"Tooki bawaba!" Stitch sung as he chopped the enormous wedding cake in half with the chainsaw. He was clearly impatient because of Pleakley stringing along the cutting of the first slice. It was coconut cake after all! "Woops, soka…." Stitch apologized as he noticed that he had smothered both Jumba and Pleakley alive.

Jumba looked at Pleakley, whom he thought would be steaming mad. Instead, Pleakley laughed and stuffed a smushed piece of cake into Jumba's mouth. Jumba tried to reciprocate as Pleakley stood up and threw a piece of cake at his lover. He took off running in the other direction.

"You come back here!" Jumba called as he chased after Pleakley through the yard with a handful of cake in hand. By this sight, the experiments and children became very rowdy. A food fight was born.

"You wouldn't dare!" smiling so wide.

"Yes, my little one, I think I would!" Backing Pleakley against a wall of the old house, he smeared the cake on Pleakley's face and then licked it off with a few kisses here and there.

"Turn around, it's my turn." Pleakley demanded as Jumba obeyed. He laughed noticing a stripe of frosting coating Jumba's backside. Finger after finger, he savored the taste. "Hey I just cleaned that Stitch!" Pleakley chased after the the blue fluffy creature with the cake Stitch had thrown at Jumba's back. With aim, Pleakley didn't miss. The three came toppling to the ground.

"I want cake!"

"No, will make you bounce off walls…"

"Preddy please!"

"No…" trying to pay attention to the screen.

"Pleaseeee….! I really love you Daddy!" with a pouty look.

"Loving you too, sweetie…" Defeated again. "Will promise not to bounce off walls?"


"Come with Daddy to get your cake?"

"Yay! I love you Daddy!" taking Jumba's hand.

"Hey Daddy, while you're up, can you get me some mashed potatoes, some rootbeer, …"

"Yeah, and pickles, ribs, some lemonade, some nachos – extra spicy salsa – and an ice cream sundae. Right Mommy?"

"You read my mind! Can you bring a bottle too, dear?" Pleakley smiled cradling their newest addition to their own little ohana. Jumba nodded and mosied into the kitchen with his daughter. Pleakley shifted on the couch in hopes to get more comfortable, which seemed practically impossible. He tickled their son, who giggled. "Looky honey, its Daddy and Mommy's first dance at our wedding." More giggles.

For once, the entire universe was in silence. Jumba took Pleakley's hands and they began to sway back and forth to the rhythm. It was their song and it revved them up. The audience looked struck, but in a good way. If the experiments' badness levels were at any degree of badness, those levels would have completely decimated.

"Here's your pickles Mommy. I love you."

"Thanks, sweetheart…" Pleakley smiled as he gave her a kiss on the head and cuddled her near. He handed their youngest to Jumba.

"Your welcome. Here's your boddle brodder. I love you."

The tape whizzed through the wedding night of dancing and fun. Some of the experiments had gotten a little rowdy and had graffitied Jumba and Pleakley's new red spaceship with things like "Just Married" and all that gushy stuff. Jumba and Pleakley didn't seem to mind too much. It was Earth paint, so they could get it off easily.

The tape flashed forward.

"You still have that old clunker? You stole that like twelve years ago! I thought you returned it back to the proper owner!"

"Not stealing! Biker gang had too many… Just hop on back with someone else…"

"You shameful man…" with a giggle.


Jumba and Pleakley hopped on the hog and rode off into the night.

"You shameful man…" their daughter repeated as Jumba and Pleakley both broke out into a inconsolable laugh. Kids…

The tape flashed forward.

"Good morning, my little one, Jumba brought you breakfast…"

"You big sweetheart... Set that down and come here right now you se…"

Jumba paused the TV. "Awww… is getting late, time for little boys and little girls to go to bed."

"I want to watch Mommy and Daddy!" pointing to the screen.

"You don't want to watch that…"

"Yes, I do!"

"Are you sure? It shows how much Daddy and I love each other."

Their daughter nodded.

To prove her wrong, Jumba and Pleakley went in for a kiss. That still never got old. "Ewwww….." She hid her face.

"See? Time for bed, sweetie…" Pleakley laughed getting off the couch and taking her hand. "Night, night. Don't let the mosquitoes bite…"

"Selfish Mommy…" Jumba snickered as the two tucked in their daughter and son. "Goodnight little ones…"

"Goodnight… I love you…"

"We love you too…"

"Remember, no bouncing on bed…"

"Fine…" with a giggle.


"What's on my little one's mind?" With a playful grin and toying with the tape. He placed it on the dresser.

"I think I'm craving one last thing for tonight…" Laying on the bed and rubbing his belly.

"Not another pregnancy craving! What's it this time?" Jumba got ready to leave the room in hunt for the whole refrigerator.

"Pop that tape in and come here…"

The End…

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading my fic! If you want to check out my other Lilo and Stitch stories, check out my profile! Have a magical day!