Hello, I should have published this fanfic some time ago, but I haven't confidence in my ability. Writing isn't for me, but Citrus inspires me to the point that this story began to take a shape by itself, so I've decided to give it a chance. Now it's up to you dear reader: take a look and please let me know what do you think and if I should write more. Please forgive me if you'll find some grammar mistakes, English isn't my native language. Any words of advice would be good.

This fanfic starts after chapter 21.

Sexy, incredibly sexy, that was her objective. She sighed, looking herself in the mirror. "How do I look?" asked Yuzu without turning around, a doubtful look on her face. Harumi shook her head, "That dress is so not working for you" was the answer. "I knew it, I have nothing to wear." Yuzu complained sighing once again.

Dresses, shirts, blouses, skirts and pants were scattered around the room, it looked as if a bomb had exploded there. She and her best friend spent the entire afternoon searching for the right outfit to wear, unsuccessfully. The blonde was discouraged, her first date with the girl of her dreams was on that Sunday. Finally they were about to do something that lovers usually do, she supposed to walking on air, but in fact she was anxious. What if something goes wrong?

"It's too short" explained Harumi, Yuzu turned towards her, "You don't have to show too much skin, you know" continued the girl "It's a first date". Yuzu look at her puzzled. But I want to be perfect for her. "You just have to act casual and be yourself." Said the brunette smiling, then stood up and pointed at a dress in the closet "Try that one". Yuzu ran her fingers over the beautiful fabric before take the dress out of the closet "I never worn it before". Harumi gave her a huge smile "Well, this could be the perfect occasion", Yuzu smile back to her and nodded saying "Ok, let me take this dress off".

Yuzu was so grateful to have Harumi by her side, the best friend she could ever have, always a smile on her face and a good word for everybody. The brunette always knows how to cheer her up.

When the blonde had finished changing into the beautiful red and white dress, Harumi looked at her carefully before putting a hand on her chest "Oh, it fits you very well" and gave her a thumbs up. Yuzu was relieved, They finally found the perfect dress and they could start thinking about the accessories to wear.

After an hour or so the girls became aware of how late it was, a look at the watch on the edge of the bed and Yuzu eye's widened "My sister will come home soon, I have to clean up the room, and fast!", and she started to collect the clothes on the floor. Harumi had an annoyed look on her face "Fine, I'll help you. I don't want you get scolded." blurted the brunette reaching out the make up bag to put it back in its place.

Later, when Mei came home Yuzu was behaving like a thief who hides the loot. She looked at her suspiciously and asked "What's wrong?". Yuzu blushed and smiled looking down "Oh nothing, it's just… I'm looking forward to going out with you tomorrow." Mei blushed just a bit.

Then came the day of the date. Mei was ready to go out, she was waiting for half an hour. It only took her fifteen minutes to get dressed for the date, Yuzu instead was taking longer than she expected. She wanted to make sure everything was perfect, or at least almost perfect.

Dress: ok

Shoes: ok

Make up: ok

Hair style: ok

Perfume: ok

Bag: ok

A quick last look in the mirror. And she was ready to go out too. She walked in the living room where Mei was waiting for her. "I'm ready to go!" she exclaimed drawing her sister's attention. Mei turned her head and nodded. "I'm sorry it took me so long." added Yuzu and then twirled in delight to show off her dress, "How do I look?" asked Yuzu wearing a big smile. Mei looked at her from head to toe, considering the idea of saying something nice. "Pretty... you're pretty" she replied as a light blush crossed her face, then Yuzu babbled a "Thank you".

The plan for the date was simple: watch a movie at the cinema and then eat something at the nearby cafe.

In the darkness of the cinema Yuzu wasn't paying attention at the movie on the screen, she just sat there, staring at the black haired girl next to her. Suddenly Mei felt the blonde's eyes on her and turned herd head, she whispered "What is it?", Yuzu broke eye contact, she was nervously scratching the back of her neck as she answered "Nothing".

After some minutes the blonde made herself courage, and timidly reached out and touched the back of Mei's hand. Mei took her stepsister by surprise holding her hand, she trailed a little caress with her thumb and shifting a lock of black hair behind her ear.

At that point Yuzu didn't care about the movie anymore, all she could hear was her heart pounding in her ears. I'm so happy and she's just holding my hand. Then a person passed by them and Mei removed her hand, a little uncomfortable. It's ok, maybe she doesn't want to hold hands in public places.

Nothing special happened during the rest of the movie, when they walked out of the cinema Yuzu appeared as she has her head in the clouds, actually she began fantasize about kissing her. This is the first date, but we've kissed before, so it's ok?

It was a beautiful spring day, the perfect day to take a stroll. They walked into the cafe and they found out that it was crowded, so they decided to get a bite to eat and leave quickly to take a stroll in the park to see the cherry blossoms. They talked a little bit and walked under the blooming trees enjoying each other's company. A light breeze gazed their skin sometimes and flower petals dancing through the air. They spent together a nice afternoon, it's been exactly what they needed after a stressful week.

It was getting dark when they decide to go home. After the front door closed, the black haired girl gently pushed her sister against the wall, Yuzu gasped in surprise. Mei placed her hands on both sides of her head so she couldn't escape, and then she was slowly leaning forward until her forehead rested on Yuzus. The blonde shuddered when her sister put a hand on her cheek and caressed her. Yuzu's mind started racing, with Mei so close now she wanted more than a kiss.

Mei pulled away a bit and Yuzu stared at the top button of Mei's blouse for a few seconds, unconsciously her hands grabbed the arms of her sister. Yuzu was fighting against the desire of pushing the girl in front of her against the wall, grab her face and kiss her lips passionately then unbutton that blouse, slide her fingers on bare skin… wait, no no no no noI can't do all of that things right now, she might think I am a pervert. Mei then tilted her head to the side and leaned forward with the intention of kissing her, her lips only a few inches away from Yuzu's.

Then there was a sound of a door opening, "I'm home." Their mother had come home from work. They both pulled away and Yuzu hurried to her room. She closed the door behind her, she closed her eyes leaning back against the door. Really, really bad timing mom! I wanted that kiss so bad.

Mei chatted a bit with her mother, she asked how her day was. Then she went into the bathroom to take a bath, while Mei went to her room.

Yuzu was fumbling with the zipper, when she saw her sister she asked her to help "The zipper on my dress got stuck", Mei got closer and helped her. Yuzu turned towards her, she looked at her with a determined look on her face and wrapped her arms around her sister's neck. It's time for me to take the lead. She pressed her lips on Mei's and closed her eyes.

To be continued.