My third year of High school might have been the most hectic one.

Scratch that.

It was.

I guess drama just likes to follow me around.

Well, I complain about my third year but in reality, there were probably more ups than downs.

It had been a month since my final year at Sobu High started, and as I predicted, my class was filled with unfamiliar faces.

Honestly, it was nice not having anyone I knew here.

Except, I missed Totsuka. If only he was still in my class! Apparently, Yuigahama got that honor.

Damn you Yuigahama!

But in this way, I could go back to some of my old ways. Being a loner, and a fly on the wall.

Or at least that's what I thought.

There was one familiar face in my new class. The last one I expected.


History, a subject I favored. To be more precise, I enjoyed Japanese history.

As a Japanese citizen, I felt it was important for me to know the subject. Others might not feel the same way, but screw them.

Just don't mess with my lecture time!

"Alright everyone, take out the history packet I handed out last week."

As I fished through my desk, reaching for the required text, the sound of shuffling followed by an annoyed teenage girl voice came from the right of me.

"Sensei, I forgot my book at home..."

"Um, just share one with someone."


Goddamnit woman! You should come to class prepared! Don't you know how bothersome it is for others when you ask to share their book?!

Oh, it was just me?

Never mind then.

"Hey, let me share yours."


Some people are so ignorant.

"Hey, don't ignore me!" A harsh whisper said.

She wasn't asking me, was she?

I didn't think so, so I continued to ignore her as I scanned through the required text.

"Hey, Hikio!"

I turned my attention towards her. The unprepared culprit.

Miura Yumiko.

The only person I somewhat knew in my class.


"Duh, unless there's another Hikio around."

Well, there are no 'Hikio' to begin with.

What's she trying to pull here?

I quickly look around my surroundings, checking to see if a prank was going to be pulled on me or something.

However, no one seemed to be paying attention to us.

"sure…" I finally answer her question.


Miura Yumiko was in a sort of strange situation. Ever sense she confessed to Hayama and was turned down, she was a bit alienated by the other girls in our school. Of course, Yuigahama and Ebina stilled talked to her, but as far as the fear she was able to once imprint on some of the 'weaker' ones, was no more.

Even in this class no one seemed to want anything to do with her.

The thing is, it didn't really seem to bother her. At least that's what she looked like.

Even now, I swear she seemed a little…happy?


She scooched her desk and herself closer to me.

Too close!

Seriously, we were only inches away from each other. I could even smell the scent of her shampoo.

Green apple.

"Hey, Hikio, move the book a bit closer, I can't really see." She whispered to me.


I was a bit dumbfounded. Did she not mind getting this close to me? Well, I guess at this point she doesn't care much for her reputation. At least what was left of it.

Wait, don't sell yourself short Hachiman! Not like you're the smelly kid in school! You're just not a popular one!

And so, I found myself being hyper aware of my surroundings.

Damn you Miura! How can I concentrate like this?

She didn't even seem to notice my turmoil.

Look at her! Diligently reading. Tucking some hair behind her ear. A stupid smirk on her face.

At that moment, her eyes met mine.

"What is it?" She asked in a whisper.


"You've been totally looking at me for the past couple minutes."



"You should pay attention to the lecture Hikio. What if Sensei calls on you to read? I'm not gonna bail you out y'know..."

Wait a minute.

Something seems wrong. Out of place.

Ever since the third year started, Miura Yumiko went out of her way to greet me in the mornings. Maybe because we sat next to each other? Because I knew Yuigahama? Because I was her classmate last year?

It's not like it was an enthusiastic 'morning', but even so...

For some reason, Miura hasn't been as cold to me as she once was. At least she hasn't said or done anything to make me think otherwise.

What's wrong with her?

I guess she got messed up because of-

"Alright, Hikigaya-kun. Please read the next passage."

Damn it!

"Told you so."

Shit. The fucking worst!

I slowly stand up. I can feel my face getting warmer.

I swear, teachers are just sadistic bastards.

I reach for my book.

Damnit, what part were we on?!

I quickly glance at Miura who just chuckles a bit.

This is your fault!

"Sensei, could I actually read that part?"

Miura stands up with her hand raised.

I can only look at her, probably mouth hanging.

"Huh? Uh…sure. Go ahead."

Miura takes the book from my hands.

I slowly sit back in my seat.

After that, nothing else really happened. Miura didn't say anything to me and I tried my best to not pay attention to her.

Lunch was next.

I got out of the room as fast as I could. I needed to escape that awkward and weird situation.

My regular spot was the only thing that could save me. That and some Max.

I ate my lunch as I enjoyed the frequent breeze.

I felt myself begin to relax.

Just then, I heard the sound of footsteps coming closer.

Please, just-

"I thought you'd be here."

"Yo." I say looking behind me.

"You kinda just ran out of the room once class was over."

"I like to take advantage of my lunch time."

"Hmm. Well, I guess." She says as takes a seat next to me at the steps in front of the school bike racks.

"Did you need me for something?"

Seriously, what are you doing?

"I was just gonna say thanks for letting me use your book."

"Well, you kinda saved me too, so I guess we're even."

Miura was acting strange today. Normally I would have been her last choice to spend time with, yet here she was.

Why is she just sitting here?

Are you going to stay here? You said what you wanted, didn't you?

"Hey, Hikio."


"What are you doing after we graduate?"

Want to compare paths or something?

"I'm trying to get into Chiba University. Probably something in literature."

"I see."

I look at her from the corner of my eye. She just sits there, hugging her knees looking off into the distance.


"Hmm…I'm not really sure." She answers, looking a bit lethargic.

The conversations I have with Miura Yumiko are unexpected to say the least.

"You still have some time."

Miura doesn't say anything at first, but then turns towards me.

"Somehow…I feel like I can believe your words."

My eyes widen a bit.

"Like, what you said to me before…" Miura turns away once more. "That day, what you said to me…really helped y'know…"

Is she talking about when Hayama rejected her? I probably shouldn't ask.

"well, if that's what you think…"

She looks back at me. "Hikio, y'know you-"

"Well, this is surprising."

That voice that came from behind Miura and I was one of a kind. I knew who it was without looking.

"Yukinoshita…" I say as I turn to look at her.

Miura doesn't say anything. She seems a bit distraught, actually.

"What's up?" I ask, trying to defuse any kind of awkward atmosphere that might begin to creep up.

She was looking at Miura for a bit before her attention turned to me.

"I-I was… just going to ask you something. I didn't know you'd be with…Miura-san."

"Ah! I'm leaving anyway! I was just asking Hikio something." Miura says as she quickly gets up. As she begins to leave she in a quiet voice says, "see you in class, Hikio."

It almost seemed like she didn't want Yukinoshita to hear, even though that would have been impossible.

"What was that about?" Yukinoshita seemed a bit annoyed as she takes a seat next to me.

"I'm not really sure. Probably just bored."

"Is that so?"

We sat for a couple of moments before I speak up.

"So, what did you want to ask me?"

"Oh, r-right. Um, well you see…" Yukinoshita began to fidget a bit. "Next week…are you free?"


-Flashback End-

"Hachiman! Hey, Hachiman!"

"huh? What did you say?"

"Geez! I asked if you wanted to watch a movie!"

"Oh, yeah sure."

"What were you thinking about?"

"nothing really, I was just zoning out."

It was a Saturday night and Miura and I decided to stay in. So here we were laying in my bed about to watch a movie.

"Hey, Hikio…"


"You okay?"

I've must have made her worry with the way I've been acting lately.

But to be fair, it's not like she's completely innocent.

Why did she have to bring up her name all of the sudden? It only brings back memories I'd rather keep as just that. It's not like I had regrets, after all I had moved on.

Or so I thought.

"I'm fine. It's just that midterms are coming up and it's kinda on the back of my mind."

Miura looks into my eyes. We are both laying on our sides, facing one another.

"Is that really all?"

You sure are a perceptive one, aren't you?

I can't help but smile at how well she knows me.

But it's not worth her feeling upset if I tell her what I was really thinking.

I throw my free arm around her, bring her slightly closer.

"Yeah, that's all."

She in return scooches closer to me and places her head on my chest.

"Then that's fine."

After a few more moments, she takes her hand and cups my cheek.

Her hands feel so small and soft. It's a sensation I could never get bored of.

She brings her face up to mine and plants a soft kiss on my lips.

"How about we skip the movie?" She says with a small blush.

"Shit, and you said I was bad."

I can't help but give her a smirk.

It seems there are some things I need to clearly think upon again. But I know that moving forward, its Miura Yumiko who I want beside me.

A/N: Hello! Been a while since I last updated this story, sorry about that. Won't say much other than I hope to be able to update more frequently than I have been recently, but no promises. Anyway, please review, favorite, and follow! Or don't, that's fine too! I hope you enjoyed! Thanks again for your support!