performance of your choice!." Hinako said as she claps in her hands in excitement. "I can't wait to see what you guys pull off!"

"Eh!" The whole classroom is in shock.

"How did you go from something so easy to something like this?" Yuki questions.

"Performance? What?! In front of all that people?" Megumi squeaks out, looking like she is out to pass out.

"Settle down guys. You guys will have the rest of the month to come up with a performance and practice. We know two people or three are too few to do something, so we decided to separate you guys in two groups! However, all of you guys need to have a part in it. Let's see, hmm." Dojima said as he looks around the classroom.

"Yukihira and Nakiri pair, plus Aldini and Tadokoro pair and the trio are group A. The rest are in the group B. We give you the rest of the class time to decide what to do and everything. By next week, we want to know an idea of what you are doing and you get more details what time we get the stage and everything." Kojiro told the class.

"Make sure you guys have different performances, we want two different ones all together." Donato winks at the class.

Fuyumi ends the class, "Well, we see you guys next week for a short period of time and you guys have the rest of the time to prepare. Good luck."

All the teachers left the classroom and then all the students went into their respective groups.

"Erina! We are together! You must be so happy! Now you do not have to cry and be all lonely in the corner!" Alice said excitedly.

"I am not lonely nor did I cry!" Erina told Alice with a heavy blush on her face. After she calm down, she turns to Ryo. "It's good to work with you for this project."

Ryo nodded in agreement with his hands in his pocket, looking bored.

"Soma kun, this will be fun! I'm happy to be with you!" Megumi smiles at him.

"Same to you, Tadokoro!" Soma grins at her.

"Too bad we can't be on different groups so I can show you that I am the best! However, since we are pair up, we got to beat the group B at least!" Takumi said

"You bet!" Soma said.

"We should decide on what to do first." Akira said.

Line break

"Alice, no. We cannot go along with that idea." Erina said.

'Eh! Why? It is like the best idea ever! You're just jealous you did not think of it first!" Alice pouts.

"Your idea requires a great deal of resources, funding and time, which we do not have. Therefore, it is not effective." Erina said.

"But, I really want to do acrobatics circus act! It would be so cool and exciting! The audience would love it!" Alice argues back.

The rest of group A watch the two cousins go at it. They both are standing and facing each other. They were friendly just a few minutes ago.

"Are these two always like this?" Soma asked Ryo.

"Hmm, they are both pretty stubborn, so yes." Ryo said.

"I agree with Nakiri. We lack the funding to perform that. They have to build a whole set up, which will takes some time and take away from our practice time. " Takumi said.

"I agree with Takumi kun. In addition, I do not think I do well in the air especially being thrown and flipping. I do not think I can." Megumi said.

"Aw, too bad!" Alice pouts. She knows that she is overrule and her plan would not be use so all she can do is give up, but that does not mind she has to like it.

"Any other ideas?" Erina asks the group.

"Oh, maybe a play? If we pick the right one, it would fit in with timing and everything. Megumi said.

"I'm okay with that." Akira said.

"Same." Soma laughs and gives her a thumbs up.. "Good idea!"

"So we are in agreement?" Erina asks.

"Yep! This will be great!" Takumi said.

A voice interrupts the group. "Sorry nii san."

"Eh, why?" Takumi asks.

"We already chosen our performance as a play." Ryoko said with a sorry expression.

"Aha, sorry Megumicchi! You guys doze, you lose!" Yuki exclaims as she high fives Isami.

"Sorry Erina sama." Hisako said, looking sorry.

"Don't apologize. It's not your fault." Erina told her.

"Ah, too bad, you got it first huh?" Soma laughs.

"Sorry, Yukihira kun." Mito said bashfully.

"I just got a response from the teacher. They gave us their approval." Shun said as he approaches group A.

"Perfect. Thanks." Isami said.

In the corner of the room, Nao looks upon group A with envy. "If only I could be next to Erina sama and talk to her like the rest of the group members, I will get rid of you guys!" She murmurs to herself as an aura surrounds her.

"Oh, I heard you guys from before. We will destroy you guys. Don't think you can beat us!" Miyoko said, directing her words at Soma and Takumi.

"Is that a challenge? You are on." Soma smirks with Takumi nodding in agreement.

Erina notices in the corner of her eye Ryo putting on his bandana on and sighs. This is going to get messy. She tries to get Alice's attention, but Alice is currently in her sulking moods due to her plans not being rejected. She braces herself for the trouble,

"You think you can beat us huh?!" Ryo shouts as a fiery aura surrounds him.

Everyone just stares at him in shock. What the heck happened to Ryo? In class, he usually is with Alice. When he is not with Alice, he is in the gym working out with the boys such as Soma and Takumi. Also, when he takes his classes for his major, he is quiet and to himself. He is also very lazy and talks in a slow manner. However, this Ryo here is complete opposite!

"We will burn you guys to the ground! Heck, I make sure I beat you guys too!" He shouts as he points to Soma, Hayami and Takumi.

"Eh, you're on. I'm happy to serve you up a challenge." Soma smirks at him.

"Oh, you are going down!" Takumi said with a fist raise.

"You guys think you can take me? I make sure to beat you guys." Hayama smirks.

"You scum think you can take me down!" Ryo said all fired up.

"Okay! That is enough!" Alice shouts as she pulls the bandana from Ryo's head. "You can not be calling other people rude names like that! Calm yourself down!"

"Yes." Ryo said, going back to his normal self and talking in a slow manner.

"Anyway, if I have to say, it is you guys who is going down." Alice said with a cold smile on her face.

"You guys realizes we are in the same group?" Erina deadpanned to her members.

"Yea. We should be working together!" Megumi said, agreeing with Erina. She is glad that there is one sane person in the group.

"You're scared, Nakiri?" Soma grins at her, taunting her as usually.

"Erina, you worry that I will beat you my dear cousin?" Alice joins in on the taunts.

"Eh, me? Scared? Please. I can do so much better than you guys. I will be on top as always." Erina said with a flick of her hair over her shoulder.

"Only one left." Megumi said scared. I spoke too soon. I am the only sane one in this group.

"Good luck with your group!" Ryoko said in sympathy as she places her hand on Megumi's shoulder.

"Yes, take it at your pace. You guys did not even decide what you are going to be doing and already there is a competition? Wow." Yuki said.

"Thanks guys!" Megumi said. "I hope everything will be okay!"

"I'm sure it will be fine." Shun said. Then he took a glances at group A all bickering at each other. "Well, I hope so. Honestly, they are getting work up over nothing."

"At least they are having fun in their own way, Shun kun." Ryoko said.

Group B said their goodbyes and left the classroom since they are done deciding. They are going to a cafe to further the details of their plans.

"Um, guys. I think we need to decide on what to do." Megumi hesitantly tries to cut in the conversations of her groupmates.

"Oh, you're right. We really do need to decide on what to do." Erina said, embarrassed that she got distracted. She blames Soma. He is always getting her off track and loses her cool.

"Well, play is out. So what should we do? Any ideas?" Erina asks.

"Well-" Alice starts to say.

"And no. We are not doing an acrobatics circus act." Erina told her.

"But-" Alice said.

"Seriously, no." Erina gives her a look.

"Mou! I have another idea!" Alice shouts.

"Oh. What is it?" Erina asks her.

"We should do a band!" Alice said. "I can play keyboard and Ryo can play drums!"

As she said this, Ryo nods in agreement.

"Nice idea. I don't play an instrument though!" Soma said.

"Surprisingly, it is a very good idea coming from you. I play bass." Akira said.

"Mou, what is that suppose to mean? Hayama kun?" Alice pouts.

"Actually, I agree with him. It is not a bad idea. " Erina comments. "Anyone else play instruments? I can play keyboard too, but it has been a while since I play. ." Erina quickly sent an email to the teachers for approval.

"I can play guitar and actually have my instrument with me." Takumi said.

"Oh, I can play guitar too! I am a bit rusty since it has been a while. Also, I do not have a guitar on hand." Megumi said.

"Oh, okay. I just got approval from our teacher. So, Aldini san has his guitar. How about the rest of you guys? We can borrow the rest from the music department. I know they have extras and if we get permission, I am sure it is okay for us to use them." Erina said.

"Well, we need a keyboard and drums." Alice answers for the both of them. Ryo nods in agreement.

"I have my bass with me." Akira answers.

"Okay, we need keyboards, drums and guitar. What's else are we missing?" Erina said, trying to think. "

"I guess, that makes you two our singers." Alice smirks at the pair.

"Eh, why am I pair up with him? Also, singing?!" Erina said as her voice went up a few scales.

"Well, we need singers. Soma does not know how to play anything so he has to be singer. Also, I think one keyboard is enough and I will be playing that since you have not play in a long time." Alice said.

"I think that's a good idea." Megumi nods.

"Are you giving up, princess?" Soma smirks at her.

"Giving up? Hell no! I show you." Erina said with a fire in her eyes.

"You're on." He laughs.

"I'm taking over this project. Erina, you can go rent out the instruments for usage. I will decide tracklist and all that. I am more update with trends than you, my dear cousin."

"Do not go overboard." Akira warns her.

"Eh, where's the fun in that?" Alice pouts.

"Seriously. You are too much." Akira sighs, already dreading the time they will work together as a group.

The group exchange numbers with one another and creates a group chat. After deciding to meet up Sunday, they all walk together as a group outside before leaving.

"Ah, I am not looking toward to this." Erina said.

"I know I am." Soma smirks at her. "See you then, princess."

"Stop calling me that!" She shouts at him.

A/N: How is that chapter? It was very fun for me to write! Now we got the three main pairings all together. I actually really love the pairing of RyoxAlicexHayama. They balance each other out. It will be hard but I will try my best to show their relationship! I am excited! Till next time.