Author's note:
I am using the first names of 3U.
Tarou Uematsu, Kei Uchimura, and Yuuto Ukishima

Tarou, Kei, and Yuuto had met up at the park to practice their soccer. It was still early in the morning so the park was empty. The three boys had the park all to themselves. They warmed up before starting. The plan was to work more on the reverse three.

The three friends were totally focused on their practice. They didn't notice their audience of one. A boy, just a few years younger than 3U, was watching. The boy watched with great interest. The boy was amazed at how flawless 3U was passing the ball to each other. The boy wanted to join in the fun. His parents never let him play soccer because he was sick and his body wouldn't of able to keep up. But soccer always looked so fun to him. The boy stayed where he was watching.

Tarou, Kei, and Yuuto took a break. They sat down on the wood bench. Each of them had their water bottles.

"I feel like reveres three is coming along nicely." Tarou took another swig of water.

"I'm feeling pretty good about it." Yuuto agreed with his friend.

"Let's get back on the field." Tarou put his water bottle down and started for the field.

"Someone is watching us." Kei had noticed the audience of one. Tarou and Yuuto looked in the direction of the boy.

"How about we invite him to play?" Yuuto suggested.

"Hey, do you want to play with us?" Tarou called out to the boy.

The boy's face lit up. "Can I really?"

"Yeah. We can do a two on two mini game." Kei said.

The boy bounced over to the three friends.

"My name's Kei."


"I'm Yuuto."

"My name is Kenji."

Tarou and Kenji versed Kei and Yuuto. It turned out that Kenji had the talent for soccer. He was having the time of his life. Tarou, Kei, and Yuuto were also enjoying themselves. A pickup game was a nice change of pace from all the hard pratices and tough opponents in matches. The mini game was fun and the boys could be as silly as they wanted.

By the time the boys flopped on the ground from exhaustion, the sun was low in the sky. The sky had turned a pastel orange. They huffed to catch their breaths.

"That was fun." Kenji had a huge smile on his face.

"Totally," Kei agreed.

"Yeah. We should play again." Yuuto suggested.

"Want to play with us again sometime, Kenji?" Tarou asked.

"Thank you."

The 3U looked at Kneji. They didn't quite understood what Kenji meant by his answer. The three friends' eyes got wide as they watched Kenji slowly fade away. The three friends exchanged looks when Kenji was completely gone. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they probably wouldn't of believed it.