Okay, to start, this is a Naruto Sekirei crossover, with Naruto coming to Kamikura island during the first invasion and then continuing the story forward from there... So this is about 7 or 8 years before canon… So nothing more to explain... Let the party begin!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Sekirei, both of them are products of Masashi Kishomoto and Akurako Gokurakuin respectively.

And with that out of the way, please enjoy the story.

Summary: After his last fight with Madara and then Kaguya, Naruto finds himself falling towards an island and surrounded by 4 beautiful women and a man calling themselves as Sekireis. Started from the first invasion of Kamikura island and First Disciplinary Squad, watch his journey and what changes does his presence make in the Sekirei universe…

"I want you to become my Ashikabi." Dialogues/Speech

'One day, I will be the one to kill you.' Thoughts

"Hanasenpuu" Jutsu/Techniques

Naruto Kamikura Sekirei Chronicles

Chapter 1 : Prologue

In the International waters, with the nearest coast of Japan about a couple hundred miles away, was a large geographically impossible rock formation which emerged to surface from under the water only a few months ago. Due to an earthquake because of the large shift in tectonic plates in the Earth's crust, the island emerged and became visible to the satellites orbiting the Earth and now stood above the water's surface.

The Island, now dubbed 'Kamikura' by the researchers, Hiroto Minaka and Sahashi Takami who first discovered it, as seen from the satellite above Earth, was nothing but an barren land with some ruins on it and had no plant or animal life present. Though on reaching the island, Minaka discovered that in the island, was a landmass whose surface wasn't made by soil or rocks, but a metal like substance which was not registered in the world's periodic table.

Searching for any other special thing, he came across a door and opening it, he discovered that the separate landmass wasn't a part of the natural island, but was a huge spaceship with alien lifeforms and technology, embedded in the island.

Some time later, after the founding of MBI or Mid Bio Informatics, Kamikura Island was turned somehow by Hiroto Minaka into private land, who then removed its existence from the maps and hence it became an Extraterritorial land. Still, the military nations across the whole world found about it and now the authorities of the world reacted and became suspicious over the island and hence started the invasion of Kamikura Island, to discover the island and find its treasures.


Present day, 5 of the 108 alien forms which they called themselves as Sekirei were standing on top of the island, fighting to defend their home and siblings. Since the newly formed MBI didn't have an army of their own, 4 of the embryos were grown up quickly synthetically and the only adult in the Sekirei group were adjusted and given the task to protect their home and sibling Sekireis, acting as defenders of the island and their siblings. They were named as the 'Disciplinary Squad', and were now following the Sekirei-Plan or simply the S-Plan which was to fend or kill off the invaders from the island and protect their siblings.

They were waiting to prevent the first try of invasion, and for the first wave of enemies to start coming towards them, so they could kill them and protect their home.

"You guys," A purple haired woman in a strange grey and black uniform could be seen observing and speaking to her fellow people standing beside her. "Please put yourselves together, behind us sleeps 103 of our siblings defencelessly."

Besides her a black haired woman scratched the back of her head sheepishly and muttered, "Hai."

"Well then, I'll start. Access Search!" A red haired, glasses wearing woman said and closed her eyes, and binary numbers started to appear in her mind, telepathically hacking the satellite monitoring the island, she managed to find the location and the number of soldiers in armies and their weapons, which were seen in several hexagonal screens in her mind and supplied the information to her teammates/siblings.

"Enemy's Armoury Division- Tank squadron: 28 units, Infantry fighting vehicles: 15 units, Helicopters: 12 units. On the Southwest coast, Vehicle transport vessels: 2 units, Escort vessels: 1 units."

The black haired women idly lifted her hand and pointing her finger at a nearby helicopters with her control over wind, muttered a single phrase, "Hanasenpuu (Flower Whirlwind)!" and the helicopters caught in those cyclone of wind and pink flower petals were broken, blasted and destroyed away.

The only man in the group, a silver haired one, took out his sheathed katana and tapped one end of it into the ground and shouted, "Hasaiten (Smashing Point)!" and using his powers over Earth, created a mild earthquake which took care of the tanks coming towards them.

A silver haired woman could be seen slaughtering a group of soldiers with her sword, who managed to come to the island and were desperately firing bullets at her with their guns. Finishing them off, she said, "You made a mistake sullying this island with your dirty feet." And turned around to return to her group.

And finally, the leader of this group, the most powerful and the first Sekirei, the purple haired woman was standing over a cliff and with the help of her sword and control over her power was cutting the nearby ships on the ocean in half by using the shockwaves and force behind the sword swings of hers.

Finishing each of their respective jobs, the group assembled together and started to move out.

"Still scary as ever Miya." the black haired commented nonchalantly towards the purple haired lady.

"You weren't all that bad Kazehana, you too defeated those humans who were coming for our siblings efficiently." the purplette Miya said to the black haired Kazehana.

"Humph! Those weak, puny humans couldn't have come to challenge us!" The silver haired woman commented.

"Ufufufu Karasuba-tan, from what I have learnt, you can't really expect much a challenge from them. What do you think Mutsu?" The Red haired, glasses wearing woman raised her hand to shift the glasses and asked the only male in their group.

"Whatever, Matsu." The male commented disinterestedly.

"Ufufufu Mutsu-tan, sounding so disinterested and bored, and here you are surrounded by beautiful women, I would have to think you are more interested men than wom-" Matsu abruptly stopped as she felt a disturbance around them.

She wasn't the only one, as everyone in the group stopped in their step and turned around to find the disturbance in the air.

Nearby standing on a cliff, watching all these proceedings was one white haired man wearing a lab coat, and another white haired man wearing a white high collared cape and rectangle-shaped white glasses, who was currently coming towards the other white haired man.

"Ah! Takehito-kun, do you know what's happening?" The glass wearing man asked the other white haired man.

"No, but it looks like they have found something, come let us go towards them, Minaka."

As the group of humans were coming down the cliff, the group of Sekireis had reached the place which they suspected was the source of this disturbance, where they could clearly see a weird airborne whirlpool swirling in the air and it looked like something was about to come out. They took their combat poses and the sword users unsheathed their katanas to fight, prepared if something that came out was any danger to them.


All Naruto knew was pain. Every single cell in his entire body was screaming at him. Unending agony, the likes he which he had never experienced before. If his eyes were opened, all he could see was white. Immeasurably bright, pure, painful white. If his eyes were closed, all he could then see was black. Filthy, burning, hated black.

He tried to scream, but found himself unable to. It seemed that where ever he was, there was no air. Had he the presence of mind, he would have wondered how even being alive was possible. Writhing in his torture, Naruto reached out feebly, trying to touch something, anything to ease his suffering.

For what seemed like hours, he reached out, unable to cry, unable to keep his eyes open; unable to keep them closed, unable to do anything. At last he felt what would be the end of this painful journey to come, and with a grunt, as if sucked, chewed and spitted, he managed to come out of the dimension distorting technique and found himself in air, with the ground a few feet below him, unable to react his body in time he fell into the ground below.

As he was falling into the ground, he managed to see and feel the presence of 5 people in combat poses while some carrying swords in front of him and 2 people coming towards him. Not wanting to show weakness in front of a potential enemy, he, with great effort managed to stand up and observe them. War had taught him enough to know that information is power and finding about the enemy and their potential weakness was the first step to victory.

As he stood up, opening his eyes, he began to observe the individuals.

The first individual was a shapely female with fair skin, purple eyes and had waist length purple hair with shorter bangs in a Hime style. Her attire consisted of a black leather top, a miniskirt and stockings and over her shoulders she was wearing a grey haori which had a strange symbol of a bird spreading its wings and below the bird in the centre was a circle yin-yang symbol and a total of four commas with two commas on each sides of the yin-yang imprinted on it.

The second individual was a woman with long red hair and red eyes and wearing glasses. She was also wearing the same clothing as the purple haired woman.

The third individual was yet another woman. She had black eyes, waist length black hair, a really big chest and like the other women she also wore the same clothing that was a size too small showing off her curves.

The fourth member was the last of the female of the five. She had long light grey hair tied into a ponytail and grey narrow eyes. She, like the other females had the exact same clothing.

The fifth and only male of the group was man with messy silver hair and grey eyes. He wore black pants and a long sleeve shirt of the same colour along with a long yellow scarf.

He along with purple and silver haired woman each held a sword. The red haired woman, he noticed had no serious muscles in arms for fighting and while the others were standing in an offensive stance to fight him, she was on defensive, he theorized that she wasn't the fighting type and dismissed her.

Out of all the individuals, he found the purple haired woman as the greatest threat here. She out of all of those around had the most chakra, about as much as Uchiha Madara, who had the chakra levels of that of 5 kages combined together; from what he could sense while the others had the chakra of a kage each.

He then noticed two new-comers, not fighters from what he observed and theorized, both with white hairs and white lab coats, one of them with the expression of curiosity; the other glasses wearing one, was watching him as if finding his worth to be used later. Naruto found his gaze somewhat a cross between Kabuto and Gato, the smug expression on his face too didn't help.

As he was about to open his mouth to ask where was he and who were they, the white haired man with spectacles beat him to that,

"What happened to your right hand, young man?"

Naruto looked at the right side of his body and found a distinct lack of right hand from his shoulder. Berating himself for not noticing this later, as he was too busy observing his potential enemies, he took a couple step back from them and started to regenerate his right arm.

While before, when he was only the Jinchuriki of Kyuubi, he only had a good healing factor and could survive fatal injuries but might not have been able to regenerate body parts, but it looked like now that being the Jinchuriki of Juubi had its own benefits.


The group of Sekireis watched a person fall out of the swirling whirlpool and after that, the whirlpool disappeared, as it never existed with the young man the only proof of its once existence. The young man in front of them looked about 18 year old, same as them, with spiky sunny- blond hair and in his exotic face, three faint whisker- like horizontal lines.

After a couple minutes, the person managed to regain control of his body and managed to stand up and they got a good look at him. His clothes or lack there off except black pants which too was filled with cuts, with one part was burnt, allowed them to see his toned, well muscled body -which a certain red head took great joy in- and his chest and arms were littered with cuts and bruises, his left hand looked like covered with unique black circle and whirlpool shaped tattoos and his right hand missing.

He opened his eyes to show sharp blue eyes, which complimented with his blond hair, but the look and intensity in his eyes caused a few like Kazehana and Karasuba to shiver, they were the eyes just like them, the eyes of a warrior and a killer. Miya strengthened the hold on her sword to fight him any instant, the other Sekirei too straightened up as they realised that the person in front of them, wasn't like those soldiers or even other humans, those eyes were like theirs, the power lurking in his body -Karasuba licked her lips- and the muscles which only came from harsh training told them that even with lack of a limb he was very dangerous and if it came to blows, they would have to fight hard.

As the tension increased gradually as both the sides were watching and sizing their opponent to find any potential weakness that could be exploited later and have any advantage.

Miya found that this person was as strong if not stronger than her and she would have to fight seriously from the start to have any chance of defeating him, the lack of a hand did not deter his intensity and dangerousness. She watched as Minaka and Takehito came and stared at the person in front of them, the person's eyes flickered at them and then dismissing them as a threat, he looked towards them again with majority of time at her.

As she was about to ask who and what he was, Minaka, who was a regular person and could not sense the tension between them, asked the first and the stupidest question to the person…,

"What happened to your right hand, young man?"

Not who was he, not where and how did he come from, but what happened to his hand. Miya knew that asking such a personal question like that would only rile and anger the blond, which would in turn make their fight harder, though she did not expect him to go back a few steps and regenerate his hand….

Yes, regenerate…

The group of Sekirei and humans looked at each other with dumbfounded looks and gawked at the now blond, who seemed to be encased in yellow-golden energy which formed a high collared cloak around him with black lined patterns covering his arms and face and watched as the cuts and bruises on his body disappeared while the ground under him splintered and cracked. Then bones shot out of the young man's stump, forming the shape of an arm and hand as blood splattered everywhere. Yellow and red energy began to cover the bony appendages, flowing over it. Everyone watched in a mixture of shock and awe as muscles began to form along the bone, crawling and writhing like a phantom. When the muscles had finished forming new skin began to crawl along his arm, starting at the shoulder.

When the regeneration stopped the person sighed in relief before moving his hand in front of his face and clenching it to test the nerves and soon the yellow energy disappeared.

'Regeneration of body parts!' Miya thought in shock, she knew that her Sekirei power and technology even though allowed them to heal quickly, they had no chance of such regeneration. She glanced a look towards Minaka who looked like he was just about to start drooling over the blond and Takehito, who was watching the blond curiously like a true scientist and was watching the blond who was testing his newly regenerated limb.

Miya moved closer towards her siblings and stood in a guarded position. She caught the glances from her fellow Sekirei and silently communicating reached the same conclusion, while before the young man looked like a dangerous opponent, after witnessing his power and the ability they knew he had ascended to a new scale of dangerousness in their eyes and if a fight occurred they would have to fight seriously and together to defeat and stand a chance against him.

They watched as the blond lifted his newly made right hand and scratched the back of his head in an embarrassed motion with a sheepish smile on his face, and said, "Ya, sorry about that. Didn't realise was missing a hand."

The group gave him dumbfounded looks as to who could actually miss that they were missing a limb, shaking their heads in disbelief.

Miya stepped forward and asked the question which was on her and everyone's mind,

"Just who are you?"

The person in question just gave her a lazy gaze and replied, "Isn't it polite to give your name first before asking others?"

While Miya seethed in anger, nearby she watched as Matsu and Kazehana snickered at her, a quick glare towards them and the blond, she spat out,

"My name is Miya #01, now tell me who you are and how did you get here?"

The young man casually looked at her and said, "Well since you so politely -ignored the glare from Miya who took notice at his obvious sarcasm and the snickering from the red and black haired woman- gave your name, I would give mine as well. Well my name is Uzumaki Naruto, pleased to meet ya." He them turned towards the other group of people and continued, "So may I know your names?"

The red haired woman piped up and said, "My name is Matsu #02. Pleased to meet you Naruto-tan." And finished with traditional and formal bow.

Naruto looked at Matsu and said the first thing that came to his mind, "You have beautiful hair." Ignoring the way she flushed at his praise, he continued, "Reminds me of my mom's pretty hair."

"Well aren't you the flatterer." The raven haired woman commented. "Well whatever, I am Kazehana #03."

Naruto looked at Kazehana and discreetly towards another place of hers and thought 'Damn! Look at those breasts, they are equal to that of Tsunade-baachan's…No! Don't think like that! Not a pervert! NOT A PERVERT!'

While Naruto was watching Kazehana and admonishing himself, he through the corner of his eyes noticed and sensed that the silver haired woman had moved behind him and was running towards him with her sword out and with the intention to sever or kill him. Berating himself for not noticing before, he brought his thumb to his mouth- which got weird looks from nearby observers- and bit hard enough to draw blood and then swiped the bloodied finger to one of the black scribbles or tattoo on his left hand and then smoke enveloped the blond, preventing the curious onlookers to see further.



As the smoke cleared, instead of a dead or bloodied blond, they found that during the time he was enveloped in smoke and during that fraction of time, he somehow brought a huge metal broadsword and was now standing behind Karasuba with his sword holding on her neck, close enough to draw blood.

"Well aren't you the feisty one, didn't even give me your name before jumping on my bones." Naruto purred in Karasuba's ears.

Karasuba shuddered at his voice and unknowingly a sly smile formed on her face.

After a few second later Naruto lowered his sword from Karasuba's neck to let her go, but Karasuba suddenly turned and swiftly formed a cut on his hand, and licking his blood from her sword, she replied,

"I am Karasuba #04. I am looking forward to fight you later."

'Damn! She's like Anko!' Naruto thought and looked that the cut in his arm had healed and disappeared. He then put the Kubikiribōchō in a vertical position, leaning on it he looked at the only male of the warrior group expectantly.

The male stayed silent for couple seconds and after noticing his gaze, boringly said,

"Mutsu #05."

"Man, you need to get laid." Words flowed out of Naruto's mouth automatically.

"Ufufufu.." Naruto noticed the red head, Matsu giggle.

"Now, if the introductions are done, then me how did you get here and from where are you from?" the purplelette, Miya stepped forwards and asked him sternly and in a no-nonsense tone, body posed to attack him any split second with the gleaming katana in her hand.

"Well, I am from Konohagure no Sato and how I got here… would be another story which I am not comfortable sharing with you yet and now if you would kindly give me the direction to Konoha, then I shall me in my merry way."

'Konohagure no Sato' everyone looked puzzled by the name of his home and according to them, as the Sekirei had learned everything there was to this new world, there was no place like there in the world map.

Minaka chose to speak, "Sorry but there is no place like that that I have known. My name is Hiroto Minaka and why don't you come with us for now and then you can rest and find your home later?"

"Well sure, since I don't have anywhere to go right no-" Naruto froze and turned his body towards other direction, towards the ocean. The Sekirei nearby also turned and stared at the ocean and froze.

Matsu acting quickly took her laptop out and hacking the network informed them, "The military has surrounded us now, as we were only attacking the army above the ocean, they had submerged submarines under the ocean and while we were taking to Naruto-san here, they had seized that opportunity and came closer to us. Now as I can see, they had locked their missiles and instead of capturing us, they have now planned of blasting this island altogether."

Minaka looked like he was about to panic and looked towards Miya, who had gained a hardened glint in her eyes and then towards the newcomer Naruto, who looked confused about all these stuff.

As everyone was thinking about the current situation, a large rocket missile rose from the ocean and moved in high speeds towards them, intending to destroy them all.

Miya being the leader ordered, "The missile has come too close to us. Even if I manage to split the missile into pieces, the heat could very well burn us, I will try to destroy it, while all of you get as far from here as you can!"

While Minaka started to run while dragging Takehito with him, the fellow Sekirei and Naruto stood in their places.

"B-but Miya-tan y-you.." Matsu started, but a glare to her and surrounding people managed to shut them.

Still seeing Matsu and her fellow Sekirei standing by her side, Miya barked out, "What didn't you hear me? I order you to leave me alone and get as far as you can!"

Surprising Kazehana spoke out, "That won't do Miya, you are our leader and sibling and we shall stand by you." While Matsu nodded,

Karasuba spoke, "Whatever! If you die, I won't be able to spar with anyone strong again."

Miya noticing the determined look in her fellow Sekirei's eyes including Mutsu who always looked disinterested, with a last look at Naruto who was smiling softly seeing the scene in front of him, turned towards the missile and their approaching death, holding the katana in both her hands and concentrating her power on the edge of her katana, she swung the blade from up to down, watching the shockwave of her swinging hit the missile and sliced it into two halves.

The missile exploded in front of them and they all closed their eyes and mentally prepared to endure the heat and survive further to protect their siblings.

A minute passed by and still they couldn't feel the heat, slowly opening their eyes, the Sekireis, instead of the heat and fire from the blast of the missile, saw a huge wall of Earth standing before them. Understanding what had happened and how the Earth wall had protected them from the heat, Miya observing the earth wall spoke while slowly turning towards Mutsu, "Very nice Mutsu! Didn't knew you had learnt to manipulate Earth to this degree. Still if you had said about this earlier, we didn't have to think about it much."

When she fully turned towards Mutsu, she noticed that her fellow Sekirei were also looking towards Mutsu…who had a surprised and shocked look on his face.

Mutsu looked towards the wall once more and in a baffled manner said, "But I didn't do that! I don't even know how to do that! If I knew I would have said you earlier.." and stopped, his gaze turning a cross between bafflement, confusion and shock and stared towards something behind the female Sekireis.

The female Sekirei's followed Mutsu's looks and turned around to find one Naruto sitting in a crouch behind them, both his hands on the ground below and his eyes looking towards the wall. As he moved his head to the side, noticing that everyone was staring at him with shocked looks, he spoke, "And that was Doton: Doryūheki (Earth Style: Mud Wall). What? Why are you all staring at me like that?"

Matsu broke out of her shock and spoke up, "How did you do that! You are a human and humans aren't supposed to have powers like that!"

"What do you mean by that? Don't people have chakra here?" Naruto asked.


Naruto looked towards Matsu in a look full of disbelief and just as he was about to start his lecture about chakra, Matsu's laptop, which was in her hand, started vibrating and emitting sounds. As everyone turned towards her and watched as she opened her laptop and her face turning slightly white reading the information on it.

With a serious look on her face, she looked towards others and spoke, "It seems that they have watched that their attack had failed and they are now the submarines are preparing all their missiles to launch at the same time." She then turned towards Miya, "Even you wouldn't be able to defeat all those missiles at once. "

Naruto decided to ask a question which was in his mind, he turned towards Matsu and asked, "Just what are submarines?"

Matsu looked at Naruto strangely and said, "Submarines are armoured metal vehicles that can stay and carry people below the water. Didn't you know that if you are from Earth?"

Naruto shook his head and replied, "For your information I am not from this 'Earth' you speak off, but these submarines are metal vehicles submerged in water correct?"

Seeing her nod, Naruto turned towards Miya and the other Sekirei and spoke, "I can handle the Submarines below the water, but I will be extremely exhausted and can collapse, so I would need one of you to take me to your base or wherever when I fall unconscious." He then looked towards Miya and spoke, "Can I trust you on that?"

Seeing her nod, Naruto walked towards the edge of the island and with a quick application of chakra in his feet, calmly walked on the ocean surface, walking further, away from the island, and began a long string of hand seals.

Kazehana turned towards Miya with a baffled look and spoke, "Is he, is he actually standing on top of water?"

While the fellow Sekirei could only shake their heads in shock, Miya narrowed her eyes and asked Matsu, "Do you know how is he doing that?"

Matsu shook her head and spoke, "No, but I think that he is somehow manipulating the water to allow his weight to support it." Seeing the looks she was receiving from her fellow Sekirei she continued, "What? Naruto-san has already shown us that he has the power to manipulate Earth, what is to there that he couldn't do that with water or even other elements?"

Not having any comments to that, they all turned towards the blond enigma.

Naruto finishing the long chain of hand seals, moulded the necessary chakra and closed his eyes, concentrating on spreading his chakra towards the sky.

Even after few seconds as nothing happened, the Sekirei thought that had failed, but the serious look of intense concentration on Naruto's face reassured them. Slowly, they saw that dark, grey clouds were slowly forming in the sky and after a whole minute, the whole sky had turned dark, rain started to pour down and cackling of lightning could be heard from the storm cloud above him.

Naruto slowly began to rise and float in the air and seemingly went up and up and up and froze there. Naruto opened his eyes brimming with power and raised his right hand towards the sky and spoke, with his voice cutting through the air, "Ranton: Hageshī Tatsumaki (Storm Release: Intense Thunder Tornado).

A second later the group of Sekirei watched as a huge storm filled to brim with wind and lightning was upon the ocean and it looked like lighting was falling from the heavens itself and white bolts of lightning were travelling and falling in the ocean. As it was electrocuting the ocean, the metal submarines were instantly affected by it and slowly they started to overheat and malfunction.

Large explosions could be heard from within the ocean and water began to blast upwards.

A couple minutes had passed and then everything was silent.

Miya narrowed her eyes and thought, 'First regeneration of body parts and then manipulation of Earth, Lightning and also Water? Just how strong is he and what are his intentions?'

Then, the group of Sekireis noticed that Naruto had his eyes closed and was falling towards the ocean. Kazehana with her powers over wind, formed a small reverse tornado and directed one end towards Naruto and sucked and floated his body towards them. Catching him in his arms, she then turned and spoke, "Well, that was something. Now, let us take him to our base, he seems to have fallen unconscious."

With some more glances towards the blond, the Sekireis turned their backs towards Kazehana who was carrying Naruto and started to walk away…

That is why they were able to miss the now Kazehana who had her one hand on her chest to stop her rapidly beating heart, face had turned red, with half-lidded eyes and was blushing while seeing Naruto and was pulling him to hold him closer…

...Except Miya who noticed and narrowed her eyes.

And that's it..

This idea has been on my mind for quite a time now but did not know how to start. After writing the chapter of my first story, I got some confidence and hence was able to execute this... And also please review while leaving so I can improve more..

Thank you for reading this.. As for pairings.. this will definitely be a harem with now only confirmed Kazehana..

Signing off,

The Enthralling Paradox.