"…and I hope you all will join me in toasting Edith and Bertie!" Cousin Shrimpie finished the last of the speeches to the smiling and happy crowd as Bertie brought Edith closer to his side and drank his champagne like everyone else.
The crowd went back to socializing as Bertie and Edith stayed close to each other and took the opportunity to observe all their friends and family who gathered to celebrate them and their new marriage.
"So, did you have a good day today?" Bertie whispered to her with a teasing smile
"I think it will be one that will stand out in my mind for quite awhile, I hope the pageantry wasn't too much for you." Edith replied leaning into him with her arm around his waist
"You know it's not my favorite thing but standing next to you in your wedding gown was worth it all."
The couple smiled at each other and were interrupted by Cora coming up to give her congratulations again
"I can't get over how happy the two of you look, we are all so so pleased for the both of you."
"Thank you Lad- Cora, Edith has a habit of making me happy so I suppose it will be something I'll have to get used to." Bertie quickly placed a kiss into Edith's hair as she couldn't help a wide grin from spreading over her face
"I think you'll manage, and although you'll be taking Edith and little Marigold all the way up to Brancaster I'm so pleased you're a part of our family." Cora sincerely told Bertie with a warm touch to his arm
"Don't get sentimental Mama, it's only a short train ride away and I'm sure Papa will make you tag along when he comes up for all the shooting."
"And I suspect Marigold will want to come back to Downton to see her cousins often so Edith and I will be happy to visit as much as you'll have us." Bertie added to Cora's happiness and relief, Mrs. Pelham apprehensively joined the group and Cora excused herself sensing she would like to have a private word with the couple
"Everything came out beautifully I think, everyone seems to be enjoying themselves." Mrs. Pelham conversationally stated
"Yes I think so, thank you for all your help we couldn't have done it without you." Edith told her with a grateful smile
"You're very kind…especially considering my past actions." Mrs. Pelham truthfully stated with a sense of regret
"Mother we've been through all that and I don't think we need to revisit it, Edith and I are eager to start fresh in our marriage. We appreciate your apology but there is no need to keep raking it over." Bertie kindly told her wishing everyone could just move on
"I know dear, and I'm thankful for the both of you. And I didn't want to tell you both in the midst of wedding planning but I won't be at Brancaster when you come back from your honeymoon, I've decided to make a visit to my cousin in Southampton for a few weeks."
"Mrs. Pelham, the last thing I want is to kick you out as soon as we get back-"
"Edith dear, for God's sake you're my daughter-in-law now, at least call me 'Harriet'. And I know but I haven't seen her in years and you two deserve to have some privacy when you're just starting out. Plus with you there I won't have to worry about Bertie eating right." Mrs. Pelham told her gratefully with a smile towards Bertie
"If it makes you happy Mother then I'm all for it, and we'll be waiting for you to get back."
"Thank you dear, I've spoken to Cora and the nursery is nearly done so she'll travel to Brancaster with Robert and Marigold a few days before you both get back. I'll stay and make sure they're comfortable then I'll be off ."
"Thank you Harriet, I suspect we'll end up relying on you quite a bit." Edith told her grateful that their relationship was getting better and better.
"And I'll be more than happy to help…she's a lovely little girl. Marigold that is."
"Thank you, she's taken to you very well. She can be shy but she's told me she likes you very much and is excited to go live with you and Bertie." Edith earnestly told Mrs. Pelham as she looked flattered and very pleased
"Oh, well aren't I the lucky one? Having you and her in the house will be a pleasure. Excuse me I still have some guests to speak to." Mrs. Pelham quickly said and Bertie noticed a slight emotional waver in her voice
"Edith, you've been such a wonder considering everything, we don't deserve you."
"Well at the heart of it she is extremely loyal and protective, those are never bad qualities, but honestly I'm ready to forget what happened and just be happy with you." Edith admitted and rose up on her tip toes to give Bertie a quick kiss
"I agree, and I'm so excited to start our life together."
"Good me too, but I do have to warn you that we'll never hear the end of it from Michael." Edith told him as she spied Michael and Lizzie conversing with her parents across the room, Bertie gave her a confused look and she went on to explain
"We met because he thought I'd do a good job profiling you and on top of it we reconnected at his party. He's already told me he's expecting our first child to be named after him or to be a Godfather at least."
Bertie laughed and looked over to Michael to raise a glass in acknowledgement
"I think that's only fair, I suppose to spare you Michael's nagging we should get started as soon as possible?" Bertie asked her with a raised eyebrow
Edith let out a laugh and quickly looked around to make sure no one was too close nearby and placed her hands on his chest
"Such an attentive husband already. You know I would hate to get to Liverpool too late and miss our ship…"
"Yes, can't have that. And you never know if there will be car trouble or we'll get stuck behind someone slow." Bertie reasoned picking up on Edith's idea
"That's true, and there are plenty of people here, no one is really paying attention to us." Edith said already trying to figure out how long it would take her to change into her traveling clothes
"Edith, I think it's time for us to go. We can't miss the ship after all."
"I was just thinking that, I'm so glad I married a man so thoughtful and responsible." Edith smiled as she gave Bertie another kiss, then the both of them went off to organize their quick exit.
AN: The end! Thank you all for your wonderful reviews, I've had a rough couple months so having a chance to feel like I'm doing something that makes other people a little bit happy, even if it's just a silly story about characters I didn't even create, has been something that has really helped.
Once again a big thanks to everyone who was kind enough to take the time to leave me a review they are a real joy to any author! I don't know if I'll have the time or ideas to write anything new since I think I'll be a bit busy coming up but if I can manage I look forward to seeing if you guys like it!
My new year is looking bright and I wish all the same to you!