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Toki Toki City Market Stalls
Hailer and Abra were exploring the market place for the city, seeing the various people, stalls and other things there. They waled past a few people along the way, some of them their own kind and a few of them were different.
Hailer then spoke to the Blue Majin and asked. "So Abra, how are you so good at fighting? Back there with Raditz you were able to handle on your own pretty well" Abra then replied to the Arcosian "Well...I took a few lessons of fighting on Earth while sometimes I relay in instincts to win the good fights" The Blue Majin replied.
Hailer understood what she meant. He would relay on his gut when something that would come up. He took a good luck around the city. It looked amazing.
"What about you?" Abra asked the Frost Demon. "Well, it's more of an instinct then then it is learning. At a young age, we Frost Demons are taught to fight early as to assert ourselves in the universe" Hailer said while sounding somewhat disgusted at the sound of what he said.
Abra looked at Hailer for a moment. "Can I ask you something?" Abra asked.
Hailer looked at her for a moment "Sure, what is it?" Hailer asked the Majin. "I though members of your species were small, you know like Freisa" Hailer chuckled slightly at this and replied back "We are, we have the able to change into three or five different forms, I transformed into my fourth form because I preform to see someone at their eye level"
"Oh" Abra simply said in response. "So, what do you think of the other three?" Abra continue to ask the Frost Demon. Hailer thought about for a moment before saying "Well, I think Aikon's okay he can certain fight the good fight and unlike most people I've met, he doesn't hold a grudge against me despite my race." Hailer pointed out.
"Sheyara seems a little uptight and strict but I guess she's okay and Itar..." Hailer said while trying to think of something positive to say about the yellow Namekian. "Well he''s a good fighter"
Abra looked at him for second before saying "You don't really like him don't you?" Abra asked. "Gee, what gave you that impression" Hailer said sarcastically. "Could be the fact that he beat you so bad that I had to step in and save you" Abra chuckled.
Hailer gave her a annoyed look in response "I said before that I was handling it" Hailer said to the Majin. Abra chuckled lightly in response "Sure you were" Abra said with a smile on her face.
"I could of handling it I just...loosened him for you" Hailer said while not looking at her. She gave him a look before chuckling in response. They continued to walk though the city of time and see what was in store for the two aliens.
Empty Street
In one of the more emptier streets of Toki Toki was Itar meditating on a patch of grass, thinking about the recent events that occurred to him and the others. "It makes me wonder why he didn't just wished for the time displacements to stop. The others are somewhat good fighters and I could tolerate them including the Frost Demon, maybe.
Itar opened one of his eyes and looked around and saw no one here, that was good for him. He needed a quiet place to meditate and away from the others, having a balance of training and meditating was important to him.
He then decided to stop meditating and see if there was a local training room for him to hone up his skills. He stood up and left the ally he was in. As he was walking he wondered if he could learn the same techniques from Piccolo.
Itar then thought about the other fighters he was with. The Saiyan was obviously skilled at fighting as his race was known best for. The Human looked like a skilled fighter. The Majin, though annoying she may be to him, did mange to handle herself and did managed to take down Itar with her own power.
And the Frost Demon... He will admit he isn't like any other Frost Demons he's seen before and he is somewhat of a good fighter. But he knew that they were a deceptive and manipulative race of aliens and not one Frost Demon he knew, saw or heard of was ever on the right side. Itar had to make sure he keept an eye on him so he could watch out for anything.
"Excuse me" a female voice spoke out. Itar then saw a small figure walk past him. Itar then saw something on her ears that were familiar to him somehow. He quickly turned to the find the small figure to have disappeared.
"She seemed familiar to me somehow. Who was she?" Itar mused curiously. He then went back to his walk and continue to look around this city.
Aikon had just finished eating a full buffet table. The table was covered with plates, bones and other stuff. Aikon the let out a loud burp. "Well, that was a good starter. I wish I could eat more but I want to explore more of this place" Aikon mused. as he left the table as other people were amazed on how much he has eaten.
Aikon walked though the streets of the city and was very impressed. There were ball shaped robots selling stuff to people like gear, sensu capsules and other things. He then wondered if there was a training area he could use for himself.
He in front of him he saw Sheyara sitting on the ground reading a book she bought with her Zeni.
He walked up to her and was right in front of her but she didn't notice him because she was to caught up reading. He tried to see what see was reading but couldn't due to his own shadow covering it. Aikon then made a retort to the human. "Hey, Shey-something, you alright?" Aikon said while trying to get her attention.
But Sheyara still didn't notice him and continued her reading. Aikon just sighed in annoyance and took the book from her hands to get her attention which worked. "Hey what the hell!" She said angrily at the Saiyan but in a somewhat calm manor.
"I wanted to see if you responded to words, one of the lesser ways I like to come to contact with someone and saw that didn't work so I decided to see what would happen if I took this thing to get your attention and by the looks of it, it did"
"Well you got it now give that back!" The fighter demanded. Aikon took a look at the cover of the book and read it out loud. "Fighter's guide Vol 4?" Aikon said confused while giving Sheyara a side look.
"What?" Sheyara asked confused at the look Aikon was giving her. "Don't you think it's better to actually fight then to just read about it" Aikon asked.
Sheyara rolled her eyes at Aikon and said in response "Well it's not easy for me because I'm not an alien like you"
"Well, Saiyans are one of the most strongest races out there"
"I heard some rumors that Saiyans were giant ape like beings but you look human" Sheyara commented Aikon shrugged and said "Well, that's somewhat true and besides you look Saiyan to me...expect for the hair and tail"
Sheyara ignored that comment and she reached her hand out for her book back. Aikon sighed and gave the book back to her. She then sat back down and continued reading while Aikon continue to stand there.
"Well, this is awkward" Aikon mused to himself. He then looked over around him to see if there was anything else to do but found nothing. He thought of something that came up in his mind about her and the others.
"If I'm going to have to work with her and the other three I might as well get to know them. Starting with her" Aikon mused. "So..How'd you learn to fight?"
Sheyara looked up, giving him a perplexed look. "Um, I learned it by attending martial arts training around the world"
"Okay, then how'd you learn to fly?" Aikon continued to question. "I...don't know. I guess I've always known how to fly at a young age. I was hoping to get stronger and well...becomes a little bit world famous and now that I'm here I might have a strong chance"
Aikon then thought that wasn't to bad a reason for being fighter. In fact, it was somewhat similar to what he wanted to try and achieved. "I think...I can understand that" Aikon said to the fighter.
Sheyara gave him a unsure look. "Really?" Sheyara questioned. "Yeah, I usually train everyday to reach to a level that I've heard about. But, I've never managed to reached that level before. But that's not stopping me from trying to get that level and become stronger then before"
"Right, of luck to your thing then" Sheyara said while still reading. "Thanks. Good luck to your thing as well. Even if you are reading from a book instead of fighting yourself which is really..."
"What's going on here?" A male voice spoke out to them.
Aikon turned to see Trunks behind him. "Oh, hey Trunks, how'ya doing?" Aikon asked his fellow Saiyan. Trunks gave him a simple smile "Fine for now" Trunks responded. "What are you to doing?" Trunks asked.
"Oh, just telling Shey here about fighting styles. She thinks reading about fighting styles will help a lot which might be a good thing while I think if it's shown for real, its worth the time" Aikon said to his fellow Saiyan.
"And I was telling Aikon here that learning from here can help a lot. And don't call me Shey" Sheyara said while sending a glare to Aikon.
"Well, reading rom that is great and all but us Saiyans can grow a lot stronger when in battle, right Trunks?" Aikon asked.
"Well, I find it best to balance them out. But that's just my opinion" trunks replied while putting his hands in his pockets. Aikon just gave out a small sigh in response while Sheyara gave a small grin at this.
"Right, are you doing here anyway Trunks?" Aikon asked. Trunks expression then changed into a serious face. "We have...another problem in the timeline"
"What is it this time?" Sheyara asked, standing up with her book in hand. "I think it would be better if I show'd you it. But first we need to find Hailer, Itar and Abra"
"Say our names and we appear" a male voice spoke out humoredly. The three turned to see Hailer and Abra standing behind them them.
"Good. All we need to do is find Itar and..." trunks tried to say but was interrupted. "No need" a deep voice spoke out. they all saw Itar walking past Hailer which surprised him in response. "Is this new time disruption dire?" Itar asked, sounding worried.
Trunks nodded his head in response. "Then let's not waste time and see what this is" Aikon said. They all then walked away from where they were and headed for the Time Vault.
Time Vault
Trunks and the team walked inside the Vault to see what had changed again. Trunks then walked to the table and grabbed the scroll and showed the team the scroll. "Time is changing again. And by the looks of these events it doesn't look good" Trunks said in a worrying tone of voice.
Aikon and his team were interested to know what has happened in the timeline that could of been so big. "So what's happening...this time" Hailer joked as he chuckled at his own pun, while the others gave him a look. "Time is changing and could change for the worst and lives could be destroyed and you're making jokes?" Itar judged.
Hailer stopped laughing when he saw Itar giving him a look "Oh come on, can't you get a sense of humour? We know we can take care of this mess" Hailer said with optimism in his voice. "Besides we handled Raditz and looked where that went"
"Goku dying and sent to the otherworld?" Aikon said while giving him a look also. Hailer was quiet for a moment "He came back" Hailer said quietly.
"Even that isn't how I would put it. He may have a point we could stand a chance against whatever this is" Abra said.
"I hope so, because this isn't like Raditz. this is something entirely different" Trunks said to the Majin and the others. Trunks then unravelled the scroll and showed it to the team.
Age 762
Within the mountains of Earth was a great deal of defeat for Earth's greatest fighters. On the ground, wear the bodies of Tien, Yamcha, Gohan, Krillin and Piccolo, lifeless. Near them, were a group of Saibamen but they seemed stronger and more powerful, They were chattering amongst themselves as they had a purple dark aura around them and glowing crimson eyes.
Then they heard something in the sky, they turned to see the recently revived Goku flying towards the mountains with a face of determination on his face. He turned to see something that would makes things more difficult "Damn!" Goku said in anger.
Two flying Great Apes were flying towards the warrior, they were Vegeta, the prince of his race and the general, Nappa. Goku then flew and landed on the ground "DAHH!" Goku grunted as he engaged his new Kaio Ken power he had received while training with King Kai.
Vegeta and Nappa landed right in front of him with a similar dark power Raditz had and the Saibamen have now, but more powerful then before. Plus, The power of a Great Ape and this strange dark power combined may be too powerful for Goku.
Vegeta and Nappa watched as Goku was standing off against them but wasn't the least bit worried or intimidated. "And you've just been revived as well" Vegeta mocked in a deep, booming voice.
Goku wasn't going to let these to hurt any more of his loved ones for any longer. He then instantly flew towards the Apes "Uwaaah!" Goku shouted as he flew towards the Saiyans. Nappa saw this as he tried to knock him down but Goku flew under his arm.
Goku was prepared to do something he saw a giant fist by Vegeta, heading towards him and shielded himself. The fist hit Goku but he was still floating in the air but the hit was still powerful and made Goku feel weak "Gugyaaa!" Goku exclaimed as he grunted in pain. The he was flung back almost hitting a mountain before stopping himself.
Goku looked up and felt overwhelmed as the hit was to powerful. His Kaio Ken ability then went away as Goku landed on the ground, overwhelmed and in pain. He saw as the Apes stomped towards his direction to continue their fight even though it wasn't a fair one. As everything went black and white, the flow of time has been disrupted.
Time Vault
The team and Trunks were speechless to see this Aikon was shocked to see this most of all, he had never once become a great ape in his life or seen it's power before in his life, at a young age he had his tail always wrapped around him like a belt.
"Okay I'm defiantly sure this didn't happened" Abra commented. "You're right on that Abra. Before, the Saibamens power were that of Raditz and now like before they're stronger then before"
Sheyara then asked Trunks her question "So, what where those little green guys?" The human fighter said. "These things are Saibamen, they were meant as foot solders and as training practise for the Saiyans. Their power level are roughly the same amount as Raditz"
"And what was right ability that Goku used during that fight? We didn't see that when we fought with him" Sheyara asked, intrigued by this ability. "That was the Kaio Ken power up. Goku had been learning that with the North Kai while he was in otherworld" Trunks answered.
"It's power doubles itself and can expand so on, but it does a lot of ki and power" Trunks continued. Sheyara was then thinking to herself on how she herself can earn this form.
Aikon continued to look at the scroll on the table and thought about how much he knows about his own race. He had hard about Saiyan Elites and wanted to be one if Planet Vegeta wasn't destroyed.
Aikon then needed to know who those to were, They felt familiar to him, like he's seen them before. "Trunks. can you tell us who those Apes Goku was fighting against?" Aikon asked. "Those were Vegeta and Nappa" Trunks responded
"Nappa is a Saiyan general, a very skilled fighter and has killed many people" Trunks started off. "And the other Vegeta, the prince of the Saiyan race. They severed Friza and killed many planets and people while coming to Earth"
"Woah, that's brutal. But what can we expect from people who severed with Frieza" Hailer said quietly in a serious tone of voice. Itar notices this.
Hailer then shrugged it off and asked Trunks something "So, what do you need us to do for this one?" Hailer asked. " I need you guys to try and help the others to take those guys down and make sure that no more people will have to die" trunks responded.
Hailer gave a grin at this and said "Okay then, time to take these guys. Vegeta and Nappa won't know what hit them when they taking a nap in the ground" Hailer said confidently.
"Okay" Trunks said awkwardly before giving his final advice that could depend on his very existence. "But there's one more thing to be cautious about before you go" Trunks said. "Okay whats that then" Hailer while not taking his eyes of the scroll. "You have to make sure no matter what..."
"Yeah?" Hailer said, still not taking his eyes off the scroll as he was in his mind, thinking about how he could fight he Saiyans along with the others. "Make sure that Vegeta survives the experience" Trunks said quickly
"What! are you kidding me!?" Hailer exclaimed at this, along with the others with shocked faces. "Trunks you did see the same thing we did too right? Vegeta was going to kill Goku and killed the other Z fighters and we need him to be alive?!" Hailer exclaimed. "He's a ruthless warrior, a murderer, and..." Hailer tried to continue on but Trunks stopped him "My father"
Hailer then had a change of emotion "A great father in raising a great guy like you!" Hailer chuckled nervously. "No, it's alright, my father was different before but you still need to make sure that Vegeta lives so that he can reform and help Goku and the others in their future challenges like Frieza and Cell" Trunks advised to the team.
"Okay, don't kill Vegeta. Just take down Nappa and the Saibamen" Sheyara stated which Trunks nodded in response. "Ah good, I can at least take down some people and have a good time out of it" Aikon said while cracking his knuckles, while Sheyara rolled her eyes at the Saiyans attitude.
Aikon then took hold of the scroll from Trunks hand. Before they could vanish to that timeline, Aikon then asked Trunks something.
"Do you think all five of us can take those guys down? I mean with Raditz I can understand, but these guys are clearly more powerful then he was"
"Don' worry. I know all of you guys can help out the Z fighters and I know you guys are strong enough to take down the Saiyans. I believe in you guys" Trunks assured his fellow Saiyan.
"Also" Trunks quickly said before anything could happen. He then handed Aikon a small pouch. "These are Senzu Beans. I was meant to give you them before fighting Raditz but I didn't have the time to give them out" Trunks said.
Aikon opened the bag and saw the Senzu beans. there was at least a handful amount of them. "They can heal any damage given to you. But use them carefully and wisely. They could be blasted off by one of the Saiyans in a millisecond" Trunks advised.
Aikon nodded in response. As the Scroll glowed and as it was about to send the five back into time.
Aikon gave a few words to his newfound team. "Okay guys, I know these guys and the Saibamen are properly going to be way harder then Raditz was, remember this. We are a group of people who stood a chance against a Saiyan Warrior and we will do whatever we can to make sure that thing go the way their supposed to"
"Let's hope we don't die along the fight" Itar deadpanned. "Wow, your just a bowl of optimum aren't ya" Hailer retorted sarcastically. Itar gave him a glare at his retort. Sheyara rolled her eyes at the two.
"We won't die...we'll just be. In a experience of a lifetime" Aikon responded. The scroll then sended the five away to that timeline. To fight alongside with Earth's warriors to defend the world from a deadly threat.
Thanks for reading this chapter. Thanks for being patience on this chapter. Next, the time patrol will fight with the Z Fighters to take down the Saiyans. But will it go well for them? As this isn't like Raditz, these are Elites Warriors. Do Aikon and the others have a chance? See if the Time Patrol can stand their own against these Villains.
This is The Timeless Writer saying Thanks and see you around.