Oh, my dear sons. They think Mama doesn't pay attention. Papa is always at work, and always drank, so Mama had to do the hard work for everyone. Feeding them, clothing them, and taking care of them while they were sick… Those lazy and ungrateful NEETS! They think it was easy carrying them during pregnancy? Did they think it's easy for Mama to do everything she did for them? It's annoying that I haven't had a decent sleep in such a long time – I'm so used to this sextuplets lifestyle, I don't remember what it's like to have a proper vacation! And Papa never wanted to do anything extra! He's so old fashioned that way and I know I should have expected it – but it would have been nice to get a little help every so often!
While I try my hardest for the family, I've noticed that I've been getting even less sleep lately. Weren't they supposed to be out of here by 18? Weren't they supposed to study for exams and go to a college with a nice job? Maybe find a nice girl to have children with and start a family of their own? No, of course not. Nothing is ever easy for the Matsuno family… I see how my sons suffer; I see how they carry the weight of their burdens on their shoulders.
Osomatsu is the worst with money – I see him always being paid off by his younger siblings to let certain things slip by. He wastes his time at the pachinko parlors and at the horse races. Did he forget that money doesn't grow on trees? I know he caused the boys to have that horrible addiction – they go wherever he goes; after all, he is their leader. However, I know my son and he's not in a right state of mind. Did he forget that he's not the only one who suffered through the Tougou incident? Did he not realize I know what Tougou tried to make my precious son do? I'll never forget Tougou, and I'll never forgive him either. My poor gambling son…
And then Karamatsu tries so hard to fit in with his brothers. It's easy to ignore him because he tries so hard. Why should I give him extra attention that he would have gotten otherwise? He's also terrible with money and wastes it on frivolous things. Does he also not realize that Papa and I can hear his singing on the rooftops?! Does he not realize how many calls we get about our embarrassing and bluesy son? It's almost enough to tear your hair out! But… I know he takes the brunt of the brothers and I know he's trying very hard to fit in. The fact of the matter is, he's not like them at all. They may have the same faces, but Karamatsu sacrifices the most for all of them. I let him sing. I apologize to our neighbors constantly and I don't mind. My son has a blue heart and he needs to let it sing. My poor abused son…
The one I'm most disappointed in, though, is Choromatsu. He promised me a grandchild during the interviews. He promised me he'd get a job "eventually", "soon". When is soon, Choromatsu? Stop stealing your brothers' porn and masturbate somewhere else where Osomatsu wouldn't have had to walk in on you! Disgusting otaku! How do you think I feel when I see you go out, claiming you're going to apply to places, only to come back with more anime goods? If you're going to say you're going to do something, actually do it! Don't give people hope and then trample on them! Though, honestly, after 20 years of trying to keep it together myself, I can understand the need to just goof off and forget about it. He tries, my dearest Choromatsu, and I do spoil not just the others – but him as well. My poor otaku son…
Though, Ichimatsu is one I'm especially worried about. He never does anything and never says anything that isn't abusive towards his brother. It's funny at times but I do worry about him. It's annoying seeing all these dead birds and mice that his strays bring to the house. Who does he think cleans it up? Does he think that these cats don't appreciate all the food he gives away to them? Who does he think actually pay for the food? These cats of his also poop and pee everywhere in the house too! I know he doesn't care about his looks, scents – but this is my house! He doesn't have to do any extra cleaning nor does the laundry! All he does is just sit in the corner and stares creepily into the distance. He just pets his cats all day and just tags along with rest of his brothers. How useless…! It is easy to see that he does want to spend more time with his brothers. He lashes out with his cats and takes on a persona of one to express himself, although it's very weird of him. He tries to act intimidating but I know he doesn't want anyone to be close to him… and yet he intimidates with those lonesome eyes. My poor lonely son…
Meanwhile, Jyushimatsu is so hyper and energetic – I can't keep up with him anymore. I remember people used to try to put him down when he was younger, saying that he's not like the other kids. Perhaps this is my fault too, for always coddling him and buying him all those baseball gear and movies. I spoil my sons so but he's doing something. He's building strength and he's building perseverance – but he won't lose his childishness and I have to protect him from the cruel world. Jyushimatsu is a good boy and he is quite playful. I have no real ill will towards this NEET but I wish he'd mature a little bit more so he can survive in the world. He can't do it by himself… Oh, my poor energetic son…
And last but not least, Todomatsu. He's just as vain as much as Karamatsu, he's just as greedy as Osomatsu, disgustingly obsessed with something like Choromatsu, energetic as Jyushimatsu, and just as lonesome as Ichimatsu. I know he doesn't like to be compared to his brothers and I suppose that's understandable – but he still needs acknowledge his big brothers and realize that they're always going to be there. He's a disgusting and lazy NEET too – did he think I wouldn't notice him lying about his brothers' existence? And then he has the gall to torture poor Choromatsu as well, even if it was hilarious. Todomatsu is quite fashionable but I worry that he may not actually feel anything beyond the shallow point. He's hard to understand and I truly hope he'll accept his brothers one day. Oh, my poor narcissistic son…!
These useless NEETs, I've spoiled them to the core. But, ah, I wish they'd paid attention more to each other and how much they truly care. Perhaps these are just their manifestations.