A/N: And this is the bonus chapter! Your enthusiasm was completely infectious, TheRoseAlchemist17, and I totally needed that! Hope this lives up to the expectation.

Black and White

Conflicting colours, at the opposite ends of the spectrum of colours. White was of purity, innocence and safety, black denoted evil, mystery and death. Yet, black didn't have only negative connotations: it also stood for power and formality.

Black and white were colours that clashed when together. Clashed, an apt word for what was happening now.

He watched as the queen was trapped, her knight coming to her rescue. Quick moves ensured the safety of both queen and knight, and another enemy defeated.

Some said he was soft-hearted; he never let any of his pieces fall. And even if the need for a sacrifice came, he would only take it when other options were not available. It was a tactic he carried in life as well. It wasn't logical, but it didn't have to be. People were allowed to think with their hearts.

Black and white. Black queen takes white bishop, and he goes for the opening he sees. Close to victory, but thwarted. In around ten moves, he is soundly defeated. His first one after the Promised Day, and his ninety-eighth loss.

"Black now?"

He nods, helping to rearrange the pieces as the game starts anew.

Some would say he didn't have a heart, while others would say he was soft-hearted. Black and white were always subjective terms after all. Some just couldn't see the line of grey that separated the two.

A/N: Black or white? Roy chooses… grey! Oh, gods, Roy. (I can't. Stop. Writing. About. Him.)

And a short omake, for the one main character I missed out and because I want to end on a weird note-


It was a colour of balance, the balance of black and white. It was the colour of the steel she loved and worked with.

It also was the colour of her greatest weapon: the divine but humble wrench, which like the grey of the metal, had balanced and solved many of her disputes with Edward. Its unerring accuracy and holy metal strength had never failed her.

Indeed, the wrench in grey was a heavenly item, come to the world to bless the tiny specks of life called humans with its amazing-ness.