Chapter Three
The natural light vanished as the train entered the tunnel. The workers sat in the dark for a few seconds before the artificial lights flickered to life letting them resume their work. This tunnel was Atlas and Vales newest contribution to each other, a large tunnel passing through the mountain range that blocked anything but air vehicles from getting into Vale and the surrounding villages. This new railway allowed Atlas and Vale to import and export to each other much faster. The Schnee Dust Company was a major contributor in its funding and construction and as such got all sorts of trade deals and discounts on using it. One could see this as a great development in the unity between kingdoms. Joseph just saw it as a sneaky way for the SDC to beat out the Vacuan competitors so they could get one step closer to a monopoly on dust, but maybe he was just cynical. This was a simple mission, step one, make sure the train doesn't blow up, step two get paid, and step three go home and relax until they called him again. The mission outline stated that the SDC wanted a group of hunters on board in case of a grimm attack but if they needed hunters for grimm they wouldn't have called for him specifically. No, they called for him in case of a White Fang attack. Joseph was very infamous within their ranks, running countless missions solo or otherwise. They had hoped by publicly stating he was protecting this transport that they could dissuade a potential raid on the train and its contents. But Joseph had a bad feeling about this, and in all his years of hunting his gut had never once been wrong. He let the thought hang in the air while holding his breath. Usually when he said things like tha-. The scroll attached to his belt came to life, of course, this would happen to him.
"Sir! White Fang operatives have infiltrated the train they are trying to get away and are en route to your position." They young hunter on the other end of the line said his voice trying to remain composed, but Joseph could feel the underlying fear.
"Stay where you are I am going to evacuate the workers to your end of the train, watch for reinforcements and keep them safe." Joseph didn't bother waiting for a response these men knew by now that his word was final. After barking out a few orders the workers began to move towards the back end of the train. His plan was coming together, with the sea workers moving back towards where the White Fang operatives were last seen and because they would likely think the hunters that spotted them earlier were chasing them they would either have to cut down the civilians, which was unlikely Joseph had faith in their compassion, or run onto the roof. Either way, Joseph would be able to find and confront them. Hopefully, they would comply, he didn't want to add more names to the list.
The tunnel was dark with the only visible light being headlights at the front of the train. Not that Blake or Adam minded, their faunus night vision coming in handy for the current situation. Adam had blown their cover, once he noticed that a majority of the workers were faunus he tried to rally them to fight against the SDC hunters and take control of the train. It failed miserably all the workers did was glance at each other before alerting the guards. She could tell Adam was confused he didn't understand why they would betray their own people, but Blake understood, she knew that they just wanted to collect a paycheck and feed their kids but you can't do that from a jail cell, or when you are dead.
"Blake pay attention!" Adams shout brought her back from her thoughts. "We have an enemy up ahead, probably another one of those hunter guards." She could see the outline of a man in the distance, they had the advantage in the dark of the tunnel but Blake couldn't help but feel the hunter wouldn't confront them if he didn't have some sort of strategy. That or he was incredibly cocky but Blake lean towards the former, in this line of work caution is your best friend. They slowed as the reached him her grip on Gambol Shroud tightened.
"So, your the White Fang agents." As soon was the words left his mouth he released a flash of aura lighting up the surroundings. He flinched when he saw how young they were, he couldn't help but think about his children. The sudden flash of light temporarily blinded them, as their vision cleared they got a good look at their opponent. He was tall, with broad shoulders,with short cut blond hair, and a piercing gaze coming from his brown eyes, his aura was white and giving off a glow illuminating the tunnel. They both recognized him, thought they had never met him in person. It was Joseph Arc, White Fang public enemy number seven behind the Schnee family and General Ironwood. She had read the reports, he was extremely dangerous they had to find a way to run and live to fight another day. Adam roared and rushed forward blade whipping from his sheath. 'Or that' she thought deciding to keep her distance and wait for an opportunity. Joseph grabs the sword with a armored fist as it was about to strike him, Adam struggled to rip his weapon from his hand. "I'd surrender if I were you." he said.
"Nev-" Adam was cut off by Joseph's other fist slamming into his face causing him to fall backward. Joseph was still holding his katana he walked forward stomped on Adams' torso. He cried out in pain and Blake took her opportunity to strike, she rushes forward using her semblance to gain speed she swung as hard she could. A grin broke out on her face as she felt the sword connect, Adam so owed her. Only for Gambol Shroud to bounce off his aura and send her stumbling back she fell to the ground. Completely ignoring her he held the blade towards Adams' neck.
"I'm in a good mood so I'll ignore the fact that you resisted arrest," Adam growled in response. "Now surrender both of you." Adam fished something from his pocket, once it came into the light Blake immediately knew what it was. They planted the explosives once they got on but once the knew of the live workers on the train he promised her he wouldn't use them.
"Put your weapons down or I'll bring the tunnel down on the train." Josephs' face remained calm and after a few seconds he pulled back and unclipped his sword from his belt and dropped Adams sword on the roof of the train and knelt down in surrender.
"Adam what about the workers they are innocent." Blake cried out trying to reason with him.
"SHUT UP!" He yelled cutting her off. "They betrayed us, as far as I'm concerned they are just as bad as humans." His mask had flown off during the fight, she could see the hate and anger in his eyes. She could see he had truly justified his that moment all her fears about the Fang were coming true. She knew if Adam went through with it, they would be welcomed with cheers, it would be treated as a major victory even if innocents died. Under Adams leadership, the Fang could only go down a darker path. She had to leave. Adam reached down keeping his eyes on Joseph and picked up the sheathed blade. "So this is Crocea Mors." He grabbed the handle and let gravity draw the blade. "They say it cuts through anything." He pointed the blade to Josephs' heart. "Your aura is pretty tough, right? I want to test it's limits." He said coldly. Blake just sat there and watched as Adam shoved the blade through him all the way to the hilt. Joseph let out a choked gasp of pain, she could see his aura desperately trying to patch the wound the light it gave off began to dim. The train lurched and began to turn. Adam was relishing in the feeling, he had done it, he had killed Joseph Arc. No one would question him again, and with this absolute control, he could finally take the most drastic steps towards the world he wanted to create. The extinction of humans could begin. As the turn became sharper Adam began to laugh, and slowly Joseph began to grin. He coughed a few more times before he turned to Blake and softly spoke. She could hardly make out a word but she heard the most important one.
"Duck." at the end of the tunnel there was a large low hanging sign. The men who dug the tunnel had put it there when the tunnel was finally finished. It was a large metal sign with "WELCOME TO VALE" crudely carved into it along with some signatures. Adam didn't have time to react as he and the sign crashed into each other. Then the train passed through the exit and into the dense forests on the other side of the mountains. Slowly Blake rose up and walked over to Joseph, surprisingly he was still breathing.
"You're a good fighter." He spoke in between raspy breaths. "If it were anyone else you'd have cut them in half."
"You should save your energy." She replied. He shook his head.
"I've been at this long enough to know when I'm done for." He looked down. "So it's pretty clear by the fact you aren't finishing me off that you aren't all that crazy about the White Fang." She stared at him. "Or at least not anymore." Why was he talking to her,but she figured he was dying and rambling. "So what's your game plan?" She knew what she wanted to do. Beacon Academy was famous for training hunters of the highest caliber. She considered not telling him and leaving him to die, but dead men kept secrets.
"I was planning to go to Beacon and become a hunter." She said. He laughed until it transformed into coughing. Once he calmed down breathed in and got ready to speak again.
"With your skill, it wouldn't be hard but even Ozpin has his limits to who he accepts." She figured as much, she had never lived in a kingdom before so a fake passport and a few lies could get her in. "I know you think you can keep a secret from them but Oz has a way of sniffing them out." She sighed, she knew the risks but the reward far outweighed it. "But I can help you, you've got a good head on your shoulders and you've got the skills to back it up, I think people like you should become hunters." He paused before continuing. "Take my sheath and show it to Ozpin tell him Joseph is cashing in his favors for your full admission no questions asked." Her eyes widened in surprise. "But in return, you have to do something for me." She nodded it was only fair. "My son, he is training to become a hunter at Atlas Academy. If you ever meet him out in the field in the future." A tear dropped down his face. "Look after him ok?" His offer sounded too good to be true she wanted to believe him, however, her trust had been betrayed by Adam the most important person in her life. If she couldn't trust him why should she trust Joseph Arc? The man who had been dismantling the White Fang, her family.
"Why should I trust you? How do I know this isn't a trap." He looked up at her.
"You can't." He replied looking towards the sword in his chest. "Right now I've got nothing to gain, and nothing to lose, ultimately the decision is yours." He smiled as she reached for the sheath.
"I'm choosing to trust you, but so you know if I sense any kind of danger or treachery I'll." She stopped he laughed.
"Thank you truly, I can die knowing I did at least nine good things. Now get out of here and leave me to die in peace." She turned around and walked towards the edge of the train and jumped. Joseph felt himself slipping away. His final thoughts on his family.
Hey back again sorry for the radio silence I will try get upload every Saturday like I said last chapter. I made Adam a little crazy here but he sounded pretty insane at the end of volume three to be honest I just dialed it up a bit. Anyways criticism is welcome leave it in the reviews.
Cya next time i post
- Golath